
Displaying items 621 to 640 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Okresný ľudový súd v Spišskej Starej Vsi

    • District People´s Court in Spišská Stará Ves

    The fonds contains case files with the information on the persecution of Jews in Spišská Stará Ves. One file pertains the former member of the Hlinka Guard in Spišská Stará Ves and contains the info on house searches in Jewish households as well as other activities of the HG against the Jews. Another file contains the information on the so called aryanization of the specific shop in Spišská Stará Ves and the denunciation of Jews. There is also a file with the information on deportation of Jews from Spišská Stará Ves in 1942.

  2. Okresný ľudový súd v Galante

    • District People´s Court in Galanta

    The fonds contains files pertaining the persecution of Jews in Galanta and surrounding area which belonged to Hungary in 1938-1945 but contains also files pertaining to the persecution of Jews at the territory of Slovakia (1938-1945). Several files contain the information on denunciation of Jews. There is a case file pertaining to the denunciation of smuggling of Jews over the Slovak-Hungarian border. Fonds contains several files of Arrow Cross Party memebers which contain the information on the persecution of Jews. There are also files of the Slovak Hlinka Guard members who were prosecuted...

  3. Okresný ľudový súd v Nových Zámkoch

    • District People´s Court in Nové Zámky

    The fonds contains files pertaining to the persecution of Jews in Nové Zámky and surrounding area which belonged to Hungary in 1938-1945 but contains also files pertaining to the persecution of Jews at the territory of Slovakia (1938-1945). Several files contain the information on the so called Aryanization of Jewish property. There are case files on the denunciation of Jews during the deportaion of Jews from Hungary. Several files pertain to the deportation of Jews from Hungary and activities of various individuals against Jews during deportations. Number of files pertains to the Arrow Cro...

  4. Okresný ľúdový súd v Bratislave

    • District People´s Court in Bratislava

    The fonds contains several Holocaust-related case files, including the case-file of former aryaniser, file of former temporary administrator of Jewish household in Bratislava or file pertaining to the denunciation of Jews in Bratislava. There are also case-files of former members of Deutsche Partein and SS who served as a guards in Dachau, Mauthausen and Auschwitz. There are several case-files of former members of the Hlinka Guard. One such file pertains to the interrogation and torturing of Jews in Bratislava in 1944.

  5. Selected records from the collection of the Prefectura of Muscel from the Argeş branch of the Romanian National Archives

    Contains selected records from the Prefectura of Muscel and the sub-district of Campulung-Muscel and includes records relating to confiscation of Jewish properties, deportation of Jews, and indexes of Romanian women married to Jews. As well as records from the Regional Inspectorate of Police Piteşti, including orders and reports, and the personal file of Israel Schif. Also includes records from the Legion of Gendarmes Muscel and includes records relating to: surveillance of religious groups, name lists of gendarmerie informants, surveillance of Iron Guard, name lists of deported Jews, and w...

  6. Selected records from collections of the Caraş-Severin branch of the Romanian National Archive

    Contains records from the sub-district of Bozovici and includes records relating to the confiscation of Baptist prayer houses. Also includes records from the Police commissariat of Anina relating to orders concerning the capture of war criminals and thieves, goods of war criminals, and real estate. Also contains records from the Police commissariat of Orsova relating to orders concerning prohibition of peasants/ farmers to enter Jewish homes, and records from the Police from Baile Herculane of orders concerning German and Hungarian minorities, Hungarian terrorists, German spies, forced labo...

  7. Alfred Rosenberg's Nuremberg war crimes trial headphones

    1. IBM Corporation collection

    Headset used by Alfred Rosenberg during the Nuremberg war crimes trials.

  8. Proces Eryka Engelsa (Sygn. SAW)

    Contains investigation materials, evidence, and court documents relating to the trial of Eryk Engels, and accusitions against other war criminals: Piotr Frischkorn, Kurt Knigge, Hans Luetje, Reinhold Aust, Eryk Mamsch, and Henryk Schaub.

  9. Joseph Maier collection

    This collection contains sworn testimonies of war criminals tried at Nuremberg, 1945-1946, and various correspondence, memoranda, notes, articles, and clippings relating to the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, Germany, from circa 1945 to 1946. Also contains the work of Joseph Maier as an interrogator during the trials and a copy of the handwritten confession of Rudolf Hoess concerning the number of Jews killed at Auschwitz concentration camp.

  10. Оперативно-следственная группа МВД СССР по установлению злодеяний немецко-фашистских захватчиков

    • Operational investigative group of Ministry of Internal Affairs to investigate

    В составе фонда имеются дела следующего состава и содержания: дела по обвинению немецко-фашистских военнослужащих в военных преступлениях.

  11. Selected records of the General Prosecutor of the Republic of Poland in Warsaw Prokuratura Generalna RPL w Warszawie (Sygn. 842)

    Files against German generals, doctors. other Nazi criminals and collaborators, many of whom were sentenced to death. The documents collected in this collection are hand-held files of the prosecutor who were used it to prepare the indictments. Amongst others, includes files of investigations against Erich Koch and Albert Forster, and files of investigations against some Polish underground organizations [e.g. the Armia Krajowa (AK), Narodowe Siły Zbrojne (NSZ), Bataliony Chlopskie (BCh), Polska Partia Robotnicza (PPR), Armia Ludowa (AL) and others], prepared based on the Decree of August 31,...

  12. Collection of the Amersfoort transit camp in the Netherlands, dated, 1942-1964

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 6094601
    • English, Hebrew
    • Announcement Certification Diary Document Legal documentation Letter List of camp inmates List of murdered persons Official documentation Questionnaire Reports Testimony

    Collection of the Amersfoort transit camp in the Netherlands, dated, 1942-1964 Amersfoort camp was built by the Dutch Army in 1939; following the German occupation in 1940, the Germans started to use the camp as a rest place for the German soldiers; the German authorities decided to expand the camp in 1941 and to turn it into a transit camp, called Polizeiliches Durchgangslager Amersfoort; approximately 35,000 inmates passed through Amersfoort camp during the war, most of them political prisoners, but also Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, marginal people, people who refused to do labor, hostages,...

  13. Documentation from the archives of the Romanian Intelligence Service, 1936-1948

    Documentation from the archives of the Romanian Intelligence Service, 1936-1948 Documentation from the Romanian Intelligence Service regarding the trials of Romanian war criminals. In the collection there is material from the Siguranta (Security Police), which was collected within the context of the trails of Romanian war criminals. The trials were conducted by "People's Tribunals" which were established and conducted in accordance with the regulations of Law No. 312 issued by the Romanian Justice Ministry, 21 April 1945. In addition to the legal material, there are many documents in the co...

  14. [War Criminal Preeceedings on Crimes perpetrated in the Baltic States]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive preparations for court preceedings, testimony given and requested of victims regarding the Nazi-war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as ethnical cleansing conducted by German forces during World War II in the Baltic States. Many of the testimonials refer to Riga Ghetto and the massacres and mistreatments the victims were subjected to. Several perpetrators are named, among them Rudolf Lange and Eduard Roschmann. The file also contains extensive correspondence with Jewish organisations in Sweden, Great Britain and Germany trying to find survivors from the...

  15. [War Criminal Preeceedings on Crimes perpetrated in the Baltic States]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive preparations for court preceedings, testimony given and requested of victims regarding the Nazi-war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as ethnical cleansing conducted by German forces and their Baltic collaborators during World War II in the Baltic States. Many of the testimonials refer to Riga Ghetto and the massacres and mistreatments the victims were subjected to. Several perpetrators are named, among them Rudolf Lange, Otto Tuchel, Eduard Roschmann, as well as Latvian SS collaborator Herbert Cukurs, the so called "Butcher of Riga" or "Hangman of Riga"...

  16. [War Criminal Preeceedings on Crimes perpetrated in the Baltic States]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive preparations for court preceedings, testimony given and requested of victims regarding the Nazi-war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as ethnical cleansing conducted by German forces during World War II in the Baltic States. Many of the testimonials refer to Riga Ghetto and the massacres and mistreatments the victims were subjected to. Several perpetrators are named, among them Rudolf Lange and Eduard Roschmann. The file also contains extensive correspondence with Jewish organisations in Sweden, Great Britain and Germany trying to find survivors from the...

  17. Komendant policji bezpieczeństwa i służby bezpieczeństwa Dystryktu Krakowskiego Der Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des Sicherheitsdienst für den Distrikt Krakau (Sygn. GK 678)

    Contains personnel files of the officers of KdS Distrikt Krakau (Commander for the Cracow region of the Security Police [Sicherheits­polizeiand] and the Intelligence Service [Sicherheits­dienst]). Including are a general list of officers, a list of telephone numbers, and orders of admission to the Montelupich prison, as well as the files of Gestapo officers Eric Wüstenhagen and Wilhelm Klüger.

  18. Trial against Josef Bühler Proces Josefa Bühlera (Sygn. GK 196)

    This collection contains investigative materials, evidence, and court documents relating to the trial of Josef Bühler, in relation to his role as deputy-governor of the Krakow district of the Generalgouvernement during the German occupation of Poland. Includes trial protocols, interrogations of witnesses, preliminary hearings and presentation of evidence against war criminals.

  19. Collection of Jacob Robinson, jurist and diplomat

    The Jacob Robinson Collection contains documentation and publications dealing with the capture of Adolf Eichmann and the Eichmann Trial, and especially with international legal aspects regarding this event; a copy of the interview Willem Sassen conducted with Adolf Eichmann in Argentina in the middle 1950s; documentation regarding criminals and trials conducted against them, mainly the Nuremberg Trials; plans for the creation of a comprehensive bibliographical and chronological project about the Holocaust; bibliographical surveys; documentation concerning the Joel Brand Affair and the Holoc...

  20. Колекція друкованих видань КГБ УРСР

    • Collection of printed publications of KGB of UkrSSR

    The following cases contain information about the history of the Jews, the occupation regime and the Holocaust: File 252. Collection of reference materials on the German intelligence agencies acting against the USSR during the Second World War. 1952 Vol. 1-2-3-4-1. File 306. List of Romanians who committed crimes against the USSR during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. 1945 Vol. 1-7. File 319. List of persons working in Romanian police and intelligence agencies. 1942. Tom 1-5. File 322. List of employees of the German gendarmerie and the police and persons who were persecuted by these ...