
Displaying items 5,481 to 5,500 of 7,748
  1. Michael I. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Michael I., who was born in 1917, one of seven children. He recalls his family's business in Warsaw and Falencia; attending yeshiva until age fourteen; participating in Akiba; becoming head of the Otwock branch; antisemitic violence; living on training farms (hachsharah) in Be?chato?w and Siemiatycze; German invasion; fleeing to Ostro?e?ka, then ?omz?a; returning to his family in Otwock; fleeing to Soviet-occupied territory; traveling to Vilnius via Bia?ystok and Hrodna; working at a hachsharah in Garliava; living in Kaunas; German invasion; fleeing to Ukmerge?; posin...

  2. Frieda K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Frieda K., who was born in Thessalonikē, Greece in 1921, one of five children. She recounts her family's affluence; cordial relations with non-Jews; attending an Alliance Israélite Universelle school; her family's friendship with Zvi Koretz, the chief rabbi; one sister's emigration to Israel in 1935; Italian occupation; her brother's military draft; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; assistance from a German soldier assigned to live with them; her brother's escape (she never saw him again); ghettoization; round-up to the Baron de Hirsch area; separation from...

  3. Arthur P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Arthur P., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1912, one of three children. He recounts his father's military service in World War I; attending a Jewish school; participating in leftist youth groups; apprenticing as a merchant in 1928; non-Jewish friends shunning him starting in 1933; his sister's emigration to Australia and his brother's to Holland, and later Palestine; working for a Jewish social welfare organization where he met Recha Freier, a founder of Youth Aliyah; escorting kindertransports to Denmark and Sweden; Kristallnacht; leading a hachsharah in Havelberg...

  4. Zvi N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Zvi N., who was born in 1924, and raised in Tyszowce, Poland, one of two children. He recounts his father's death when he was two; moving to his Hasidic grandfather's farm; attending cheder and a Polish school; German invasion; brief Soviet occupation; the German return; moving to Komarów; anti-Jewish restrictions; ghettoization; a German cutting off his grandfather's beard; forced labor; escaping with his sister and others to the forest; separation from the group (his sister remained); assistance from a Polish friend; locating a group of Jews, including his mother a...

  5. Judith K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Judith K., who was born in Nitra, Czechoslovakia in 1929, the first of two sisters. She recounts her childhood in Nové Zámky; attending a Jewish school; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; Hungarian occupation in 1938; attending a Catholic high school due to the Jewish quota in public schools; learning their relatives in Nitra were being deported; her father bringing his mother and cousins from Nitra to their home; his draft for one month of forced labor in 1943; German invasion in March 1944; anti-Jewish restrictions; abuse from Arrow Cross members; hiding their val...

  6. Yasha'ayahu F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yasha'ayahu F., who was born in Białystok, Poland in 1927, the second of three children. He recalls his family's affluence; relatives moving to Palestine; attending a Zionist school; his father hiring guards to protect their business from Endecjas; German occupation in September 1939, followed by Soviet occupation; confiscation of the family business; German invasion in June 1941; a round-up that included his father (they never saw him again); ghettoization; smuggling food with friends; hiding during round-ups; non-Jewish friends helping him obtain extra food; separat...

  7. Alfred K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alfred K., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1921, the youngest of three brothers. He recounts attending public school; antisemitic harassment; participating in socialist and Zionist organizations; Austrians welcoming the Germans during the Anschluss; one brother emigrating to relatives in the United States, the other, as a physician with a Kindertransport, to England; the concierge protecting him and his parents during Kristallnacht; fleeing with an aunt and uncle to Belgium; living in Antwerp; placement in Merksplas refugee camp; German invasion; fleeing to France;...

  8. Helen B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helen B., who was born in in 1923 in Łódź, Poland, one of four sisters. She recalls her family's affluence and modernity; their enthusiasm for opera and dancing; German invasion; deportation with her family to Dębica; moving to Radom; living with an aunt; all of them contracting typhus; ghettoization; forced labor outside the ghetto; her mother's deportation; hiding when her work group was deported; smuggling herself back to the ghetto; marriage; deportation with her family to Majdanek in January 1944; transfer with two sisters to Płaszów in March; a prisoner doct...

  9. Pinhas Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pinhas Z., who was born in Ciechanów, Poland in 1924, one of nine siblings. He recounts attending Jewish schools for seven grades; training as an electrician with his older brother; antisemitic harassment; participating in Betar; two brothers emigrating to Palestine and another to Uruguay; German invasion; his family briefly joining an aunt in Warsaw; one brother working as a driver for a German officer; the officer providing their family with housing; farm work for a German who gave him special privileges; an unsuccessful attempt to flee with his brother to the Sovi...

  10. Noe H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Noe H., who was born in Kraków, Poland in 1926. He describes his large, extended family; summers with relatives in Myślenice and Jawornik; German invasion; expulsion from their apartment in October 1939; escaping to Myślenice in January 1940; forced labor to obtain rations; arrest and imprisonment in April 1940; transfer to Pustków; a Polish civilian worker conveying messages to his family; the Pole facilitating his escape with four others to De̜bica; reunion with his mother in Tarnów; hiding in Jawornik, Bochnia, and Myślenice; entering Płaszów in May 1941; sl...

  11. Ya'akov M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ya'akov M., who was born in Praga, Poland in 1929, one of six children. He recounts attending school; cordial relations with non-Jews; German invasion; fleeing with his family to a nearby forest; moving in with an aunt in Warsaw; working as a delivery boy; ghettoization; smuggling food daily, at great risk, to support his family; assistance from many Poles, including police; beatings by German soldiers; his father's death from illness in 1942; pervasive starvation and death; obtaining false papers; a Polish woman with whom he worked sending him to Piaseczno during a r...

  12. Eva S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva S., who was born in Czechoslovakia, one of seven children. She recounts her oldest sister's death prior to her birth; being raised by her grandmother when her mother was ill; her mother's death; cordial relations with non-Jews; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; her eldest sister's emigration to the United States; her father's failed efforts to emigrate; harsh treatment from neighbors and former friends; her father's draft into forced labor; each child living with one of her mother's sisters; her father's return; reuniting of the family; German occupa...

  13. Alice G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alice G., who was born in Spišská Stará Ves, Czechoslovakia (presently Czech Republic) in 1923, one of six children. She recounts speaking German at home; anti-Jewish events beginning in 1939; being sent to an uncle in Spišské Podhradie, thinking it was safer; returning home; confiscation of the family store; her twin sister's death from illness; deportation with another sister to Poprad, then Auschwitz in March 1942; slave labor hauling bricks in Harmęż, then sorting clothing in Canada Kommando; transfer to Birkenau; separation from her sister; bringing her fo...

  14. Erne E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Erne E., who was born in Valea lui Mihai, Romania in 1928, the fourth of six children and only son. He recounts his family's orthodoxy; attending Jewish and public schools; his mother's death weeks before his bar mitzvah; participating in Mizrahi; Hungarian occupation in 1940; anti-Jewish restrictions including weekly forced labor; German invasion in April 1944; round-up to the synagogue; deportation with his family to the Oradea ghetto, then two weeks later to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation with his father from his sisters; his father telling him to volunteer as a ca...

  15. Shmuel Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shmuel Z., who was born in Kraków, Poland in 1928, one of two children. He recounts attending a Mizrahi school; antisemitic harassment; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; forced labor in a tobacco factory; moving with his family to a village; slave labor constructing an airport; forced relocation to Krzeszowice, then moving to the Kraków ghetto; a non-Jewish friend assisting them; continuing to work at the airport; smuggling potatoes into the ghetto; his father's German boss hiding them during round-ups; separation from his family when he was sent to Płaszó...

  16. Shlomo S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shlomo S., who was born in Kraków, Poland, one of five children. He recounts attending cheder, then Mizrachi school; training with Akiva for two years; his older sister's emigration to Palestine in 1938; returning to Kraków in 1939; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; forced labor as a gardener; his family's expulsion to Rzeszów; working as a translator in a garage; ghettoization; traveling to the Rzeszów ghetto, dressed as a German; seeing his family for the last time; bringing his friend's girlfriend back to Kraków; obtaining a job in the garage for Hesh...

  17. Leona K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leona K., who was born in Nowe Miasto nad Pilicą, Poland in 1926, one of five children. She recalls her large and close extended family; antisemitic policies at school; German invasion; she and her family visiting her married sister in Warsaw; ghettoization; their return to Nowe Miasto; ghettoization; working outside the ghetto as a maid for a German family; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in November 1942; remaining with two sisters and cousins when separated from her family; slave labor digging ditches in bitter cold; carrying the dead back to camp; learning of t...

  18. Famous performers visit Italian rest homes, 1948

    Silent black and white footage from a JDC morale-boosting tour of famous performers to DP camps, convalescent homes, and hachsharot (vocational training collectives for those planning to settle in Israel) in Italy. 01:00:03 EXT path lined with hedges and trees at an Italian rest home for refugees from Romania and Poland (repatriated from Russia after the Holocaust en route to Palestine) - possible locations include Preventorio anti-tubercolotico, the children’s convalescent home at Monte Mario, Grottaferrata Rehabilitation Center and ORT Vocational Training Center (outside Rome), and DP cam...

  19. Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich papers Nachlass Prof. Dr. Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich (1921-2007)

    Private papers of Prof. Dr. Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich (1921-2007), a Swiss Jewish religious philosopher. Consists of certificates, photographs, family history, school and studies history, reports, refugee files, documents regarding reparation and inheritance, prizes and honors, articles for books and magazines, press articles, letters to the editor, radio and television articles, teaching material, and correspondence, e.g. with Leo Baeck, Peter Nathan Levinson, Gertrud Luckner, Franz Mussner, Rolf Rendtorff, Julius Schoeps, Albert Speer, Herbert Strauss; correspondence between the Christian-Jewi...

  20. HAIBLEN, Alfred : Internee and Post-Internment Papers

    Several folders of correspondence with various Canadian and American family friends and sponsors, McGill university documents, all from the late 1930s and early to mid-1940s. Short biographical and explanatory letters written by Mr. Haiblen in 1980, 1993, 2000 and 2004, with explanatory notes appended by his daughter Barb Rugo. Addition: 1 copy print photo Alfred Haiblen (at left) and 3 other McGill land surveying course students on a fieldtrip, outside the Seignory Club at Montebello in 1944. 7 additional photos of Fred Haiblen (1939-1946). One additional folder of school-related documents...