
Displaying items 6,041 to 6,060 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Correspondence between Nazi leaders and German army commanders IV

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains the fourth part of documents which show a correspondence between Nazi leaders and German army commanders. The documents vary in leaflets, orders, transcription and letters. In this file documents are attached which deal with second part of the law of 'protecting the unity of party and state' (Gesetz zur Sicherung der Einheit von Partei und Staat). This law explains the precise tasks of the Reichs government, such as the preservation and strengthening of the nationalist ideology and the education of the German people. The justification of the law states that since 1.12.1934...

  2. Documents and Materials on the History of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45 in the Territory of the Odessa Region: The Underground and Partisan Movement

    Documents on the underground and partisan struggle that took place in the territory of the Odessa region during World War II began to be put into storage in 1944 at the former Party Archive of the Odessa Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, where they were stored in fond P-11, op. 45 (Odessa Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine). These documents were made into a separate consolidated collection (f. P-92) in 1975. In subsequent years, a number of units therefrom were transferred to the corresponding party archives of the Nikolaev and Kirovograd regions, and s...

  3. Bessarabian Governorate

    • Guvernǎmântul Basarabiei
    • Губернаторство Бессарабии
    • Gubernatorstvo Bessarabii

    Correspondence on legal matters; correspondence on criminal cases; petitions of residents to issue certificates of civil status; orders on the administrative division of Bessarabia into districts and villages from 1941; orders regarding population census; orders regarding inventory of property; orders regarding youth mobilization; orders and instructions by Mihai Antonescu on administrative, cultural, economic, legal and agricultural issues; order on the organization of the commission for the inspection of those employees who remained on the territory of Bessarabia under the Soviet regime; ...

  4. Papers of L.J. Stein

    Syria Family correspondence, predominantly to Stein from his parents and his sister Agatha, c.1898-1919, including letters from Palestine, 1918-19, and while travelling in the Middle East, 1918. Other correspondents include Sir Moses Montefiore, Albert Hyamson, Israel Sieff, S.Landman, Lucien Wolf, S.Goldberg, Abraham Tulin, S.Adler, Robert Henriques and Joseph M.Proskauer, c.1913-65. Correspondence about an edition of the Weizmann letters, 1966-8. Papers relating to Stein's time at St Paul's School and at Balliol College, Oxford; papers relating to various societies including the Oxford Un...

  5. Archive of Ingeborg Herlitz

    • Ingeborg Herlitz' arkiv
    • Riksarkivet
    • SE/RA/720461
    • English
    • 1945-1952
    • 0.3 linear metres (4 volumes) Textual material

    The four volumes that make up the personal archive of Ingeborg Herlitz contain various documents related to her work at Lärbro military hospital in Gotland, where Herlitz served as a health counselor to former prisoners of concentration camps suffering from tuberculosis. Herlitz maintained correspondence with a notable number of Jewish survivors whom she cared for during her service at Lärbro Hospital, hailing from such countries as Germany, Greece, Poland, and Italy. The letters in the volumes contain information on her patients’ whereabouts following their departure from Lärbro, providing...

  6. Christopher R. Browning papers

    The Christopher R. Browning papers consist of Browning’s expert reports, correspondence, court records, photocopies of historical evidentiary materials, indexes, preparatory and background materials for trial, printed materials, and witness testimony gathered or created during preparations for court proceedings against alleged war criminals Radislav Grujicic and Serge Kisluk in Canada, Andre Sawoniuk and Semion Serafinowicz in England, and Heinrich Wagner in Australia. All five cases relied on evidence from eyewitness accounts. Browning’s role in the proceedings was not to provide evidence ...

  7. Bescheinigungen, Korrespondenz

    1. Nachlässe
    2. Wentzel, Carl

    Mitteilung über Urteil und Vollstreckung gegen Carl Wentzel wegen Hoch- und Landesverrat, Oberreichsanwalt beim Volksgerichtshof Berlin an Carl F. Wentzel, 27. Dezember 1944 [Abschrift]; Entlassungsschein Konzentrationslager Ravensbrück für Ella Wen[t]zel, 31. März mit Beglaubigung v. 08. Juni 1945 [Abschrift]; Aufhebung der Beschlagnahme des gesamten Vermögens der Eheleute Carl und Ella Wentzel durch J.F. Klinkowström an C.-F. Wentzel, 03. Mai 1945 [Abschrift]; Bescheinigung zur Feststellung Opfer des Faschismus für Carl und Ella Wentzel v. Wiedergutmachungswerk im Neuaufbau Halle an der S...

  8. Fall IX - Teil 3: Beweismaterial

    1. Nachlässe
    2. Ohlendorf, Otto
    3. IMT Fall IX

    Anschreiben und Urkunde des Tatarenkommitees an Ohlendorf vom 02. Juli 1942; Auszugsweise Abschrift der Ereignismeldung UdSSR Nr. 186 vom 27. März 1942; Eidesstattliche Erklärung von Konrad Morgen; Eidesstattliche Erklärung von Werner-Otto von Hentig vom 07. August 1948; Richtlinien auf Sondergebieten zur Weisung Nr. 21 vom 13. März 1941; Befehl des Armeeoberkommandos 11 betreffend einer Sondergruppe vom 03. Juli 1941; Bericht des Einsatzkommandos 10b an die Heeresgruppe Süd vom 09. Juli 1941; Befehl des Armeeoberkommandos 11 an die Einsatzgruppe D vom 14. Juli 1941; Befehl des Armeeoberkom...

  9. Fall IX - Teil 8: Affidavits, Korrespondenz

    1. Nachlässe
    2. Ohlendorf, Otto
    3. IMT Fall IX

    SD-Kommission Affidavit zum Plaidoyer Gawlik (o.D.); Eidesstattliche Erklärung Ohlendorf vom 27. Februar 1948; Fragen an Ohlendorf betreffend Dr. Hayler und Antwort (o. A.); Zeitungsartikel "Aschau trauert um einen guten Freund und Gönner (Nachruf für Franz Hayler, o.A.); Eidesstattliche Erklärung Ohlendorf vom 17. November 1947 (zweifach); Eidestattliche Erklärung Ohlendorf vom 11. März 1948; Ohlendorf Affidavit für Kehrl (o.A.); Fragen des niederländischen Reichsinstituts für Kriegsdokumentation an Ohlendorf vom 09. März 1948 und Antwort; Eidesstattliche Erklärungen Ohlendorf zu Heinrich ...

  10. Fall IX - Teil 9: Affidavits, Dokumente

    1. Nachlässe
    2. Ohlendorf, Otto
    3. IMT Fall IX

    Eidesstattliche Erklärung Werner Braune vom 26. September 1947; Eidesstattliche Erklärung Josef Dütsch am 26. September 1947; Auszugsweise Abschrift der Ereignismeldung UdSSR Nummer 186 vom 27. März 1942; "Closing Brief für den Angeklagten Ohlendorf" von Aschenauer vom 24. Januar 1948; Befehl Armeeoberkommando 11 vom 20. November 1941; Befehl Armeeoberkommando 11 an Einsatzgruppe D vom 14. Juli 1941; Befehl Armeeoberkommando 11 an Einsatzgruppe D vom 22. Juli 1941; Befehl Oberkommando des Heeres vom 28. Oktober 1941; Befehl Armeeoberkommando 6 vom 10. Oktober 1941; Tagebuchauszüge Halder im...

  11. Länderrat des amerikanischen Besatzungsgebietes

    • Bundesarchiv, Koblenz
    • Z 1
    • German
    • 1945-1949
    • Schriftgut 2823 Aufbewahrungseinheiten 37,5 laufende Meter

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Vgl. Vorwort zum Findbuch Z 1 sowie Beständeübersicht. Akten zur Vorgeschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1945-1949, Bd. 1 ff. Lia Härtel, Der Länderrat des amerikanischen Besatzungsgebietes, Stuttgart 1951. - Walter Vogel, Westdeutschland 1945-1950, Teil I, Koblenz 1956. - S. 57 ff. - u.a.mehr Bearbeitungshinweis abgeschlossen, Findbuch Bestandsbeschreibung Auf Veranlassung der amerikanischen Militärregierung gegründet, konstituierte sich der Länderrat in Stuttgart am 17.10.1945. Ihm gehörten die Länder Bayern, (Groß-)Hessen, Württemberg-Baden und Bremen...

  12. Cross-stitch table runner from a Jewish woman’s dowry

    1. Klara Stempler Greif family collection

    Cross-stitch table runner that was part of Klara Stempler Greif’s dowry upon her marriage to Hersch Peretz Greif in 1910. Klara and Hersch were both born in Kolomea, Austria-Hungary (now Kolomyya, Ukraine) and had two sons, Maximilian and Ignacy. The family moved to Roman, Romania shortly after Ignacy was born, and were there when Germany invaded Poland in September 1939, starting World War II. Originally, Romania chose to stay neutral in the war. However, in September 1940, a coalition government came to power led by General Ion Antonescu and the Iron Guard, a nationalistic party which pro...

  13. Embroidered tablecloth with blue floral design owned by a Jewish woman

    1. Klara Stempler Greif family collection

    Embroidered tablecloth owned by Klara Stempler Greif in Roman, Romania during the Holocaust. Klara and her husband Hersch were both born in Kolomea, Austria-Hungary (now Kolomyya, Ukraine) and had two sons, Maximilian and Ignacy. The family moved to Roman shortly after Ignacy was born, and were there when Germany invaded Poland in September 1939, starting World War II. Originally, Romania chose to stay neutral in the war. However, in September 1940, a coalition government came to power led by General Ion Antonescu and the Iron Guard, a nationalistic party which promoted violent antisemitism...

  14. Twentieth Century Fox version, Reel 3: Anschluss; Munich Pact; Hitler speeches

    Reel 3 of the English language version of "The Nazi Plan" produced by Twentieth Century Fox with new graphics. Title: "1936." "Reoccupation of the Rhineland 7 March 1936." Newsreel footage and brief audio of troops marching into the Rhineland. Title: "Minister von Neurath expresses confidence all Germans will vote approval of Hitler's policies 29 March 1936." Von Neurath speaking. Hess, Frick, Goebbels vote and speak briefly. Title: "Address to Krupp Munitions Plant Workers 28 May 1936." Hitler speaking at podium. Shots of munitions workers. Title: "Eighth Party Congress 8 - 14 September 19...

  15. Antisemitic campaign: Boycott, Bookburning, Goebbels

    "Part 2 Acquiring Totalitarian Control of Germany, 1933-1935." "Opening of the Official Anti-Semitic Campaign, 1 April 1933." Minister for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels addresses a cheering crowd in Berlin Lustgarten. Speech. Boycott of Jewish shops begins. Truck filled with Nazis moves through streets, chanting: "Germans, protect yourselves. Don't buy from the Jews." Crowds in Berlin streets; good views, various. On doorway, sign with skull: "Achtung Juden." On closed stores the sign "Jude" and the Star of David painted on windows. SA men put up signs, hold back cro...

  16. Invasion of Norway

    The German invasion of Norway, which happened on April 9, 1940, simultaneous with the invasion of Denmark. The Norwegians offered much more resistance than the Danes, and they did not capitulate until May 9. Airplanes in the air. Interior of the plane with German soldiers, smiling and talking. The plane lands on an airfield on the coast of Norway and the troops disembark and gather their weapons and equipment. They march away from the airport, to "occupy the important military points in the area of the airport." View of Norway from an airplane. The planes drop bombs on targets near Oslo. Th...

  17. Arnstadt and Nordhausen concentration camps

    Arnstadt and Nordhausen after Allied soldiers arrive. General shots of corpses and survivors. Survivors receive aid. Some well-known shots of survivors as they board IRC van. (LIB 5566) Arnstadt Horrors, Arnstadt, Germany, April 14, 1945. 02:07:05 EXT, Sequence-German civilians disinter bodies of concentration camp victims. 02:07:27 CU, a cadaver with a damaged skull. 02:07:49 LSs, CUs, dog kennel for watchdog. 02:08:08 Begin new roll. 02:08:14 Pan from camp gate to tents used to house 1700 prisoners. 02:08:40 LSs to MSs, corpses lying outside of grave from which they have just been exhumed...

  18. 1935 Inauguration of the Philippine Commonwealth

    Inauguration of the Philippine Commonwealth (of the United States). The Commonwealth was created by the Tydings-McDuffie Act, which was passed by Congress in 1934. When Manuel L. Quezon was elected president in September 1935, he became the first Filipino to head a government of the Philippines. The Commonwealth Government was inaugurated on the morning of November 15, 1935, in ceremonies held on the steps of the Legislative Building in Manila. The event was attended by a crowd of around 300,000 people. 01:18:03 American flag. Large crowd (mostly Filipino) seated for the ceremony. High-leve...

  19. German siege of Warsaw, Poland 1939; CUs of Poles

    Warsaw, Poland 1939, the German siege of the city. LS, a man walks down a deserted city street lined with buildings that are crumbling as a result of the German air raids the camera pans right to capture more of the destruction to individual buildings. CU a Polish propaganda poster encouraging the Poles to fight back against the invading German armies, depicted as a large hand and a swastika. LS, more destruction. A city street is blocked off by a train that has derailed in the center of the street. A Polish soldier stands guard while several civilians help to dig ditches and build barricad...

  20. Belsen: German camp personnel identify themselves; British officers describe conditions; Hadassah Rosensaft speaks

    Testimony about camp given by former inmates, SS men and women, in German, Polish, and English. MCU, Dr. Fritz Klein speaks in German about his experience in Bergen Belsen. In BG, SS continue to bury corpses in pit. Same introduction in CU. MCU, Hela Goldstein speaks in German. Commanding Officer speaks in English, stands in front of chalkboard graph, "Most unpleasant task has been making SS, of which there are about 50, bury the dead...buried about 17,000...expect to bury about half as much again. When we came here, the conditions were indescribable. The people had had no food for six days...