Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,461 to 6,480 of 56,066
  1. Ernest J. Gunther collection

    Contains a photo album containing black and white copy prints of images by Lt. Ernest J. Gunther, head of a military intelligence interrogation team with the US Army 12th Armored Division, at the Kaufering IV concentration camp. Includes images of American soldiers, scenes from around the camp, and images of victims found in the camp.

  2. General Hans von Boineburg-Lengsfeld statement concerning the 20 July 1944 plot

    One document, consisting of a typescript text of General Hans von Boineburg-Lengsfeld, a German officer in the Wehrmacht during World War II, describing his involvement in the conspiracy related to the assassination attempt on Hitler on 20 July 1944, and the reaction of German military commanders in occupied France (Paris), where Boineburg was stationed at the time. Includes two typescript pages, as well as one handwritten page by Boineburg. The document was obtained by the donor’s father, Ernest Fiedler (1922-2003), who after his own escape from Germany in 1938, served in counter-intellige...

  3. Selected records of the Court of the First Instance in Rawa Mazowiecka Sąd Grodzki w Rawie Mazowieckiej (Sygn.1846)

    Court civil cases investigated by the court during the occupation of Poland. The cases relate to Jews who were inhabitants of Rawa Mazowiecka and include records of evictions or paying off debts.

  4. Nazi propaganda slides regarding America

    Consists of eleven published photographic slides produced by the NSDAP, Dienststelle Rosenberg Amt Lehrmittel, depicting Nazi propaganda of American Jewish life. Includes nine slides of politicians (Jewish and non-Jewish) with Jewish constituents (including Franklin Roosevelt, Fiorello LaGuardia, Frank Knox, Felix Frankfurter, and Herbert Lehman), images of New York City, of unemployed Americans, and of a synagogue in the city. Also includes one slide depicting a snowball fight and one of a German barn.

  5. Herman Kutun collection

    Consists of loose photographs and photograph album pages from the collection of Herman Kutun, a member of the Counter-Intelligence Corps and Army Air Corps. The photographs depict Kutun, his fellow soldiers, displaced persons, and local people in Oberammergau, Kitzingen, and Bad Kissingen. Many of the photographs were taken at a displaced persons camp in Garmisch.

  6. American nurses sightseeing in England

    Beatrice and some military personnel stand in Trafalgar Square in London. The 51st Field Hospital arrived in England in March 1944. Nelson's Column, the bronze lions, and crowds feeding pigeons are visible. A sign says, "Let our savings speak for us. Carry on London. Salute the soldier." on the base of the column. 01:03:47 Buckingham Palace. The group poses outside Westminster Abbey. They continue to sightsee in London: the clock tower at Westminster Palace, red double-decker busses, the Tower Bridge, the Tower of London, and St. Paul's Cathedral, and at 01:05:43 the Wells Cathedral in Some...

  7. Selected records of the district of Błonie (Grodzisk Mazowiecki) Starostwo Powiatowe Błońskie w Grodzisku Mazowieckim (Sygn. 20)

    Contains records relating to the proof of the Polish citizenship (some documents contain personal photographs), and correspondence of the County Starosty of Błonie with the Polish consulates in other countries (mainly France, England, USA); also included are police documents concerning surveillance of political parties and social organizations of 1928-1932.

  8. Eisenstein and Grunwald families in Cernosice in 1935

    Title: "Cernosice 1935". Children at play in the garden in summer at the Eisenstein summer villa, including John Grunwald (the boy conducting). Exercising on gymnastic rings outdoors. Playing in the water. The Eisenstein family poses for the camera (Zdenka, Helena, Karel and Emil); mother combs boy's hair. 03:55 Kids (Helena and John) sit at table outdoors, put on a performance. John appears tied to his little brother, Misa. Playing in the pool in swimsuits. Zdenka and her children pick flowers from the garden. Otto, Herta, Karl, Mathilda Eisenstein, and Otto's grandchildren Misa and John w...

  9. Files of Szymon Zachariasz Akta Szymona Zachariasza (Sygn. 476)

    Collection of files relating to Szymon Zachariasz and his political activities. Contains resumes, surveys, certificates, identity cards, memories of Zachariasz; memories and reports of the Komunistyczana Partia Polski (KPP) and its activists, records on the cooperation with the editorial committee of the dictionary "Słownik Biograficzny Działaczy Polskiego Ruchu Rewolucyjnego", articles published in the "Folks Sztyme", and other unpublished speeches and articles, 1941-1968; papers, historical sketches, instructions, clippings and extracts from the press issued on the celebration of the anni...

  10. Oral history interview with Zoltan Weisz

  11. Selected records of the United Nations War Crimes Commission. Polish Delegate to the Commission of United Nations for War Crimes United Nations War Crimes Commission. Delegat Polski do Komisji Narodów Zjednoczonych do Spraw Zbrodni Wojennych (Sygn. GK 161)

    This collection contains Polish, British and American regulations concerning the research, investigation and judgement of war criminals. Voluntary testimonies of SS-Gruppenführer, Jakub Sporrenberg and SS-Hauptsturmführer, Fridel Rau concerning their activities in Lublin and other occupied territories, the case of soap making in the Institute of Anatomy in Gdańsk, protection of objects of art and archival objects stolen in Poland by Germans, Germanization of Polish children, the camp of Płaszów, texts of Polish “claims” in the case of Nazi war criminals, a copy of verdict by the court in Kr...

  12. Menachem Shapiro photographs

    Contains nine postwar photographs of Menachem Shapiro and his parents in the Santa Maria di Leuca camp in Italy and in Palestine, dated 1946-1949.

  13. Weinberg family collection

    Consists of seven photographs, including a 1936 photograph of a group of young women in Poland; a photograph of Yitzhak Weinberg's post-war bar mitzvah in Palestine; portraits of Hirsch and Rivke Weinberg; and portraits of Ester Malka and Yitzhak Stiel. Also includes Yitzhak (Izak) Stiel's 1947 Polish passport.

  14. Book written by an Austrian Jewish refugee rescued as a child and brought to the US

    Copy of a book written by Peter Linhard, who, as a six year old, was one of "50 children" brought to America from Vienna, Austria, in 1939 by Eleanor and Gilbert Kraus of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

  15. League for the struggle against racism. Main Board and Regional Boards in Bydgoszcz and Ostrów Wielkopolski Liga do Walki z Rasizmem. Zarząd Główny i Zarządy Okręgowe w Bydgoszczy i Ostrowiu Wielkopolskim (Syg. 360)

    Selected records of the Liga do Walki z Rasizmem (League for the Struggle against Racism). The collection contains a statute, minutes, receipts, cash books, and name lists of the League members of two regions in Poland: Bydgoszcz and Ostrów Wielkopolski.

  16. C.E. Abbott photograph collection

    Photographic postcard: black and white image of Nazi party members at a 25th anniversary event; men standing, and one seated, in front of Nazi flag, portrait of Hitler, and signage. Photographic print: black and white image of two Wehrmacht soldiers on the front.

  17. Wajsrosen family collection

    Contains a "Certificate of Integrity," based on a background check, issued by the Israeli Police to Malka Weissrozen (donor) for the purpose of issue of US visa; dated April 1955; a photograph depicting Malka on a motorcycle in the Bergen Belsen DP camp, dated: June 28, 1946; an identification photograph, c. 1954, for Mala Malka Bella Wajsrozen b. 12/18/1930 in Sandomierz, Poland, daughter of Cwi Hersch Wajsrozen, b. 1887 and Chana Tuchman Wajsrozen.

  18. Selected records of the Court of the First Instance in Rawa Mazowiecka Sąd Grodzki w Rawie Mazowieckiej (Sygn.1847)

    Mainly consists of court civil cases of the post-war period in Poland. Court cases relate to Jews of Rawa Mazowiecka and include records of possession, reconstruction of acts of marital status (certificates of birth, marriages and deaths), finding dead persons, and cases of inheritance. Contains also inventories and financial books of the bailiff of the Court in Rawa Mazowiecka, 1939-1950.

  19. Selected records of the commune Łazy Akta gminy Łazy (Sygn. 43)

    Consists of the registration book of the commune Łazy in the county Sochaczew in Poland.

  20. Selected records of commune Radzików Akta gminy Radzików (Sygn. 85)

    Consists of correspondence, lists of war graves, cemeteries and abandoned property.