Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 581 to 600 of 56,066
  1. Управление государственной тайной полиции (Гестапо) (г. Штеттин)

    • Geheime Staatspolizeistelle (Gestapo) (Stettin); Office of the Secret State Police (Gestapo) (Stettin)
    • Upravlenie gosudarstvennoi tainoi politsii (Gestapo) (g. Shtettin)

    The collection's contents are described in three inventories. Inventories no. 1 and 2 are systematized by structure; they catalogue documentary materials of the first section (organizational issues), the second section (domestic political surveillance), and the third section (intelligence and counterintelligence). The files catalogued in inventory no. 3 are systematized thematically: Stettin Gestapo circulars and internal documents; surveillance of the Communist Party of Germany and of anti-fascists; surveillance of persons suspected of espionage, and of companies, the mail, and the press; ...

  2. Documentation of the Stettin Gestapo, 1933-1943

    Documentation of the Stettin Gestapo from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1933-1943

  3. Управление государственной тайной полиции (Гестапо) (г. Берлин)

    • Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt (Berlin); Office of the Secret State Police (Gestapo) (Berlin)
    • Upravlenie gosudarstvennoi tainoi politsii (Gestapo) (g. Berlin)

    A significant portion of the collection's contents was transferred to the German Democratic Republic in the 1950s-70s. (These materials are noted in the inventories and are not included among the collection's files.) The collection's contents are catalogued in three inventories. Documents in the collection contain information on communist, social-democratic, anti-fascist, religious, and Jewish organizations in Germany; reports on "unreliable" persons; information on Masonic lodges; police surveillance files (for example, on the conduct of the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin); agents' dispatche...

  4. Documentation of the Gestapa (Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt-Secret State Police Office), 1932-1939

    Documentation of the Gestapa (Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt-Secret State Police Office) [predecessor of the Gestapo], 1932-1939 The documentation includes files from the Gestapa headquarters and files from the Gestapo headquarters from 1939 (prior to the establishment of the Reich Security Head Office ([RSHA]), when it was called by the double name Geheimes Staatspolizei and Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt, Some of the files contain police materials from the period before the Nazi rise to power and the establishment of the Gestapa; these materials were later handled by the Gestapa.

  5. Главное управление имперской безопасности Германии (РСХА) (г. Берлин)

    • Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA) (Berlin); Reich Security Main Office (RSHA) (Berlin)
    • Glavnoe upravlenie imperskoi bezopasnosti Germanii (RSKhA) (g. Berlin)

    The collection's contents are catalogued in six inventories. Inventories no. 1, 2, and 6 are arranged by structure and chronology, and catalogue documents of departments I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII of the RSHA. Inventories no. 3, 4, and 5 are arranged by document type. These inventories catalogue orders, edicts, directives, instructions, accounts, surveys, reports, dispatches, employee directories, surveillance files, and correspondence of the Reich Security Main Office and its subordinate entities regarding the issues indicated. RSHA documents include orders, edicts, and other regulatio...

  6. Documentation from the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Reich Security Head Office [RSHA]), 1939-1945

    Documentation from the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Reich Security Head Office [RSHA]), 1939-1945

  7. M.52.DAChrvO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Chernovtsy Region

    M.52.DAChrvO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Chernovtsy Region History of the Archives The State Archives of the Chernovtsy Region was established in November 1907, but it was closed in early 1918 along with other government institutions following the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The northern area of Bukovina and the Khotin district in the Bessarabia region were included in the Kingdom of Romania. By order of the Romanian Ministry of Education and the General State Directorate of the Archives of Romania, the State Archives of Bukovina in Chernovtsy was established in ...

  8. Державна надзвичайна комісія СРСР по встановленню і розслідуванню нанесених злодіянь німецькими загарбниками Полтавській області, м. Полтава Полтавської обл

    • State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of the German Crimes in Poltava Region, city of Poltava, Poltava region
    • Derzhavna nadzvychaina komisiia SRSR po vstanovlenniu i rozsliduvanniu nanesenykh zlodiian nimetskymy zaharbnykamy Poltavskii oblasti, m. Poltava Poltavskoi obl

    Most of the files contain information about the material damage caused to various towns and villages of the region. Files 1618, 1623-1625, 1627, 1634-1646 contain statements of the Commission about civilians killed by the ‘German-fascist invaders’ in various localities of the region.

  9. Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission active in the Poltava region, 1943-1945

    Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission active in the Poltava region, 1943-1945 Reports of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission active in the Poltava region; survey reports regarding the murder of Jews in the region and the damage caused to the economy; documentation regarding the murder of Jews in Zolotonosha along with Jews of the cities of Kharkov, Korosten and Slavuta, and villages; mention of individual names and sentences that people who perished had engraved on walls before their death; mention of the dates of the murder, the circumstances, and the number of p...

  10. Полтавський обком Компартії України, м. Полтава Полтавської області

    • Poltava Oblast Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, city of Poltava
    • Poltavskii obkom Kompartii Ukrainy, m. Poltava Poltavskoi oblasti

    Opys 2 contains information on 242 files. Selected files containing data on the occupation and local administration, Nazi population politics, population losses, and the Holocaust: File 110 - Activities of the department to execute orders of the Central Committee (of the Communist Party of Ukraine) and of the Council of the People’s Commissars. Budennyi’s address to the population. Notes, memos, reports by the Oblast Party Committee, city committees, and district committees about the railway cars needed for evacuation. File 123 – Information items, memos by the Oblast Party Committee about ...

  11. Documentation of the Regional Committee of the Communist Party regarding the partisans and underground activities in the Poltava region, 1962-1969

    Documentation of the Regional Committee of the Communist Party regarding the partisans and underground activities in the Poltava region, 1962-1969 Included in the collection: Documentation regarding the participation of several Jews in the partisans movement and the anti-fascist underground, submitted by the certification committee of the Kremenchug district of the Poltava region; confirmations of the receipt of partisans cards and lists of partisans; list of partisans brigades and detachments and underground organizations active in the district; documentation regarding the murder of Jews w...

  12. Колекція документів по партійному та комсомольському підпіллю, партизанському руху.

    • Collection of documents on the Party and Komsomol underground and partisan movement
    • Kolektsiia dokumentiv po partiinomu ta komsomolskomu pidpilliu, partyzanskomu rukhu

    Some files contain information on German occupation and local administration, population policies and the Holocaust. Some files contain information on German occupation and local administration, population policies, and the Holocaust. Opys 1 (Inventory 1) File 28 - Statement of the Oblast ChGK. List of crimes and those guilty in these crimes, data about persons killed and deported to Germany, and about material damages, 1944-46, 205 pages. File 29 - Lists of district (raion) and town commissions for collecting materials on the Great Patriotic War, 1946, 33 pages. File 30 – List of localitie...

  13. Полицейские и административные учреждения Германии и временно оккупированных ею территорий

    • Deutsche Polizeieinrichtungen in den okkupierten Gebieten; German Police and Administrative Offices in the Temporarily Occupied Territories
    • Politseiskie i administrativnye uchrezhdeniia Germanii i vremenno okkupirovannykh eiu territorii

    The collection's contents are described in three inventories, which are arranged by structure. Within the structural divisions, files are catalogued for the most part by document type. The collection is a consolidated archival collection. It consists of heterogeneous documentary materials of police offices in Germany and the German-occupied territories of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, and the Soviet Union. The collection also includes documents of German police services in the occupied territory of the Soviet Union, including the Ukraine and Belorussia. The collection contains minutes of...

  14. Documentation of the German Police headquarters in the occupied countries, 1938-1945

    Documentation of the German Police headquarters in the occupied countries, 1938-1945 The documentation on microfilm JM/29064 includes files of the gendarmerie and the police in the occupied areas of Poland dealing with various subjects, as well as a file from the Breslau police from 1933-1935, dealing with anti-Nazi propaganda.

  15. M.52.DAPO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Poltava Region

    M.52.DAPO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Poltava Region History of the Archives: The Central Historical Archives in Poltava was established in 1918. Afterwards, the archival authority of the Poltava sub-division was established in 1922 when the Historical Archives became subordinate to it and its name was changed to the Historical Archives of the Polatava sub-division. In 1925 it became the Historical Archives affiliated with the regional archival authority. In June 1925 its name was changed to the Regional Historical Archives of Poltava. In 1930, following the re-organization...

  16. M.52.DALO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Lwow Region

    M.52.DALO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Lwow Region History of the Archives: The State Archives of the Lwow Region was established in December 1939 on the basis of the State Archives of Lwow. The archive was called the Regional Historical Archives in Lwow until 1941. It was called the State Archive of the Lwow Region during 1941-1958, and was called the Regional State Archives in Lwow during 1958-1980. As of 1959 the documentation that was in the Regional Archives in Drogobych was transferred to it. Since 1980 it has been called the State Archives of the Lwow Region. The Sub-...

  17. Станіславська надзвичайна державна комісія по встановленню і розслідуванню злочинів німецько-фашистських загарбників і їх спільників на території Станіславської області.

    • Stanislav Special State Comission on the investigation of the atrocities concluded by Nazi occupiers and their associates in the Stanislav area

    The copies of the documents from this collection are described by USHMM as follows: 1. Reports and regulations of the Stanislav Regional Special State Committee on the results of the investigation on the atrocities committed by the fascist aggressors, including damage caused to the industrial and commercial enterprises, as well as to the individuals. 16 June– 22 August 1945. 64 pp. 1а. Acts on the damages caused by the German-Fascist occupiers in town of Stanislavow. 1 October 1944- 1 January 1945. 374 pp. 1B. Same. 1 of January- 16 of February 1945. 185 pp. 2. Reports from interrogations, ...

  18. Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission, regarding the murder of the Jewish population in the Stanislawow region during the German occupation, from the State Archives of the Ivano-Frankovsk Region, 1941-1945

    Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission, regarding the murder of the Jewish population in the Stanislawow region during the German occupation, from the State Archives of the Ivano-Frankovsk Region, 1941-1945 Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission, including data regarding the overall number of people who perished in the cities and districts of the Stanislawow region, and announcements by representatives of the Jewish community regarding the abuse and murder of Jews in the Stanislawow Ghetto and in Bolszowce, Halicz, Kosow, Rohatyn and Gorodenka during ...

  19. M.52.DAIFO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Ivano-Frankovsk Region

    M.52.DAIFO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Ivano-Frankovsk Region History of the Archives: The Archives was established in December 1939 and was called the Regional Historical Archives of Stanislawow until 1941. Before its establishment, all of the documentation was kept in institutions of the authorities and in public institutions. This documentation began to be collected by the Stanislawow UNKVD as of November 1939 in the new regional Archives after the same institutions and organizations were cancelled by the Soviet authorities. The name of the Archives was changed during ...

  20. Reichssippenamt

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Bestandsgeschichte Das Schicksal des Bestandes war bestimmt durch die Folgen des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Vom Geheimen Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz wurden im September 1946 Akten des Reichssippenamtes aus der Jüdischen Synagoge in Berlin, Oranienburger Straße 28, übernommen. Im Rahmen der Bestandsabgrenzung mit dem Bundesarchiv wurde 1972 der größte Teil dieser Akten an dessen Dienststelle in Koblenz übergeben. Es handelte sich dabei um Unterlagen aus der Abteilung III zum Schriftdenkmalschutz, zur Förderung der deutschen Sippenkunde, zur Aufsicht über G...