Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,621 to 1,640 of 10,181
  1. Pocket mirror with photographic image

    1. Kovary and Neuhaus families collection

    Pocket mirror with a photographic image of the Kovary family ca. 1945 on the other side.

  2. Dog tags

    1. Kovary and Neuhaus families collection

    Set of dog tags belonging to Ernest Kovary.

  3. Social Security identification tag

    1. Kovary and Neuhaus families collection

    Round metal Social Security tag belonging to Ernest Kovary. The opposite side has an image of the New York World's Fair.

  4. Palestine (Mandatory) Government, Migration Department: name card index (RG11)

    Contains approximately 35,000 index cards and correspondence relating to legal Jewish immigrants to Palestine between the years 1933-1948.

  5. Poverty in Smolensk

    VAR extreme poverty in Smolensk, USSR. Sick young children and babies lying in poorly-lit, grim room. Flies crawl on them. They are tended by two kerchiefed women. EXT pans of more young children, naked, on cloths on the ground. They are emaciated, crying or sleeping, crawling with flies. Ragged children, women, and men (probably refugees), walk along a dirt road in rural town, carrying bundles, some leading dray horses, cows. (Some children smile, they are walking toward camera.)

  6. Life (New York, New York) [Magazine]

    Life Magazine issue with an article with images of Marta and Franz P. Jager arriving on the Tatua Maru, a Japanese passenger ship, after fleeing Nazi ruled Vienna, Austria.

  7. German Army convoy

    Military and Red Cross trucks fill country lane. Prisoners marching. Nazis running in a city, checking IDs, directing traffic, etc. They check the papers of two Germans riding bicycles. Truck full of refugees' belongings. Tanks in country road.

  8. Ahuva Goldfarb papers

    1. Kedem Public Auction House Ltd. purchase

    Contains six letters from aid worker Ahuva Goldfarb, sent from the Caroulas Interment Camp in Famagusta, Cyprus, addressed to Dr. Mina Lifshitz, in Hadera, Palestine, 1946-1947. Also includes receipt booklet recording disbursements made to camp internees.

  9. Itzhak Giterman collection

    Contains records relating to the German occupation of France, Poland, and the Soviet Union. Subjects include activities of the Wehrmacht, the transport of Jews from France, and the establishment of German communities in the occupied territories in the East.

  10. Edwin Bader papers

    1. Dorit B. Whiteman collection

    Contains a university enrollment record (Meldungsbuch) issued in 1938 in Vienna, Austria, to Edwin Bader as a replacement for the original issued in 1910-1915, along with a photocopy of a note about proper behavior handed out to newly arrived refugees in England in 1938.

  11. Records relating to the Committee for Refugee Education "Progress Reports" from the Committee for Refugee Education, 1940-1942 and 1949

    Contains Committee for Refugee Education "Progress Report" for 1940, 1941, 1942, and 1949. The reports include information about the Committee for Refugee Education and its work; statistics on students participating in English training courses offered by the Committee; teaching methods used by Committee instructors; and other agencies, including the American Committee for Christian German Refugees and the Jewish Welfare Board, that cooperated with the CRE.

  12. Bleiweiss family collection

    Contains two photographs, four picture postcards, sixteen documents pertaining to the fates of Bernhard, Leo, Wolf, Chaim, and Maria Bleiweiss during the Holocaust. Documents include information about leaving Leipzig, Germany, in 1937, moving to Italy and France, the deportation of Bernhard, Leo, and Chaim to Auschwitz, and Wolf and Maria's later emigration to the United States.

  13. Giovanni Palatucci papers

    Contains a biography of Giovanni Palatucci (1909-1944), who, as the police commissioner of Fiume, on the Italian coast, worked to ensure the safe migration of refugees, prevent the looting of Jewish homes, hid files, and supplied money to refugees attempting to escape the Gestapo. In September 1944, he was arrested and sent to Dachau, where he perished. He was named Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem. Includes a certificate honoring Palatucci and the typed testimony of Goty Bauer of Milan, Italy, regarding his experiences with Palatucci.

  14. Documents from the Zentrale Staatsarchiv Potsdam

    Consists of selected documents from the Zentrale Staatsarchiv in Potsdam concerning various Holocaust subjects. Among the topics mentioned are antisemitism, Jewish refugees from Germany, laws for identification of Jews, and transport lists for Terezin and Auschwitz.

  15. U.S. soldiers in small European town and at camp

    US soldiers in combat gear and combat helmets boarding train, sitting in rail cars, eating and talking. VS, soldiers in combat helmets exiting building, walking towards camera. MLS, along roadside, civilians, local peasants with carts and all their belongings. Unclear if they are refugees leaving or returning home. VS, US soldiers hamming it up at base camp, two soldiers in SS uniforms engage in an Errol Flynn-style sword fight, mocking SS soldiers.