Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,961 to 18,980 of 55,777
  1. Postwar destruction in Poland

    Building rubble. HAS, boys playing soccer. Damaged buildings. CUs of engravings on arches, church, broken statue.

  2. Thomas F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Thomas F., who was born in Illinois. He describes growing up with Jewish friends; his indignation upon encountering antisemitism in college; naval service in the Pacific, then in the Department of Special Assignments in the Bureau of Naval Ordinance in Washington; being assigned to "confirm unusual circumstances discovered" in Ohrdruf in April 1945; shock and horror upon observing stacks of emaciated bodies; returning to the United States; submitting a written report; and new assignments. Mr. F. discusses learning about concentration camps in the press and connecting ...

  3. Jonak von Freyenwald: Papers re the trial of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion

    This collection of correspondence and papers relates to the infamous Bern trial of the distributors of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, in particular to the appeal, which took place between 27 October and 1 November 1937, in which the original verdict, convicting the distributors of falsification and plagiarism, was overturned on a legal technicality, although the appellants were not compensated.

  4. Robert Koenig: correspondence

    This collection contains correspondence from Robert Koenig to Heinz Katz and friends in Tel Aviv describing the first year of his return home to Prague after his military service in the Second World War, coming to terms with the traumatic experiences during the war.Correspondence of Robert Koening in which he writes about his observations of the destroyed towns in the Allied occupied zones of Western Europe, his search for relatives, his work at the military hospital in Prague and later at the civic gynaecological hospital in Jablonec nad Nisou (Gablonz), Czech Republic, and his opinions ab...

  5. Reichsinnungsverband des Bildhauer- und Steinmetzhandwerks

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Bestandsgeschichte Die Akten gelangten 1969 im Rahmen der Flurbereinigung mit dem Geheimen Staatsarchiv Berlin-Dahlem ins Bundesarchiv. Bestandsbeschreibung Überliefert ist v. a. Schriftwechsel mit Landesverbänden 1924-1944 und Personalangelegenheiten 1932-1944. Erschliessungszustand Findbuch (1983) Zitierweise BArch R 97-I/...

  6. Obóz Koncentracyjny w Buchenwaldzie [Konzentrationslager Buchenwald]

    • akta osobowe (ankiety personalne więźniów) - akta administracyjne (zbiór rozkazów komendantury obozu w sprawach organizacyjnych, porządkowych, osobowych, socjalnych, administracyjno-gospodarczych i finansowych; rozkazy transportowe w sprawach przygotowania i odprawiania transportów z więźniami; kores pondencja dot. spraw socjalno-bytowych więźniów; listy transportowe więźniów i więźniarek przybyłych z innych obozów do KL Buchenwald i jego komand, wykazy więźniów przeniesionych z KL Buchenwald do podległych mu komand oraz innych obozów; spisy więźniarek zatrudnionych w komandach, zestawien...
  7. Gerichtsakten

    • Court Records

    Inhalt: - Vr Akten: Kt. 267–887, 1916–1960. Unter der Überschrift "Vr Akten" steht: "Politischen Gerichtsakten siehe Sondergerichte Sch. 932 ff. VR Linz-Nord siehe Sch. 1.307–1.603". - Vr-Akten Linz Nord: Kt. 1.307–1.603, 1945–1955 - St-Akten/ St Jv-Akten/ OSta JV-Akten, Akten der Staatsanwaltschaft und der Oberstaatsanwaltschaft (genauer, nämlich mit grober Inhaltsbeschreibung, erfasst) - Jv-Akten verzeichnet, auch aus 1938 - Vr-Akten, Kt. 2.219–2.260, 1961–1964 - T-Akten "Todeserklärungen, Amortisierungen, Kraftloserklärungen, Aufgebotssachen", Kt. 2.287–2.369 - 1 T Akten Linz Nord, Kt. 2...

  8. Archives de l'institut d'étude des questions juives

    • Archives of the Institute for the Study of Jewish Affairs

    The fonds of the Institute for the Study of Jewish Affairs (IEQJ) held by the Defence Historical Service (Vincennes) consists of the files of Captain Paul Sézille, Secretary of the IEQJ in 1941 and 1942 and organiser of the exhibition "Le Juif et la France" (The Jew and France), which was exhibited from September 1941 onwards. It also contains documents on the activity of this institute and another anti-semitic organisation called the Groupement des amis anti-juifs (Association of Anti-Jewish Friends).

  9. Regional Organization of the Bulgarian Communist Party, Plovdiv records (Fond16)

    Contains mainly letters, appeals, and telegrams sent to the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party. Records relate to the international and internal situation. Includes an appeal of the Jewish communists in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, to Jewish workers to boycott forthcoming elections for the synagogue administration and to fight against chauvinism and religious prejudices.

  10. "A Story: The Life of Johan and Gertrude Verloop, as written from memory, 1919-1946"

    Consists of one memoir, 65 pages, entitled "A Story: The Life of Johan and Gertrude Verloop, as written from memory, 1919-1946," which was written by Johan Verloop in 1994. In the memoir, he describes his childhood in the Netherlands, learning of the threat of Nazism, and being accepted into officer's training school in 1939. He describes the German invasion of the Netherlands and his decision to go to university, as well as describing life under the German occupation. He joined the underground resistance movement with his future wife Gertrude (Mam) and helped to hide a young Jewish boy. He...

  11. Records of the United States Mission to the Polish Government in Exile in London

    Contains information about relations between the United States and the Polish government in exile in London. Subjects include underground activities in Poland, relations between Poland and the Soviet Union, and relations between the London and Moscow Polish leadership.

  12. World War I veterans take a trip

    Street scenes with well-dressed civilians and shops (this could be another day-trip taken by Johannes Vosskamp and his contemporaries from Duisburg). Signs show "Schenkwirtschaft Theod. Hünnekens", "Dortmunder...", and "Tivoli Beer". 01:06:15 Johannes Vosskamp, in a dark suit and bowtie, smoking, exits a building with others, including women and a uniformed soldier. Buses line the streets of the unknown city/village with a river. The well-dressed day-trippers (men and women) walk through a park and sit at a long table having refreshments with coffee. The group boards buses, with Vosskamp at...

  13. Processo de pedido de visto para Paul Hasson, Elizabeth Magndelain, Georges Chesnel, Guy Thurneyssen, Wilfried Lawson, Noel Coward e Max Schachenman

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Nova Iorque para Paul Hasson, de nacionalidade americana, com destino não identificado. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Nova Iorque para Elizabeth Magndelain, de nacionalidade francesa, com destino não identificado. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Nova Iorque para Georges chesnel, de nacionalidade francesa, com destino não identificado. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Nova Iorque para Guy Thurneyssen, de naciona...

  14. Sąd Grodzki w Żelechowie

    • Court of the first instance in Żelechów

    Zespół tworzą cztery jednostki spraw karnych i cywilnych z lat 1943-1944, trzy z nich toczyły się o kradzież świni, barana, krowy oraz akta sprawy o samowolne zabranie nowonarodzonego dziecka, po zmarłej matce.

  15. Okręgowy Komitet Żydowski w Radomiu

    • Regional Jewish Committee in Radom

    W skład zespołu wchodzą: - normatywy Centralnego i Wojewódzkiego Komitetu Żydów Polskich, 1945-1948, sygn. 1, - protokoły zebrań zarządu, 1945-1949, sygn. 2, - korespondencja z CKŻP, komitetami w Jedlińsku, Kozienicach, Szydłowcu i ziomkostwami za granicą, 1945-1947, sygn. 3-11, - akta Okręgowej Żydowskiej Komisji Historycznej w Radomiu, 1945-1950, sygn. 12, - dokumentacja dot. Pomnika Męczenników Żydów w Radomiu, 1945-1950, sygn. 13, - materiały dot. synagogi, domu modlitw i cmentarza żydowskiego, 1945-1950, sygn. 14-15, - akta Szpitala Żydowskiego w Radomiu, 1945-1947, sygn. 16, - sprawy ...

  16. John H. Farley collection

    The John H. Farley collection includes photographs, clippings, and articles related to the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp and the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany. Photographs include images of German soldiers near Łódź during the invasion of Poland and of Dachau following liberation. The collection also includes a letter John wrote to his wife, Mary Jane, describing his emotions and his impressions of Dachau shortly after liberation.

  17. Survivors and corpses at Buchenwald

    Buchenwald Concentration Camp, Germany, 1945. LSs, civilians kicking German soldier. MSs, civilians breaking windows in building. Camera (on automobile) traveling through outskirts town, passing people with bags, cart. In town, crowd on sidewalk, looting? store. MS, survivors in square. MSs, CUs, furnace doors being opened in crematorium showing remains of bodies not wholly consumed by fire. Demonstrating oven "tray." Pan, survivor with three ovens/crematoria in BG. Corpses on cart, in truck. CU, "Jedem das Seine" gate closing. Men circled around corpse, taking hats off. MSs, CUs, emaciated...

  18. Invasion of Norway

    Pan, German ships and troops in Norway. Pan, city of Oslo, Norway. Bicycle troops at railway station. German DDs. German boat steaming at high speed in water. Captain on bridge. Guns firing off forward section of boat, plane catapults. German troops on deck, snow-covered hills in BG. Machine gun firing on British plane. German seaplane landing on bay. Harbor, many ships. High mountains on side of fjord. German troops passing baggage from ship to tugs. Tug loaded with troops. German seaplane taking off from harbor, city and hills in BG. German troops along road, disembarking from ship. Tanks...

  19. Esther I. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Esther I., who was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1920, shortly after her parents had emigrated from Poland. She recalls her father's death in 1928; moving to Krako?w with her mother and sister to be near family; the warmth of Jewish holidays within a close and large, extended family; remaining with relatives for two years when her mother returned to the United States to retain her naturalized citizenship status; returning to the United States in 1936 due to her mother's fear of the German situation; maintaining contact with family in Poland until 1942; learning after ...

  20. Collectie periodieken.

    Het ADVN bewaart heel wat periodieken die voor deze gids relevant zijn. Ze beslaan de periode eind 18de eeuw - heden. Het gaat in de eerste plaats om publicaties van Joodse organisaties uit België. We noteren exemplaren van o.a. Belgisch Israëlitisch Weekblad, Berichten. Antwerpse contactgroep voor Joods-Christelijke Betrekkingen, La Centrale, Contact J, In naam van de vrijheid, Joods Actueel, Kehilatenou, Regards, Keren Kayemeth, Maccabi, Nieuw Israëlitisch Weekblad, ... Daarnaast vinden we ook heel wat (weliswaar zeer fragmentarisch bewaarde) periodieken van Joodse organisaties uit het bu...