- Vinnytsia magistrate court of Vinnytisa gebietskommissariat
- Vinnytskyi miskyi myrovyi sud Vinnytskoho okruzhnoho komisariatu
Inventory 1, files 34, 137, 1123, 1133, 1351, 1464, 1554, 1618, 1706, 1708, 1793, 1841, 1846, 1866, 1966, 2142, 2200, 2221, 2244, 2254, 2298, 2320, 2332, 2418, 2773 - uniformed sets of documents, representing criminal and civil cases examined by magistrate court at gebietskommissariat. These include, in particular, the complaints of Jews: the alienation of houses, robbery of property, etc. The cases cover the circumstances in which the damage occurred. The group of civil cases testifies about fining of Jews who did not leave their homes in time and did not move to areas determined by the oc...