Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,041 to 1,060 of 3,449
  1. Documentation from the Amt Merzig-Land in the Saar region, 1901-1944

    Documentation from the Amt Merzig-Land in the Saar region

  2. Photographs of Nuremberg Atrocities

    Consists of 24 photographs of atrocities supposedly committed by Gestapo in and around Nuremberg, Germany, 1944-1945. Includes photographs of corpses of German soldiers and civilians. Some photographs are described, and some were apparently taken by the Nuremberg Criminal Police in 1944.

  3. Jan Quackenbush photograph collection

    The collection consists of two photographs of Maximilian Grabner, the director of the Gestapo at Auschwitz concentration camp, in the custody of armed guards.

  4. Susan Grosser papers

    The papers consist of a summons ("Borladung") from the state police ("Staatspolizei") in Vienna, Austria, issued to Karl Grosser donor's father and the envelope that held the summons.

  5. Franz Beaufaÿs anti-Nazi poetry

    Consists of one book, 44 pages, entitled "Franz Beaufaÿs, 1897-1961." The book consists of a collection of wartime and post-war poetry written by Franz Beaufaÿs in which he expresses his anger and disgust toward the Nazi regime, believing that the Nazis had co-opted the formerly proud German culture. Poems include "Buchenwald," "Politische Konferenz," and "Gestapo."

  6. Felice Ehrman collection

    Letters from donor's stepmother's brother from Moabit Prison in Berlin (a.k.a. Berlin-Moabit) to his father in Vienna, dated December 1939 to April 1941; letter from Zuchthaus Ebrach, written by Kurt König; receipts acknowledging money being received by König while imprisoned; Kurt König's death notice from the Gestapo.

  7. Gefangnenbuch, Strafgefaengnis Wolfenbuetel

    Photocopies of oversize pages of a prisoner register from Wolfenbuetel Prison in Lower Saxony where the Jewish deportees from the region (Braunschweig, Luenburg, etc.) were registered by the Gestapo and held November 10-11, 1938. There are also some arrests from before and after Kristallnacht listed.

  8. Copy of the diary of Felix Landau, Vienna

    Contains information regarding Felix Landau, who was employed by the Gestapo and was assigned to secure Jewish property, volunteered to report to an Einsatzkommando in the area of Milnicle. Descriptions of executions, taking of property from prisoners and corpses. Diary covers the month of July 1941.

  9. Creney-près-Troyes execution photograph

    Photographic print: black and white depicting members of the resistance who were executed by the Gestapo; captioned on verso “fusillés de Creney (49) / le 23 aout 1944”

  10. "Studenternes Efterretnigstjeneste"

    Contains copies of a newspaper entitled "Studenternes Efterretningstjeneste," with information about the arrests of members of the Danish population by the Gestapo. Studenternes Efterretningstjeneste (SE) was an underground resistance organization in Denmark.

  11. Postage stamp

    1. David Pearlman collection
  12. "My experiences in concentration camps"

    Describes Stanley Kania’s (Okocim, Poland, 07 May 1920 - ) arrest for anti-Nazi activities and interrogation by the Gestapo; his transport to and experiences in various Nazi concentration camps including Auschwitz, Gusen, Wiener Neudorf, and Mauthausen; and his liberation.

  13. Records relating to Jews and Roma in Berlin "Ostarbeiter" file from the Oberfinanzdirektion

    Includes information about various "Ostarbeiter" (forced laborers from the East) and their property.

  14. Kurt and Frieda Wellisch and Ignaz and Rosine Auerbach collection

    Collection of documents, correpondence, photographs and publications surrounding Kurt and Frieda Wellisch and their escape from Nazi occupied Vienna, Austria. Kurt, a lawyer, was arrested and held by the Gestapo before being released and able to flee to the United States.

  15. Karl Theumann photographs

    1. David Theuman collection

    Contains two photograps depicting Karl Theumann: a passport photo bearing a stamp from the Munich office of the Gestapo on the verso, with birthdate of Paul Theumann (6 July 1904); and an image of Theumann seated with a woman outside of a building.

  16. Nicht angeführt (Vernehmung des Gaustabsamtleiters Gerdes über Ogruf. Kaltenburnner und seine Befehle.

    1. Card index of the “general documents” of the collection Incarceration and Persecution
    2. Konzentrationslager
    3. Konzentrationslager Allgemeines
    4. Aktionen

    Gestapo-Vertrauensleute gibt es auf allen Gebieten des Lebens und überall in deutschen Machtbereich.Kaltenbrunner verlangte die Ausrottung der führenden Menschen der Ostvölker. Auch sollten alle deutschen Frauen 4 Kinder gebären.Alliierte Fallschirmspringer sind zu töten.Häftling in Dachau, Landsberg und Mühldorf sollen vor der Ankunft der Amerikaner getötet werden. Die Aktionen "Wolke A 1" und "Wolkenbrand" sind erwähnt.Folio 255-262: DeutschFolio 263-266: EnglischFolio 254: Beweismaterial Analyse des US Generalanwaltes, Dokument 3462 PS.

  17. Bertha Pappenheim: Copy letter

    Copy letter of Bertha Pappenheim, dated FrankfurtBarely legible 

  18. PM (New York, New York) [Newspaper]

    1. PM Newspaper collection

    One PM newspaper, dated July 20, 1943 with illustration by Arthur Szyk on page 2. The cartoon shows Hitler and other Nazi officials sitting around a table with the notice, "Gestapo Report 2000000 Jews Executed" and the caption "We Are Running Out of Jews."

  19. Varia

    1. Staatliche und parteiamtliche Akten bis 1945
    2. Deutsches Reich (bis 1945)
    3. Polizei und SS
    4. Gestapa/Gestapo

    I. [Staatspolizeileitstelle Karlsruhe/ Einsatzkommando Straßburg]: Varia, März-November 1944, Lebensläufe, Personalbogen und dergleichen, Dienststellenverzeichnis der Sicherheitspolizei (Sipo) im Elsass, [EAP 173-e-01/1], 6080-6104; II. Reichsfinanzminister (Schwerin von Krosigk): Interventionen, Mai 1944-März 1945; Aktennotizen und Korrespondenz Schwerin von Krosigk, Kaltenbrunner, Thierack, von Mülnheim betreffend Intervention des Reichsfinanzministers zugunsten Verhafteter (teilweise im Zusammenhang mit dem Juliattentat), [EAP 173-e-05/1], 6105-6114; III. Bayerische Politische Polizei bz...

  20. Gestapa

    1. Staatliche und parteiamtliche Akten bis 1945
    2. Deutsches Reich (bis 1945)
    3. Polizei und SS
    4. Gestapa/Gestapo

    I. Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt/ II a: Abwehrmaßnahmen gegen Kommunismus 1938: 9399-9479; 1) Gestapa (Best) an Stapostelle, 25. Januar 1938: Bedeutung der Russlandrückkehrer als Quelle für militärische Nachrichten, Sorgfältige Überwachung der Rückkehrer wegen kommunistischer Gefahr; 9401-9403; 9414; 2) Gestapa (Best) an Stapostelle vom 05. Februar 1938: Überwachung des Flugverkehrs zwischen Ost und Westeuropa, Genaue Passprüfung bei unvorhergesehenen Zwischenlandungen; 9405-946; 3) Gestapa an Stapostellen 28. Januar 1938: Überwachung der Korrespondenz der "deutschen Freiheitspartei"; 9407; 4) ...