
Displaying items 2,121 to 2,140 of 2,734
  1. Alfred C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alfred C., who was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany in 1924, the younger of two brothers. He recounts his grandfather was a cantor and his father an opera singer; his father's dismissal from his job in 1933 due to Nazi anti-Jewish laws; their resulting poverty; assistance from the Jewish community; attending a Jewish school; antisemitic harassment and boycotts; obtaining documents for two from relatives in the United States; his father's and brother's emigration in June 1938; his father and brother obtaining visas for him and his mother; traveling to Hamburg on Kris...

  2. Stephanie R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Stephanie R., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1922. She recalls her father's strong German identity; losing his bank in 1933 due to anti-Jewish legislation; her expulsion from school in 1938; convincing her father to hide on Kristallnacht to avoid arrest; her wish to emigrate; her father's refusal until August 1939; and the painful parting from her parents. Mrs. R. describes difficulties adjusting in England; communications with her parents prior to the war; a nine month incarceration on the Isle of Man as a potential German spy; return to London; the trauma of Ger...

  3. Leon W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leon W., who was born in Stoyano?v, Poland in 1926. He recalls moving to L?vov in 1934; Soviet occupation in 1939; German occupation in 1941; arrest with his father and one brother; release three days later; learning most of those arrested had been shot; forced labor; and incarceration in Janowska in 1942. Mr. W. tells of working as a glazier; catching typhus which resulted in his selection; watching those in front being shot in a mass grave; being called out to remove corpses to the mass grave; and escaping by running into a large group of prisoners. He describes esc...

  4. Rolf W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rolf W., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1912. He recounts his assimilated family's affluence; his parents' divorce; attending gymnasium; business training in Breslau, Du?sseldorf, Berlin, and Bremen; termination because he was Jewish; working in his father's business in Auerbach; his father's death in 1934; economic and social problems resulting from the Nuremberg laws; returning to Berlin; a warning about Kristallnacht; hiding with his brother's friend; obtaining immigration papers for San Salvador from his half-brother who was there; his brother's emigration to ...

  5. Renate Klapper: Personal papers

    This collection contains the papers of Renate Klapper, a Jewish girl from Berlin who was sent to England shortly before the outbreak of the Second World War to escape Nazi persecution whilst her family died at Auschwitz concentration camp.Personal papers including her school certificates (1684/1), wartime correspondence with her mother sent via the British Red Cross Message Bureau (1684/2), honorary membership certificate of the Royal College of Midwives (1684/3), two photocopies of her will (1684/4), two copies of her death certificate (1684/5), valuation documents of two properties in Ger...

  6. Eichmann Trial -- Session 114 -- Servatius's closing statement and end of trial

    Session 114. Dr. Servatius talks about the Israeli law concerning Nazis and their collaborators. 00:03:01 Retroactivity of law is discussed. He accuses the London Statute of being created, tailor-made, to condemn the defeated Nazis, and as such, should not apply. 00:06:44 Tape jumps. The President of Court is handed a paper, he looks at it, then thanks Dr. Servatius. Attorney General Hausner is granted time to make a statement considering the written material. He asks for a few days to form his argument. Last minute documents concerning the summing ups of both sides are handed in to the cou...

  7. Eichmann Trial -- Session 114 -- Closing statement of the Defense

    Session 114. The courtroom is empty, and people mill about. 00:05:26 Judges enter, telling Dr. Servatius to continue. He speaks in German, the tape is interrupted before it is translated. 00:08:06 Tape jumps, Servatius says that Geshke and Winkelmann had precedence over Eichmann where relevant. Servatius says that the SS orders were meant to be followed, regardless of Eichmann's orders. 00:10:29 Tape is interrupted by a slate. The implementation of the extermination is questioned. Servatius says that orders did not arrive through Eichmann's office, and any complaints, if there were any, wen...

  8. Defendants plead not guilty; Jackson opens the Nuremberg IMT

    War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 20, 1945. MSs, Tribunal enters courtroom. MLS, German attorney makes statement to court and Lord Justice Geoffrey Lawrence is heard advising the defendants that they may consult with their lawyers. Justice Lawrence stresses that provisions according to Art. 24 will be followed by the court. Apparently, this refers to the fact that defendants, in their final statement, could only plead "guilty" or "not guilty," but otherwise would not be allowed to make any statements. The defense had complained that the defendants had only been informed about ...

  9. Sentencing Frank, Frick, Streicher, Funk, Schacht, Doenitz at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. MLS, and MS, prisoners as verdict against Hans Frank is read. Frank is guilty under counts three and four [screen goes black for a few seconds]. There is a dispute with Himmler mentioned about the type of legal system in Germany. Shots of defendants as French Justice speaks about Wilhelm Frick (in French). Frick is guilty under counts two, three, and four, providing the political history, then saying that he knew about the systematic murder of old, weak, sick people, but did not take action to stop it. Justice Geoffr...

  10. Triumph of the Will: Hitler addresses crowds at a rally

    Excerpt from "Triumph of the Will" {No Titles} Hitler addresses a night rally and a day rally and reviews a large military parade.

  11. March of Time -- outtakes -- Summation of Nuremberg Trial; Allied Control Council HQ and meeting

    1425 DD (15:10:05-15:21:16) Official Motion Picture Release - Bureau of PR #1598. Summation speeches by Sir Hartley Shawcross and Robert Jackson. HAS, courtroom at War Crimes Trial at Nuremberg during final summation by British Chief Prosecutor Sir Hartley Shawcross. Closer shot of Shawcross talking as he reads from prepared statement. HAS, Shawcross talking to court, panning to tables at which observers listen, and to prisoners box with the defendants wearing earphones hearing translation. Close pan shot of defendants in box listening to speech. Longer shot, same. 2 CUs of Goering listenin...

  12. Barbie Trial -- Day 5 -- Discussion of Gestapo hierarchy in France

    14:55 Barbie's lawyer, Vergès, argues that the court has overridden France's judicial traditions in the trial so far, and that using force to make him appear in court would reduce the trial to a lynching 15:00 President Cerdini calls for a recess to deliberate 15:34 President Cerdini reads a decision noting the refusal of Klaus Barbie to appear in court and indicating that this will be ignored in the proceedings; reads a motion receiving the testimony of plaintiff Vogel, née Eissner 15:38 Prosecution lawyer Rappaport gives information concerning the recent desecration of a monument erected ...

  13. War Crimes Trials: Einsatzgruppen Case

    (Munich 638) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 9 (Einsatzgruppen Case). US assistant prosecutor John Glancy reading prosecution's opening statement and discussing the evidence against the four units of the Einsatzgruppen. He specifically addresses the crimes of Adolf Ott (Commander of Sonderkommando 7b of Einsatzgruppe B), Waldemar Klingelhoefer (Leader of Vorkommando Moscow of Einsatzgruppe B), and Franz Six (Leader of Vorkommando Moscow of Einsatzgruppe B). Einsatzgruppe C killed 80,000 people. Glancy specifically refers to the crimes of Erwin Schulz (Leader of Einsat...

  14. Keitel and Ribbentrop testify at Nuremberg Trial

    04:00:41 (Munich 84) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 3, 1946. MSs, Wilhelm Keitel is sworn in. MLS, visitors in the gallery: Gen. Geoffrey Keyes, former CG, 7th US Army; Gen. Leroy Watson, CG, Nuremberg area; and several Russian officers. Pan from court stenographers to Keitel testifying. Pan from Keitel to his attorney Dr. Otto Nelte at the stand. Nelte interrogates Keitel. The witness provides his family background, telling about his three sons who died serving the German Army. 04:04:46 (Munich 85) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 3, 1946. HAS, spectators rising a...

  15. Dachau Concentration Camp & Trial

    (Paris 446) Dachau Concentration Camp Trials, Dachau, Germany, December 11-12, 1945. LS, truck passes through entrance of camp. VS, building and church on the grounds. HAS, barracks. VS, German prisoners unload huge containers from trucks. LS, German civilian and military prisoners marching on grounds. LS, ovens in crematorium. LS, wax figures of guard beating prisoner. Prosecution counsel during summation in court. LS, commission at bench. Pan to courtroom and spectators. MSs, accused prisoners in courtroom. Pan, MSs, judges seated at bench include Col PO Ward, Col Blanchard, Col Richards,...

  16. Leni Yahil Personal Archive: Documents, notes, articles and bibliographic lists regarding the Jewish communities in Poland, Lithuania, Romania, France, Belgium and other countries during the Holocaust, regarding deportations and annihilation and regarding

    1. P.49- Archive of Leni Yahil, Holocaust Researcher, 1904-2002

    Leni Yahil Personal Archive: Documents, notes, articles and bibliographic lists regarding the Jewish communities in Poland, Lithuania, Romania, France, Belgium and other countries during the Holocaust, regarding deportations and annihilation and regarding Euthanasia as well The file is divided into seven volumes: Volume I Notes regarding the Jewish communities in Poland and the Reichsvertretung Der Deutschen Juden (Reich's Deputation of the German Jews), as well as notes and newspaper clippings regarding the Jews of Romania, France, Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands. Volume II Notes and ...

  17. Survey regarding the Bialystok Ghetto including events during the "Aktion",15 January-17 February 1943

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Survey regarding the Bialystok Ghetto including events during the "Aktion",15 January-17 February 1943 Sealing of the boundaries of the city, November 1942; deportation of Jews to concentration camps; transfer of Jews from concentration camps to Treblinka; execution of Jews in Treblinka; reduction of the boundaries of the Bialystok Ghetto without affecting the Jews; "Aktion" under the command of the Gestapo officer, Fritz Friedel, 05 February 1943; Jews in hiding throughout the "Aktion"; refusal of the Jewish police to participate in carrying out the "Aktion"; killing of a German by members...

  18. Testimony of Leib Wiszniewski regarding his experiences in Baranowicze, in the forests and as a partisan

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Testimony of Leib Wiszniewski regarding his experiences in Baranowicze, in the forests and as a partisan Jewish community life in Baranowicze before the outbreak of the war. Occupation of Baranowicze by the German Army, late June 1941; life under the German occupation including anti-Jewish legislation, abusive acts, yellow badge and forced labor; murder of 73 Jews; concentration of approximately 1,000 Jewish men in the city square; abuse of the men; release of the Jews on orders of a German general on the claim that the Jews were needed to labor; establishment of the Baranowicze Ghetto, sum...

  19. Survey of the condition of the Jews in Nazi-occupied countries, Eretz Israel and neighboring countries, as reported in the Nazi and local press and by witnesses, October 1943

    1. M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959
    • צרור רשימות 18/49

    Survey of the condition of the Jews in Nazi-occupied countries, Eretz Israel and neighboring countries, as reported in the Nazi and local press and according to eye-witnesses, October 1943 Poland: Riots in the Bialystok Ghetto and the Lodz Ghetto including burning of factories, breaking down of walls and joining the partisans; liquidation of the Bochnia Ghetto; deportation of Jews to annihilation; the Bedzin affair and deception of the Jews by the Germans; the exhibition "The Jewish World Plague" in Krakow; Denmark: The Jews of Denmark and the reaction of the Danish and Swedish population; ...

  20. Survey of the condition of the Jews in Nazi-occupied countries, Eretz Israel and Arab countries, as reported in the Nazi and local press, October 1943

    1. M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959
    • צרור רשימות 20/51

    Survey of the condition of the Jews in Nazi-occupied countries, Eretz Israel and Arab countries, as reported in the Nazi and local press, October 1943 General: Announcement regarding punishing Nazi war criminals and their associates in Moscow with no mention of the Jewish victims; Poland: Mass arrests of Poles in Warsaw; four years of the Generalgouvernement, description of its accomplishments in every area; the Slobodka Ghetto in Lithuania; Germany and the Reich: The political situation in the Reich; newspaper article written Goebbels; exchange of British-German POWs and the soldiers' opin...