
Displaying items 6,081 to 6,100 of 7,748
  1. Sara K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sara K., who was born in approximately 1926, the older of two sisters. She recounts living in Wielun?; her family's orthodoxy; attending Jewish and public schools; antisemitic harassment; German invasion; fleeing east; separation from her family; assistance from the Red Cross; finding an aunt in Be?chato?w; traveling to Pabianice; returning home; destruction of their home by German bombardments; living with relatives; reunion with her mother and sister (her father never returned); forced labor clearing rubble; joining a cousin in Zie?bice in 1940 (her mother and siste...

  2. Yehuda L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yehuda L., who was born in Radomys?l Wielki, Poland in 1920. He describes attending a Tarbut school; participating in Zionist activities; working in his parents' business; trying to persuade his parents to flee to Israel after Germany annexed Austria; German invasion; gradual anti-Jewish measures; the role of the Judenrat; the first killings in 1941; hiding during "aktions"; mass killings at the Jewish cemetery in July 1942; his father's deportation to P?aszo?w; working at the airplane factory in Mielec; hearing about P?aszo?w's commander Amon Goeth when his father wa...

  3. William S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of William S., who was born in Krako?w, Poland, one of three children. He recounts German invasion; fleeing east; receiving a gun from a Polish officer; arriving in L?viv; Soviets disarming him and sending them home; forced labor breaking rocks; ghettoization; clandestinely leaving the ghetto to smuggle food for his family; deportations including his parents, brother, and his girlfriend's family; marriage in the ghetto; transfer to P?aszo?w; separation from his wife and sister; visiting them; public executions; being beaten for defending a fellow prisoner; his wife's dep...

  4. Stephen D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Stephen D., who was born in Tomaszo?w Mazowiecki, Poland in 1918. He describes comfortable relations with non-Jews; working in the family textile business; joining a Zionist organization; increasing antisemitism beginning in 1936; incarceration in 1938 in Bereza Kartuska, a Polish government camp; fleeing with his brother to Lut?s??k, Ukraine after the outbreak of war; a brief return to Poland to marry; his parents and sister joining them in Lut?s??k; his father's return to Poland (they never saw him again); German invasion; separation from his mother, sister, and bro...

  5. Jacqueline R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacqueline R., who was born in Paris, France in 1938. Ms. R, recalls being placed by her parents with Christians in Normandy after German occupation; her parents' visits; traveling with her mother, with help from the underground, to her father in Free France; happy times living in Grenoble; escaping to Switzerland after the German takeover; life in refugee camps; and being placed with foster parents. She describes fond relations with her foster family; her parents' visits; attending Catholic school; affinity for the Church; her parents' return to Paris at war's end; s...

  6. Isadore H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Isadore H., who was born in Kielce, Poland. He recounts playing soccer as a member of Hapoel; German invasion; forced labor and starvation in the ghetto; separation from his family; dead bodies on the streets; deportation to Treblinka; escaping the gas chamber by mingling with workers burying corpses from the trains; smuggling himself to a barrack; working in the horse stable; Sunday boxing matches when prisoners were forced by guards to beat each other to death; suicides; escaping with a group of inmates under open gunfire; traveling at night with assistance from non...

  7. Morris R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Morris R. who was born in Cze?stochowa, Poland in 1922 and grew up in Da?browa Go?rnicza. He recalls traditional family life; attending public school and cheder; Jewish scout activities; German invasion; attempting to reach Warsaw with his older brother; returning home upon learning that the Germans were everywhere; anti-Jewish restrictions; imposition of forced labor on the Jewish community through a Judenrat; his sister's deportation to Gru?nberg; ghettoization in 1942; and his family's deportation in August. Mr. R. recounts receiving food from a Gestapo chief for r...

  8. Nat G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Nat G., who was born in Pabiance, Poland in 1922. He recounts German invasion in 1939; fleeing to ?o?dz?; returning home; expropriation of his father's factory; working there; ghettoization in 1940; his father's appointment to the Judenrat; liquidation of the ghetto in 1942; selection with his family to remain behind to clean the empty ghetto; transfer to ?o?dz? ghetto; forced factory labor; their deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in 1944; separation from his mother and sisters; seeing victims of medical experiments; separation from his brother and father after volunt...

  9. Rae G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rae G., who was born in Minsk, Russia (presently Belarus) in 1915. She recalls moving to her grandparents' farm; attending school in Maladzechna, where her father taught music; attending college in Vilnius; Soviet occupation; moving with her parents to Maladzechna; marriage; German invasion in 1941; fleeing to her husband's parents in Oshmi︠a︡ny; arrest en route; escaping; living with her in-laws; a mass killing of Jewish men, including her husband; learning her parents, sister, and grandparents had been killed; ghettoization; transfer to the Vilna ghetto; forced labo...

  10. Ida S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ida S., who was born in Tarno?w, Poland in 1921, one of ten children. She recounts her father working as a kosher slaughterer and rabbi; one sister's emigration to Palestine in 1937; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; her father illegally continuing kosher slaughtering; a sister and brother fleeing to the Soviet Union; ghettoization; deportation of three brothers in June 1942; hiding in sewers, then with her brother-in-law in a cellar; deportation in cattle cars; escaping (she had false papers); returning to the Tarno?w ghetto; deportation to P?aszo?w in 1943;...

  11. Israel M. Holocaust tesimony

    Videotape testimony of Israel M., who was born in Mannheim, Germany in 1921. He recounts his family's move to Brussels in 1922; moving to Antwerp; his father's bankruptcy in 1930; being supported by his fourteen year-old brother; working as a diamond cutter; German invasion; working with a German refugee (his future wife) smuggling Jews to Belgium; marriage; arrest; incarceration in Antwerp, then Malines; an encounter with Mala Zimetbaum; choosing to remain with his wife when he could have left; his deportation to Laurahu?tte; a Jewish funeral when the first prisoner died, but none thereaft...

  12. Lola L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lola L., who was born in Sosnowiec, Poland in 1924. She recalls living with her family in a Jewish section; membership in Betar, a Zionist youth movement; constant fear of antisemitic incidents; German invasion in 1939; an unsuccessful attempt to flee with her family; anti-Jewish measures; the role of the Judenrat; her mother's brief imprisonment in Be?dzin; public hangings, selections and deportations; her deportation to Schatzlar in 1942 (she never saw her family again); slave labor, starvation and selections; learning of mass extermination from the inmates deported...

  13. Judith H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Judith H., who was born in a small village in Czechoslovakia in 1924. She recalls being the only higher class family there; antisemitism; living with her grandparents to attend school in Pres?ov; Hungarian occupation; attending school in Budapest; learning of Jewish persecutions in Slovakia (her grandparents were deported and perished in Majdanek); her brother joining her in 1943; German invasion in March 1944; an unsuccessful attempt to return home with her brother; her depression upon learning her parents were deported (she never saw them again); living with her bro...

  14. Michael J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Michael J., who was born in Konin, Poland in approximately 1925, one of six children. He recounts his family's orthodoxy; antisemitic harassment in public school; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; a public execution; transfer in cattle trains to the Ostrowiec S?wie?tokrzyski ghetto; smuggling food and supplies into the ghetto; a round-up in 1942 (two siblings hid and were caught); his parents' deportation; remaining in the smaller ghetto with his brother; his brother's escape (he was killed with the partisans); obtaining weapons for the underground; forced la...

  15. Zev H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Zev H., who was born in Romania in approximately 1930. He recounts being one of two Jewish families in his town; moving to Baia Mare when he was eight; antisemitic violence by German fascists; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; forced labor; ghettoization in April 1944; a non-Jewish neighbor bringing them food; deportation to Auschwitz in May; separation from his mother; transfer with his brother and father five weeks later to Mauthausen, then three days later to Ebensee; slave labor in a quarry, then digging tunnels; occasionally seeing his brother and f...

  16. Richard O. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Richard O., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1920. Mr. O. remembers German invasion in September 1939; fleeing east; returning to Krako?w; anti-Jewish restrictions; forced labor; once refusing to work; ghettoization; training as a nurse in the Jewish hospital, then working there; hospital workers' exemption from deportation; his mother's deportation; helping a patient escape from the ghetto; transfer to P?asz?ow in February 1943; working in the hospital; public hangings; delivering medication to the Kommandant, Amon Goeth; help from an SS guard; a mass shooting of J...

  17. Saul J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Saul J., who was born in Chmielnik, Poland in 1915, the elder of two brothers. He recounts his father's death when he was six; his mother's remarriage; living with his wealthy grandfather; attending religious and public schools; joining Hashomer Hatzair; clashes with his grandfather over his secular beliefs; moving to Warsaw; fighting against antisemitic violence; working and learning to be a mechanic; German invasion in September 1939; returning to Chmielnik; forced labor clearing snow from local roads; learning he was to be deported; escaping to relatives in Klimont...

  18. Rose M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rose M., who was born in Radzyn? Podlaski, Poland in 1923. She recalls German invasion; fleeing to S?awatycze in January; returning home; marriage in spring 1942; hiding during round-ups; escaping when they were discovered; finding her husband and mother at a friend's house; learning her father, brother, and other relatives had been caught and killed; working with her mother on a farm; returning to Radzyn?; reunion with her husband; hiding with farmers; going to the Miedzyrzec ghetto; her son's birth and immediate death; learning her husband and brothers had been kill...

  19. Sol E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sol E., who was born in a Polish village and raised in Gorlice. He recalls a large and close extended family; working for a wholesale food business; learning English, anticipating emigration to join relatives in the United States; German invasion; forced labor; ghettoization; starvation; non-Jewish farmers bringing them food; selection with his brother for deportation to P?aszo?w; slave labor for Siemens; hospitalization for typhus; working as a nurse; sharing extra food with others; working for Krupp; separation from his brother (he never saw him again); transfer to ...

  20. Iaakov W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Iaakov W., who was born in Kraków, Poland in 1926, the oldest of three brothers. He recounts his family's orthodoxy; attending a Jewish school; his bar mitzvah; German invasion; being caught in random round-ups for forced labor; his family's move to his grandfather's farm in Proszowice; anti-Jewish laws resulting in his grandfather giving the farm to one of his Polish employees; working in a sugar refinery; his father paying a non-Jew to hide his youngest brother; his brother's arrival before their deportation to Prokocim; escaping with his father; entering the Krako...