
Displaying items 6,341 to 6,360 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Alfred S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alfred S., who was born in Mannheim, Germany in 1921. Mr. S. describes his family's strong sense of German identification and patriotism; the appearance of Nazis and antisemitism in his school; his growing sense of Jewish identity; alienation from his parents due to their refusal to recognize the danger of antisemitism; and participation in Jewish youth groups including Hashomer Hatzair. He recalls his father's death in 1934; non-Jewish friends protecting him from police; voluntary transfer to a Jewish school in 1936; attending the ORT school in Berlin from 1937 onwar...

  2. Max G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Max G., who was born in approximately 1930. He recounts living in Warsaw, Poland; his father and grandfather owning Jewish newspapers; German invasion; ghettoization; attending school; smuggling food and weapons through his father's contacts; hiding during the uprising in 1943; deportation to Majdanek; separation from his mother and younger brother (he never saw them again); transfer with his father to Budzyn?; slave labor in an airplane factory; public hangings; his father's murder in reprisal for an escape; transfer to Mielec; civilian workers leaving them food; tra...

  3. Morris R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Morris R., who was born in Kielce, Poland in 1914. He describes his orthodox family; attending a selective Polish school; antisemitic incidents, particularly by members of Endecja; serving in the Polish military from 1935 to 1937; mobilization five days before the German invasion; retreating to ?o?dz?, Warsaw, then Tomaszow Lubelski; a last stand against German troops; posing as a civilian and fleeing to Lublin; brief imprisonment; traveling to Pu?awy, then Radom; and returning to Kielce. Mr. R. recounts reunion with his family; hiding to avoid forced labor; arranging...

  4. Henry Y. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henry Y., who was born in Ozorko?w, Poland in 1920, the oldest of four children. He recalls studying in ?o?dz?; German invasion; cessation of his studies; his mother sending him to ?e?czyca for food; deportation in 1940 to Danzig; slave labor on railroads; local women throwing them food; a severe beating from which he still suffers after effects; assistance from fellow prisoners and a German supervisor; transfer to Palemonas, then Kaiserwald; slave labor in an airplane factory; transfer to Stutthof; recognizing a cousin; bringing him food; transfer to Bochum Verein; f...

  5. Klara S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Klara S., who was born in Gyo?r, Hungary in 1924. She describes growing up in an assimilated family; cordial relations with non-Jews; moving to Budapest in 1932; her father's death in 1936; her mother housing illegal Czech refugees; anti-Jewish laws resulting in having to change schools; learning the fur trade; German occupation in 1944; assignment working for the SS; forced relocation; living in German military quarters with her mother; liberation by Soviet troops; reunion with her brother; her cousin's death from typhoid; moving to Vienna in 1946; living in a German...

  6. Miriam J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Miriam J., who was born in Kaunas, Lithuania in approximately 1918. She recounts her mother's death when she was three; her father's remarriage; her sister's death; one brother moving to Russia; marriage; Soviet occupation; her son's birth and hospitalization; her husband's military service (he was killed); German invasion; ghettoization; a beating for attempting to smuggle potatoes; her son's murder; escaping from a round-up; a Jewish policeman hiding her; murder of her father, stepmother, and brother; transfer to Kaunas concentration camp, then to Stutthof; slave la...

  7. Léon P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Léon P., who was born in Meurthe-et-Moselle, France to Polish immigrants in 1933. He recalls his father volunteering for military service in 1939; evacuation with his mother and brother to Gironde; living there for two years (his father was a POW in Germany); joining his aunt and uncle in Paris in 1943; his mother's belief that his father's POW status would protect them; their arrest in February 1944; incarceration in Drancy; deportation to Bergen-Belsen in May; remaining with his mother and brother; living with death and killing becoming "normal"; train evacuation i...

  8. Michael K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Michael K., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1919, one of seven children. He recounts his mother's death; his father's remarriage; antisemitic violence; learning the wholesale shoe business starting at age fourteen; German invasion; moving with his family to an older sister's home in Tarno?w; arrest for traveling on a train; incarceration in Pustko?w; escaping; moving with his family to Proszowice, then into the Krako?w ghetto; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; remaining with his father and brother; his father's selection for death; transfer to Buna/Monowitz; a boy...

  9. Suzy G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Suzy G., who was born in Paris, France. She recalls a close and large extended family; her father serving in the military; her mother's miscarriage during the German invasion in 1940; visiting her father in the hospital after he was wounded; remaining with her grandmother when her mother hid with a non-Jewish policeman; her mother's return; her father's discharge in Limoges; she and her mother joining him using false papers; protection by non-Jewish neighbors; being sent away to hide with non-Jews; being moved several times; visits from her mother; seeing the smoke af...

  10. David S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David S., who was born in Boryslav, Poland (presently Ukraine) in approximately 1922, one of five children. He recounts his family's poverty; attending public and Jewish schools; participating in Akiva; apprenticing as a painter; Soviet occupation in 1939; his stepbrother's deportation to Siberia (he survived); his older brother's draft into the Soviet military; German invasion in June 1941; a pogrom by Ukrainians; antisemitic restrictions; ghettoization; forced labor as a painter; deportation of his mother, father and youngest brother; receiving a letter from his fat...

  11. Manfred K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Manfred K., who was born in Bremen, Germany to a Jewish father and Lutheran mother in 1928. He recounts his mother's conversion to Judaism; antisemitic regulations, including being banned from high school; his father's arrest on Kristallnacht; having to sell the family business and leave their apartment; his father's return the following August; his father's deportation to Buchenwald (he perished there in June 1940 and his effects were returned including a hidden diamond); being officially categorized as a Jew because he had belonged to a Jewish sport club (he had bee...

  12. Josef H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Josef H., a Romani, who was born in a small village in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Slovakia) in 1911. He recalls his large family; he and his brothers training with their father to be blacksmiths; playing music with his siblings at weddings to earn extra money; meeting his future wife in Prešov; marriage; the births of his children; living in Kapušany; hostility from the local population toward Romanies; internment by Hlinka guard and Germans in a labor camp; hunger, lack of sanitation, and frequent beatings; transfer to another location where condition...

  13. Israel P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Israel P., who was born in Przysucha, Poland in 1917, the youngest of ten children. He recalls his parents' deaths when he was a child; attending a yeshiva in Lublin; moving to Warsaw; membership in the Bund; joining his brothers in Paris in 1936; socialist activities; enlisting in the military in 1939; serving in a Polish unit; demobilization in July 1940; returning to Paris; anti-Jewish measures; losing his job; arrest in May 1941; incarceration in Pithiviers; organized Sabbath observance and cultural activities; transfer to Beaune-la-Rolande; deportation with three...

  14. Hana P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hana P, who was born in 1927, one of eight children in an orthodox family. She recounts living in Będzin, Poland; attending a Jewish school; antisemitism immediately before the war; German invasion; soldiers beating her father and cutting off his beard; her family's deportation; her deportation to Grünberg; slave labor in a textile factory; a death march to Neusalz; becoming depressed; several prisoners committing suicide; a death march to Ravensbrück, then Flossenbürg one month later; her friend sharing extra bread; train transfer to Auschwitz, then Bergen-Belsen...

  15. Kurt G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dr. Kurt G., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1915. He recalls his father's military service in World War I; seeing his father for the first time after his return from a prisoner-of-war camp; the family's move to Innsbruck; anti-Semitic attacks at school; participation in Zionist activities; their return to Vienna in 1933; attending medical school; his father's termination by his German employer; his father killing his replacement; and his arrest. He recounts completing medical school exams after his father's arrest; German occupation in 1938; receiving a message fr...

  16. Tibor F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tibor F., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1933. He recalls his parents' divorce; living with his father and visiting his mother and sister; German invasion; hiding with his father's friends in a Swedish protected house; being sent to his mother due to lack of food; being accosted on the street when returning to his mother in the ghetto; assistance from non-Jews; hiding with his mother in a basement during round-ups; liberation by Soviet troops; his mother arranging for him to go to Germany with assistance from a Zionist organization; participating in Zionist grou...

  17. Ilia E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ilia E., who was born in Thessalonikē, Greece in 1916, one of seven children. He recalls attending communications school; working in Kastoria; military service; working in Giannitsá; returning home in 1939; working for the state communications service; German invasion; transfer to Sokhós; joining EAM partisans; supplying information to them; providing food for his family in Salonika; advising his relatives to escape, and their refusal to do so; arranging the escape of his parents and younger sister in October 1942 with partisan assistance; learning all the Salonika...

  18. Ellsworth R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ellsworth R., who was born in New Haven, Connecticut in approximately 1924. He recalls military draft in 1943; assignment to the 26th Infantry Division; landing in England; combat in France; large numbers of casualties and injuries; an attack by Hitler Youth in Alsace; fighting in partnership with French Moroccan troops; encountering French and Belgian forced laborers in a work camp; coming upon SS troops shooting into a burning barrack which they later learned was occupied by Romanies; taking no prisoners after that episode; finding a train full of Jewish prisoners, ...

  19. William M. and Leonard S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leonard S., an African American, who enlisted in the United States Army in November 1941. He recalls encountering discrimination for the first time during tank training in the south; deployment to England in 1944; embarkation in France; participating in the Battle of the Bulge; fighting their way into a fenced area (he later learned it was Dachau); cessation of German firing; observing naked, severely emaciated men falling out of the barracks; offering them food; being told not to feed them since it could do more harm than good; securing the outer area; the stench of ...

  20. Josif L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Josif L., who was born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1914. He recalls cordial relations with non-Jews; German invasion in 1941; an unsuccessful attempt to enlist in the military; mandatory registration of Jews; forced labor clearing bombing rubble in Belgrade and Smederevo; volunteering as a hostage after a Jewish resistance attempt; an officer who knew him letting him go (the hostages were all shot); obtaining false papers; joining an uncle in Skopje for seven weeks along with his mother, sister, and brother-in-law, moving to Urosevac, then Prizren; moving around during...