Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 61 to 80 of 3,431
  1. Więzienie w Łowiczu

    • Więzienie Karno-Śledcze w Łowiczu
    • Prison in Łowicz

    Dokumentacja więzienia w Łowiczu w miarę pełny ilustruje zadania i działalność zakładu penitencjarnego w okresie międzywojennym i w latach okupacji niemieckiej w Polsce. W materiale aktowym odnaleźć można charakterystyczne przykłady dokumentacji związanej z funkcjonowaniem instytucji więzienia: od okólników Ministerstwa Sprawiedliwości i korespondencję urzędową z władzami, księgi raportów i rozkłady służby wartowniczej, sprawy personalne i organizacyjne zakładu aż po wykazy, kwestionariusze i teczki osobowe uwięzionych. Z zarządzeń Ministerstwa Sprawiedliwości zachowało się kilkanaście okól...

  2. Medal honoring soldiers killed during the invasion issued to a Dutch resistance leader

    1. Felix and Flory Van Beek collection

    Medal honoring soldiers who died in the May 1940 invasion, with shield and broken sword, awarded to Piet Brandsen by Stichting 1940-1945 for his bravery and resistance activities during the German occupation of the Netherlands from May 1940-May 1945. The six medals in the series honor the following: 1. For the soldiers who fell in the May 1940 invasion [this medal, 1990.23.240.3]; 2. For those who endured the bombardments and attacks (1990.23.240.3; 3. For victims of torture and betrayal (1990.23.240.3]; 4. For those who suffered in the concentration camps (1990.23.240.3; 5. For those who w...

  3. Pery Broad

    Pery Broad spent two years as a guard in Auschwitz Birkenau. Broad voluntarily wrote a report of his activities whilst working for the British as a translator in a POW camp after the war. The Broad Report corroborates extermination installations and the burning of corpses. This interview was filmed in 1979 with a hidden camera, known as a Paluche, which caught fire. FILM ID 3438 -- Camera Rolls 1A -- 02:00:18 to 02:12:29 Lanzmann and Broad begin the interview by discussing the recently presented television miniseries, Holocaust. Broad states that he can face the past, but cannot dominate it...

  4. Small leather suitcase used by a Hungarian Jewish family while living in hiding

    1. George Pick family collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn514721
    • English
    • a: Height: 5.250 inches (13.335 cm) | Width: 17.375 inches (44.133 cm) | Depth: 11.125 inches (28.258 cm) b: Height: 0.625 inches (1.588 cm) | Width: 5.875 inches (14.923 cm) | Depth: 1.625 inches (4.128 cm)

    Small leather case used by Malvina Kornhauser from November 1944 until January 1945 while she was staying in a Swedish protected building and then in the Budapest ghetto in German occupied Hungary. The suitcase was purchased by her son-in-law Istvan Pick during the 1930s for use in his job as a traveling sales engineer for grape presses for the Rokk Istvan Machine factory. Before November, Malvina lived with her daughter Margit Pick, her husband Istvan, and son Gyorgy. Hungary was an ally of Nazi Germany and adopted similar anti-Jewish laws in the 1930s. Istvan, an engineer, lost his job in...

  5. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 20 kronen note

    1. Felix and Flory Van Beek collection

    Theresienstadt scrip, valued at 20 (zwanzig) kronen, acquired by Flory Cohen Levi, who survived in hiding in her native Netherlands during the war. This type of scrip was distributed in Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp from May 1943-April 1945 in German occupied Czechoslovakia. Flory met Felix Levi, a refugee from Hitler's Germany, in the mid-1930s. After Germany invaded Poland, Felix convinced Flora to flee. In November 1939, they sailed for South America aboard the SS Simon Bolivar, which was sunk by German mines. They were rescued by the British military and taken to a hospital...

  6. Commemorative medal issued to a Dutch resistance leader

    1. Felix and Flory Van Beek collection

    Commemorative medal, one of six, awarded to Piet Brandsen by Stichting 1940-1945 for his bravery and resistance activities during the German occupation of the Netherlands from May 1940-May 1945. Stichting 1940-1945 was a foundation created during the war to provide aid to resistance members and their families. After Netherlands was invaded by Germany in May 1940, Piet and his wife Dina, devout Christians, joined the resistance. Piet helped many Jewish people go into hiding, in his own home and with other resistance members. He also provided false identities and food coupons. He was arrested...

  7. Commemorative medal issued to a Dutch resistance leader

    1. Felix and Flory Van Beek collection

    Commemorative medal, one of six, awarded to Piet Brandsen by Stichting 1940-1945 for his bravery and resistance activities during the German occupation of the Netherlands from May 1940-May 1945. Stichting 1940-1945 was a foundation created during the war to provide aid to resistance members and their families. After Netherlands was invaded by Germany in May 1940, Piet and his wife Dina, devout Christians, joined the resistance. Piet helped many Jewish people go into hiding, in his own home and with other resistance members. He also provided false identities and food coupons. He was arrested...

  8. Commemorative medal issued to a Dutch resistance leader

    1. Felix and Flory Van Beek collection

    Commemorative medal, one of six, awarded to Piet Brandsen by Stichting 1940-1945 for his bravery and resistance activities during the German occupation of the Netherlands from May 1940-May 1945. Stichting 1940-1945 was a foundation created during the war to provide aid to resistance members and their families. After Netherlands was invaded by Germany in May 1940, Piet and his wife Dina, devout Christians, joined the resistance. Piet helped many Jewish people go into hiding, in his own home and with other resistance members. He also provided false identities and food coupons. He was arrested...

  9. Oberkommando Wehrmacht/ Amtsgruppe Ausland

    1. Staatliche und parteiamtliche Akten bis 1945
    2. Deutsches Reich (bis 1945)
    3. Militär
    4. Zentrale Einrichtungen der Reichswehr und Wehrmacht
    5. Spitzenbehörden
    6. OKW/Wehrmachtsführungsstab

    I. Oberkommando Wehrmacht/ Amtsgruppe Ausland: ( =Ag Ausland IIA5 Band II; Heeresarchiv Potsdam, Sg.70/no 33 683) (OKW/1063): Meldung von V-Männern und der Auslandspresse, Bericht Generalkonsul von Krug (Vichy), usw., November-Dezember 1942: Entwicklung in Frankreich und französisch Nordafrika während und nach der alliierten Landung am 08. November 1942; Blatt 5.647 007-5.647 229; Inhaltsverzeichnis; Blatt 5.647 009-5.647 012: 1) Generalstab des Heeres/ Fremde Heere West an Auslands Abwehr vom 27. Dezember 1942: Aufstellung einer französischen Armee unter General Giraud als Nachfolger für d...

  10. Commemorative medal issued to a Dutch resistance leader

    1. Felix and Flory Van Beek collection

    Commemorative medal, one of six, awarded to Piet Brandsen by Stichting 1940-1945 for his bravery and resistance activities during the German occupation of the Netherlands from May 1940-May 1945. Stichting 1940-1945 was a foundation created during the war to provide aid to resistance members and their families. After Netherlands was invaded by Germany in May 1940, Piet and his wife Dina, devout Christians, joined the resistance. Piet helped many Jewish people go into hiding, in his own home and with other resistance members. He also provided false identities and food coupons. He was arrested...

  11. Polizeipräsidium Berlin

    1. Bestände vor 1945
    2. Preußische und Reichsbehörden mit regionaler Zuständigkeit
    3. Preußische Behörden
    4. Polizeibehörden

    Vorwort A Pr.Br.Rep. 030 Polizeipräsidium Berlin 1. Behördengeschichte Die preußische Städteverordnung vom 19. November 1808 sah vor, in den größeren Städten eine staatliche Polizeiverwaltung zu errichten und in den kleineren die Ausübung der Polizei dem Magistrat auftragsweise zu übertragen. Dementsprechend wurde in der Residenzstadt Berlin am 25. März 1809 ein Königliches Polizeipräsidium errichtet, wobei in diesem besonderen Fall an eine bereits bestehende staatliche Polizeibehörde angeknüpft werden konnte (vgl. Teil I, S. 404 ff. Pr. Br. Rep. 30 Berlin A). Dem Polizeipräsidium Berl...

  12. Black and white patterned case for medals awarded postwar to a Dutch resistance leader

    1. Felix and Flory Van Beek collection

    Fitted case for a set of 6 medals issued to Piet Brandsen by Stichting 1940-1945 for his bravery and resistance activities during the German occupation of the Netherlands from May 1940-May 1945. Stichting 1940-1945 was a foundation created during the war to provide aid to resistance members and their families. After Netherlands was invaded by Germany in May 1940, Piet and his wife Dina, devout Christians, joined the resistance. Piet helped many Jewish people go into hiding, in his own home and with other resistance members. He also provided false identities and food coupons. He was arrested...

  13. Award certificate issued postwar with 6 medals to a Dutch resistance leader

    1. Felix and Flory Van Beek collection

    Certificate for a set of 6 medals issued to Piet Brandsen by Stichting 1940-1945 for his bravery and resistance activities during the German occupation of the Netherlands from May 1940-May 1945. Stichting 1940-1945 was a foundation created during the war to provide aid to resistance members and their families. After Netherlands was invaded by Germany in May 1940, Piet and his wife Dina, devout Christians, joined the resistance. Piet helped many Jewish people go into hiding, in his own home and with other resistance members. He also provided false identities and food coupons. He was arrested...

  14. Commemorative medal issued to a Dutch resistance leader

    1. Felix and Flory Van Beek collection

    Commemorative medal, one of six, awarded to Piet Brandsen by Stichting 1940-1945 for his bravery and resistance activities during the German occupation of the Netherlands from May 1940-May 1945. Stichting 1940-1945 was a foundation created during the war to provide aid to resistance members and their families. After Netherlands was invaded by Germany in May 1940, Piet and his wife Dina, devout Christians, joined the resistance. Piet helped many Jewish people go into hiding, in his own home and with other resistance members. He also provided false identities and food coupons. He was arrested...

  15. Henryk Gawkowski and Treblinka railway workers

    Henryk Gawkowski was a locomotive conductor at the Treblinka station and estimates that he transported approximately 18,000 Jews to the camp. He drank vodka all the time because it was the only way to make bearable his job and the smell of burning corpses. He describes the black market and the prostitution that developed around the camp. This interview also includes conversations with several other Polish witnesses who were railway workers. FILM ID 3362 -- Camera Rolls #4-7 -- 01:00:00 to 01:13:26 Gawkowski and a Polish choir sing "W mogile ciemnej ?pij na wieki," a Gregorian-chant style fu...

  16. Schriftgutverwaltung

    1. Staatliche und parteiamtliche Akten bis 1945
    2. Deutsches Reich (bis 1945)
    3. Polizei und SS
    4. Persönlicher Stab

    I. Reichsführer SS/ Persönlicher Stab (RFSS/ Pers. Stab): SS-Obersturmführer Wilhelm Friedrich Mayr: Korrespondenz Reichssippenamt, SS-Personalhauptamt, 28. Oktober 1938-19. April 1943: Ariererklärung für Oberleutnant Helgo Magnussen; Versuch, diese auch für dessen Schwester (verheiratet mit SS-Obersturmführer W. F. Mayr-Miesbach) zu erlangen [Originalakte 294], 7 947-8 029; II. RFSS/ Pers. Stab: Professor F. A. Six, 1943: Übersendung von Abhandlungen Francesco Orestano (Das religiöse Leben des neuen Europa), Bischof Alois Hudal (Europas religiöse Zukunft), Baron Julius Evola (Missklänge in...

  17. RSHA

    1. Staatliche und parteiamtliche Akten bis 1945
    2. Deutsches Reich (bis 1945)
    3. Polizei und SS
    4. Reichssicherheitshauptamt

    I. [Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA)]: Varia, 1942-1945, 1993-2325: 1) M. M. Rost von Tonningen an Himmler vom 22. September 1942: Kritik an der bisherigen Politik in den Niederlanden; Kritik an der NSB-Führung (Nationalsozialistische Bewegung in den Niederlanden), an Schmidt, Wimmer, Fischböck, Hirschfeld (Wirtschaftsministerium), Louwe (Generaldirektor der Ernährung); Positive Beurteilung von SS-Stabsführer Thiel, Unger, Oskam (Landwirtschaftsministerium); Möglichkeiten für Einsatz von Niederländern im Osten, 1995-2000; 2) Bericht [ohne Datum, ohne Verfasser]: Alm Nachfolger von Astrup al...

  18. Coin purse owned by Otto Frank

    1. Ryan M. Cooper collection

    Change purse owned by Otto Frank. Otto was a German Jewish businessman who immigrated to Amsterdam, Netherlands, with his wife, Edith, and daughters, Margot and Anne. Germany invaded the Netherlands on May 10, 1940. Under German occupation, antisemitic restrictions were enforced, and Otto set up a hiding place in the attic of his business. The family moved into their hidden rooms on July 6, 1942, and were later joined by four others. Otto’s most trusted employees, including Miep and Jan Gies, immediately agreed to help them, at great risk to their own safety. Otto’s most trusted employees, ...

  19. Pewter mustard pot owned by Otto Frank

    1. Ryan M. Cooper collection

    Pewter mustard pot owned by the Frank family. Otto Frank was one of three children born to Michael and Alice Frank in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. He had three siblings, Robert, Herbert, and Helene. Michael had founded a family banking business, which his wife and sons took over after his death in 1909. Helene moved to Basel, Switzerland, with her husband in 1931, and Herbert immigrated to France in 1932. After Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany in January 1933, authorities quickly began suppressing the rights and personal freedoms of Jews, and boycotting their businesses. Shor...

  20. Felix and Flory Van Beek collection

    1. Felix and Flory Van Beek collection

    The Felix and Flory Van Beek papers consist of biographical materials, correspondence, diaries, a personal narrative, photographs, and printed materials documenting a German-Dutch couple, their thwarted efforts to escape Europe on the SS Simon Bolivar, their survival in hiding with two separate Dutch families, their liberation, their immigration to the United States, and the deaths of their family members in the Holocaust. Many documents are accompanied by Flory Van Beek's annotations. Biographical materials primarily document Felix and Flory Van Beek and include certificates, correspondenc...