
Displaying items 2,121 to 2,140 of 10,553
Language of Description: English
  1. Rommel in Africa

    Shows German tanks, trucks, and motorcyclists advance in Libya; narration mentions Bir Hakeim. General Rommel in a staff car; German 88mm guns and mobile anti-aircraft guns firing against British tanks; Stukas attacking British around Tobruk; a German ace landing and being congratulated on his victories; German antiaircraft guns firing at attacking British planes; flaming wreckage of British bomber; desert sandstorms; Germans banqueting with Arab chiefs; and German troops bathing at an Oasis.

  2. Nazi Party Rally, Nuremberg, 1937; Army Day

    VS, Army Day maneuvers on field and in the air (grainy and dark). Clear shots of mixed civilian and military onlookers, watching and saluting; CUs of faces including foreign military representatives. One is wearing a beret that has a metal star and other ribbons on it. Band and soldiers passing field of white tents. Mess kitchen is set up outside in a field. CUs of meat being cut in chunks, served to young soldiers passing in line with metal mess kits, wearing sweat clothes.

  3. Postwar Europe: destruction; burial; Berchtesgaden

    Home movies filmed during the liberation of Germany. Chicken in grass. Milt Ramoy talking, with Earl Soltan, a German woman, and other soldiers. Milt with a typewriter. 03:59:24 Bombed rubble of German village, remains of buildings. LS, field, convoy of military vehicles. Tank traps built by the Germans line the fields to prevent US tanks from crossing, CUs, called "Dragon's Teeth." 04:00:15 Devastated, bombed German town, gray ashen buildings. Milt poses in front of buildings, moving through town. LS, field of mines. Military convoy/jeeps, yellow sign for Ohrdruf, ruins of town, dead horse...

  4. V-E day celebrations in Germany; newspaper; discovery of important documents

    (LIB 6468) V-E DAY CELEBRATION, Idar-Oberstein, Germany, 8 May 1945. 00:00:07 Soldiers line up for flag-raising ceremony. An official military photographer shoots pictures. 00:00:34 Major General Hugh J. Gaffey speaks to troops. 00:01:10 Troops salute the US flag. 00:01:40 (LIB 6469) V-E DAY, Dusseldorf, Germany, 8 May 1945. Slate indicates cameraman R. Joyce. US troops enjoy free coffee and doughnuts. 00:02:14 Men and women crown around a radio. Troops salute an arriving military vehicle. Troops line up outside opera house. 00:02:50 Slate showing cameraman Crossley of the 159th Infantry Re...

  5. Surrendered German soldiers; DPs; Liberation in Prague and Pilsen

    Displaced and surrendered German soldiers camping in a field at the time of liberation in early May 1945. Pan from road, column of surrendered troops resting. DPs washing up in a stream, traffic moving in BG. Pan from clothing to men redressing. CU, German officers. VCU, elderly German officer. MS crowds of German civilians in field -- they were picked up by American troops and are families of Nazi prisoners in Czechoslovakia. CU, crowd standing around. Approaching water truck. MS, standing in line for bread. CU, German woman and baby. CU, elder Germans. MS, American GI frisking Nazi soldie...

  6. Activities of German soldiers

    Reels 36-39. German soldiers kneel down in the woods. They use various tools to construct a track. After they have completed the tracks, they attempt to move a vehicle over them. It gets stuck. A train of covered wagons pulled by horses moves by. Soldiers ride on horseback. Trucks drive across the dirt road, clouds of dust come out from under their wheels. The men on horseback follow. Two men on the left struggle with a motorcycle and sidecar, attempting to push it through ruts in the dirt. Soldiers march alongside horses pulling carts. They halt momentarily, before continuing their march o...

  7. March of Time -- outtakes -- Rabbi evacuating sacred objects from synagogue in France

    French artillery troops, on horseback and on foot, pass through a village. Local residents, mostly women and children, watch them pass. Close-ups of the spectators and the soldiers. The scene switches to show a train coming up to an outdoor platform. General Maurice Gamelin, commander of the General Staff of the French army, walks along the platform with a group of French officers. He drives off in a motorcade, observed by civilians. He is shown meeting with British General John Gort, Commander-in-Chief of the British Expeditionary Force at the British General Headquarters in France. They p...

  8. Occupied France

    Footage with musical soundtrack documenting several years in occupied France from the perspective of the resistance. Brief shot, city street. Doriot speaking (synch): "L'Angleterre est vaincue." Maps, airplanes, air attack. 02:20:23 "1941" Train station, people, children getting off train, smiling. Various CUs. Tracking shot, city street, buildings, German signs. INT, party. Hitler. Children presenting flowers. Woman buying newspaper. CUs, newspaper headlines. HAS, camp. Workers. Photograph. "Maison du Prisonnier" Men entering building, creating care packages. Crowd in street, Hitler and Go...

  9. Reich Party day in Nuremberg; Hitler Parade in Berlin

    Amateur footage shot by the Nazi party official, Regierungsbezirkdirektor of Arnsberg (director of the administrative district Arnsberg). Two Nazi events are intermixed throughout. KODAK. 00:13 Reich Party Day (1937 or 1938) in Nuremberg. POV of a spectator of huge crowd, marching men with swastika flags, Hitler (?) walking to the podium in the very far distance, pans of crowds giving Nazi salute, including men in the immediate FG. 01:02 From within the crowd at a Hitler parade in Berlin, Hitler barely visible stands in an open car to review marching columns of uniformed Nazis. According to...

  10. Still photographer shoots Stevens & camera crew on board ship

    Helmeted officer shooting still photos toward Stevens and his camera crew. Men at stations. Man with Red Cross arm band, heavy white gloves and canvas hood peering through binoculars behind camera. VS of sailors, guns and empty shell casings. Pan of eight ships with barrage balloons overhead. Shot over shoulders of officers on bow of ship. HAS of deck. VS of Stevens looking through 35mm camera on tripod. Shot of aircraft overhead.

  11. Soviets defeat Germans at Vitebsk in summer 1944

    Title on screen: Battle of Vitebsk. Map showing Vitebsk (50 miles due west of Moscow), narrator explains the strategic importance of the city and the military situation as it was by June 1944. Soviet army begins assault. German soldiers advance toward city, come across camp of Soviet civilians. LS Russian T34 tanks move to front silhouetted by sunrise, MLS of column of men marching, SU100s, tanks, jeeps, trucks, Katusha rocket launchers, camouflaged armored vehicles move to front through woods and fields. Map of closing Russian circle, insert CU Generals Czernickhowski and Bagramian in midd...

  12. Scenes of Ludwigslust at Liberation

    Remnants of Nazism, Ludwigslust, Germany, May 6, 1945. MCU, German civilians coming out of concentration camp building after viewing bodies of victims. Woman is very distraught, crying into kerchief. More civilians leaving building. LS, square. LS, MS, CU American soldiers entering and leaving same building. Digging Graves, Ludwigslust, Germany, May 6, 1945. LSs, MSs, CUs, German civilians digging graves for the concentration camp victims. MSs, CUs, German civilians walking past graves, viewing the bodies. American/Army flags. VIP, US and other soldiers exit building. Salute. Crowd in town....

  13. Scenes of Ludwigslust at Liberation

    Remnants of Nazism, Ludwigslust, Germany, May 6, 1945. MCU, German civilians coming out of concentration camp building after viewing bodies of victims. Woman is very distraught, crying into kerchief. More civilians leaving building. LS, square. LS, MS, CU American soldiers entering and leaving same building. Digging Graves, Ludwigslust, Germany, May 6, 1945. LSs, MSs, CUs, German civilians digging graves for the concentration camp victims. MSs, CUs, German civilians walking past graves, viewing the bodies. American/Army flags. VIP, US and other soldiers exit building. Salute. Crowd in town....

  14. Allied invasion and conquest of W. Europe; Belsen at liberation

    Miscellaneous excerpts: 06:13:17 Parts of Reel 1, with an introduction, scenes of Nazis in power, and a map. German officers inspecting coastal defenses in France. 06:14:15 Parts of Reel 9, POWs marching. Belsen prison camp is occupied, shows scenes of Nazi atrocities, corpses. Josef Kramer going on trial. Women yelling. Pan, Belsen with survivors, emaciated bodies, corpses. Mass pit; woman crying; woman holding soldier's hand. Voiceover of British soldier: "We'd taken the Belsen Concentration Camp. Uh...I'm not squeamish. I've seen amputations, operations, deaths, long before I went into t...

  15. US infantry in France; Female French collaborators

    American troops of the 4th Division advance through fields and woods. They take cover in trenches and behind trees. According to NARA the tanks are M-4 tanks and the howitzer is a 105mm on an M-7 motor carriage. Long shot down a road. Smoke billows in the distance. More howitzers firing. Close-up of shells being loaded and fired. Two captured German soldiers are marched down a road. 01:14:45 Sign at the entrance to a devastated town reads Cherence le Roussel. American soldiers advance through the town, looking for snipers. A soldier marks a mine with a flag. Young soldier holding a telephon...

  16. Dachau at liberation; Stevens

    Jeep in front of what appears to be a garage building with a swastika over it, sign reads: "Quarantine Typhus, This concentration camp is off limits to all civilian and military personnel by order of General Patch, C.G. 7th Army." The jeep Toluca in front of a yellow sign that reads: "Dachau." A building is marked: "Burger Brau-Keller." Stevens on bridge, opening a pack of cigarettes.

  17. German prisoners; Americans at Moosburg

    Long lines of German prisoners and US military in a city square. 02:15:00 US tanks parade through city street, shops behind, civilians cheering. Soldier talking with Austrian civilians. CUs, German prisoners marching, bicycle, open jeep. Some prisoners riding in jeep. (AUSTRIA slate) 02:17:40 More German prisoners marching (very blurry), conducting traffic in city streets. HAS, lake/river with quick shot of a civilian getting water. Long line of prisoners march by wrecked railroad cars. Pan of wreckage with prisoners marching by, looting, trucks, mountains in distance. Two lines of German p...

  18. Allies declare war

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 11, No. 803, Parts 1 through 3. Release date, 09/04/1939. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: 12:13:39 Part 1A: Dramatic scenes of a new conflict that may envelop the world in flames. Hitler's war machine rolls into Poland-encouraged to strike by the new pact with Stalin's Red Russia. With Danzig seized, Polish infantry and cavalry rally to the defense of their homeland. Italy remains in the background, while Nazis pour into the Siegfried Lines to stem a possible Allied thrust. 12:15:31 Part 1B: England. Tense eleventh-hour scenes in London, as Prime Mi...

  19. Landing craft; cameramen; on beach

    MS and CU of Stevens wearing helmet and life vest on landing craft. Building on shore, sign reads: "Bernieres." This is the train station in Bernières-sur-Mer, France. Over Stevens' shoulder shooting out to landing craft. Good coverage of men on the beach, landing crafts, bombed out house, etc. Sign reads: "Route Interdit Vers s'Aubin." Stevens with camera unit setting up, shooting tank with what appear to be Australian or Canadian troops. Sign in German reads: "Danger Mine Field." Cameraman labeling film roll and getting film out of camera box. Two men talking in front of movie poster. Ste...

  20. Germans advance into Ukraine

    Two soldiers pose for the camera with their heads stuck out of holes in a military-issued tent. A third man pours water on them. In FG, automobile. Panning the campsite. CU of the Edelweiss insignia, indicating that these are troops of the 1st Mountain Division of the Army South. 00:00:47 Mass at the campsite with crowd of seated German soldiers. They pray and accept Eucharist. 00:01:12 Pan of the landscape and surrounding woods. Watch tower. Deep tire tracks in the mud. 00:01:34 Two soldiers survey with binoculars. Soldiers in tall grass with rifles. 00:02:00 Armored tank. CU bullet holes ...