
Displaying items 4,881 to 4,900 of 10,858
  1. March of Time -- outtakes -- Vichy government ministers, ministry buildings; Darlan, Laval, Tixier-Vignancour

    811 A (04:19:30) (negative, shot with Leblay) Adrien Marquet, Minister of Interior, before the Vichy Casino where the Ministry of Interior is installed. EXT shots, Ministry of Interior at Vichy. EXT shots of the Ministry of Agriculture et Ravitaillement installed in the Hotel Albert 1er. CU, sign: "Ministère de L'Agriculture et du Ravitaillement." EXT shots - Hotel du Parc et Majestic where the Présidence du Conseil is installed. General view of the Hotel du Parc; flags and CU of the letters RF (République Francaise). EXT, the Supreme Court of Riom, which will judge the men responsible for ...

  2. Semion G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Semion G., who was born in Minsk, Belarus in 1925, the third of four children. He recalls speaking Yiddish at home; attending Belorussian school; cordial relations with non-Jews; his oldest brother's military service; his sister's birth in 1940; German invasion in June 1941; fleeing to Kolodishchi; returning home; his father's enlistment in the Soviet army; ghettoization; assistance from non-Jewish neighbors; mass killings; hiding in bunkers; his oldest brother using false documents to obtain weapons; learning his father had been killed; a mass killing on November 7, ...

  3. John G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of John. G., who was born in Miskolc, Hungary in 1930. He recounts his large extended family; their assimilated life style and strong Hungarian identity; his family's move to Debrecen shortly after his birth; his sister's birth in 1931; their move to Budapest in 1933; attending a Hungarian school; his father's 1940 draft as an officer to the military reserves; a last visit to relatives in Miskolc; anti-Jewish laws resulting in his father losing his job; attending a Catholic gymnasium despite the laws because his grandfather had been a student there; German occupation in ...

  4. Shlomo P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shlomo P., who was born in Peine, Germany in 1925. He recalls cordial relations with non-Jews until 1933; expulsion from school after the Nuremberg laws; the family's move to ?o?dz? in 1936; German invasion; fleeing to the Soviet Union with one brother; their separation; placement in an orphanage in Hrodna; draft into the Soviet military; capture by Germans in 1941; identifying himself as a Volksdeutsche while waiting in line to be shot in a mass killing; working as a translator/interrogator for the German 12th Armored Division; interrogating Stalin's son, Iakob Jug?a...

  5. Jozef C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jozef C., a Catholic Romani, who was born in Kurima, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Slovakia) in 1916, one of three children. He recounts moving to Dubinné in 1918 when his father returned from the war; his mother's death when he was five; attending school to age eight; cordial relations with locals, including Jews; working as a musician and in the textile trade; discrimination beginning with the formation of the Slovak state; observing deportation of Jews; enlistment in the military in 1939; serving in Spišská Nová Ves, three months in Žilina, and six mont...

  6. William U. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of William U., who was born in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (later southeastern Poland) in 1913. He describes two older brothers emigrating, one prior to his birth; attending public school; antisemitic harassment; joining Zionist groups; attending school in L?viv and Warsaw; teaching; Polish military draft; German invasion; being wounded; hospitalization; German takeover of the military hospital; release after three months; traveling to the Soviet zone; arrest in Przemys?l; release when his identity was verified; returning home; teaching in L?viv; German invasion in Jun...

  7. Dagan B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dagan B., who was born in Lakhva, Poland (presently Belarus) in 1927, the youngest of seven children. He recounts attending a Yavneh school; his brother's and sister's marriages and births of their children; participating in a Zionist youth group; Soviet occupation; his brother's military draft; German invasion; Dov Lopatin (head of the Judenrat) negotiating with the Germans; anti-Jewish restrictions; daily forced labor; ghettoization; slave labor in a steel mill; an underground group led by their neighbor, Itshak Rokhchin; the ghetto revolt after hearing they would a...

  8. Bernard G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bernard G., who was born in Zshet?l, Poland (presently Dzi?a?tlava, Belarus) in 1915. He recalls attending yeshiva; being drafted into the Polish military at age eighteen; discharge two years later; a brother's emigration to Canada; military recall in March 1939; serving in P?ock and P?on?sk; German invasion; retreating to Warsaw, then Modlin; imprisonment in a stalag; separation of the Jewish POWs; forced labor in Bia?a Podlaska in 1940; transfer to Ko?nskowola, then in August 1941 to Budzyn?; deciding not to join a camp resistance group; slave labor in Wieliczka in ...

  9. Sam F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sam F., who was born in Kassel, Germany in 1912, one of six children. He recounts the family's move to Gusakov after World War I; his father's death after a beating by antisemitic Ukrainians; attending Polish school; learning tailoring at age thirteen; working in Przemys?l from age fifteen onward in the Polish military; German invasion; a mass killing of 500 men in Przemys?l; Soviet occupation days later; German invasion; fleeing to the village of a Ukrainian, non-Jewish tailor whom he had helped before; working for him while posing as a non-Jew; hearing his family ha...

  10. Alfred N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Afred N., who was born in Thessalonikē, Greece in 1919, the third of ten children. He recalls cordial relations with non-Jews until the mid-1930s; celebrating Jewish holidays; military service; hospitalization for frostbite; returning home; military recall when Germany invaded; returning home from defeat; anti-Jewish restrictions; continuing contact with non-Jewish friends; joining his family in the Baron de Hirsch quarter; deportation to Birkenau; separation from the women and children; remaining with his brother's brothers-in-law; having to move corpses; a French s...

  11. Israel and Shalom L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Israel L., who was born in Subotica, Yugoslavia in 1936 and his brother Shalom L., who was born in 1940. They recall their extended family; their orthodoxy; their father's compulsory service in a Hungarian slave labor battalion; moving to Budapest with their mother and sisters; living with their maternal grandparents; forced relocation; being placed with the Kasztner group due to their grandfather's and cousin's influence; deportation from the Dohany synagogue to Bergen-Belsen via Linz; remaining with the group which received better treatment; transfer to Saint Gall, ...

  12. Berek S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Berek S., who was born in Łódź, Poland in 1915, one of four children. He recalls his family's poverty; his father beating him; his mother's decency; military enlistment in 1935; his mother's death; military discharge; working as an electrician; recall in 1939; deserting after defeat; escaping to Brest; posing as a non-Jew; traveling to Warsaw, then Łódź; remaining with a non-Jewish girlfriend during ghettoization; entering the ghetto, fearing recognition; joining the fire brigade; marriage; his son's birth and his murder by Nazis at ten months; deportation with hi...

  13. Emanuel R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Emanuel R., who was born in approximately 1911 in Moscow, Russia. He recounts a pleasant pre-revolution life; his bar mitzvah in 1924; emigration to Paris after Lenin's death; his family's Zionism (his father purchased land in Palestine in 1925 where he lives today); attending boarding school; marriage in 1927; French military enlistment; his daughter's birth; posting to the German border in 1939; retreating during German invasion; traveling to Vichy with an admiral; military discharge; reunion with his wife in Toulouse; registering as a non-Jew; joining the undergrou...

  14. Henri E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henri E., who was born in Paris, France in 1916, one of five children. He recalls participating in organized sports; military service in 1937 in Metz; assignment to the Maginot Line in August 1939; retreating during the German invasion in 1940; being wounded; evacuation to Vichy; nineteen months hospitalization; activities for the Resistance while on furloughs from the hospital; meeting his sister in Clermont-Ferrand; participating in bombing Vichy government and Gestapo offices; his sister's arrest, then his on September 13, 1942; imprisonment in several places; a fa...

  15. Nikola R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Nikola R., who was born in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. He recounts his father serving in World War I, his capture by the Soviets, then enlisting in the Soviet military (he never saw him again); attending school in Valpovo, then Osijek; attending university in Zagreb beginning in 1929; participating in Jewish academic and left-wing groups; military service in 1933; working as a teacher in Cetinje; draft in February 1941; Italian occupation; retreating to Nikšić; smuggling himself to Osijek via Sarajevo; anti-Jewish restrictions; moving to Djakovo, then a Serb vill...

  16. Witold F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Witold F., a non-Jew born in Pleszew, Poland in 1915. He recalls attending school in Chorzo?w, a military academy in Warsaw, and teaching in Silesia; German invasion; military service in Krako?w; being captured by Germans in Tomaszow Lubelski; attempting escape to Czechoslovakia using false papers; incarceration in Krako?w's Montelupich prison; and inclusion in the second transport to Auschwitz in 1940. Mr. F. describes camp life in detail; friends helping him to obtain a job, which included access to many areas; receiving and writing letters home (he shows them); obs...

  17. Rudy B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rudy B., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1912. He recalls encountering "genteel" antisemitism before 1933; moving to Amsterdam immediately after Hitler's election; getting his parents and younger brother to Holland (his mother died prior to German invasion, his father in a concentration camp, and his brother emigrated to the United States); joining the Dutch military; escaping with a friend in 1941; traveling to Geneva via Lyon and Lons-le-Saunier; imprisonment; release after intervention by the Dutch consul; traveling to England using false papers via Marseille, B...

  18. Eugene H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eugene H., who was born in Libau, Russia (now Latvia) in 1908. He describes moving to Belgium as an infant; growing up in Ghent; fleeing to England during World War I; his parents' deaths in the 1920s; marriage in 1935; living in Paris for two years; returning to Belgium; the outbreak of war; unsuccessful efforts to enlist in the Belgian military; joining the French Foreign Legion; returning to Belgium after the armistice; his wife's Resistance activities; supplying food to people in hiding or on illegal papers with her; his arrest; a few days imprisonment in St. Gill...

  19. Milton L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Milton L., who was born in Ulanów, Poland, the youngest of seven children. He recalls working in the family bakery business; attending public school and cheder; antisemitic harassment; two brothers emigrating to the United States in 1939; German invasion followed by Soviet occupation; leaving with the Soviet forces; traveling to Młodów; two brothers and his sister returning home; deportation by the Soviets to Siberia in fall 1940; working with his brothers cutting trees; moving with his mother and brothers to Samarqand two years later; separation from his family whe...

  20. Reuven F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Reuven F., who was born in Lille, France in 1925. He recounts his father's military service in World War I; difficulties communicating with his parents (they spoke only Yiddish and he mostly French); his father's draft into the military in 1930; their false sense of security due to their confidence in France and strong French identity; German invasion; anti-Jewish laws; humiliation at wearing the yellow star; the mayor's wife (who was Jewish) gluing pages of the lists of Jews together to prevent deportations; arrest and imprisonment in Cherbourg in November 1943; crue...