
Displaying items 5,521 to 5,540 of 10,858
  1. Alexander G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alexander G., who was born in Nové Mesto nad Vahom, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Slovakia) in 1914, one of four children. He recounts his father leaving when he was only a year and a half; their abject poverty; joining his brother in Bratislava in 1928 as a barber's apprentice; playing on a Maccabi soccer team; military draft in 1936; postings in Piešt̕any and Solivar; discharge in 1939; formation of the Slovak state which promulgated anti-Jewish laws; arrest by Hlinka guards in 1942; incarceration in Žilina and Vhyne; working as a barber; liberation by par...

  2. Maximilian K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maximilian K., who was born in Prievidza, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Slovakia) in 1915. He recalls military service from 1937 to 1939; forced labor in Nováky and other locations from 1942 to 1944; marriage in 1944; paying non-Jews to hide him, his wife, and parents; arrest by the Hlinka guard; deportation to Sered; evacuation by train; escaping during an Allied bombing (his wife and parents remained behind); hiding in a friend's attic and in the mountains; liberation by Soviet troops; returning home; reunion with his wife and parents; not being able to recl...

  3. Arnold K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Arnold K., who was born in 1923. He recounts enlisting in the United States military when he was nineteen; serving in the Eighth Air Force; visiting Dachau a month after its liberation, having no knowledge of the Holocaust; a pervasive stench; piles of clothing and shoes; and reciting the Kaddish. Mr. K. notes it was many years later that he fully understood what he had seen.

  4. August D. Holocaust testimonies

    Videotape testimony of August D., a Romani, who was born in 1914. He recalls serving in the German military in Braunschweig; discharge in 1938 due to anti-Romani laws; arrest on July 14; transfer from Hannover to Sachsenhausen; slave labor in a Heinkel factory; transfer to Dachau after thirty months; liberation in Czechoslovakia; learning his parents and four siblings had perished in Auschwitz; his desire to forget these experiences and inability to do so; and receiving compensation for seven years in concentration camps at the rate of five marks per day. Mr. D.'s sons and others discuss th...

  5. Lewis S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lewis S., who was born in London, England in 1911 and emigrated to New York with his family in 1917. He recalls becoming a dental technician; serving in the military during the war in that capacity; obtaining a job in 1945 working in ORT schools in displaced persons camps in Europe to train dental technicians; working through UNRRA; living in Pasing, Germany; establishing many schools including in Feldafing, Landsberg, and Heidelberg; improving diet and conditions in DP camps whenever he could; meeting Germans who claimed they knew nothing of concentration camps in sp...

  6. Ervin S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ervin S., a non-Jew, who was born in Liberec, Czechoslovakia in 1927. He recalls his family's poverty; his father's communist activities; their anti-Nazi activities; his father's enlistment in the Czech military; his father's arrest by the Gestapo; having to join the Hitler Youth, then the Wehrmacht; capture in Italy by United States troops in February 1945; incarceration as a POW in Livorno and Naples; release in 1947; prohibition from returning to Czechoslovakia because he had served in the Wehrmacht; illegally crossing the border; reunion with his family; and recei...

  7. Elliot L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Elliot L., who was born in Sofia, Bulgaria in 1925. He recalls moving to Paris with his family in 1928; returning to Sofia in 1937; enactment of anti-Jewish laws; expulsion of Jews from Sofia; relocating with his family to Ki?u?stendil; continuing to attend school; preparing for deportation which never occurred; and liberation by Soviet troops in September 1944. Mr. L. recounts studying engineering in Sofia; affiliation with Zionist organizations; an illegal attempt to emigrate to Palestine in 1947; incarceration in Cyprus when the ship was intercepted by the British;...

  8. Herbert F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Herbert F., who was born in Michelstadt, Germany in 1910. He recalls the family moves to Bad Mergentheim, then Gelsenkirchen; his father's enlistment in the German military during World War I; attending the Hebrew School of Gelsenkirchen; joining his father's business in 1928; and his fear after hearing Hitler speak. Mr. F. recounts the 1933 Nazi takeover of his father's business; the family's move to Frankfurt; his decision to emigrate to Palestine; seeing his sister in Genoa on his way; and living in Petah? Tik?v?ah, then Haifa; his parents' emigration to Palestine ...

  9. Keith S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Col. Keith S., who served in the United States Army Infantry during World War II. He recalls induction in July 1941; posting overseas in October 1943; participating in campaigns including the Battle of the Bulge; his assignment to seek and assist Allied prisoners of war; entering Buchenwald shortly after its liberation; unexpectedly finding civilian inmates in debilitated condition; stacks of bodies; total lack of sanitation; the relatively better condition of military prisoners; completing his assignment to assist Allied war prisoners; and leaving with his unit after...

  10. Marcel S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marcel S., who was born in Nancy, France in 1929. He recalls living in the Jewish section; speaking Yiddish; German invasion; fleeing with his family; living in Bordeaux for fourteen months; their return to Nancy; anti-Jewish restrictions; apprenticeship as a watchmaker; removing his star before he went to work; sheltering fleeing Jews in their home; having his bar mitzvah in secret; a warning from non-Jewish friends that Germans were looking for them; hiding in a vacant house for nine months; slow starvation, in spite of assistance from friends; liberation by United ...

  11. Charles B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Charles B., who was drafted into the United States military in 1941. He recalls attending officer's training school; fighting in Italy, France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany; liberating Ohrdruf as part of the 89th Division; total lack of preparation for encountering a concentration camp; smelling it for two days prior to arrival; stacks of corpses; his strong physical response; liberating Weimar and Zwickau; former prisoners and U.S. troops killing German guards; assisting emaciated prisoners; and later interrogating German POWs.

  12. Inspectorate General of Gendarmery / Headquarters of the Romanian Armed Forces

    • Cartierul General al armatei române
    • Ставка Верховного командования румынских войск г. Бухареста
    • Stavka Verhovnogo komandovaniya rumynskih vojsk g. Buharesta

    Instructions from the Headquarters of the Romanian Armed Forces on the evacuation of the Jews from Bessarabia to the ghettoes in Transnistria and the organization of the police groups alongside the military units; orders issued by the General of the Quarter about the placement of Jews in the ghettos

  13. Department of Housing of the Simferopol City Council

    • Жилищный отдел Симферопольской городской управы

    Information about Jewish property confiscated after the Jews of Simferopol had been murdered (in December 1941) can be found among the following files: File 1. Statute of the housing department. City board regulations, minutes of meetings of the city council. Instructions and reports of the department of housing of the city council (6.02.1942 – 7.09.1943) File 2. Inventory of houses for each city quarter. Vol. 1. 1941-1942. Quarters No. 1-139. File 3. Inventory of houses for each city quarter. Vol. 2. December 1941 – April 1942. Quarters No. 140-325. File 4. Inventory of houses for each cit...

  14. Agricultural management of the Crimean district (WiKo Krim)

    • Областное сельскохозяйственное управление Крыма (ВИКО Крыма)

    Information related to the occupation politics and the Holocaust can be found in the following files: Inventory 1. File 8. Policy directives and circulars of the German chief of land management, beverage industry control of Crimea and special headquarters of the agricultural management. 1.05.1942-21.08.1943 File 9. Circulars and guidelines from Special Staff of the agricultural management. 1.05.1942-14.07.1943 File 10. Orders for the regulation of wages and working conditions for local residents working at German institutions, and tariff rates. 1942 File 19. Minutes of meetings at the Regio...

  15. State Archive at the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

    • Государственный архив при Совете Министров Автономной Республики Крым

    The files relating to the Nazi occupation regime and the Holocaust can be found in the files of the Inventory 2: File 1Б. Materials on the former soviet citizens who served in the German military units. 25.05.1943-22.04.1955. 25 pages. File 1В. List of the German-Fascist criminals, who committed crimes on the temporarily occupied territory of the Crimea. 28.08.1944. 4 pages. File 1Г. List of pseudonyms of the newspaper “Golos Kryma” reporters. 9.03.1945. 179 pages. File 11А. Reference list of the publications in the Crimea during the occupation period. 31.01.1996. 10 pages. File 13Б. Refere...

  16. Albert Süsskind collection

    This collection contains a transcript of Albert Süsskind's report and related correspondence to the Australian High Commissioner of the UK on the conditions on board the HMT Dunera, on which internees and prisoners of war were transported to Hay internment camp in New South Wales, Australia, from England in 1940. Süsskind requested an investigation into the material damage and humiliating treatment endured by the internees on board the ship and payment of compensation. Also included is his identity card for commercial travellers.

  17. Jan de Jong: diaries

    This collection consists of the translated diaries of Jan de Jong, a Dutch Jew who went into hiding during the Nazi-German occupation of the Netherlands. He later perished at Sobibor extermination camp. The diaries document his life in hiding in the Netherlands, where he frequently moved to avoid arrest, and comments on the worldwide political and military developments. There were originally 11 diaries of which the first five were lost. Diaries number 6 to 11 were hidden in the attic of family friends in Arnhem. The last one was badly damaged and destroyed. The original documents include ne...

  18. Friedrich and Hertha Lewinski: personal papers

    This collection contains the personal papers of Jewish couple Hertha neé Zacharias and Friedrich Lewinski from East Prussia who emigrated to the UK in the late 1930s. The rather fragmented documents focus on the time before their emigration and provide insights into Friedrich’s medical training and military service, his sports activities, certain insurance matters, and the couple’s wedding. Also contained are photographs of the main protagonists and numerous of their relatives and friends.

  19. Zinaida Behmuaras: personal papers

    This collection contains the personal papers of Zinaida Behmuaras, a Lithuanian Jewish woman who fled to England from Nazi occupied France in 1940.Personal papers including are school certificates, marriage certificate and naturalisation papers, French ID papers, telegrams from Kauna (1940-1941), photographs, and death certificate. 

  20. Eichmann Trial Collection

    The Eichmann Trial Collection is a wide-range collection of documents dating from 1937 to 1962, related to the Adolf Eichmann’s trial held in Jerusalem between April and December 1961. The collection mainly consists of the documentary basis presented by the Israeli Police for the prosecution case against the Nazi SS chief, one of the major organizers of the “Final Solution”. Records include hundreds of letters, telegrams, reports and decrees produced by the Third Reich’s Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA) on the subject of the “Final Solution” plan (1937-1944). Postwar-period documentation co...