Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,501 to 6,520 of 10,181
  1. Ellen H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ellen H., who was born in Tyszowce, Poland in 1915. She recalls moving with her parents to Zamos?c?; engagement to her future husband; living with her older brother in ?o?dz?; returning home; German invasion; going to her fiance?'s small village for two weeks; returning home; brief Soviet occupation; receiving a letter from her fiance? asking her to join him in Soviet territory; her parents encouraging her to go; meeting her fiance? in Lut?s??k; marriage; being sent to Kazan?, then to Siberia; living in Asino; volunteering for transfer after German invasion of the Sov...

  2. Kurt G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Kurt G., who was born in a small town in Westphalia, Germany in 1917. One of fifteen children in a poor family, he recalls leaving home at age fourteen; an apprenticeship in Upper Silesia until 1937; his close friendship with the owner of a Berlin factory where he worked; Nazi attacks on students; fending off an SS assault; avoiding arrest during Kristallnacht by hiding in various locations in Berlin; escaping with three friends to Ter Apel, Netherlands; capture and return to Germany; five weeks in prison in Emden, then Berlin; emigration to England in March 1939; wor...

  3. Eva G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva G., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1920, an only child. She recalls a comfortable childhood in an assimilated family; attending private school, then at age ten, public school; observing Hitler marching from their balcony; close relations with their maids, which ended abruptly after the Nuremberg laws; the trauma of being shunned by former friends; hiding during Kristallnacht; her parents sending her to England in March 1939; working as a maid in London, and as a secretary in Epsom and at a paper factory; her parents emigrating to the United States, with assist...

  4. Hella B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hella B., who was born in Neuss, Germany in 1915. She recalls living in Berlin; her father's position for Siemens in Spain; living in Seville; her older brother's death at a boarding school when she was five; moving frequently and attending boarding schools; living in Lu?denscheid, Cologne, and Nuremberg; antisemitic harassment; a book burning; finishing gymnasium; attending art school in Berlin; her parents obtaining emigration documents for her to join an uncle in New York; staying in England for six weeks with an aunt; arrival in the United States; learning her unc...

  5. Walter L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Walter L., who was born in Gerolzhofen, Germany in 1924. He recalls his father's death in 1931; significant local support for Nazism; anti-Jewish restrictions; attacks by other children when returning from school; his grandfather being marched through town to be cursed and spat upon; moving to Buttenhausen in 1936; expulsion from public school in 1937; his bar mitzvah; burning of the synagogue on Kristallnacht; forced labor in a nearby town; moving to Cologne; receiving emigration papers through relatives in Palestine; traveling to Haifa under the auspices of Youth Al...

  6. Joseph S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph S., who was born in Charleroi, Belgium in 1931. He recalls attending public school; studying with his father, a rabbi; his grandfather's arrival from Austria in 1938; German invasion in May 1940; fleeing with his family to France; living at a refugee shelter in Saint-Pourc?ain-sur-Sioule; moving to Vichy; living at a hotel which housed OSE offices; moving to Nice in August 1940; his grandfather's death; hiding after foreign Jews were required to report to authorities; living openly during Italian occupation; German occupation in September 1943; he and his broth...

  7. Mary G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mary B., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1908. She tells of her orthodox family; moving to Graz in 1935 to prepare for emigration to Palestine; returning to Vienna in 1937; German annexation of Austria; one brother's escape to Switzerland and another's to Belgium; his placing an advertisement in a British paper to find a position for her; receiving an offer of employment and a visa from a British family; the difficult parting from her parents; seeing her brother in Belgium en route; and arrival in London. She describes living in Torquay; her employer's dissatisfact...

  8. Morris B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Morris B., who was born in Galicia in 1913. He recounts his family fleeing to Vienna during World War I; his determination to learn Austrian German and assimilate into the culture, thinking his future was there; working in a textile factory; attending law school; attending a Nazi convention in Munich in 1936 with fellow students; German occupation in 1938; marriage; arrest on Kristallnacht; beatings and shootings; an Austrian officer releasing him; emigration to Geneva via Italy; obtaining emigration papers to Cuba with assistance from a non-Jewish banker in Zurich; e...

  9. Moses K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Moses K., who was born in Drohobych, Ukraine (then Poland) in 1918. He recalls leaving public school after third grade due to anti-Semitic treatment; working at odd jobs; visiting an uncle in Lv?iv after his bar mitzvah; traveling a circuitous route for months to Palestine with assistance from people in Constant?a, Budapest, Salonica, and I?zmir;imprisonment in Acre for illegally entering Palestine; transfer to a prison in Jerusalem; his release through the intercession of a rabbi; working for the British; stealing arms for the Haganah; working in several places; and ...

  10. Eric L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eric L., who was born in O?hringen, Germany in 1916. He relates his family's history in Germany since the 17th century; moving in 1926 to Go?ppingen, where his father was rabbi, religious school teacher and cantor; friendly relationships with classmates; the shock of Hitler's appointment as Chancellor; people at school soon wearing swastika buttons; continued support from two Catholic classmates; students wearing brown uniforms and singing Nazi songs; and withdrawing from school due to antisemitism. He recounts the next four years at an orthodox teacher-training schoo...

  11. Helga G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helga G., a Lutheran, who was born deaf in Hamburg, Germany in 1923, the oldest of five children. She recalls attending a school for the deaf; Hitler's assumption of power; her parents' and other relatives' anti-Nazi beliefs; being forced by a teacher to join a Nazi group (N.S.D.A.P.); observing Jews wearing the yellow star; the disappearance of Jews; a deaf teacher informing the class he was to be involuntarily sterilized; his suicide when his arrest was imminent as an anti-Nazi; her involuntary sterilization; meeting her future husband in Leipzig (he was deaf and al...

  12. Renate K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Renate K., who was born in Kassel, Germany in 1926. She recounts her family's assimilated lifestyle; attending German school; cordial relations with non-Jews; increasing antisemitism in the 1930s; former friends ignoring her; anti-Jewish restrictions; her violin teacher discontinuing her lessons; a woman in their building, whose son was a Nazi official, offering her lessons despite the prohibition; Kristallnacht; her father's and grandfather's deportation to Buchenwald; their release several weeks later; her father's ruined health; expulsion from school; obtaining vis...

  13. Isador J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Isador J., who was born in Vienna, Austria, the older of two children. He recounts his parents were Polish immigrants; his family's orthodoxy; completing high school; German occupation in 1938; anti-Jewish laws; a fight with a non-Jewish friend; leaving the next day without telling his family; traveling by train to Innsbruck; interdiction while trying to enter Switzerland; being kept at the railroad station and placed on a train to Vienna the next day; jumping from the train; walking toward the Alps; a shepherd sheltering him overnight, then escorting and directing hi...

  14. Eva P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva P., who was born in Danzig in 1929. She remembers an affluent childhood prior to 1938; anti-Jewish regulations forcing her father to cease practicing medicine; Hitler's visit to Danzig; having to attend Jewish school; her father's brief arrest in winter 1939; leaving for Marseille on July 27 with her parents; embarking by ship for Shanghai; during a stop in Hong Kong, her father's brief internment as a "German enemy" by the British; his release due to intervention by the local Jewish community; continuing to Shanghai; attending a British school; replacement of the...

  15. Eric S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eric S., who was born in Gymnich, Germany, in 1915. Mr. S. recalls childhood in a small Catholic town; going to Cologne in 1930 to learn office skills; being forced by Nazis to leave his position with a Jewish company in Frankfurt; returning home to help in the family tannery; pillaging of the business during Kristallnacht; incarceration with his two brothers; transport to Dachau; their release because they had documents to leave Germany; emigration with his brothers to Kenya (his parents remained and perished); and arrival in Mombasa. He tells of a Jewish organizatio...

  16. Ann E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ann E., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1924. She recounts her father's service in World War I (he was in a Russian POW camp for several years); not being admitted to public school because she was Jewish; the Anschluss; expulsion from private school; her father's imprisonment in Dachau on Kristallnacht; his release after six weeks due to his veteran's status; she and her sister being sent on a kindertransport to London in March 1939; living with a foster family in Bedford for over two years; her parents arriving later in 1939; visiting them; her father's incarcerat...

  17. Rita S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rita S., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1929, the youngest of four children. She recounts the flags changing in 1933; her father's strong German patriotism; her older sister's emigration to Palestine that year; a close extended family; attending a Jewish school; being beaten on the street by Hitler Youth; her oldest brother's emigration to Buenos Aires in 1935; her father and brother hiding when Polish Jews were rounded up for deportation; a warning from non-Jewish neighbors prior to Kristallnacht; another neighbor saving their store from vandalism; deciding to le...

  18. Zoltan G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Zoltan G., who was born in Nagykaroly, Hungary (presently Carei, Romania) in 1908. Mr. G. recalls his orthodox home as one of ten children; briefly attending Yeshiva; cordial relations between Christians and Jews; joining an older brother in Paris in 1922 to become an apprentice in the handbag industry; building a successful business employing over 1,000 people; marriage in 1936; his son's birth in 1937; and the birth of twins in 1940. He describes leaving Paris for Vichy France prior to German occupation in 1940; living in Toulouse and Grenoble; buying visas from the...

  19. Clara and Julius W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Clara W. and Julius W. Ms. W. was born in Crumstadt, Germany in approximately 1906. She recounts their decision to emigrate after her husband was taken to Dachau; leaving on the St. Louis with her husband, daughter, father and other relatives; not being allowed to disembark in Cuba; entering England with their family; and emigration to join her brother in the United States in 1946. Mr. W. was born in Lustadt, Germany in approximately 1897. He recalls five weeks incarceration in Dachau beginning on November 10, 1938; his release based on his leaving Germany as soon as ...

  20. John H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of John H., who was born in Brno, Czechoslovakia in 1918. He recalls a happy youth in an assimilated family; participating in Zionist organizations; beginning medical school; German invasion; unsuccessfully attempting to escape to Prague; anti-Jewish restrictions; a non-Jewish friend purchasing a train ticket for his escape; traveling to San Remo, then Nice, in July 1939; the outbreak of war in September; enlisting in the Czech military; retreating from the Germans; evacuation to Liverpool in 1940; continuing medical training in London; rejoining his military unit, which...