Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 121 to 140 of 3,431
  1. Documentation from the concentration camps and the POW camps in Germany from the OSOBY Archive in Moscow, 1938-1944

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 10633850
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1938-1944
    • Administrative documentation Financial accounts List of Nazi war criminals List of POWs Map Names of perpetrators Official documentation Order Personal documents Statistical data

    Documentation from concentration camps and POW camps in Germany from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1938-1944 The collection contains files regarding personnel matters, among them reports concerning transfers of staff members (including members of the Totenkopf units), promotion and the awarding of medals, and personal files of staff members; guidelines for Inspektion der Konzentrationslager (the supervision of the concentration camps) and guidelines issued by the Reichsfuehrer SS concerning administration of the concentration camps and the handling of the inmates, including matters pertainin...

  2. Zbiór akt jednostek SS i Policji z: Gdańska-Prus Zachodnich [Gau Danzig-Westpreussen], Prus Wschodnich [Gau Ostpreussen], Kraju Warty [Gau Wartheland], Górnego i Dolnego Śląska [Gau Ober-und Niederschlesien] oraz Komisariatu Rzeszy Wschód [Reichs ko m mis sariat Ostland]

    Materiały zebrane przez GKBZHwP: akta personalne funkcjonariuszy Gestapo w Cieszynie; akta jednostek SS i policji (przepisy prawne, wytyczne, okólniki, dekrety, zarządzenia, sprawozdania, meldunki, rozkazy, notatki służbowe, korespondencja) dot. organizacji i struktury żandarmerii, przeprowadzenia wysiedleń, postępowania karnego wobec Polaków, Rosjan i Żydów, zniemczania Polaków, postępowania ze zbiegłymi i zatrzymanymi polskimi robotnikami przymusowymi, sporządzania aktów zgonu przez starostwa oraz spraw więziennictwa, sytuacji politycznej i stanu bezpieczeństwa; akta dochodzeniowo-ś...

  3. Letters written by Elly Schőn to her husband Erich during his detention in Brno by the Gestapo, 1939; letter written in Auschwitz, 1944; letter written by Erich Schőn from Auschwitz-Birkenau to his sister-in-law Olga Kulka from Nový Hrozenkov, 1944

    1. P.25- Archive of Erich Kulka, Historian of Czech Jewry and Author

    Letters written by Elly Schőn to her husband Erich during his detention in Brno by the Gestapo, 1939; letter written in Auschwitz, 1944; letter written by Erich Schőn from Auschwitz-Birkenau to his sister-in-law Olga Kulka from Nový Hrozenkov, 1944 - Letter (original) written by Elly Schőn to her husband Erich during his detention in the city of Brno by the Gestapo, 20 July 1939; - Copy of a letter written by Erich Schőn (later Kulka) from Auschwitz-Birkenau to his sister-in-law (and future wife) Olga, 02 August 1944; - Copy of the farewell letter written by Elly Schőn to her husband Erich ...

  4. Personal documents belonging to Erich Schőn from Nový Hrozenkov, 1945-1950; confirmation of the name change from Erich Schőn to Erich Kulka, 1946

    1. P.25- Archive of Erich Kulka, Historian of Czech Jewry and Author

    Personal documents belonging to Erich Schőn from Nový Hrozenkov, 1945-1950; confirmation of the name change from Erich Schőn to Erich Kulka, 1946 - Confirmation issued by the Regional Committee in Vsetin regarding the Czechoslovakian citizenship of Erich Schőn, 1945; - Letter from the Committee for the Investigation of Crimes of Germans in Krakow from 1946 regarding the search for documents attesting to the murder of Jews from Czechoslovakia during the night between 08 and 09 March 1944 at the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp; - Confirmation issued by the National Committee in Brno reg...

  5. Correspondence between Erich Kulka and Attorney-at-Law Dr. Josef Danisz from Prague regarding the trial to clear Erich Kulka's name conducted against the media in Czechoslovakia, 1987-1990

    1. P.25- Archive of Erich Kulka, Historian of Czech Jewry and Author

    Correspondence between Erich Kulka and Attorney-at-Law Dr. Josef Danisz from Prague regarding the trial to clear Erich Kulka's name conducted against the media in Czechoslovakia, 1987-1990 - Agreement of Attorney-at-Law Dr. Josef Danisz from Prague to represent Erich Kulka in his lawsuit against the publication of the book, "V zemi zaslíbené?" (In the Promised Land?), by Josef Sebesta and against the Melantrich Publishing House, which published the book, on the charge of libel. In the book, Erich Kulka is accused of collaboration with the Gestapo; the book has an anti-Israel character; - Co...

  6. Correspondence between Erich Kulka and Pavel Bergmann from Prague, 1987-1989

    1. P.25- Archive of Erich Kulka, Historian of Czech Jewry and Author

    Correspondence between Erich Kulka and Pavel Bergmann from Prague, 1987-1989 Correspondence between Erich Kulka and Pavel Bergmann regarding the conduct of the libel trial that Erich Kulka brought in the Prague Court against Josef Sebesta, the author of the book, "V zemi zaslíbené?" (In the Promised Land?) and against the Melantrich Publishing House which published the book. In the book, Kulka is presented as a Gestapo agent during World War II, and as a Zionist activist against Czechoslovakia after his aliya to Israel in 1968. The book has an anti-Zionist and anti-Israel character.

  7. Documents, letters and articles published in the Israeli and foreign press regarding the libel trial conducted by Erich Kulka in the Prague Court against Josef Sebesta, the author of the book, "V zemi zaslíbené?" (In the Promised Land?) and the Melantrich

    1. P.25- Archive of Erich Kulka, Historian of Czech Jewry and Author

    Documents, letters and articles published in the Israeli and foreign press regarding the libel trial conducted by Erich Kulka in the Prague Court against Josef Sebesta, the author of the book, "V zemi zaslíbené?" (In the Promised Land?) and the Melantrich publishing house, 1987-1989 Correspondence with various bodies and articles published in Czechoslovakia and various countries regarding the trials initiated by Erich Kulka in his struggle against Josef Sebesta and his book, "V zemi zaslíbené?" (In the Promised Land?), in which Kulka is presented as a Gestapo agent during World War II and a...

  8. Memoirs of and an interview with Franz Kejmar

    1. P.25- Archive of Erich Kulka, Historian of Czech Jewry and Author

    Memoirs of and an interview with Franz Kejmar 1. Interview conducted by Erich Kulka with Franz Kejmar at Kejmar's home in Spain, 06 July 1986. Kejmar was an opponent of the Nazis in Austria. He was arrested by the Gestapo in July 1941, and a month later, on 19 August 1941, he was deported to Auschwitz as a political prisoner. There he worked in the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke (DAW) factories and served as a Kapo, a position in which he showed compassion and humaneness towards the inmates (in German); 2. Unpublished memoirs of Franz Kejmar (in German); 3. Article regarding Franz Kejmar, who wa...

  9. Zbiór fotokopii akt dotyczących okupacji niemieckiej w Polsce

    Fotokopie wykonane z akt archiwalnych zasobu byłej GKBZpNP i innych instytucji z lat 1939–1945: rozporządzenia RSHA w sprawie postępowania z robotnikami przymusowymi; materiały Policji Bezpieczeństwa: raporty dzienne grup operacyjnych (Einsatzgruppen) z terenu Polski z akcji eksterminacyjnych „Operacja Tannenberg” („Unternehmen Tannenberg”); wykazy egzekucji indywidualnych i zbiorowych; akta Gestapo z Łodzi, Radomia, Gdańska i in.; spisy aresztowanych, sprawozdania z działalności, rozkazy; materiały dot. żandarmerii, niemieckiej Policji Porządkowej (zarządzenia, wytyczne, rozkazy i in...

  10. Documentation, mainly of the Gestapo, regarding Soviet and Polish foreign laborers in Germany from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1941-1943

    Documentation, mainly of the Gestapo, regarding Soviet and Polish foreign laborers in Germany from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1941-1943 Most of the files in the collection are files from the Duesseldorf Gestapo and its neighboring branches (Krefeld and Moenchen-Gladbach) relating to specific foreign laborers for whom Gestapo intervention was requested. - File of the Krefeld Gestapo regarding foreign laborers from eastern Europe, including correspondence concerning police handling of specific laborers, and documentation regarding the implementation of the guideline from the Duesseldorf Ges...

  11. Gmina Żydowska Gliwice

    • Synagogen Gemeinde Gleiwitz
    • Jewish Community in Gliwice (Gleiwitz)

    Akta gminy żydowskiej w Gliwicach (1910- 1943), - Protokoły posiedzeń zarządu gminy 1914-1942, - Okólniki, ogłoszenia i zarządzenia nazistowskie 1938-1942, - sprawy gminy i Bezirkstelle Gleiwitz 1938-1943, - korespondencja gminy z władzami, gminami (Berlin, Wrocław, Opole, Racibórz), instytucjami żydowskimi, osobami prywatnymi. 1919-1943: - legaty, fundacje 1910-1939, - dokumenty bractwa pogrzebowego (Chewra Kadisza) 1931-1939, - statuty i korespondencja dotycząca domu starców 1926-1942, - sprawy własności gminy i majątku jej członków 1933-1943, w tym sprawy procesowe, spisy przejmowanych m...

  12. Abwicklungsstelle Abteilung 6 (JUVA)

    1. Bundesministerium für Finanzen

    Dieser Sonderbestand hat die Beschlagnahme volks- und staatsfeindlichen Vermögens (vgl. RGBl I 1938, S. 1620f) zum Gegenstand. Es geht dabei um jüdisches Vermögen, aber auch im Vermögen katholischer Vereine oder das Vermögen von Sozialdemokraten. Der Bestand gliedert sich in zwei Teile: - Im ersten, allgemeinen Teil findet man unter anderem den Schriftverkehr mit der Gestapo, anderen Ministerien und mitbeteiligten Dienststellen. - Der zweite Teil umfasst die Mappen 1–509, die durch einen eigenen, sich im Bestand befindlichen Index, erschlossen sind. Diese Mappen enthalten konkrete Fälle. Au...

  13. Archiv města Vizovice

    • Vizovice Town Archives / NAD 1154

    The fonds contains documents of the municipal self-government, deeds, official books, file material and accounting material. It contains only details about Jews: the great distillery of Zikmund Jelínek and Sons, the great distillery in Vizovice - purchase contracts, economic affairs, the inn in Zádveřice, construction plans, the appointment of a "faithful hand" during the 1888–1944 protectorate. The documents from the Holocaust period include the following: inspection and confiscation of supplies in the house of Josef Weiss, No. 417, by the Gestapo 1939; administration of Jewish property an...

  14. Documentation from the Gestapo Staatspolizeistelle Saarbruecken, 1937-1944

    Documentation from the Gestapo Staatspolizeistelle Saarbruecken, 1937-1944 In the documentation that was copied for Yad Vashem, there are files that deal with supervision over the clergy; training of candidates for the position of supervisor; examination [inspection] of members of the Foreign Legion in Metz, on suspicion of spying; foreign workers; people who are in need of special police protection; The documentation was copied for Yad Vashem in 2012.

  15. Documentation from the Landratsaemter (county district authorities) of Merzig, Saarlouis and St. Wendel in the Saar region, 1935-1947

    Documentation from the Landratsaemter of Merzig, Saarlouis and St. Wendel (district authorities) in the Saar region

  16. Documentation from the Landratsamt Saarbruecken (Saarbruecken district authority) in the Saar region

    Documentation from the Landratsamt Saarbruecken (Saarbruecken district authority) in the Saar region

  17. Documentation from the Amt Merzig-Land in the Saar region, 1901-1944

    Documentation from the Amt Merzig-Land in the Saar region

  18. Documentation from the Amt Nohfelden / Türkismühle in the Saar region, 1920-1944

    Documentation from the Amt Nohfelden / Türkismühle in the Saar region Documentation from the Amt Merzig-Land in the Saar region

  19. Zbiór Juliana Pasternaka

    Raporty o miejscach pamięci znajdujących się na terenie Polski dot. I i II wojny światowej, zbrodni wojennych Gestapo i Wehrmachtu, noty biograficzne uczestników działań wojennych, wycinki prasowe, mapy, fotografie z 40. rocznicy agresji III Rzeszy na ZSRS