
Displaying items 4,041 to 4,060 of 7,748
  1. Oral history interview with Samuel Kessel

  2. Document Book II for Werner Lorenz

    1. Alliierte Militärtribunale
    2. Amerikanisches Militärtribunal I, Kammer I, Fall VIII: SS-Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt

    Enthält v.a.: Various Extracts from the "Commitment of Manpower" Order; Extracts from the Hague and the Geneva Conventions regarding Prisoner of War, Extract from "Survey on the Development of the European Refugee Problem from 1918-1947" concerning Number and Origin of German Refugees and Expellees; Extract from Collection of Proclamation, Laws, etc. issued by the Allied Control Council and the American Military Government; Extract from "Commitment of Manpower"; Prosecution Document No 4018 concerning Ethnic Germans in PW [Prisoner of war] camps; Affidavits regarding the defendant Lorenz Fo...

  3. Jerzy Kwiatkowski Papers

    Correspondence, writings, clippings, memorabilia, and printed matter, relating primarily to Majdanek concentration camp, post-World War II Polish refugee emigration to the United States and other countries, and the organizations and activities of Poles in the United States. Notes: Polish army officer; survivor of the Nazi concentration camp Majdanek.

  4. Charlotte Stein-Pick: Die verlorene Heimat

    Relates to conditions in Germany under national socialism, persecution of Jews, the journey of Charlotte Stein-Pick in 1939 from Germany to Western Europe and ultimately the United States, and her return visit to Germany in 1951.

  5. Dorothy Thompson Misecellaneous Papers

    Correspondence, memoranda, and press releases, relating to fundraising in the United States for the defense of Herschel Grynszpan, Jewish refugee and assassin of the German diplomat Ernst vom Rath in France in 1938.

  6. Le professeur Schmutzer et le P. Strathmann O. P. au Pape Pie XII

    1. Segreteria di Stato
    2. Archivio della Congregazione degli Affari Ecclesiastici Straordinari
    • Professor Schmutzer and Father Strathmann O. P. to Pope Pius XII

    Prof. Schmutzer and the Dominican friar Strathmann write to Pope Pius XII about an International Committee for Catholic refugees. The letter third annexe (A.E.S. 5190/38) is a memorandum written by Pope Pie XII (at that time cardinal Eugenio Pacelli) in 1938, who suggests protecting converted-to-Catholicism Jews who are forced to leave Italy and Germany.

  7. Le nonce à Dublin Robinson à Mgr Tardini

    1. Segreteria di Stato
    2. Archivio della Congregazione degli Affari Ecclesiastici Straordinari
    • Nuncio in Dublin Robinson to Mgr Tardini

    Robinson informs Tardini that the Irish government did not let non-Aryan refugee physicians to practice their own profession, and that the committee of assistance to non-Aryan Catholics faces many obstacles.

  8. Le nonce à Berne Bernardini au cardinal Maglione

    1. Segreteria di Stato
    2. Archivio della Congregazione degli Affari Ecclesiastici Straordinari
    • The Nuncio in Bern Bernardini to Cardinal Maglione

    Bernardini reports Maglione the difficulties he is facing in order to help Jewish refugees. Bernardini says he contacted on this matter the Lucerne-based « Unione Svizzera di Carità », and relates that South-American Embassies and Consulates in Switzerland became much stricter on issuing visas, even to Catholics.

  9. L'archevêque d'Utrecht de Jong au pape Pie XII

    1. Segreteria di Stato
    2. Archivio della Segreteria di Stato
    • The Archbishop of Utrecht de Jong to Pope Pius XII

    De Jong asks pope Pius XII that a part of the donation received from American Jews via the archbishop of Chicago would be given to the Dutch Catholic Committee for Refugees in order to help non-Aryan refugees in the Netherlands.

  10. Notes de la Secrétairerie d'Etat

    1. Segreteria di Stato
    2. Archivio della Congregazione degli Affari Ecclesiastici Straordinari

    Notes track how 150 000 dollars donated to the Holy See by American Jews in order to help Non-Aryans have been used. Notes list beneficiaries: Raphaelsverein; the Utrecht bishop; Cardinal Boetto in Genua; American Relief Committees.

  11. Patch that belonged to Eric W. Wolf

    1. Wolf family collection

    Patch for the United States Second Army that belonged to Eric W. Wolf, a German refugee who served in the U.S. Military in the Signal Corps.

  12. Ribbon bar pin that belonged to Eric W. Wolf

    1. Wolf family collection

    Ribbon bar pin that belonged to Eric W. Wolf, a German refugee who served in the U.S. Military in the Signal Corps.

  13. Ribbon bar pin that belonged to Eric W. Wolf

    1. Wolf family collection

    Ribbon bar pin that belonged to Eric W. Wolf, a German refugee who served in the U.S. Military in the Signal Corps.

  14. Patch that belonged to Eric W. Wolf

    1. Wolf family collection

    Patch that belonged to Eric W. Wolf, a German refugee who served in the U.S. Military in the Signal Corps.