Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 261 to 280 of 666
Country: Belgium
  1. Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshabers in Belgien und Nordfrankreich - Massnahmen gegen Juden. Collection

    This collection consists of 20 issues of the Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshabers in Belgien und Nordfrankreich, containing the anti-Jewish measures ordained in Belgium, including: legislation on ritual slaughter, determining who is Jewish, the municipal registration of Jews as of the age of 15, the registration and marking of Jewish shops and restaurants with placards, the exclusions of Jews from certain professions (government, educational, press, judicial and later medical professions), the residency restrictions (curfew and relocation sites in Belgium), the creation of the Associat...

  2. Zeire Ha'am. Collection

    This collection contains thirty-six pictures showing different members of the Antwerp based youth association Zeire Ha’am. Most pictures feature the youths posing, including Eric Beckmann and Rosa Ringer, between 1932 and 1933. The locations where the pictures are taken, are mostly camp locations of Zeire Ha'am. These include Heide, Bouwel, Genval, Kapellenbosch and Peerdsbosch. One picture in this collection also shows a class of a Jewish school in Scheveningen, The Netherlands, during The First World War.

  3. Albert and Robert Gomperts. Collection

    Letter sent by brothers Albert and Robert (Bob) Gompers to their uncle and aunt Jules and Jet Boas in Canada after the brothers had been able to flee from Belgium to Great-Britain during the German invasion. The letter contains information regarding family members left behind in Belgium and the Netherlands during the first weeks of May 1940.

  4. Objects alledgedly made from human tissue confiscated by the Police judiciaire de Liège - Police scientifique in a post-war fraud case. Collection

    This collection consists of a lamp with a lampshade, alledgedly made from human skin, and a box with a clasp containing 4 pieces of soap, rumoured to have been made from human fat, confiscated during investigations by the Police judiciaire de Liège - Police scientifique into a fraud case against J.G. in Liège in 1968.

  5. Precious prints. Collection

    This collection contains precious prints such as pamphlets, posters, books and other types of publications published before 1950. The topics include pre-war Jewish life, anti-Semitism, ideologies of various political movements, biographies of camp survivors, commemoration of resistance movements, German organisations such as the SS, post-war trials and war crimes. The publications do not only focus on Belgium, but also include publications from France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Czechoslovakia and the United States.

  6. Szwergold-Elfenbein family. Collection

    This collection contains two false identity cards of Maurice Szwergold and 571 photographs of the Szwergold and Elfenbein-Matuzewitz families both pre-war and post-war. The photos show portraits, garden and park scenes as well as vacation photos at the beach and coast, in Israel, in the Ardennes, in Szwitzerland on weight gain camp and other places. The photos portray, among others: Marcelle Elfenbein, Joseph Elfenbein, Sarah Matuzewitz, Fanny Matuzewitz, Gilel Elfenbein, Gabriel Matuzewitz, Gitel Bleier, Maurice Szwergold, Aaron Szwergold, Cecile (Cyrla) Szwergold, Leah Goldman and Leon (E...

  7. Manelewitsh-Zarwanitzer family. Collection

    Marriage booklet ("Familienstammbuch") of Nuta Manelewitsh and Chana Zarwanitzer ; German passport ("Fremdenpass") of Chana Zarwanitzer ; three prisoner ID plaques, worn by the detainees at the Dossin barracks, for transport XXIIA and XXVII ; two certificates of release from the Dossin barracks for Nuta Manelewitsh and Chana Zarnawitzer, signed on 5 September 1944 ; postwar political prisoner beneficiary IDs for Nochem alias Norbert Manelewitsh and Chana Zarwanitzer ; postwar membership card of the Association of former prisoners of the Dossin barracks (L'Association des Anciens Détenus de ...

  8. Algemene Documentatie – overheid: andere behalve BO en voorgangers.

    Onder dit bestand worden stukken gegroepeerd die gevormd werden door diverse Belgische staatsinstellingen. Relevant zijn hier vooral de stukken die betrekking hebben op naoorlogse processen tegen Duitse en Belgische oorlogsmisdadigers of collaborateurs. We sommen op per archiefvormer. Auditoraat-Generaal: R.497/tr.153.975 (1946) bevat een schriftelijke verklaring van Johannes Frank, commandant van de Dossinkazerne. Krijgsauditoraat, krijgsraad en krijgshof Brussel: R.280/tr.85.481 (1950) bevat stukken over het proces tegen Max Boden, werkzaam in de ‘Joodse sectie’ van de Sipo in Brussel en ...

  9. Nat Neujean. Collection.

    Pictures of the artist Nat Neujean while sculpting ; some of Nat Neujean's early works of art (statues and bronze sculptures); pictures of family members and friends of Nat Neujean, some of whom were members of the armed resistance.

  10. Dierickx-Tallieu family. Collection

    This collection contains a photo of Paula Tallieu, a biography of Paula Tallieu by her son Michel Dierickx and two post-war certificates granted by Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder and by General of the Army Dwight Eisenhower to Paula Tallieu for her aid to allied airmen during the Second World War.

  11. Archives de Moscou.

    Ce fonds très riche contient des documents inédits concernant le judaïsme belge de l’entre-deux-guerres. Les dossiers thématiques, relatifs aux diverses associations, sont répartis dans cinq boîtes. Il s’agit principalement de correspondance, de notes, de rapports et de pamphlets. La boîte n°145 comprend des pièces émanant d’Hatikwah, l’organe de la Fédération des Sionistes de Belgique (1920-1921), du Comité central de la fraction populiste Zeire Zion (1920-1921), du Parti Socialiste Juif Poale Zion-Zeire Zion Bruxelles. La boîte n°156 comprend des pièces émanant de l’Alliance israélite uni...

  12. Goldberg-Kardimann family. Collection

    This collection contains: a studio portrait of the deported Bernhard Goldberg reading a book ; a studio portrait of the deported Rosa Kardimann, married Goldberg ; a portrait of spouses Majer and Malka Goldberg-Goldberg.

  13. Parcel request form of Eva Kostelaniec. Collection

    A parcel request form filled out by Eva Kostelaniec alias Hawa Jaffe while detained at the Dossin barracks in Mechelen

  14. Cipa Wajncwajg. Collection

    This collection consists of two postcards sent by Cipa Wajncwajg to her husband Moszek Klainer and their children Bernard and Annie, while interned at the Dossin barracks in September 1942.

  15. Kagan-Sztern family. Collection

    This collection contains seven photos, including several pictures of Tauba (Thérèse) Sztern and her children Fanny and Alain Kagan at their hiding place with the De Winter family in Tremelo.

  16. Benjamin Segoura. Collection

    This collection contains a digital copy of: the marriage booklet of Benjamin Segoura and Djoya Benaderek, Benjamin Segoura's 1939 social insurance card, a letter sent by Benjamin Segoura to his wife and children while detained at the Drancy transit camp in 1943, the post-war political prisoner certificate for Benjamin Segoura awarded to his widow Djoya Benaderek and a post-war letter from the French Ministry for former resistance fighters and war victims to Djoya Benaderek regarding the correction of Benjamin Segoura's place of death on his death certificate.

  17. Archives Anciennes.

    Ce fonds contient notamment les Procès-verbaux du CCIB (1832-1939) ; la correspondance consistoriale notamment avec le ministère de l’Instruction publique (1831-1893), avec le ministère de l’Intérieur ; des comptes-rendus des Assemblées générales du CCIB (1844-1899) ; de la correspondance et des documents divers dont des listes de membres des communautés (19e siècle) (1831-1978) [1 dossier] ; des titres, actions et obligations émis par le CCIB pour la caisse anonyme de bienfaisance du Grand Rabbin ; des titres et actions sans valeur ; la correspondance du Comité régional de l’Alliance israé...

  18. Chojnacki-Mozelsio family. Collection

    This collection consists of two photos : a portrait of Chana Chojnacki and a portrait of Joseph Mozelsio.

  19. Publieke taken – Veiligheid – Politie.

    In het politiearchief is vrij veel relevant materiaal te vinden. Vooreerst vermelden we algemene reeksen zoals gebeurtenisboeken, bestuurlijke verslagen, processen-verbaal, … waarin vaak informatie kan teruggevonden worden over personen of specifieke gebeurtenissen. Zo bevatten de processen-verbaal van de 7de Wijk informatie over (naoorlogse) aangifte van verklikkingen van Joden tijdens de bezetting (zie MA # 29918 - MA # 29924, MA # 29932 - MA # 29937). Daarnaast zijn ook specifieke dossiers voor deze gids relevant. In verband met de Jodenvervolging tijdens de bezetting vermelden we o.a. M...

  20. Kosterich family. Collection

    This collection contains four pictures portraying members of the Kosterich family, including: Max Kosterich, Hedwig Goldschmidt, Walter Joseph Kosterich, Manfred Kosterich, Oskar Kosterich and Hans Kosterich.