Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 621 to 640 of 56,066
  1. Житомирский генерал-комиссариат, г. Житомир

    • Zhytomyr General Commissariat
    • Zhytomyrskyi general-komissariat

    The following files contain information about the organization of the occupation administrative and power apparatus, as well as anti-Jewish policies: File 1. Orders for transfer of policemen, sentences, October 28, 1942 - October 21, 1943, 54 p. File 2. Reports of district officials on their work in the field and the structure of the of the OUN (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists), July 31, 1941 - March 25, 1943, 179 p. File 3. Reports by Kovalsky M., Vingalova N., Arendt M., Grinasevich M., Stavichenko M., Sheriy V., Vetvitsky S. and Kulitsky A., December 9, 1941 - February 24, 1942, 2...

  2. Documentation of the Generalkomissariat (General Commissariat) of Schitomir region, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the Generalkomissariat (General Commissariat) of Schitomir region, 1941-1944 The collection of documents from the Generalkomissariat (Reich Commissioner General) in Zhitomir from the period of the German occupancy, 1941-1943, was stored in the Regional Archive in Brest, as was the entire State Archive of the Zhitomir Region. The collection contains orders issued by the Gendarmerie Commander and the Sipo (Security Police) Commander, correspondence with various bodies, maps, photographs, lists of those wanted and lists of German activists and Ukrainian collaborators. 30,000 J...

  3. Kerch city council

    Inventory 1 – 37 files. File 1. Enactments. November – 16 December 1941. 2 pages. File 2. Printed materials. Enactments and directives of the city council and police. 1 November – 10 December 1941. 26 pages. File 3. Printed enactments and orders of Kerch city council and police. 1941. 18 pages. File 4. Notebook of registry of the outgoing papers of the Kerch city council No. 1-2. 1941. File 5. Notebook of registry of the outgoing papers of the Kerch city council No. 3. 1941. File 6. Notebook of registry of the outgoing papers of the Kerch city council No. 4. 1941. File 13. Lists of employee...

  4. Documentation of the Kerch municipal administration, between November-December 1941

    Documentation of the Kerch municipal administration, from the first occupation period Directives and orders issued by the municipal administration, lists of municipal workers, lists of German Army soldiers, lists of local residents, and circulars on various subjects: Karaites and more, work documents. German Army forces occupied Kerch for the first time on 16 November 1941. The new municipal administration began to work within the city from the earliest days of the occupation. Sonderkommando 10b soldiers arrived in the city a short time afterwards and started the registration of the Jews. A...

  5. Crimean Republican Extraordinary State Commission for Investigation of crimes of the German-Fascist invaders and damage caused by them to the citizens, collective farms, civic organizations, state enterprises and establishments of the Crimean ASSR

    • Крымская Республиканская чрезвычайная комиссия по установлению и расследованию злодеяний немецко-фашистских захватчиков и их сообщников и причиненного ими ущерба гражданам, колхозам, общественным организациям, государственным предприятиям и учреждениям КрАССР
    • Державний архів в Автономній Республіці Крим
    • P-1289
    • English, Russian, Ukrainian
    • 1943-1944
    • 205 files in two inventories. Inventory 1 holds titles of 28 files, which contain information about German and Romanian atrocities in the Crimean localities. Inventory 2 holds titles of 100 files, which contain information about material damage caused by the German and Romanian occupiers.

    Inventory 1 - 28 files. File 1. Statements of the Extraordinary Commissions in the cities of Simferopol, Sevastopol, and in Simferopol, Sevastopol, Bakhchisarai and Yalta districts. 1944. 87 pages. File 1а. Statements of the Extraordinary Commission in Sevastopol. 1944. 61 pages. File 2. Statements of the Extraordinary Commissions in the city of Kerch, and in Ak-Sheikh and Telman districts. 1944. 191 pages. File 2а. Statements of the Extraordinary Commission in Simferopol district. 1944. 94 pages. File 3. Statements of the Extraordinary Commissions in Feodosia and Kerch. 1944. 46 pages. Fil...

  6. Documentation from the State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in the Soviet Union (ChGK) which was active in Crimea, 1944

    Documentation from the State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in the Soviet Union (ChGK) which was active in Crimea, 1944 The State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in the Soviet Union (ChGK), 1942-1951, was established by order of the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union, 02 November 1942. The ChGK was responsible for the collection of documentary data and the preparation of material regarding the atrocities committed by Nazi criminals and the damage caused to Soviet citizens, kolkhozes and the State as a result of the occupation of ...

  7. Kharkiv city administration

    • Харківська міська управа
    • Kharkivska miska uprava

    Collection includes: Instruction on registration of the population of the city of Kharkiv with a note that all Jews, regardless of their faith, should be listed in separate lists, December 1941 (inventory 1, file 215, p. 13). Information from the Mayor of Kharkiv about the final results of the census in December 1941, indicating the number of Jews (inventory 1, file 232, p. 1). Results of the census run by the city administration in December 1941 containing data on various ethnic groups including the Jews (inventory 2, file 116, p. 54) Report of the head of the housing department of the 2nd...

  8. Kharkov municipal administration documentation, 1941-1944

    Kharkov municipal administration documentation, 1941-1944 In the collection there are 13 microfilm reels selected from the Kharkov Region State Archive and handed over to Yad Vashem by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington. Most of the documentation consists of statistical reports and lists of the residents of Kharkov registered in the census conducted by the Kharkov municipal administration in December 1941. The German occupation of the city of Kharkov continued with interruptions from 24 October 1941 to 23 August 1943. From the beginning of the occupation until 09 Febr...

  9. M.52.Crimea - Documentation from the State Archives of the Republic of Crimea

    M.52.Crimea - Documentation from the State Archives of the Republic of Crimea History of the Archive: The Archive was established on 22 May 1919 as the Central Archive of Crimea. The Archive was affiliated with the Taurica University until November 1920. As of November 1920 it was the Central Archive of Crimea. The Archive was divided into two archives in April 1926, and became the Historical Archive and the Archive of the October Revolution. The two Archives were merged into the Central State Archive of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of Crimea (Krymskaya ASSR) in April 1941. From...

  10. M.52.DASO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Sumy Region

    M.52.DASO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Sumy Region History of the Archives: The regional archival administration in Sumy was established in 1925. Its function was to collect documentation from the local archives, to absorb documentation of the archives that were dismantled, to create original collections and to establish the newspaper archives. In 1930 the archival administration underwent reorganization and it became the local administration of Sumy. In 1932 it became the Historical State Archives of Sumy. Upon the establishment of the Sumy region in 1939, the State Histo...

  11. M.52.DAKhO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Kharkov Region

    M.52.DAKhO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Kharkov Region History of the Archives: The archive was established in 1880 by members of the Historical-Philological Society of the University of Kharkiv, and was called the Historical Archives of Kharkiv. In 1920 the archive received the name, the Central Historical Archives affiliated with the education department of the Kharkiv sub-division. The Regional Historical Archives of Kharkiv was established in 1926, to which documentation was transferred from the Central Historical Archive. In March 1932 the Regional Historical Archives...

  12. M.52.DAZhO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Zhitomir Region

    M.52.DAZhO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Zhitomir Region History of the Archives: In 1919 the Revolutionary Committee of the Volyn sub-section issued an order establishing that public institutions and private individuals are obligated to register their documentation at the Committee for the Preservation of Objects of Art and Culture of the sub-section. In 1920 the archival committee of the Volyn sub-section was established, which dealt with the collection and cataloging of the existing archival documentation. In 1922 an archival authority of the Volyn sub-section was establ...

  13. M.41.GABr - Documentation from the State Archive of the Brest Region

    M.41.GABr - Documentation from the State Archive of the Brest Region History of the State Archive of the Brest Region: The State Archive of the Brest Region was created on 11 February 1940 as part of the system of the People's Commissariat for Interior Matters. The Archive stores the documentation of the Polish state institutions and organizations that were active in the Polesie region during 1919-1939 (and which were annulled by the Soviets during the same period), including also the documentation of the military authorities, the social and political organizations and associations, and sta...

  14. Ukrainska sällskapet i Sverige

    • Ukrainian Society in Sweden
    • Riksarkivet
    • Ukrainska sällskapet i Sverige
    • English
    • 1947-1999
    • 6,5 linear meters of textual and financial records, photographs, and audio cassettes.

    The Ukrainian Society's archives contain testimonies about the Holocaust, including the following volume: F 4 Audio recordings concerning the personal experiences of I. Wanczyckyj, W. Bretan, M. Radekko and B. Skobowitsh-Okolot's personal experiences during the Second World War. The recordings are on 12 cassette tapes (12 x 90min). The recordings are in Ukrainian and made on 1989-03-10-11. They contain testimonies about, among other things, anti-Semitism in Ukraine, life in the Lviv ghetto, concentration camps, and "death marches."

  15. Kommittén Forum för Levande historia med Projekt Levande Historia

    • Kommittén Forum för Levande historia med föregångare
    • YK 6047
    • Riksarkivet
    • Kommittén Forum för Levande historia med Projekt Levande Historia
    • English
    • 1998-2001
    • 34 volumes

    Contains archival records from the period 1997--2000. The archive consists of Projekt Levande historia (the Living History Project) (in vols. 1-16) and Kommittén Forum för Levande historia Ku 1999:9 (Living History Forum Committee Ku 1999:9) (vols. 17-32). The archive includes a survey of testimonies for the planning and implementation of documentation projects (vol. 13), a large number of press clippings and videotapes.

  16. Kommittén for levande historia

    • YK 5252
    • Riksarkivet
    • Kommittén for levande historia
    • English
    • 40 archive volumes, and includes 94 video and audio tapes of interviews conducted as part of the Committee's documentation project.

    The archive of the state expert commission includes documentation of the committee's work as well as the material collected and produced by the commission in 2001. One of the main principles that guided the collection was that it would have a Swedish perspective. Thus, interviews were not primarily made with Holocaust survivors, but with others, who in one way or another, came in to contact with the Holocaust, like medical staff, the drivers of the White Buses, and refugees who arrived in Sweden before and during the war. Nevertheless, nearly 100 interviews with Holocaust survivors were als...

  17. Advokat Ernst Baburgers arkiv

    • Archive of Ernst Baburger, lawyer
    • Riksarkivet
    • Advokat Ernst Baburgers arkiv
    • English
    • 1946-1983
    • 5,6 linear meters of textual material.

    The archive contains, among other things, the lawyers' client files, arranged annually. Among these files are compensation files from Jewish survivors who sought so-called Wiedergutmachung.

  18. Archive of Ingeborg Herlitz

    • Ingeborg Herlitz' arkiv
    • Riksarkivet
    • SE/RA/720461
    • English
    • 1945-1952
    • 0.3 linear metres (4 volumes) Textual material

    The four volumes that make up the personal archive of Ingeborg Herlitz contain various documents related to her work at Lärbro military hospital in Gotland, where Herlitz served as a health counselor to former prisoners of concentration camps suffering from tuberculosis. Herlitz maintained correspondence with a notable number of Jewish survivors whom she cared for during her service at Lärbro Hospital, hailing from such countries as Germany, Greece, Poland, and Italy. The letters in the volumes contain information on her patients’ whereabouts following their departure from Lärbro, providing...

  19. Statens Utlänningskommission

    • Utlänningskommissionen
    • SUK
    • State Foreigners Commission
    • Riksarkivet
    • Statens Utlänningskommission
    • English
    • 1916-1976
    • Approx. 3500 linear meters of mainly textual records.

    The archive contains records with information about virtually all foreigners who resided in Sweden during the period of Nazi Germany's persecution and the Holocaust, as well as about survivors from the Holocaust who arrived in Sweden towards the end of the war and after the war. These documents are held in the National Archives (in Marieberg in central Stockholm) if the individual acquired Swedish citizenship, died in Sweden before 1971, or left Sweden before 1972 without becoming a Swedish citizen. If the individual remained in Sweden as a non-Swedish citizen in 1971/72, their files are he...

  20. Ruth Jacobssons arkiv

    • Ruth Jacobsson's archive

    The collection contains concert pianist Ruth Jacobsson's (1912-1947) memoirs, 'Mein Leben', including her and her daughter's time in concentration camps.