Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 19,441 to 19,460 of 55,777
  1. The Jewish Religious Community in Prague under the occupation

    The preserved official agenda makes it possible to become familiar with the administrative breakdown of the community, and also contains circulars and regulations, official memoranda and all manner of summaries and statistics and correspondence with rural communities. The most valuable material is the reports on the activities of the JRC (Judenrat) and Treuhandstelle. Only fragments have been preserved from the activity of most departments, in many cases only individual files. From the years 1945–1947 the organisational circulars of the National Administration dealing with the activity of t...

  2. Selected records from the Romanian National Archives

    Contains reports, lists, memoranda, and other documents relating to the surveillance of Jewish communities in the Romanian provinces, Also contains records of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers dealing with the "Jewish problem."

  3. Prosecutors and defendants at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 112) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 12, 1946. MSs, MHSs, Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe questions an unidentified witness, possibly Ribbentrop. MSs, Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, and Wilhelm Keitel seated in prisoners' dock. HASs, defense counselor Dr. Kurt Kaufman at stand interrupts a US military member of the prosecution and addresses the Tribunal. HASs, judges on bench as Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence speaks to Dr. Kaufman and reprimands him for delaying the trial. MLSs, Maxwell-Fyfe seated at prosecution table. MSs, Kaltenbrunner looking over lawyer...

  4. Processo de pedido de visto para Eric Goldschmit-Rothschild, Verónique Goldschmit (nascida Condessa Henckel Donnersmarck), Patrik Goldschmit, Vera Henkel Donnersmarck (nascida Kanitz) e Philipp Gotlieb

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Baiona para Eric Goldschmit-Rothschild, de nacionalidade alemã e residente em França, com destino aos Estados Unidos da América. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Baiona para Verónique Goldschmit (nascida Condessa Henckel Donnersmarck), de nacionalidade alemã e residente em França, com destino aos Estados Unidos da América. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Baiona para Patrik Goldschmit, de nacionalidade alemã e residente em França, com destino aos Estados ...

  5. Sutin family footage

    DP walking in street of DP camp Neu-Freimann. Piles of logs. VAR scenes with the Sutin family. CUs of Rochelle Sutin and daughter Cecilia. On Lulligerstr., Jack Sutin and his father Julius smoking pipes. Rochelle inside house, cooking. More shots of the Sutin family and friends.

  6. Family heirlooms; visiting mountains

    Family photographs. Men gather for picture/filming at log cabin in mountains [Caucusus?], EXT. Julien Bryan gives the men instructions and backs out of frame.

  7. Morris K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Morris K., who was born in Po?aniec, Poland in 1917. He recalls escaping with two friends from a forced evacuation of the town in October 1942; being hidden in a cave by farmers (they had been his father's customers), who also hid a Jewish girl in their home; liberation by Soviet troops in 1944; working for the Soviets; fleeing to ?o?dz? after Jews were killed by soldiers of the Polish underground; marriage to a concentration camp survivor; and emigration to Cuba in 1947, then to the United States in 1961. Mr. K. sings a song from the Warsaw ghetto.

  8. SS-Hauptamt

    Bestandsbeschreibung Dienststellenverwaltung 1934-1945 (28), Sammlung von Befehlen, Anordnungen, Verfügun‧gen 1932-1945 (47), Abwehrbeauftragter 1936-1940 (3), Führungsamt 1932-1944 (82), Zentralamt 1940-1945 (3), Verwaltungsamt 1932-1945 (7), Sanitätsamt/Leitender Arzt 1934-1942 (4), Erfassungsamt 1934-1944 (5), Ergänzungsamt 1934-1945 (27), Amt für Leibesübungen 1934-1944 (5), Amt für Nachrichtenverbindungen 1934-1940 (3), Versorgungs- und Fürsorgeamt 1933-1941 (8), Schulungsamt/Amt weltan‧schauliche Erziehung 1934-1945 (75), Amt Berufserziehung 1940-1945 (4), Germanische Leitstelle 1941-...

  9. Katholischer Jungmännerverband Deutschlands

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners 1896 gegründet als "Verband der katholischen Jugend- und Jungmännervereine Deutschlands", seit 1930 offiziell "Katholischer Jungmännerverband Deutschlands" (KJMVD). Zusammenschluss von Vereinen werktätiger männlicher katholischer Jugend, gegliedert nach Diözesan- und Bezirksverbänden, Generalsekretariat in Düsseldorf. 1920 bildete sich aus den Diözesanausschüssen für Turn-, Spiel- und Wanderwesen die "Deutsche Jugendkraft" (DJK), organisatorisch eingegliedert in den KJMVD. 1935 Auflösung der DJK, 1939 Auflösung des KJMVD durch die Gestapo. Erschliessungszusta...

  10. Deutsche Gesandtschaft Helsinki


  11. Teske, Hermann (Oberst, Oberarchivrat)

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Geb. 10.07.1902 in Berlin-Schöneberg, gest. 1.11.1983 in Tutzing, Oberst im Generalstab, Oberarchivrat 1.01.1943 Oberst Dienststellungen: 1924 9. (Pr.) Inf.-Rgt.; Eintritt in die Reichswehr 1931 Heeressportschule Wünsdorf; Adjutant und Lehroffizier beim Lehrgang für Leibesübungen 1934-1936 Kompaniechef 1936-1938 Kriegsakademie, Berlin 1938-1940 5. Inf.-Div., Generalstabsoffizier 1940 Chef des Transportwesens OKH 1940 AOK 17; Bevollmächtigter Transportoffizier 1942-1943 Deutscher Transportbevollmächtigter für Finnland 1943-1944 General des Transportwesens bei ...

  12. Italy surrenders

    Italians in New York City celebrate Italy's surrender. U.S. troops land in North Africa. President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill meet at Casablanca. Allied planes bomb islands off Italy. Sicily is invaded by Allied troops. Messina is occupied. The 7th Army and Britain's 8th Army land on Italy's mainland behind a naval bombardment. Italian warships speed to allied ports and are surrendered. President Roosevelt announces Italy's surrender. Other personages: Gen. Eisenhower, Gen. Clark, Mussolini, Adm. Cunningham.

  13. "Hidden in broad daylight"

    Describes the author's life in Kraków, Poland; her hiding inside and liquidation of the ghetto in Tarnów, Poland; her separation from family members; how she passed as a Gentile and found employment; her attempts to communicate with her sisters who were concentration camp inmates; her move to and war-time employment in Austria; the end of World War II; her meeting with members of the Jewish Brigade; and her illegal emigration to Palestine. The memoir also includes a poem about a young Jewish boy whose fate during the Holocaust is unknown and another describing the author's feelings for th...

  14. Paul Plaut family papers

  15. Fasola Cesare

    Il fondo raccoglie diari e documenti personali, appunti sul recupero di opere d'arte requisite dai tedeschi, atti del Congresso dei popoli per la pace e materiale a stampa sulla Resistenza a Firenze. - Atti e documenti: documenti personali, tessere, riconoscimenti, attestati e Croce di guerra, 1944-1962; relazioni sul sequestro di beni ebraici effettuate a Firenze, promemoria, appunti, copie di circolari governative che ordinano il sequestro di beni mobili e immobili di cittadini ebraici, 1943-1944, cc. 16; carteggio e appunti circa il recupero delle opere d'arte trafugate dai tedeschi, 194...

  16. Reichsverkehrsministerium (Sammlung Sarter).- Kartenbestand

    Zitierweise BArch R 5-ANH. I KART/...

  17. District Authority of Vsetín Okresní úřad Vsetín

    Administrative records of Vsetín, a town in the Zlín region. Features records pertaining to cultural and school affairs, including anti-Jewish measures and the expropriation of Jewish properties and assets.

  18. Bracha R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bracha R., who was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1927. She recounts her parents had emigrated from Poland; German invasion; fleeing to Toulouse; attending school; her father's return to Brussels; rejoining him with her mother a few months later; her father bringing her to the home of non-Jews to hide, then to another home a few days later; remaining for about eighteen months; being placed with another family under a false name for the rest of the war; reunion with her parents; marriage; and the births of a son and daughter.

  19. Copy witness statements re Auschwitz war criminals

    Most of these copy statements re the activities of former SS officers at Auschwitz by former inmates were collected by the International Auschwitz Komitee. The witnesses submitted their statements to the IAK in response to notices published in Polish and German newspapers, asking for evidence against former SS officers at Auschwitz. Many of the statements make reference to this fact. Many also end with a declaration that the witness is ready to repeat the statement under oath. Most of the statements are 1 or 2 pages long except that of Dr. Eduard Wirth, former doctor at Auschwitz, who descr...

  20. Selig Hecht: correspondence

    This collection consists of 2 letters written by Selig Hecht, a German born American scientist, on a visit to Europe. The first, a letter to a colleague back home, outlines the problems facing Jewish academics in Nazi Germany, and introduces the second which is a much more detailed picture of the privations suffered by Jewish academics and also the indifference of the non-Jewish population, and the culmination of a latent antisemitism in the profession that had long pre-dated the Nazi seizure of power. The latter is addressed to Alfred Cohen. Others mentioned include Willstaetter, Fajans, a...