
Displaying items 6,101 to 6,120 of 7,748
  1. Roman F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Roman F., who was born in Kraków, Poland in 1933, the youngest of three children. He recalls German invasion; ghettoization in 1941; transfer to Płaszów in 1943; slave labor in factories; his brother arranging for him, their parents, and sister to be on Schindler's list; public execution of his brother; transfer with his family to Gross-Rosen, then Brünnlitz; transfer to Auschwitz/Birkenau with five other children and seven parents, including his father, cousin, and future brother-in-law; separation from his father (he never saw him again); assignment to a cleaning...

  2. Louis D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Louis D., who was born in Velyikyy Bychkiv, Russia (presently Ukraine) in approximately 1911, one of six brothers. He recounts his family's poverty; working in construction in Brno; military enlistment in 1929; discharge in 1933; his successful business; German invasion; obtaining papers as a non-Jew; deportation to Velyikyy Bychkiv; draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion in Kiev; transfer home; deportation with his family to Auschwitz; transfer with two brothers to Fu?nfteichen; slave labor in a Krupp factory; extraction of his brother's gold crowns to obtain p...

  3. Yehudit M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yehudit M., who was born in Reghin, Romania in 1926, the oldest of four children. She recounts her family's participation in Mizrahi; vacations and holidays at her grandparents' village; attending Romanian school, then, briefly, German gymnasium; antisemitic harassment; Hungarian occupation in 1940; transfer to a Jewish high school in Cluj; a non-Jewish family friend who was in the military informing her father of massacres of Jews at the front; her cousin's visit (he was in a Hungarian slave labor battalion); German invasion in spring 1944; ghettoization; deportation...

  4. Solomon S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Solomon S., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1923. He recounts attending Hebrew and public school; joyful religious observances; antisemitic incidents; German invasion; fleeing 300 miles east with his father; returning when the Germans overtook them; anti-Jewish restrictions; ghettoization; the ghetto's liquidation in 1943; transfer to P?aszo?w; working in a factory next to Oskar Schindler's; punishment for fasting on Yom Kippur; Schindler saving a Jew from execution; visiting his mother and sister in P?aszo?w; his parents' deportation (he never saw them again); pub...

  5. Mark M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mark M., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in approximately 1922, one of ten children. He recounts his parents' orthodoxy; attending school; working in his brother's commercial art studio; attending Betar meetings; participating in Maccabi; family vacations in Otwock; German invasion; his mother and brother being killed by German bombs; using identification papers of a non-Jewish friend who was killed; fleeing east; arrest on the Soviet border; brief imprisonment in Novosibirisk; deportation to a labor camp in Siberia; a brief reunion with his sister; transfer to Sumy; j...

  6. Gertrude H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Getrude H., who was born in approximately 1931 in Reghin, Romania. She recalls no awareness of politics; visiting grandparents in Sighet; wearing the yellow star in 1944; her father's removal by the SS; forced relocation with her mother to the Vis��eul de Sus ghetto; deportation to Auschwitz; a kapo removing her mother from the line of older people and warning them to conceal they were mother and child; staying in the same bunk at night, but keeping apart during the day; the birth of a child in her barrack; burying the baby; the barrack kapo seeing and ignoring it (sh...

  7. Arthur R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Arthur R., who was born in Rzeszo?w, Poland in 1927. He recalls moving often due to his father's business; attending Polish and Hebrew schools; his family's affluence; living in Zakliko?w; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; forced relocation with his mother and brother to Skorko?w (his father escaped); deportation with his younger brother to Budzyn?; cold, starvation, frequent killings, and slave labor; his brother saving him from selection when he was ill; transfer a year later to Mielec; slave labor in an airplane factory; transfer to Flossenbu?rg in late 19...

  8. Sara P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sara P., who was born in Przysucha, Poland in 1918, one of five children. She recounts her family moving to ?o?dz? in 1928; her father's high standing in his Hasidic community; marriage; the birth of her son; German invasion; receiving extra rations due to her husband's job as a tailor for the Germans; ghettoization; her parents, siblings, and their families living with her; hiding with her son in an attic during round-ups; as a three-year-old, her son warning other children to be quiet; deportation with her family in 1943 to Auschwitz; fighting when her son was taken...

  9. Matetehu L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Matetehu L., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1929, the youngest of three brothers. He recounts speaking Polish at home; German invasion; his oldest brother fleeing to Russia (he never saw him again); ghettoization; smuggling food into the ghetto almost daily (he "looked Polish"); his brother being killed when accompanying him outside the ghetto; his father's death from typhus in 1941; round-up and train deportation in spring 1942; escaping with other children; returning to the ghetto; his mother's hospitalization (he never saw her again); escaping from the ghetto th...

  10. Judith B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Judith B., who was born in Matei, Romania in 1927, the youngest of five children. She recounts attending Romanian school; Hungarian occupation; her brother's draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion; German invasion in 1944; anti-Jewish restrictions; hiding valuables with non-Jewish friends; her brother's return: his deportation to Auschwitz; round-up; transfer with her parents and sisters to the Szamosújvár ghetto, then the Cluj (Kolozsvar) ghetto; deportation to Auschwitz; separation with her sisters and her sister-in-law and her sister from her parents (she n...

  11. Claire H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Claire H., who was born in Grossheubach, Germany in 1925. She recalls her mother's belief the Jews were safe in Germany which resulted in her refusal to emigrate; vandalizing of their home on Kristallnacht; brief imprisonment with her family in Miltenberg; her father's incarceration in Dachau; her mother's refusal to allow the children to emigrate; working in Frankfurt; forced labor with her sister at a munitions factory in Berlin beginning in 1941; their parents' deportation to Poland in 1942; receiving packages from their non-Jewish neighbors; sending a package to t...

  12. Malka N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Malka N., who was born in Sandomierz, Poland in 1930, the second youngest of seven children. She recounts attending public school, followed by Jewish school in the afternoon; one brother emigrating to Paris; another brother's draft into the Polish army; German invasion; her father's arrest and beating; hiding in their basement during a round-up in October 1942; discovery; she and her mother avoiding detection; a Polish soldier finding and taking them to a labor camp; her mother's release to the ghetto; visiting her; being taken for execution; escaping under fire; retu...

  13. Pearl T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pearl T., who was born in Czernowitz, Romania (presently Chernivt?s?i, Ukraine) in 1929. She recalls visits to grandparents in Ruskova on Jewish holidays; her father's job requiring their move to a small town; witnessing the beheading of neighbors by Ukrainians when the war started; their return to Czernowitz; ghettoization in 1941; her father's murder by Germans; deportation to Bessarabia; a death march on which her sister and grandmother were shot; agricultural slave labor with her mother and aunt; train transfer of child prisoners with her aunt (they were the same ...

  14. Sonya B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sonya B., who was born in 1923 in Poland, one of five children. She recounts her family's move to Zheludok when she was six; attending a Jewish, then Polish school; antisemitic harassment; Soviet occupation; attending school in Lida; joining the Komsomol; one brother's draft into the Soviet army; German invasion; fleeing east; ghettoization in Dyatlovo (Dzi︠a︡tlava); work caring for a baby, then forced labor building roads; joining the ghetto underground with her brother; hiding in a bunker with her father; escaping to the forest with a friend; assistance from a non-J...

  15. Allen S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Allen S., who was born in Miko?ajow, Poland, in 1929. In these detailed and graphic testimonies, Mr. S. recounts prewar life in Iwje; the rise of Nazism and Polish antisemitism; Soviet occupation; deportation of relatives to Siberia; German invasion; Polish harassment and violence against Jews; Einsatzkommandos killing his father; ghettoization of Iwje; hiding during a mass killing of 2,500, including his mother, in 1942; and forced labor. He recalls escaping; hiding with a neighbor in Miko?ajow; joining the partisans; smuggling himself to Iwje to find contraband for ...

  16. Israel G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Israel G., who was born in Piotrków, Poland in 1930. He recounts living in Łódź; attending a Jewish school; German invasion in September 1939; immediately fleeing with his mother and grandfather to Lublin; his father's arrival; their return to Łódź; joining their family in Piotrków; ghettoization in October 1939; Germans murdering his grandparents; slave labor with his father in the Hortensia glass factory (his father paid for him to work there and "changed" his age to eighteen); confinement to the factory during round-ups; his mother's deportation; returning to...

  17. Dina J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dina J., who was born in Lavochne, Poland in 1925, one of five children. She recounts attending a local school until fourth grade; living with her maternal grandparents in Sinevir-Polyana to attend school in Stryi?; Soviet occupation; German invasion; her father sending a non-Jew to bring her and her sister home; escaping with her father during a round-up; traveling to Hungary; hiding with a non-Jew in Berehove; one brother joining them; obtaining papers as non-Jews; traveling to Budapest; moving to Be?ke?scsaba; arrest in 1944; imprisonment there, in Budapest, and De...

  18. Dorothy F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dorothy F., who was born in Stanislav, Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1929. She recalls her large extended family; Soviet occupation; German occupation in summer 1941; briefly hiding with her mother during an "aktion" (she never saw her father again); ghettoization; a non-Jewish farmer hiding her and her mother; fleeing to two aunts in another ghetto; transfer to a labor camp with her aunt and two cousins (she never saw her mother again); slave labor building roads; escape with her aunt and cousins to a forest; building crude bunkers; a raid in which her aunt was kille...

  19. Len D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Len D., who was born in Koblenz, Germany in 1916. He describes his family's long presence in Germany; his father's kosher butcher business; cordial relations with non-Jews; apprenticeship; Hitler's rising influence; emigration of one brother to the United States; moving to Berlin in 1938; returning to Koblenz; his arrest on Kristallnacht; incarceration in the local jail, then Dachau; being beaten (he still suffers from that injury); release in February 1939; returning to Koblenz; illegally entering Holland; staying with relatives in Amsterdam; making diagrams of Dacha...

  20. Joseph B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph B., who was born in Lemberg, Austria (presently L?viv, Ukraine) in 1907. Mr. B. recalls his family's affluence; pervasive antisemitism; three years of Polish military service; marriage; the births of two daughters; Soviet occupation; German invasion; ghettoization; a leadership role on the Judenrat; teaching his daughters to assume Christian identities; leaving his younger daughter in a park, hoping non-Jews would take her in; hiding his wife and older daughter; liquidation of the ghetto; transfer to Janowska; learning that his wife and older daughter were kill...