
Displaying items 601 to 620 of 1,117
Language of Description: English
  1. Maximilian L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maximilian L., who was born in 1924 in Vienna, Austria. He tells of his father's service for Austria in World War I; hearing of Jewish persecution in Germany from emigre? relatives; his strong Austrian patriotism; harassment of Jews following the Anschluss; being able to leave Austria because his father retained his Czech citizenship; arrival in Paris; satisfaction at fighting back at anti-Semitic incidents in school; family applications for emigration to Australia, Canada, or the United States; and German invasion of Paris. Mr. L. recalls leaving Paris in a massive e...

  2. Emanuel R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Emanuel R., who was born in approximately 1911 in Moscow, Russia. He recounts a pleasant pre-revolution life; his bar mitzvah in 1924; emigration to Paris after Lenin's death; his family's Zionism (his father purchased land in Palestine in 1925 where he lives today); attending boarding school; marriage in 1927; French military enlistment; his daughter's birth; posting to the German border in 1939; retreating during German invasion; traveling to Vichy with an admiral; military discharge; reunion with his wife in Toulouse; registering as a non-Jew; joining the undergrou...

  3. Norbert S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Norbert S., who was born in Bad Homburg, Germany in 1927, one of two brothers. He recounts beatings by a Nazi teacher in 1933, resulting in his parents transferring him and his brother to a Jewish school in Frankfurt am Main; their move to Frankfurt in 1936; increasing anti-Jewish restrictions; his father and uncle being arrested and deported to Buchenwald on Kristallnacht; seeing the synagogue burning while the fire department stood idle; his father's release four weeks later due to his status as a World War I veteran and his pledge to leave Germany within six months...

  4. Roger C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Roger C., who was born in Paris, France in 1919. He recounts the important influence of scouting; apprenticeship as an electrician; enlisting in the French military; retreating to Tarbes; demobilization; working as an electrician; his family and fiancee joining him; creating false papers for the Resistance in Le Chambon-sur-Lignon; an unsuccessful attempt to illegally enter Spain; joining Sixie?me, a network rescuing Jewish children in Rodez, Clermont Ferrand, and Aix-les-Bains; arrest in Lyon in May 1943; transfer to Montluc prison; digging graves for executed prison...

  5. Jas?a A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotaped testimony of Jas?a A., who was born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1918. He recalls leaving Belgrade with his cousins and sister on April 6, 1941, when Germany invaded; traveling to a village on the Bay of Kotor; being joined by his family, except one brother who was a POW; brief hospitalization in Cetinje; organizing a Jewish partisan unit; transport of the Jews by the Italians to a military camp in Kavaje?, Albania in July; benign treatment by the Italians; ship transfer in November to Bari, Italy, then Ferramonti; prisoner-organized cultural, sport, educational, and administrative...

  6. Mazaltov H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mazaltov H., who was born in Thessalonikē, Greece in 1921, the oldest of three children. She recounts attending a French school; her family's emigration to Brussels in 1930; marriage to a man from Thessalonikē in 1939; German invasion; fleeing with her family to Toulouse; her brother's escape to Spain, then Palestine; returning to Brussels; anti-Jewish restrictions; obtaining false papers; going into hiding with her family in 1942; arrest in July 1944; deportation to Malines, then to Auschwitz three weeks later; a Greek prisoner advising them in Ladino of survival s...

  7. Annie J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Annie J., who was born in Erlangen, Germany in 1900. She recounts moving to Nuremberg in 1915; her father's service in World War I; his death in 1924; anti-Jewish restrictions in the 1930s; ransacking of their apartment on Kristallnacht; moving to Paris with her mother in 1939; German invasion; incarceration in the Ve?lodrome d'Hiver; deportation to Gurs in May 1940; reunion with her mother; their release in October; living in Juranc?on; attending synagogue in Pau; living in Nay from April to August 1942; a Catholic woman hiding them after they received deportation no...

  8. Aaron K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Aaron K., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1933. He recounts traveling to Cologne in 1938 with his parents, grandmother, and two uncles; being smuggled to Belgium; attending school in Antwerp; German invasion in 1940; fleeing to Paris, Marseille, Nice, then Luchon; his uncles being smuggled to Spain; arrest with his parents and grandmother; imprisonment in Saint Gaudens; his release; visiting his parents and grandmother a few times; living with a family friend; placement in many towns by the Jewish underground, then with a non-Jewish family in Toulouse (they were in...

  9. Odette H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Odette H., who was born in Thessalonikē, Greece in 1927, one of three children. She recounts her family's emigration to Brussels in 1930; attending school; German invasion; fleeing to Paris, then Toulouse; attending school; her brother fleeing to Spain, and ultimately to Israel; returning to Brussels; anti-Jewish restrictions; going into hiding with her family in November 1942; obtaining false papers; arrest in 1944; incarceration in Avenue Louise; transfer to Malines; deportation to Auschwitz; remaining with her mother and sister; hospitalization; avoiding selection...

  10. Frances H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Frances H., who was born in Hungary in 1918. She recalls her childhood in Moha?cs; not attending university due to anti-Jewish quotas; moving to Budapest with her family in 1935; marriage; her brother, father, and husband being drafted into Hungarian forced labor battalions; learning of her brother's death in 1943; German invasion; traveling with her mother to join her father-in-law per her husband's instructions; their arrest; incarceration in Kistarcsa; psychological devastation when her mother had to undress in front of young policemen; deportation to Auschwitz/Bir...

  11. Apology letter from residents of Bonbaden, Germany, addressed to Margot K. Stern

    Letter (two leaves, four pages), written and signed by the residents of the village of Bonbaden (part of city of Braunfels), in Hessen, Germany, 9 November 2008, containing an apology to Margot K. Stern and her family, former Jewish residents of Bonbaden, who fled their village and homeland because of antisemitic persecution during the Nazi era. The letter, written following a Christian worship service commemorating the 70th anniversary of Kristallnacht in Bonbaden, expresses remorse for the persecution of Jews in Bonbaden during that era, acknowledges the pain that Stern’s family experienc...

  12. March of Time -- outtakes -- Foreign diplomats at banquets in Portugal

    LS, Palace of the President of Portugal in countryside, car pulls up, guard on duty. Reading papers, talking. Gen. Jordana visits the President at his villa near Estoril. Officials enter house, go upstairs. CU, valet hanging caps. Jordana leaves office. Soldiers lined up, people by fountain. Gen. Jordana (Franco's foreign minster), Portuguese Premier Salazar, and other officials arrive. Republican guard soldiers march, join the Chateau guard. Salazar and Jordana in banquet hall in Sintra. Salazar talks to Spanish Ambassador to Lisbon, brother of Franco. Other guests at table, talking. Chate...

  13. The Major boys on holiday; Carnival parade; University of Munich; beer garden

    “MARQUARTSTEIN.” Snow-covered castle in Bavaria. The American boys - Ralph (age 11) and John Major - in the doorway. They attended boarding school in Marquartstein. Sledding and skiing. “CARNIVAL” Carnival-goers, confetti. Young boys in costume march through the street. Many decorated floats, each introduced with a number on a sign. Some are animated with large paper mache moving parts. “Lufthansa” globe. Men in Native American outfits on horseback. “WAITING TO CLEAN UP. Men with brooms. “UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH” Triumphal arch in Munich. Cars pass the University of Munich where the American R...

  14. Elfriede Schloss papers

    1. Elfriede Schloss collection

    The Elfriede Schloss papers contain Elfriede’s travel visa and identification tag, and various news clippings concerning her and other orphans’ arrival to the United States. The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) photocopies includes copied correspondence and documents from the AFSC archives related to the immigration of the one hundred orphans from France, of which Elfriede was included.

  15. Excerpts and notes from memoir books, biographies, autobiographies and research books, regarding the fate of the Jews during the Holocaust period

    1. O.65 - Collection of Jacob Robinson, Jurist and Diplomat

    Excerpts and notes from memoir books, biographies, autobiographies and research books, regarding the fate of the Jews during the Holocaust period - Excerpts from the book written by Herbert Feis, titled, "The Spanish Story"; - Excerpts from the book written by Constantin Fotitch, titled, "The War We Lost - Yugoslavia's tragedy and the failure of the West"; - Excerpts from the book written by Dante Germino, titled, "The Italians Fascist Party in Power. A study in totalitarian rule"; - Excerpts from the book written by Thomas Greer, titled, "What Roosevelt thought. The social and political id...

  16. Documentation regarding the persecution of the Greek Jews during the Holocaust

    1. P.22 - The Dr. Nathan Eck Collection, holocaust researcher, 1938-1976

    Documentation regarding the persecution of the Greek Jews during the Holocaust - Copies of official German documentation regarding the solution of the Jewish question in Greece, including plans for deportation of the Jewish citizens and relocation of the Jews with Spanish and Turkish nationalities; - Testimony of Samuel Gategno regarding the Jewish Resistance in Saloniki; - Report containing testimonies regarding the persecution and destruction of the Jews in Saloniki collected by Miriam Novitch; - List containing the number of Jews in several Greek communities before and after the persecut...

  17. Drawing by Josef Nassy

    1. Josef Nassy collection
  18. Drawing by Josef Nassy

    1. Josef Nassy collection
  19. Drawing by Josef Nassy

    1. Josef Nassy collection
  20. Drawing by Josef Nassy

    1. Josef Nassy collection