Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,801 to 1,820 of 10,181
  1. Oskar Neumann collection

    Collection of original letters with English translations from Oskar Neumann in Tombelone (?) sent to family in Great Britain. Mention is made of relatives in France and England.

  2. American Friends Service Committee: Refugee hostel papers

    This collection comprises copy material relating to refugee hostels founded by the American Friends Service Committee.

  3. Correspondence with Blank, Max

    1. Wiener Library Archive: Pre-1963 Correspondence

    Correspondence regarding the 75th anniversary of the mall ‘Kogge’ in Witten. Contained is an ad prospect published on this occassion.

  4. Correspondence with Caley, T.

    1. Wiener Library Archive: Pre-1963 Correspondence

    Thank you note to T. Caley for sending a report on her persecution during National Socialism to the Wiener Library.

  5. 27.

    1. Comitato Ricerche Deportati Ebrei. CRDE
    2. Attività e fonti per la ricerca sui deportati
    3. Rapporti con enti per la ricerca dei deportati
    4. Rapporti con le organizzazioni di soccorso

    Informazioni raccolte sui deportati da American joint distribution committee, The Jewish chaplain welfare centre, Inter governamental committee on refugees, Ort union, The far eastern jewish central information bureau for emigrants, World jewish congress - british section.

  6. Relocation of displaced persons

    INT, MS, IRO refugee processing center. Several displaced persons gather around the Canadian representatives at their desk at the processing center (staged). The two representatives answer questions from the group, made up mostly of young men, and a few young women. MCU, two young refugees talk to the representatives. EXT, LS, DP camp Ebelsberg in Linz, Austria. Refugees gather with their belongings to begin their journey to Canada. VS, refugees helping each other close and label their luggage for the journey. The refugees load into open trucks in order to make the trip to the train station...

  7. Julian Layton papers

    This collection of papers documents the activities of Lt. Colonel Julian Layton, a British born Jew, of German Jewish origins, who assisted many German Jewish refugees before the war and internees during the war. The collection comprises several deposits from different sources.

  8. Professor Stanisław Kot collection Kot Stanisław (Kol. 25)

    Contains photocopies of the clandestine press, publications of various political parties and fractions, reports from occupied Poland, speeches (e.g. the speech of the Prime Minister Mikolajczyk during his meetings with BUND), records on various Jewish cases, on Polish Government in Exile post in Teheran, Polish refugees in Teheran, Iran, Jewish children coming to Palestine from Teheran, situation of Polish Jews in France, and relations between Stanislaw Kot and General Anders, on BBC broadcast, Jerusalem (1942-1945). Includes official correspondence (e.g. on relations with USSR, Middle East...

  9. Records of the Dominican Republic Settlement Association (DORSA), 1939-1977

    In 1938, President Roosevelt invited 32 governments to consult with U.S. representatives at Evian, France, on refugee problems, and the participants created an Intergovernmental Committee for Refugees (IGCR). For IGCR Reports on Refugees 1938 - 1940, and on Refugee Settlement in the Dominican Republic, see Files 45a - 45b. At the first IGCR meeting, Generalissimo Trujillo offered to admit into his country as settlers up to 100,000 refugees from Europe. Promptly, the Refugee Economic Corporation and the President's Advisory Committee on Political Refugees—under Executive Secretary George L. ...

  10. Elsbeth Kasses papers Nachlass Elsbeth Kasses (1910-1992)

    Private papers of Elsbeth Kasser (1910-1992), a nurse and aid worker for refugees in the internment camp of Gurs and in other places. The collection consists of: photographs; certificates; medals; and correspondence, including various documents relating to childcare in the southern France, refugee rescue, the internment camp Gurs, the medical mission to Finland, and the Swiss assistance to war victims; documentation on occupational therapy in Zurich, former internees, former employees in rescue projects in Spain and Southern France, and on rescue in Denmark, Germany and Switzerland; Also in...

  11. Collection of David Cohen, head of the Joodsche Raad voor Amsterdam (Jewish Council) and leader of the Jewish community in the Netherlands, 1922-1954

    Collection of David Cohen, head of the Joodsche Raad voor Amsterdam (Jewish Council) and leader of the Jewish community in the Netherlands, 1922-1954 Included in the collection: Testimonies in favor of Professor David Cohen, from a trial held against him after the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, 1947-1948; Various documents submitted by Professor David Cohen to his lawyers during the trial held against him and against A. Asscher in the Netherlands after the war, 1947-1949; Documents regarding the possibilities for emigration for Jews from the Netherlands during the Nazi occupation perio...

  12. Länsstyrelsen i Malmöhus län, civilförsvarssektionen

    • Civil Defence Section of the County Administrative Board of Malmöhus County
    • Landsarkivet i Lund
    • Länsstyrelsen i Malmöhus län, civilförsvarssektionen
    • English
    • 58 linear meters of textual records.

    Among other records, the Civil Defense Section's archive contains documentation concerning Holocaust refugees, around 1941-1949. The series Ö I: a Registerkort över flyktingar inkomna til landet contains 29 boxes with more than 20,000 register cards of refugees and survivors from concentration camps, who came to Sweden from 1944 to 1946. The cards include their name, date of birth, place of residence, nationality, date of arrival and the name of the reception center where they were received, and sometimes information on transfers. On some cards there is a note if the person was Jewish, in...

  13. The Jewish Community of Gothenburg

    The archive of the Jewish Community of Gothenburg contains the records of the community from the period of the first Jewish immigrants in the late 18th Century until the archive was deposited with the Regional Archives in Gothenburg in 1980. In the archive, there are many records relating to the Holocaust. These include documents about the aid activities for Jewish refugees and Holocaust survivors that the community and other Jewish organizations in Gothenburg carried out during and after the time of Nazi persecution and the Holocaust. The community's relief committee (see the series: Judis...

  14. 193. Suisse. Arrêté du Conseil fédéral du 18 mai 1943 sur le retrait de la nationalité 358. Statut des réfugiés lors de leur démobilisation des Forces britanniques, juillet 1944 - juin 1946 376. Octroi de la nationalité italienne, juillet 1944 - juillet 1946 384. Projet d'extension de la protection politique provisoire à tous les Juifs qui se trouvent entre les mains de l'Axe, septembre 1944 - février 1945 407. Problème des apatrides, octobre 1944 -novembre 1946 489. Protection politique et juridique des réfugiés d'Allemagne et d'Autriche arrivant en France, décembre 1944 - février 1946 548. Protection politique et juridique des réfugiés (autres que ceux d'Allemagne et d'Autriche) arrivant en France, février 1945 - août 1946 702. Protection juridique et politique des réfugiés espagnols en France, juillet 1945 octobre 1946 962. Protection juridique et politique des réfugiés espagnols au Portugal, janvier 1946 731. Protection juridique et politique des réfugiés aux Pays-Bas, août 1945 - septembre 1946 732. Id. Belgique, août 1945 - décembre 1946 829. Id. Tchécoslovaquie, août 1945 - août 1946 1058. Id. Etats-Unis, octobre 1945 - septembre 1946 1175. Id. Luxembourg, juillet 1946 - mai 1947 941. Détermination de la nationalité en Allemagne et en Autriche, décembre 1945 - décembre 1946 1003. Correspondance avec le Professeur Lauterpacht, professeur de droit international à l'Université de Cambridge, février - mai 1946 1013. Opinion du professeur Lauterpacht sur le statut juridique des réfugiés allemands, mars - septembre 1946