Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,041 to 2,060 of 55,818
  1. Himmler, Heinrich

    • Bundesarchiv, Koblenz
    • N 1126
    • German
    • 1914-1944
    • Nachlässe 54 Aufbewahrungseinheiten 1,1 laufende Meter

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Grete Heinz/Agnes F. Peterson, NSDAP Hauptarchiv. Guide to the Hoover Institution Microfilm Collection, Stanford 1964, S. 144-149 NDB 9, S. 172 ff. Reichsführer SS (ab 1929) und Chef der Deutschen Polizei (1936-1945), Reichsminister des Innern (1943-1945) Bestandsbeschreibung Persönliche Papiere, Korrespondenz u.a. mit Familienangehörigen, Notizbücher; Mikrofilm der bei der Hoover Institution in Stanford/Ca. (USA) verwahrten Tagebücher aus den Jahren 1914-1924. (Stand: 1977) Tabellarischer Lebenslauf 7. Oktober 1900in München geboren Jan. - Dez. 1918militäris...

  2. Tombstone fragment recovered from a destroyed Jewish cemetery by a Holocaust survivor

    Tombstone fragment with engraved Hebrew text recovered long after the war by William (formerly Wolf) Ungar from the Jewish cemetery in Rimaliv, Tarnopol District, Ukraine, formerly eastern Poland. Wolf was mobilized into the Polish Army when Germany invaded in September 1939. He was wounded, captured, released, and then returned to Lwow (Lviv, Ukraine), now under Soviet control. In June 1941, Germany invaded the Soviet Union and occupied Lwow. Wolf was made to continue teaching at the technical school because the Germans needed Aryan youth trained to work in defense plants. In 1942, the Ger...

  3. Luftgaukommando XI (Hannover / Hamburg)

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Die Akten stammen aus Rückführungen aus den USA und Großbritannien an die Dokumentenzentrale des Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamtes. Von dort wurden die Akten 1968 an das Bundesarchiv, Abteilung Militärarchiv abgegeben. Diese Akten waren bisher im Sammelbestand RL 19 (Luftgaukommandos und Luftgaustäbe) zusammengefasst. Zur besseren Darstellung der einzelnen Provenienzen wurden Nebenbestände zu RL 19 angelegt. Im Zuge der Umsignierung wurden die bisher in den Amtsdrucksachen (Bestand: RLD 24) verwahrten Akten ebenfalls den neuen Nebenbeständen zugeordnet. ...

  4. Luftgaukommando II (Posen)

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Die Akten stammen aus Rückführungen aus den USA und Großbritannien an die Dokumentenzentrale des Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamtes. Von dort wurden die Akten 1968 an das Bundesarchiv, Abteilung Militärarchiv abgegeben. Diese Akten waren bisher im Sammelbestand RL 19 (Luftgaukommandos und Luftgaustäbe) zusammengefasst. Zur besseren Darstellung der einzelnen Provenienzen wurden Nebenbestände zu RL 19 angelegt. Im Zuge der Umsignierung wurden die bisher in den Amtsdrucksachen (Bestand: RLD 24) verwahrten Akten ebenfalls den neuen Nebenbeständen zugeordnet. ...

  5. Eyewitness reports regarding the November Pogrom

    Readers should use online version via link belowThis is a collection of 356 reports gathered in the weeks and months following the November Pogrom of 1938 by the Jewish Central Information Office (JCIO) in Amsterdam. Each report has a unique number in the sequence from B.1 to B.353 (B. presumably is an abbreviation of Bericht [report]) with five additions (B.62a, B.175a, B.333a, plus B.1001 and B.1002 at the end), and two unused numbers (B.342 and B.343). Most of the dated reports were created in November and December 1938; others were prepared in January and February 1939, and the remainde...

  6. Papers of the International Military Tribunal and the Nuremberg Military Tribunals

    The documentation is divided up to reflect the twelve cases: Case 1 (Medical): charged twenty-four defendants with performing medical experiments on concentration camp inmates and other living human subjects Case 2 (Milch): charged Erhard Milch with the exploitation of slave labour and carrying out medical experiments on concentration camp inmates Case 3 (Justice): charged sixteen defendants with war crimes and crimes against humanity through abuse of the judicial process and the administration of justice Case 4 (Pohl): charged eighteen defendants with running concentration camps or economi...

  7. Zaisser, Wilhelm (Ps. General Gomez)

    Bestandsbeschreibung Wilhelm Zaisser 20.6.1893 in Rotthausen, Kreis Essen, geboren 1910-1913 Besuch des Königlichen Lehrerseminars zu Essen 1913-1914 Militärdienst in Köln/Mühlheim ab 1.4.1914 Volksschullehrer in Essen 1914-1919 Soldat im I. Weltkrieg Sept. 1919 Mitglied der KPD, Ortsgruppe Essen 1920 während des Kapp-Putsches Mitglied der zentralen militärischen Leitung der Roten Ruhrarmee Jan. 1921 Verhaftung März 1921 Verurteilung durch das Militärsondergericht des Wehrkreisgruppenkommandos II, Kassel, zu 4 Monaten Gefängnis und Entlassung aus dem Schuldienst bis 30.9.1921 Redakteur des ...

  8. Moldenhauer, Rüdiger

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Der Nachlass besteht aus zwei Teilen. Diverse Manuskripte ihres Mannes übereignete die Witwe des Nachlassgebers, Hannelore Moldenhauer, dem Bundesarchiv bereits in den Jahren 1989-1990.  Den zweiten Teil des Nachlasses deponierte im Oktober 1996 die Historische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in der Außenstellle Frankfurt am Main des Bundesarchivs. Laut Vertrag sind diese Unterlagen zehn Jahre nach der Hinterlegung in das Eigentum des Bundesarchivs übergegangen. Gemeinsam mit den "Frankfurter Beständen" zog der Nachla...

  9. VIII. Armeekorps

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Wie die Kriegstagebücher aller Truppenteile und Dienststellen des Heeres waren auch die Kriegstagebücher der Generalkommandos und der bodenständigen Höheren Kommandos vom Mobilmachungstag (26. Aug. 1939) an beim Heeresarchiv Potsdam einzureichen, wo sie eine Zugangssignatur erhielten. Diese Zugangssignaturen wurden anfangs getrennt nach den Kriegsschauplätzen, nämlich P für Polen und W für Westen vergeben. Nach Beendigung des West- und des Norwegenfeldzuges wurden die Zugänge nur noch nach laufender Nummer signiert und in dieser Reihenfolge auch eingelagert, ...

  10. Barbie Trial -- Day 14 -- Witnesses testify

    13:42 President Cerdini calls the session to order; asks that the accused present himself; Barbie refuses to appear; Cerdini calls on the bailiff to compel the accused to appear 13:43 The bailiff reads the names of the witnesses scheduled to give testimony in the session 13:45 Cerdini suspends the session while the bailiff goes to Barbie to compel him to appear 14:12 Cerdini calls the session to order; the bailiff reads Barbie's statement, explaining that he refuses to appear; one of the witnesses scheduled to appear has not responded to contact attempts, and is not present 14:16 President ...

  11. Robert Reams - Fish(ing Party)

    Ambassador Robert Borden Reams was interviewed about American diplomats during a fishing and golfing trip in Panama City, Florida. Ambassador Reams agreed to meet with Lanzmann on the condition that there would be no formal interview, and that topics such as the Bermuda Conference, governmental policies and the State Department during World War II would not discussed. He refuses to tell Lanzmann why he doesn't want to talk about them. Much of Lanzmann's and the Ambassador's time together is spent fishing and golfing, although he eventually opens up to Lanzmann's questions. FILM ID 3875 -- C...

  12. Akta gminy Zaklików

    • Files of the commune of Zaklików

    sprawy organizacyjne z lat 1952-1954 (sygn. 1-3), sprawy personalne z lat 1952-1954 (sygn. 4-6), organizacja i protokoły posiedzeń Gminnej Rady Narodowej (dalej GRN) i jej organów z lat 1945-1954 (sygn. 8-36), protokoły pokontrolne z lat 1952-1954 (sygn. 37), przedsiębiorstwa gminne z roku 1951 (sygn. 38), budżety z lat 1953-1954 (sygn. 39-40), urządzenia i dokumenty księgowe z lat 1948-1953 (sygn. 41-47), skargi i zażalenia z lat 1951-1954 (sygn. 48), mienie opuszczone z lat 1950-1951 (sygn. 49), sprawy rolnictwa z roku 1948 (sygn. 50), akta administracyjne gminy zaklikowskiej z lat 1893-1...

  13. Files of the municipality of Sint-Jans-Molenbeek on the anti-Jewish measures. Collection

    This collection consists of six files regarding the implementation of anti-Jewish measures in Sint-Jans-Molenbeek: KD_00015_0001: Circulars addressed to the municipality of Sint-Jans-Molenbeek regarding the creation of a Jewish Register, the addition of a stamp ‘Jood-Juif’ on the ID cards of Jewish inhabitants, the elimination of the German nationality for Jews, the wearing of the yellow badge and the Arbeitseinsatz (convocations for forced labour) in August 1942 KD_00015_0002: The Jewish Register of Sint-Jans-Molenbeek, which consists of 553 forms. Each form lists the following information...

  14. Annexation of Austria; Munich Pact; German invasion of East and West; Territorial expansion

    Part 2 of ENGLISH language version [corresponds to NARA reels 3 & 4] Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg addressing government, speech in progress. Schuschnigg replaced by Arthur von Seyss-Inquart in Austria, riding in automobile, waving to crowd. CU, transcription of Goering's conversation with Keppler. In city street, Nazis round up civilians, slowly closing in on them with horses and police, man carried away. Nazis marching in streets, heiling, waving flags. Crossing Austrian border, over bridge LS, lifting up pole, Austrians with big grins. "21 May 1935" Annexation text superimpose...

  15. Selected records of the World ORT Archive (WOA), London

    Records of the World ORT (formerly World ORT Union), its governing bodies and associate organizations world-wide. The archive include minutes of meetings, reports, correspondence, fund-raising and PR, research and development, administrative and financial records (1920s-1950s). Also included are pamphlets and bulletins from various countries; reports, correspondence, and photos of the Berlin ORT school transferred to Leeds (1939-1943), private papers of former students and teachers of ORT; as well as the Shapiro Collection: consisting of materials collected on ORT's history by the American ...

  16. Archives de la police judiciaire près le Parquet du Procureur du Roi de Bruxelles.

    Ce fonds est très riche. Il est divisé en plusieurs parties : dossiers politiques ; sûreté publique ; grèves ; résistance ; sûreté de l’État ; attentats, sabotages et vols ; ravitaillement. Celle qui nous intéresse le plus concerne les ‘Dossiers politiques’. Elle contient des dossiers de taille et contenu variés, portant tant sur des individus que sur des organisations et institutions, souvent soupçonnées d’adhérer au communisme. Les dossiers d’organisations comprennent fréquemment des listes des membres et des rapports d’activités. La présente description ne reprend pas les dossiers liés a...

  17. Tsiyon [Zion] shaped stone Shabbat candleholder and base carved in a Cyprus detention camp

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn518912
    • English
    • 1948
    • a: Height: 5.750 inches (14.605 cm) | Width: 5.000 inches (12.7 cm) | Depth: 1.500 inches (3.81 cm) b: Height: 1.750 inches (4.445 cm) | Width: 6.000 inches (15.24 cm) | Depth: 5.380 inches (13.665 cm)

    Shabbat candleholder crafted by Maurice Grauer while at a British detention camp in Cyprus from 1947 to 1948. It was carved from a floor tile using a sardine can as a carving tool. Grauer and his wife, Natalia, were on the ship, Ben Hecht, en route to Palestine when it was stopped by the British authorities. All the passengers, many of them, like the Grauers, Holocaust survivors, were detained in Cyprus. Palestine was under British control and the immigration policy was very restrictive. The Grauer's first child, Sophie, was born in the camp in 1948. Early that year, the British began to wi...

  18. Akta gminy Potok

    • Files of the commune of Potok

    akta organizacyjne urzędu z lat: 1951-1954 (sygn. 1-3), protokoły posiedzeń Gminnej Rady Narodowej (dalej GRN) i jej organów z lat 1953-1954, (sygn. 4-10), sesje sołtysów oraz zebrania gromadzkie z lat 1950-1954 (sygn. 11-12), kontrole oraz inspekcje z lat 1947-1954 (sygn. 13-17), działalność finansowo-budżetowa z lat 1944-1945, 1949-1954 (sygn. 18-34), sprawy gospodarcze z lat 1948-1954 (sygn. 35-43), sprawy z zakresu Urzędów Stanu Cywilnego z lat 1946-1954 (sygn. 44-61), ewidencja mieszkańców z roku 1951(sygn. 62-77), sprawy karno-administracyjne z lat 1947-1954 (sygn. 78-79), akta z Urzę...

  19. US Tanks Advance; German POWs; Burning village

    Slate: PROJ 186, MURPHY, 24 MAR M3. MS, US tanks rolling into village, some greenery, trees, and a large white house visible in BG. MS, Establishing shot, through opening in rock formation. Open field and road beyond field. Tank rolling by 'window' in FG. One tank has a visible #48 painted on the side, in white. MCU, back of head and helmet of US MP in FG as he motions for tanks to pass by. MSs, US army vehicles, mainly tanks moving along dirt road, alternating scenery in FG, chain link fences, MPs, shrubs and tree branches. MSs, military vehicles approaching camera (head on), a series of t...

  20. David Newman memoir

    Manuscript memoir, in Yiddish, 120 pages, describing David Newman's experiences in the Skarżysko-Kamienna forced labor camp in Poland during the German occupation, and his subsequent imprisonment at Buchenwald, written by Newman in 1988. An English translation by Miriam Beckerman, from 2006, is also included. The text begins with an account of the pre-war history of the Jewish community in his hometown of Chmielnik, Poland, the experiences of Newman's family during the initial stages of the German occupation of Poland, when his family lived in Łódź, their subsequent move to Staszow, and ...