
Displaying items 4,461 to 4,480 of 7,748
  1. Roma B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Roma B., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1926. She recalls German invasion in September; ghettoization; joining Hashomer Hatzair; her brother's bar mitzvah; hiding during round-ups; her father arranging her transfer to a farm in July 1942; learning her family was deported (she never saw them again); returning to Warsaw; transfer to a labor camp; returning to Warsaw in January 1943; hiding with relatives during the April 1943 uprising; their discovery; deportation to Majdanek; transfer to Auschwitz; assignment to Canada Kommando; public hanging of Mala Zimetbaum who ...

  2. Beatrice S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Beatrice S., who was born in 1933 in a small town near Vilna, Poland (now Lithuania.) She recalls her prewar home life and schooling, and the Russian occupation in 1939. She relates her vivid memories of the German occupation in 1941 and the atrocities which followed, including the murder of her mother and two-year-old brother (which she and her father witnessed from their hiding place); her flight to relatives in another town; her escape with her father into the woods; and the 900 kilometer walk to the Russian front. She describes their journey to Siberia; her separa...

  3. Sally P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sally P., who was born in approximately 1920 and raised in P?on?sk, Poland. She recalls her large, extended family; antisemitic harassment; German invasion; her parents fleeing to Warsaw; selling their goods to support her brothers; her mother's return; ghettoization; public hangings; emotional devastation from observing her family's suffering, particularly hunger; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from her family (she never saw them again); transfer to Budy, then back to Auschwitz/Birkenau; finding her friends; slave labor clearing bombing rubble and in a...

  4. Allen W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Allen W., who was born in Radom, Poland in 1931. He recalls attending a Jewish school; antisemitic harassment; German invasion; his father and brother fleeing toward the Soviet zone while he and his mother went to I?z?a; all of them returning to Radom; anti-Jewish restrictions; his brother-in-law's killing; escaping from a deportation train; returning home with assistance from non-Jews; taking the identity of a person who had died; the transition of Radom from ghetto to camp; public executions; a forced march to Tomaszo?w Mazowiecki; deportation with his family to Aus...

  5. Regina N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Regina N., who was born in Myszyniec, Poland in 1920. She recounts her father's death when she was a baby; antisemitic violence; participating in Zionist youth groups; child care work in Warsaw, then P?ock; German invasion; her mother's death from cancer; ghettoization; hiding during round-ups; deportation to Dzia?dowo; escaping upon arrival; traveling to Starachowice; ghettoization; marriage; transfer to Starachowice camp; slave labor in a munitions factory; pregnancy and childbirth (the child was taken after three days); a failed escape attempt by the camp resistanc...

  6. Anne M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Anne M., who was born in Lida, Poland (presently Belarus) in 1929, one of three children. She recounts her father's draft into the Polish army; Soviet occupation; her father's return; German invasion in 1941; ghettoization; her father working in a brewery; the German director allowing the family to live on the brewery premises; hiding during a round-up with assistance from the director; learning most of the town's Jews were murdered in a mass shooting including many relatives; a surviving cousin joining them; hiding, then escaping another round-up a year later; joinin...

  7. Aaron E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Aaron E., who was born in Soko?o?w Podlaski, Poland in 1933. He describes his father's non-kosher butcher shop; German occupation; ghettoization; smuggling out of the ghetto to deliver meat; selections from which no one returned; fear of death from overhearing adult conversations; forced labor on a farm with his family in 1942; being discovered while hiding with his family during the ghetto's liquidation; escaping; his younger sister's deportation to Treblinka; his mother sending him to his other sister to hide with a Polish woman; hiding in her attic until liberation...

  8. Reena F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Reena F., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1929. She recalls a happy childhood; German invasion; anti-Jewish regulations and harassment; her parents falsifying her age as twelve so she could remain in Krako?w; ghettoization; forced labor in a paper workshop; deportations from which many tried to hide; resistance bombing of a nightclub resulting in the deportation of 2,000 to Auschwitz, including her father; and smuggling children into P?aszo?w when the ghetto was liquidated, then learning the children in the ghetto were killed. Mrs. F. recounts being sent to work in...

  9. Lisbeth B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lisbeth B., who was born in Posen, Germany (presently Poznan?, Poland) in 1911. She recounts living in a small village; moving to Berlin for safety during World War I; returning to Posen which became Poland; attending a German school; her father's death in 1928; working as a tutor and in a German publishing house; assisting Jews deported from Germany in 1938; participating in Zionist organizations; German invasion in 1939; deportation in December to Ostro?w Lubelski; traveling to Warsaw; working as a tutor; her mother declining a non-Jew's offer to hide them; ghettoiz...

  10. Arnold K. Hocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Arnold K., who was born in Suwa?ki, Poland in 1928, the second of four brothers. He recalls his family's affluence; vacationing with his mother and brothers in summer 1939 (he never saw his father again); German invasion; living in Soko??ka with his mother, brothers, and other relatives; moving to Vilnius; Soviet occupation; his relatives' deportation to Siberia; German invasion; ghettoization; forced labor with his older brother; smuggling food to his mother and younger brothers; hiding during round-ups; being found; separation from his mother and younger brothers; d...

  11. Fiszel G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fiszel G., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1918. He recalls starting work at age ten; German invasion; fleeing with his brother to Bia?ystok; returning home; ghettoization; forced labor; deportations, including his parents and three sisters; constructing a bunker; obtaining weapons; the ghetto uprising; capture and deportation to Majdanek with his brother; separation from his brother (he never saw him again); public hangings; transfer to Auschwitz/Birkenau, then to Jaworzno; slave labor in a mine; obtaining extra food and sharing it with other prisoners; the death m...

  12. Shraga D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shraga D., who was born in Munkács, Czechoslovakia (presently Mukacheve, Ukraine) in 1930, the sixth of seven children. He recalls their comfortable life; attending public school and cheder; one brother's emigration to Palestine; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; his bar mitzvah; a brother and sister escaping to Budapest; German invasion in 1944; ghettoization; deportation with his family to Auschwitz; separation with his father from his mother and sisters; transfer a few days later to the former Warsaw ghetto; slave labor cleaning used bricks; a forced...

  13. Aaron S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Aaron S., who was born in Dobrzyn? nad Wis?a?, Poland in 1925. Mr. S. tells of his father's death in the army in 1939; German neighbors his mother hid during the Polish withdrawal; being driven from town with his family by those neighbors; joining relatives in the M?awa ghetto; public hangings and shootings; obtaining false papers and Catholic training; and leaving the ghetto in 1941 (he never saw his family again). He relates living with a Polish farmer in P?on?sk; joining a resistance organization; living in bunkers in the forest near ?omz?a; capture by Germans; tra...

  14. Susan B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Susan B., who was born in 1924 in Topol?c?any, Czechoslovakia. She recounts her family's orthodoxy; her father's medical practice; gradual anti-Jewish restrictions enforced by Hlinka guards; assistance from her father's pharmacist colleagues; a non-Jewish neighbor warning them teenage girls were to be deported; she and her cousin being smuggled into Hungary via Sered; assistance from relatives in Galanta; traveling to Budapest; living with her grandparents; her parents' arrival; living on false papers; arrest; incarceration with Hannah Szenes; deportation to Auschwitz...

  15. Ya'akov V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ya'akov V., who was born in Kaunas, Lithuania in 1931, one of five children. He recounts attending a Jewish school; Soviet occupation; German invasion; fleeing with his family; arrest of his father and older brother; returning home; finding their home occupied by Lithuanians; ghettoization; visiting his brother and father at a work camp (he never saw his father again); his brother's escape; moving to his aunt's home with his sister; his sister caring for him; her marriage in 1943; working in a factory; deportation to Stutthof; separation from the women; transfer to La...

  16. Sidonia B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sidona B., who was born in 1924 in Ca?ra?s?eu, Romania, one of eight children. She recounts her family was Hasidic; her father serving as a shoh?et; attending public school; working on the family farm; delivering kosher butter to Satu Mare; her sister's marriage in 1937; Hungarian occupation; her brother's draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion; round-up, then transfer to the Satu Mare ghetto in April 1944; deportation to Auschwitz in May; remaining with two sisters after selection (she never saw the rest of her family again); slave labor with two Czech women; d...

  17. Helene H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helene H., who was born in Paks, Hungary in 1930, the third of seven children. She recounts her family's Hasidism; her father's successful dairy business; cordial relations with non-Jews; the mayor providing her father with documents attesting to his Hungarian ancestry, although he was born in Berlin; German invasion in 1944; Germans shaving her father's beard; her eldest brother hiding with a non-Jew in Budapest; her father's deportation; deportation with her mother and siblings to Auschwitz; separation from her siblings and mother (she remained with two cousins); a ...

  18. Clara P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Clara P., who was born in Li?u?boml?, Ukraine in 1916, one of six children. She recalls her father's death when she was seven; her family's extreme poverty; working from age fourteen onward; marrying in 1938; her son's birth in 1939; Soviet occupation; German invasion; round-ups and mass murders; ghettoization; a non-Jewish acquaintance bringing them food; hiding during a 1942 aktion when her mother was killed and her son taken; and escaping into the forest with her husband and others. Mrs. P. recounts many experiences from two years of hiding, emphasizing the difficu...

  19. Philip B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Philip B., who was born in Izbica, Poland in 1929. This testimony includes and expands upon information from an earlier testimony [HVT-198]. Mr. B. recounts prewar antisemitism; his arrival in Sobibo?r; his brother's privileged position as a pharmacist, to which Mr. B. attributes his survival; forced labor sorting clothing of the Jews who were gassed; escape attempts and subsequent public executions; prisoners conspiring to kill a kapo who allied himself with the camp administration; revenge on the camp staff during the prisoner uprising in October 1943; help from non...

  20. Rachel G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rachel G., who was born in Pacano?w, Poland in 1927. She recalls a close and large extended family; their orthodoxy; attending public and Hebrew schools; visiting ?o?dz?; German invasion in September 1939; anti-Jewish measures; ghettoization; her father's death resulting from a beating; deportation to Skarz?ysko-Kamienna in October 1942; slave labor in a HASAG munitions factory; prisoners helping each other; cruel officials, including Fritz Bartenschlager; assignment to an office position leading to improved conditions; transfer to Cze?stochowa in summer 1944; slave l...