Barbie Trial -- Day 5 -- Discussion of Gestapo hierarchy in France

Language of Description
Alt. Identifiers
  • 2005.516.1
  • RG-60.1592
Level of Description
  • French
EHRI Partner


Scope and Content

14:55 Barbie's lawyer, Vergès, argues that the court has overridden France's judicial traditions in the trial so far, and that using force to make him appear in court would reduce the trial to a lynching 15:00 President Cerdini calls for a recess to deliberate 15:34 President Cerdini reads a decision noting the refusal of Klaus Barbie to appear in court and indicating that this will be ignored in the proceedings; reads a motion receiving the testimony of plaintiff Vogel, née Eissner 15:38 Prosecution lawyer Rappaport gives information concerning the recent desecration of a monument erected to the memory of the children deported from Izieu 15:39 President Cerdini explains the procedure for the trial arguments going forward, in light of the continued absence of the defendant 15:40 President Cerdini presents facts found against Barbie before the Cour D'Assises 15:43 Cerdini presents definitions of SIPO [Sicherheitspolizei, or Nazi Secret Police] and SD [Sicherheitsdienst, or Nazi Security Service], and the organizations that they cover 15:50 Cerdini presents Barbie's position within the general Nazi organization 15:55 Lawyers from the prosecution (Iannucci) and defense (Vergès) each comment on Cerdini's presentation, particularly Barbie's position as the head of the SD in Lyon 15:59 Lawyers from the prosecution (Klarsfeld) and defense (Vergès) debate the date of the establishment of the Einsatzkommando in Lyon (task force charged with exterminating Jews and others) 16:01 Prosecution lawyer Libman raises a question about Barbie's authority over SD sub-section 4B (the anti-Jewish sub-section) 16:02 President Cerdini presents a series of declarations made by Barbie about his rank and responsibility within the Nazi organization 16:16 Prosecution lawyers Libman and Kormann, as well as defense lawyer Vergès, debate testimony that Barbie was "the soul of the KDS (chief of the SD) in Lyon"; debate Barbie's role in the Sonderkommandos (ad-hoc SS units) 16:19 Prosecution lawyer Klarsfeld discusses a raid, approved by Barbie, at the UGIF [Union générale des Israélites de France] in Lyon on February 9, 1943 (also known as the Rafle de la Rue Sainte-Catherine) 16:21 President Cerdini presents an exhibit relating to the raid 16:25 A clerk reads a report signed by Barbie on the 11th of February 1943


  • Abbreviated transcript with real time code idents available in departmental files.




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