
Displaying items 6,201 to 6,220 of 10,858
  1. Sterling silver communion host pyx with the engraved monogram IHS used by a US Army chaplain

    1. Edward Henry collection

    Sterling silver altar bread host engraved IHS, a monogram for the name of Jesus Christ (Iesous Christos), used by Father Edward Henry, a chaplain in the United States Army in Europe during World War II. A pyx is a vessel used to transport consecrated communion host. As a Catholic priest, he carried a portable Mass kit to administer last rites, to offer communion, and to perform mass for the troops. Father Henry and his unit took part in the liberation of Paris on August 25, 1944. He was one of the first American priests to hold mass in the Cathedral Notre Dame de Paris after liberation.

  2. Testimony of Karel Kurt Fanta Furcht, born in Jihlava, Czechoslovakia, 1912, regarding his experiences in Poland, as a soldier in the Red Army and in Buzuluk, Novokhopersk and Sadagura

    1. O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis

    Testimony of Karel Kurt Fanta Furcht, born in Jihlava, Czechoslovakia, 1912, regarding his experiences in Poland, as a soldier in the Red Army and in Buzuluk, Novokhopersk and Sadagura Born in Czechoslovakia. Escape to Poland with a Jewish group, 1939; help from the Jewish community in Krakow; differentiation among Jewish refugee groups in Poland; antisemitic attitude of Czechoslovakian consulate in Krakow; enlistment in the Czechoslovakian Legion at the Czechoslovakian military camp in Bronowice by Jewish refugees; fighting as Polish ally against the Germans by the Czechoslovakian Legion; ...

  3. Testimony of Teodor Fis, born in Vrutky, Czechoslovakia, 1912, regarding his experiences in the Soviet Union, labor in Donbas, as a Czechoslovakian Army soldier in Buzulak and Sadagura, and in combat in Sokolovo and Dukla

    1. O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis

    Testimony of Teodor Fis, born in Vrutky, Czechoslovakia, 1912, regarding his experiences in the Soviet Union, labor in Donbas, as a Czechoslovakian Army soldier in Buzulak and Sadagura, and in combat in Sokolovo and Dukla Membership of Jews in the Czechoslovakian Communist Party since 1930; arrival of refugee groups in Katowice and Krakow, 1939; refusal of Jewish Communist refugees to join the Czechoslovakian military group in Bronowice, 1939; situation of the refugees in the territories occupied by the Soviet Union; assistance from the Communist International organization, 1940; enlistment...

  4. Folder n° 15, file n° 18 (Razza ebraica. Norme)

    1. Prefettura di Mantova
    2. Prefettura di Mantova. Ufficio di Gabinetto

    In this file there are documents related to different issues, of which I will offer a brief description, not respecting the chronological order, but rather the way they are kept in the folder. On January 17th, 1944, the head of the province of Mantua, Alessandro Bocchio, requested the local authorities (“podestà” and “commissari prefettizi”) a full list of the houses owned by Jews (except the “mixed ones”), with the names of the owner and those actually living inside the houses or “occupying” them at the moment. On January 14th, 1944, Alessandro Bocchio sent the Germanic Military Command in...

  5. Nazi Flag acquired by a US soldier from German troops

    1. Robert Alden collection

    Nazi flag retrieved by Robert Alden, an American soldier, from German soldiers as he helped to liberate concentration camps in Germany in April-May 1945. The 22 year old Alden was a captain in the Corps of Engineers in the Third Army under General Patton. Divisions of the Third Army liberated several concentration camp, including Dora-Mittelbau, Buchenwald, Dachau and several subcamps. When the war in Europe ended on May 7, 1945, Alden went to the Philippines and was stationed in Japan during the US military occupation.

  6. Yellow handled dagger with an engraved Reichsadler with sheath acquired by a US soldier

    1. Robert Alden collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn821
    • English
    • a: Height: 14.875 inches (37.783 cm) | Width: 2.875 inches (7.303 cm) | Depth: 1.000 inches (2.54 cm) b: Height: 11.000 inches (27.94 cm) | Width: 2.875 inches (7.303 cm) | Depth: 1.000 inches (2.54 cm)

    Engraved knife and sheath retrieved by Robert Alden, an American soldier, from German soldiers as he helped to liberate concentration camps in Germany in April-May 1945. The 22 year old Alden was a captain in the Corps of Engineers in the Third Army under General Patton. Divisions of the Third Army liberated several concentration camp, including Dora-Mittelbau, Buchenwald, Dachau and several subcamps. When the war in Europe ended on May 7, 1945, Alden went to the Philippines and was stationed in Japan during the US military occupation.

  7. Dagger with a serrated edge and sheath acquired by a US soldier from German troops

    1. Robert Alden collection

    Serrated fighting knife and sheath retrieved by Robert Alden, an American soldier, from German soldiers as he helped to liberate concentration camps in Germany in April-May 1945. The 22 year old Alden was a captain in the Corps of Engineers in the Third Army under General Patton. Divisions of the Third Army liberated several concentration camp, including Dora-Mittelbau, Buchenwald, Dachau and several subcamps. When the war in Europe ended on May 7, 1945, Alden went to the Philippines and was stationed in Japan during the US military occupation.

  8. Dagger with grooved handle and sheath acquired by a US soldier from German troops

    1. Robert Alden collection

    Fighting knife and sheath, possibly a Mauser bayonet, retrieved by Robert Alden, an American soldier, from German soldiers as he helped to liberate concentration camps in Germany in April-May 1945. The 22 year old Alden was a captain in the Corps of Engineers in the Third Army under General Patton. Divisions of the Third Army liberated several concentration camp, including Dora-Mittelbau, Buchenwald, Dachau and several subcamps. When the war in Europe ended on May 7, 1945, Alden went to the Philippines and was stationed in Japan during the US military occupation.

  9. Wooden handled dagger with an embossed SA emblem and sheath acquired by a US soldier from German troops

    1. Robert Alden collection

    SA embossed dagger with an etched wooden handle and sheath retrieved by Robert Alden, an American soldier, from German soldiers as he helped to liberate concentration camps in Germany in April-May 1945. The 22 year old Alden was a captain in the Corps of Engineers in the Third Army under General Patton. Divisions of the Third Army liberated several concentration camp, including Dora-Mittelbau, Buchenwald, Dachau and several subcamps. When the war in Europe ended on May 7, 1945, Alden went to the Philippines and was stationed in Japan during the US military occupation.

  10. Evreiskaia obshchina (g. Zagreb)

    • lsraeliticka bogoštovna op ina (Zagreb); Jewish Community of Zagreb

    The collection's contents are catalogued in one inventory. The collection's documents consist primarily of correspondence: internal community correspondence (on public events, the execution of intracommunity administrative duties, educational issues, religious issues, the distribution of Zagreb synagogue positions, and so on); correspondence with Jewish and Zionist organizations, including the Union of Jewish Religious Communities of Yugoslavia, the Ashkenazi community of Belgrade, the Sephardic community of Sarajevo, the Hochschule for Jewish Studies in Berlin, the Dr. Bernard Singer Jewis...

  11. Американская объединенная восстановительная организация. Управление делами

    • American Joint Reconstruction Foundation
    • Amerikanskaia ob"edinennaia vosstanovitelnaia organizatsiia. Upravlenie delami

    The collection's contents are catalogued in three inventories. Each of these contains three sections: secretariat documents, documents of the finance department, and printed materials. The collection contains the JDC charter of 1924; the JDC's assignment of legal rights to the newly created American Joint Reconstruction Foundation; listings of transferred bonds, promissory notes, bills of exchange, and other securities (1924); and accounts of the Reconstruction Foundation's activities for 1924-26 and 1937-39. The collection also contains correspondence of JDC administrative council members ...

  12. Еврейская религиозная община (г. Грац)

    • Israelitische Kultusgemeinde (Graz); Jewish Religious Community of Graz
    • Evreiskaia religioznaia obshchina (g. Grats)

    The collection's contents are catalogued in two inventories. The inventories are arranged by document type. The collection features documents of the Jewish Religious Community of Graz, the community's committee for the social security of Jewish émigrés, the Graz chapter of Hashomer Hatzair, and other Jewish organizations of Graz; community circulars for 1933; minutes of community meetings for 1922-38; correspondence with the Vienna taxation and revenue board, Jewish charitable organizations, community members, and lawyers regarding the election of board members and officers of the community...

  13. Имперское министерство по делам временно оккупированных восточных областей (г. Берлин)

    • Reichsministerium für die besetzen Ostgebiete (Berlin); Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories (Berlin)
    • Imperskoe ministerstvo po delam okkupirovannykh vostochnykh oblastei (g.Berlin)

    The collection's contents are catalogued in four inventories. The inventories are arranged by document type. Among the collection's documents are orders, edicts, directives, dispatches, reports, briefings, job descriptions, accounts, overviews, memoranda, summaries, bulletins, employee directories, certificates of commendation, questionnaires, official documentation of employees' business trips, and ministry correspondence with the Reich Security Main Office and with Reichskommissariats in the occupied eastern territories. Documents in the collection reflect the policy of the Nazi occupatio...

  14. Kollektsiia materialov po istorii i kuiture evreev v Evrope

    • Collection of Documents on the History and Culture of European Jewry

    The collection's contents are described in one inventory arranged geographically and thematically. It consists of documents from Austria (67 files), Belgium (1), Britain (1), Czechoslovakia (1), France (3), Germany (87), Latvia (1), Poland (3) Yugoslavia (1), various countries of Europe, Asia and Africa (40), Zionist organizations (8), Jewish emigration (4), Jewish political organizations (8), societies against antisemitism (4), studies of Jewish religion, philosophy and culture (23), and miscellaneous materials. Among the materials of Austrian Jewish organizations, it holds the charters of...

  15. Оперативный штаб Рейхсляйтера Розенберга по делам оккупированных областей (Берлин-Шарлоттенбург)

    • Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg fur die besetzten Gebiete (ERR) (Berlin-Charlottenburg); The Reichsleiter Rosenberg Task Force for the Occupied Territories (ERR) (Berlin-Charlottenburg)
    • Operativnyi shtab Reikhsleitera Rosenberga po delam okkupirovannykh oblastei (Berlin-Sharlottenburg)

    The collection includes a photocopy of G6ring's directive establishing headquarters in German-occupied territories for the confiscation of valuables from Jewish and Masonic organizations, Rosenberg's orders establishing the Task Force and laying out its objectives, as well as memoranda and correspondence of the ERR special headquarters in the Ukraine and Croatia. The collection further includes logs of searches carried out in Zagreb and Ragusa (Dubrovnik) among Jews and members of Masonic lodges; lists of Masonic lodges in Yugoslavia and lists of Jewish writers; inventories of Jewish belles...

  16. Немецко-фашистские административные и судебные органы на временно оккупированных территориях

    • Nazi German Administrative and Judicial Agencies in the Temporarily Occupied Territories
    • Nemetsko-fashistskie administrativnye i sudebnye organy na vremenno okkupirovannykh territoriiakh

    The collection's contents entered the RGVA among materials brought by the Soviet Army from the territory of Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Poland in 1945-46, and from the First Special Department of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1953. The collection is described in one inventory, arranged structurally. The collection includes a broad range of documentary materials of German administrative and judicial agencies in the occupied territories of the Soviet Union, as well as edicts and orders of the occupation authorities on the structure of administrative services and degrees of jurisdi...

  17. Колекція кінофотодокументів КГБ УРСР

    • Collection of film- and photodocuments of KGB UkrSSR

    Microfilmed documents of the Reich Ministry for the Eastern Occupied Territories and its head A. Rosenberg: • documents on the activities of the German occupation administration in Ukraine; • reports on the actions of partisan detachments and groups and underground in Ukraine; • documents on the activities of the German occupation administration in Belorussia and the Baltic States; • Reports on socio-political and economic situation in the occupied territories of the USSR; • Reports on the reaction of the population of the occupied territories to events of the German administration, at the ...

  18. Soviet War Memorial; atomic bomb explosion

    Welt im Film Nr. 33, 12/28/1945 "Berliner Bilder" At the Soviet War Memorial in Berlin, a large military ceremony takes place, possibly the dedication in November 1945. CUs of individuals and the memorial. Destruction from the street. People shovel large piles of rubble. 01:01:26 Brief cut of three male runners stand on a track and shake hands with a man in a suit. 01:01:32 Welt im Film Nr. 66, 8/28/1946 "Bikini Atom-Explosion Unter Wasser" A film recording of the second nuclear test in Bikini Atoll on July 24, 1946. The bomb was attached under a boat in 27 meters of water. The underwater e...

  19. 257th German Infantry in Galicia region: roundup of Jews; Jewish quarter; German soldiers

    With German intertitles. Scenes filmed by Lieutenant Edgar Forsberg of the 257 German Infantry following the collapse of the Polish army on October 6, 1939. “Mit dem stab der 256 inf. Div. im Krieg” In the region of Galicja (near the border of Poland and the Ukraine), German officers from the 257th Infantry round Jewish civilians wearing white armbands into forced labor divisions in the town center. Galicja had a large Jewish population (about 800,000) living relatively peacefully amongst the larger Ukrainian and Polish populations in the 1930s. The women of Galicja buy and sell vegetables ...