Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,081 to 1,100 of 3,449
  1. American officers/POWs in Mauthausen

    (LIB 6495) Concentration Camp, Mauthasen, Austria, May 7-8, 1945. Sound interview with Lt Jack H Taylor, US Navy, who tells of his work in the German-occupied countries of Europe, his capture, and his treatment as a prisoner. Sound interview with Sgt Louis Biagioni, US Army, who tells of his service behind the lines serving with Italian partisans in the the northeast section of Italy. The Sgt relates his capture by the Gestapo and treatment while in the prison camp. Transcription: Jack H. Taylor U.S. Navy, CA. "Interview with American Officer in Austria, October 44. Captured in December by ...

  2. Barbie Trial -- Day 10 -- Victims testify

    Lise Lesevre: Resistance member. She was arrested by the Gestapo on March 13, 1943 while she carried a letter addressed to Didier, the false name of a Resistance leader. She was then interrogated and tortured by Barbie: hung by hand cuffs with spikes, forced under freezing water in a bathtub, and beaten with a spiked ball against her back which broke a vertebrae. She was condemned to death by a German military tribunal for "terrorism" but was placed in the wrong cell and deported to Ravensbruck instead. Her husband died at Dachau and her son was killed in a detention center in Neuengamme at...

  3. Fritz Weinschenk papers

    1. Fritz Weinschenk collection

    The Fritz Weinschenk papers primarily consist of case files documenting his assistance obtaining witness testimony related to war crimes proceedings in Germany. The papers also include Weinschenk’s writing files related to articles he wrote about the war crimes trials, and Gestapo Bremen and Abwehr files, which contain guidelines and regulations related to the Gestapo and government security. The war crimes case files document Weinschenk’s work with the West German government and West German courts and prosecutors in the prosecution of war criminals from the 1960s to the 1990s. German judic...

  4. Bronislaw Falborski

    Bronislaw Falborski witnessed the deportation of Jews from Kolo to Chelmno. He talks about the speed of the gas vans. This interview takes place in Falborski’s home in Poland and was recorded during Lanzmann’s second trip to Poland. FILM ID 3809 -- Camera Rolls 1-5 CR 1;2;3 (Rue à Midevits) CU, framed painting of Mary nursing baby Jesus on the wall. Mr. Falborski was the private driver for May from the autumn of 1941 to 1942. May lived in the house of a former forest warden, named Gay, in a town near Kolo. Falborski also lived in the house of an evicted forest warden. The wardens had been e...

  5. SD-Guide Sections Weimar und Erfurt SD-Leitabschnitte Weimar und Erfurt (Fond 1241)

    Consists of the 1939 reports of the SD sector in Eisenach; printed materials on the activities of the Institut zur Erforschung und Beseitigung des jüdischen Einflusses auf das deutsche kirchliche Leben ("Institute for the Investigation and Removal of Jewish Influence on German Religious Life"); a 1942 Himmler directive and other reports and regulations on strengthening SS and police combat forces in occupied Poland and the Eastern Territories, including the recruitment of Ukrainians, Balts, and White Ruthenians under the coordination of SS Brigade Leader Odilo Globočnik. Also included is a ...

  6. 1) Register "Erschießungen" des Oberbefehlshabers der Ordnungspolizei beim Reichsstatthalter in Posen, chronologisch geführtes Verzeichnis über Erschießungen "auf der Flucht" durch die Polizei (Schupo ...

    1. Gefängnisse
    2. Listenmaterial Gruppe P.P.
    1. Register "Erschießungen" des Oberbefehlshabers der Ordnungspolizei beim Reichsstatthalter in Posen, chronologisch geführtes Verzeichnis über Erschießungen "auf der Flucht" durch die Polizei (Schupo) und Gestapo in der Umgebung von Lodz, Wielun, Wieruszow und Ostrzeszow und Pajeczno, vom 23.11.39 - 10.1.45, 495 Namen, 20 Unbekannte, Angeführte Nationalitäten: außer vereinzelt angeführte Deutsche, Russen und Ukrainer, überwiegend Polen und Juden 2) Namentliche Aufstellung von Polen, welche innerhalb des Zeitraumes vom 14.10.39 - 1.2.40 in der Gegend von Kalisz und Wielun verhaftet, vom Son...
  7. Records of the Association of Victims of the Nazi Regime Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes (VVN)

    Contains two main components: organizational records of the record group VVN, and materials it collected on Holocaust victims and survivors, forced laborers, war criminals, and prisoners of war. Included are reports about victims; original ID-cards (Kennkarten) of German Jews with photographs and personal information; card indexes related to camps and prisons; and two volumes of a card index entitled “Prison Card Index of Office 710” from 1935 to 1937. There are also lists of Jewish victims and material on the Gestapo in Breslau, camp personnel, the murder of people with mental disabilities...

  8. Report issued by Dr. Loewenherz based on a diary of meetings between Lowenherz and Adolf Eichmann and his assistants, 1938-1945

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Report issued by Dr. Loewenherz based on a diary of meetings between Lowenherz and Adolf Eichmann and his assistants, 1938-1945 The main portion of the report concentrates on emigration, personal pressure and Eichmann's threats to speed up emigration of the Jews from Austria; description of Lowenherz' efforts to moderate Eichmann's decrees, the feeling of gloom pervading the Jews; anti-Jewish legislation; damages to person and to property; pressures imposed on Lowenherz such as detention, house-arrest, threats of personal sanctions against him after discovery of the "Baum Group" Affair, the...

  9. Plan for rescuing youth and children, establishment of the Central Office for Emigration of the Jews of Austria, the "Gildemeester Aktion (program to force the Austrian Jews to emigrate)", protocol and correspondence of Dr. Friedrich Neumann

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Plan for rescuing youth and children, establishment of the Central Office for Emigration of the Jews of Austria, the "Gildemeester Aktion (program to force the Austrian Jews to emigrate)", protocol and correspondence of Dr. Friedrich Neumann - Protocol of a discussion with the participation of Fritz Kraus, representative of the Reich Statthalterei (Office of the Reich Governor of Vienna), Dr. Erich Rajakovic, from Dr. Gallop's office, and Dr. Alfred Neumann, spokesman for the Jewish side, regarding the "Uebersiedlung Juedische Jugendliche und Kinder ins Ausland (Emigration of Youth and Chil...

  10. "The Destruction of Bialystok": Report by Zipora Kaplan regarding the fate of Jews in the Bialystok Ghetto

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    "The Destruction of Bialystok": Report by Zipora Kaplan regarding the fate of Jews in the Bialystok Ghetto Deportation of Jews from the Bialystok area to Treblinka, November 1942; murder of the Jews in Treblinka; escape of Jews from villages in the area to the Bialystok Ghetto; transfer of the civilian government in the ghetto to the Gestapo; sealing of the ghetto; prevention of Jews from leaving the ghetto to go to work outside the ghetto, February 1943; "Aktion" conducted by the Gestapo, Kripo and Schupo, 05 February 1943; refusal of Jewish policemen to cooperate with the Germans; murder ...

  11. Rapport van SS-Unterstuf. Fast van de SD-afdeling Innsbrück over de gebeurtenissen aldaar tijdens de Kristallnacht. Met de hoofden van de Orpo en Sipo...

    1. Proces Eichmann

    Rapport van SS-Unterstuf. Fast van de SD-afdeling Innsbrück over de gebeurtenissen aldaar tijdens de Kristallnacht. Met de hoofden van de Orpo en Sipo, de Gestapo en de Algemene SS was hij bij de Gauleiter, Hofer, ontboden. Deze deelde hen mee, dat de 'kochende Volksseele' in Duitsland zich al tegen de Joden en hun synagogen keerde. Dat moet ook in Tirol gebeuren. Bij branden moest niet de partij, maar de brandweer ingrijpen. Plunderingen moesten niet voorkomen; de Joden, vooral degenen, die tot werken in staat waren, moesten na afloop van de actie gearresteerd worden. Tot 6 uur in de ochte...