Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 10,001 to 10,020 of 10,126
  1. Macht und Ohnmacht

    1. Manuskripte
    2. Erinnerungen, Erlebnisberichte, Autobiographien

    Der Verfasser beschreibt v.a. das Schicksal seines jüdischen Vaters in den Jahren 1938-1945 (Verfolgung, Flucht nach Belgien, Mitarbeit bei der Weißen Brigade, Internierung im Lager bei Perpignan 1940/1941, Flucht und wieder Internierung als politischer Gefangener in Huy 1942/1944 bis zur Befreiung Belgiens durch die Alliierten, Rückkehr von Ehefrau und Sohn aus England und gemeinsame Rückkehr nach Deutschland 1945); (1901-1970)Mschr., Fotokopie.

  2. Book I: Munich 1933 - 1938; Book II: Refugee 1938 - 1946

    1. Manuskripte
    2. Erinnerungen, Erlebnisberichte, Autobiographien

    Der erste Teil enthält die persönlichen Erinnerungen des Verfassers an seinen Schulalltag als jüdischer Junge in München 1933-1938; der zweite Teil beschreibt seinen Aufenthalt in der Schweiz, seine Bemühungen um ein Ausreisevisa, den Aufenthalt im Lager Bremgarten, Ausreise und Aufenthalt in der Dominikanischen Republik (1938-1946); im Anhang Dokumente; (1933-1946)Mschr., Fotokopie, engl.

  3. The story of my life

    1. Manuskripte
    2. Erinnerungen, Erlebnisberichte, Autobiographien

    Der Verfasser schildert seine Flucht nach England am 11. März 1938, seinen dortigen Aufenthalt; berichtet über die Flucht seines Bruders Otto über Prag, Schweiz, Frankreich, Afrika etc. bis nach Australien von 1938-1939 sowie über die Flucht seiner Eltern nach London; als auch über seine weitere Emigration über Kanada, Japan nach Shanghai (1940); mit Dokumenten und Fotografien; (1938-1940)Mschr., Fotokopie.

  4. Fluchtpunkte - Deutsche Lebensläufe in Shanghai

    1. Manuskripte
    2. Rundfunk- und Fernsehsendungen
    • 2. Ludwig Lazarus - Buchhändler

    Bericht - teilweise mit Originaltexten von Ludwig Lazarus eines Tondokuments der Deutschen Bibliothek Frankfurt am Main - über dessen Flucht nach Shanghai, über sein Emigrantenleben dort bis Mai 1943 sowie über die Zeit im Ghetto von Shanghai bis August 1945, seine Rückkehr nach Deutschland und seinen Kampf um eine Rente; (1943-1979) Mschr., Druck.

  5. Die Lage deutsch-jüdischer Flüchtlinge in den USA 1933 - 1944

    1. Manuskripte
    2. Studien- und Qualifikationsarbeiten

    u.a. statistische Übersicht der Flüchtlingseinwanderung in die USA, Ausländerfeindlichkeit und Antisemitismus in den dreißiger Jahren, Phasen der Flüchtlingspolitik von Roosevelt, Hilfsmaßnahmen, Wohnort und soziale Mobilität, Arbeitssuche und berufliche Umstellung, Strukturveränderungen in der Familie; Mschr., Xer.

  6. Bruder Wilhelm Kahle, I Pers. Dokumente, Entschädigung, Skripte

    1. Nachlässe
    2. Kahle, Hans Hermann
    3. Privat / Familie
    4. Brüder

    Studienbuch W. Kahle, 1938 [Kopie]; Abschriften Disziplinarurteil der Universität Bonn gegen W. Kahle, 1938; Studienbescheinigung Royal College of Music, 1940 [Abschrift] und Gebührenbescheid 1943; Schreiben The Central Office for Refugees, 1940, betr. Freiwilligendienst; Schreiben Home Office betr. W. Kahle, 1940 Schreiben an Magdalen College, betr. Stipendium, 1942; verschiedene masch. und handschr. Lebensläufe, 1964 und o.D.; Presseausschnitte 1986; Todesanzeige und Kondolenz, 1993; Presseausschnitt betr. Rehabilitierung W. Kahle, 2002; Korrespondenz Wiedergutmachungsamt Landgericht Köln...

  7. Flüchtlinge I

    1. Sammlungen
    2. Grossmann, Kurt (Demokr. Flüchtlingsfürsorge, Emigration, Wiedergutm.)

    Denkschriften zur Flüchtlingsfrage 1936-1945 (hektographisch und maschinenschriftlich): unter anderem Memoranden des Tschechoslowakischen Nationalkomitees für deutsche Flüchtlinge 1936; Flüchtlingsstatus nach den Beschlüssen der Internationalen Konferenz für Asylrecht, Paris, 20./21. Juni 1937, Exposé über Auswanderung nach Bolivien, Nr. 5/1938 der Correspondance de Génève zur Konferenz von Evian; Emmanuel Celler, Entrance of Refugees Into the United States, Rede am 24. Januar 1944 im Repräsentanten-Haus (Sonderdruck aus Congress Record): Einwanderungspolitik der USA, statistische Angaben, ...

  8. Documents and certificates belonging to Erich Weiss, born in Vienna, Austria, 24 April 1919; he lived in Vienna until 1938, in Zurich, Switzerland and Nice, France, as an Austrian refugee; in England he served in the British military in the "Royal Pioneers Corps" from 1943

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Documents and certificates belonging to Erich Weiss, born in Vienna, Austria, 24 April 1919; he lived in Vienna until 1938, in Zurich, Switzerland and Nice, France, as an Austrian refugee; in England he served in the British military in the "Royal Pioneers Corps" from 1943

  9. Testimony of Hannah (Loewy) Peleg, born in Vienna, Austria, 1924, regarding her experience in Vienna and Great Britain

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Testimony of Hannah (Loewy) Peleg, born in Vienna, Austria, 1924, regarding her experience in Vienna and Great Britain Life in Vienna; attends a non-Jewish elementary school; coping with displays of antisemitism; attends a Jewish high school, until 1938; Anschluss; Kristallnacht; move of Hannah, her brother Issaschar Dov (Bernhard) and her sister Lisa (Ilse) to Great Britain, in the context of the Kindertransport; Life in Great Britain as a young Jewish refugee girl in non-Jewish surroundings; joins aliya training in Brosgrove, following activities in the Bachad youth movement; marriage to ...

  10. Personal documentation belonging to members of the Heiberg family from Vienna, in the La Guette children's institution in Paris and the Jewish community in Shanghai

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Personal documentation belonging to members of the Heiberg family from Vienna, in the La Guette children's institution in Paris and the Jewish community in Shanghai - Personal documentation belonging to the Heiberg family from Vienna including personal correspondence of the daughter who was sent to the La Guette children's institution in Paris (founded on the initiative of Baroness Rothschild in order to rescue Jewish children from Germany and Austria after Kristallnacht); - Memoirs of children from the institution regarding Kristallnacht, among them the testimony of a child who experienced...

  11. Photocopies of clippings from the Zionistische Rundschau - Wien newspaper, published 20 May 1938-07 October 1938

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Photocopies of clippings from the Zionistische Rundschau - Wien newspaper, published 20 May 1938-07 October 1938 - A call from Dr. Josef Loewenherz, the head of the Jewish community in Vienna, and Rabbi Dr. Israel Taglicht, the Chief Rabbi, for unity and strengthening the faith against assimilation, a return to Jewish values and integration into the life of the community; recognition of Zionist ideology and its implementation; - List of Jewish organizations most of which have a humanitarian, relief and charity element; and its breakdown as officially published in Issue Number 20, 30 Septemb...

  12. Official documentation regarding escape from deportation - Austria as a transit route for refugees from Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to Switzerland

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Official documentation regarding escape from deportation - Austria as a transit route for refugees from Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to Switzerland - Arrest of 16 Jews in the city of Felsenkirchen, Austria, who tried to cross the border into Switzerland illegally by smuggling themselves onto freight trains from Slovakia as stowaways; - Letters from the Staatsanwaltschaft (State's Attorney's Office) beside the Innsbruck Judicial Court and the Felsenkirchen Judicial Court.

  13. Protocol of the Conference of the Interterritoriale Wanderfuersore (Internal Austrian-Jewish Relief Organization) for care of emigrants-refugees, Vienna, 15 January 1937

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Protocol of the Conference of the Interterritoriale Wanderfuersore (Internal Austrian-Jewish Relief Organization) for care of emigrants-refugees, Vienna, 15 January 1937 Representatives of the Jewish relief organizations Allianz, HICEM, HIAS, the Eretz Israel Office [Jewish Agency] and Jewish communities from European countries participated in the conference, which considered the emigration situation in general and the condition of the emigrants-refugees in the European countries in particular.

  14. Passports belonging to Paul Weiss, born in Vienna, Austria, 1898, and Aurelia (Feuermann) Weiss, born in Timisoara, Romania, 1900, issued 1930-1939, and the identity card of Paul Weiss, issued in Shanghai, 1945

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Passports belonging to Paul Weiss, born in Vienna, Austria, 1898, and Aurelia (Feuermann) Weiss, born in Timisoara, Romania, 1900, issued 1930-1939, and the identity card of Paul Weiss, issued in Shanghai, 1945 - Austrian passport belonging to Paul Weiss, born in Vienna, Austria, 12 October 1898, issued at the Austrian Consulate in Berlin, 24 May 1930; his son Richard Weiss, born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 26 November 1927, is also entered in the passport; - Austrian passport belonging to Aurelia (Feuermann) Weiss, born in Timisoara, Romania, 26 September 1900, issued in Vienna, 17 December 1...

  15. Calendar for 5704 (1943-1944), 5705 (1944-1945) and 5706 (1945-1946) prepared by an unknown person in Siberia, 1943

    1. O.32 - Documentation regarding the Jews of the Soviet Union from the Holocaust period

    Calendar for 5704 (1943-1944), 5705 (1944-1945) and 5706 (1945-1946) prepared by an unknown person in Siberia, 1943 In the calendar there are also dates entered for the most important events in the history of the Jewish people, starting with the creation of the world according to the Jewish calendar, 1944-1946. Notes from Alvin Weiss who submitted the material: The calendar was given as a present to Mordechai Weiss, born in Lancut, Poland, 1902, when he was a refugee in the Soviet Union in 1943. To the best of Mordechai Weiss' knowledge, the person who wrote the calendar perished.

  16. Certificate belonging to Boris Segal confirming the untimely termination of his studies in the fifth grade at the Almetyevo School, due to his return to Latvia, 07 May 1945

    1. O.32 - Documentation regarding the Jews of the Soviet Union from the Holocaust period

    Certificate belonging to Boris Segal confirming the untimely termination of his studies in the fifth grade at the Almetyevo School, due to his return to Latvia, 07 May 1945 Comments by the person submitting the material: Boris Segal was born in Daugavpils, 31 March 1933; 8 years old at the outbreak of the war; escape with his parents to Preili following air-raids on the strategic railroad station in Daugavpils; life in Daugavpils, until 27 June 1941; increasing fequency of air-raids on Latvia and escape of the family to the East; life on the road for approximately 300 kms, riding on horses ...

  17. Map of the wanderings of the siblings Emil and Ilana Landau from Warsaw to Eretz Israel, 1939-1943, a diagram of Asino camp where the siblings were interned, 1941, and memoirs of Alina Ilana Landau Karniel regarding the experiences of her family during the war

    1. O.32 - Documentation regarding the Jews of the Soviet Union from the Holocaust period

    Map of the wanderings of the siblings Emil and Ilana Landau from Warsaw to Eretz Israel, 1939-1943, a diagram of Asino camp where the siblings were interned, 1941, and memoirs of Alina Ilana Landau Karniel regarding the experiences of her family during the war - Diagram of Asino camp near Novosibirsk where the siblings Emil and Ilana Landau were interned, sketched by Emil Landau, 1941; - Map of the wanderings of the siblings, Emil and Ilana Landau from Warsaw to Eretz Israel, 1939-1943, drawn by Emil Landau, with a dedication to Ilana Landau, 07 September 1943; - Memoirs of Alina Ilana Land...

  18. Soviet passport of Reizel Veksler, born in Berdichev, Ukraine, 1905, issued in Berdichev, 20 December 1936, and documentation of Yelizaveta Veksler (the daughter of Reizel Veksler), regarding the family's experiences during the war

    1. O.32 - Documentation regarding the Jews of the Soviet Union from the Holocaust period

    Soviet passport of Reizel Veksler, born in Berdichev, Ukraine, 1905, issued in Berdichev, 20 December 1936, and documentation of Yelizaveta Veksler (the daughter of Reizel Veksler), regarding the family's experiences during the war Evacuation of the family from Berdichev, at the outbreak of the war (Reizel's husband stays in Berdichev in order to help organize the evacuation, and he is drafted into the Red Army); escape of Reizel Veksler to Rovenki, with her daughter and family members; escape to Razdorskaya; escape to Karabutak; death of Reizel Veksler in Karabutak, 24 January 1942; death ...

  19. 2-поліцейський участок Префектури міста Одеси.

    USHMM has copied from this fonds and describes the copies as follows: Fond 2353; Opis 1 Ed. hr. No. 232 – Declarations on the ethnic origin of persons in Transnistria. 165pp. Fond 2353; Opis 1 Ed. hr. No. 241 – Birth certificates of Transnistrian citizens. 1943. 64pp. Fond 2353; Opis 1 Ed. hr. No. 248 – Lists of refugees in Transnistria. 78pp. Fond 2353; Opis 1 Ed. hr. No. 251 – Population statistics for the district of Odessa. 1943. 18pp. Fond 2353; Opis 1 Ed. hr. No. 254 – Population statistics for the district of Odessa. 1943. List of 3,441 persons under the age of 20 in Odessa. 1943. 91...

  20. Archive of Dr. Israel Kasztner, one of the leaders of the Relief and Rescue Committee in Budapest, and Collection of Dov Dinur, Kasztner's biographer

    in the Collection there are 4,500 pages of original documentation, mostly regarding the following subjects: A. The history of the Jews of Hungary during the Holocaust;B. Efforts of the Relief and Rescue Committee in Hungary in whose framework Dr. Israel Kasztner was active, 1942-1944; C. The role of the Jewish institutions that were active in the Free World countries working to rescue Jews;D. Documentation regarding the Nuremberg Trial at which Dr. Kasztner testified on behalf of Kurt Becher; E. Documentation regarding the Kasztner Affair in Israel, 1952-1958;F. Documentation regarding the ...