Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,841 to 5,860 of 56,066
  1. UNRRA selected records AG-018-037 : South West Pacific Area Office (SWPAO)

    Selected files of the UNRRA Headquarters Office-Subject Files: Mainly files on the displaced persons and war relief matters.

  2. Hungary & Yugoslavia

    Private film of the Batschka region in Hungary and Serbia

  3. German troops

    Mountain troops

  4. Goering, soldiers tour

    B/w Cars move through a rainy street. Assembled Wehrmacht units and high officers stand in formation alongside the road. Mountain chapels. Göring exits a building in a fur hat. He then stands back under the doorway. Marching band. Snowy hillside from a funicular car, mountain railway. Snowy view from the top of the hill. Small log cabins. An avalanche. Göring walks with his cane and fur hat, followed by multiple men. Mining carts. 11:07:46 Soldiers line up alongside train tracks. Sign “Leoben.” Leoben, Austria. The soldiers perform a rifle drill, led by their commander whose back is to the ...

  5. County Command of the State Police in Opoczno Komenda Powiatowa Policji Państwowej w Opocznie (Sygn. 1187)

    Police reports, surveillance books, an inspection of dactyloscopic cards, an album of criminals, a journal of a service inspection, reports by police officers and informers related to political, social and labor organizations, and records related to communist activities among the Jews.

  6. Sportfest; Winterhelfswerk

    Sportfest. Women dance in meadow. 05:52 BDM sings, swaying spectators, fun fair. 07:39 DAF assembly, Wehrmacht, flags, standards (Osnabrück), HJ. 09:40 Swearing in Wehrmacht, Wehrmacht music train, soldiers. Winter Relief / WHW. 20:17 "Schutz vor Bolschewismus" [Protection against Bolshevism], decorated streets. 23:19 Goulash, cannon. Signs: "NSDAP-Ortsgruppe", "NSV". March through town. Large industrial plants. Barracks life. 33:42 Party divisions march through forest, forest festival. Small train, narrow gauge, bog mining? 41:03 WHW, soup meal, peeling potatoes. BDM. 44:47 "Rettung vor Bo...

  7. Jidisze gezelszaft cu farszprojtn kunst Jewish Society to Propagate Fine Art Żydowskie Towarzystwo Krzewienia Sztuk Pięknych (Sygn. 361)

    Minutes, reports, workplans, incoming and outgoing correspondence, lists of art objects collected by the Society, published materials, such as articles, press cuttings, and photographs (collected mainly for the purpose of creating a catalog); personal files of the Board staff, name lists and applications of artists; financial files, such as preliminary budgets, approved budgets and cash reports.

  8. Hamburg

    Hamburg; ships with German flags, swastikas (agfa-color).

  9. Spiritual resistance prayers from Amsterdam

    Contains two documents with prayers about what was happening, written in Amsterdam circa 1942-1943, written as a form of spiritual resistance.

  10. Fire brigade exercise with beautiful shots of ancient fire engines

    Brown house in Munich, fireman with trumpet, runs and blows the trumpet "fire alarm" Text panel: "The Rabenstein fire brigade, from the good old days! Here is a test alarm: the dying noon is burning!" (In Chemnitz-Rabenstein.) Firefighter sprays foam on the wall of a factory building,

  11. Ministry of Interior-Transport cards of Jews Ministerstvo vnútra. Transportné karty Židov

    45,826 registration cards of deported Slovak Jews, 1942. Each card pertains to one deported person. Each card measures 10,5 x 7, 5 cm. The cards are arranged by last name in alphabetical order. Cards contain the following information: surname, first name, year of birth, place of birth, last domicile in Slovakia, date of deportation/transport, place from which the transport departed, number of the transport, and notes.

  12. Oral history interview wtih Adam Leczycki

  13. Selected records of the Cooperative Credit Bank Ltd. in Kielce Bank Kredytowo-Spółdzielczy z o.o. w Kielcach (Sygn. 1547)

    Selected records of the Jewish Cooperative Credit Bank Ltd. in Kielce: minutes of sessions of members of the Supervisory Board, membership declarations, books of register, shares and funds.

  14. Untitled

  15. Arnoldi and Kohn families collection

    The Arnoldi and Kohn families collection consists of documents and photographs illustrating the experiences of Ruth Arnoldi and her family, who fled to Sosua, Dominican Republic, from Berlin, Germany. Also illustrated is Herbert Kohn (Ruth's future husband) who fled Austria and settled in Sosua, where he met and married Ruth.

  16. Farm Work

    Sugar beet harvest. January 1940. Workers in the snow, horses, woman with skis cross-country skiing, Women and men rake hay on the field together, machine in action: grain is harvested, greenhouse, Sudeten Mountains with Schneekoppe, house rebuilding in Franzendorf/Neisse, 1937

  17. German cruiser "Königsberg"

    German cruiser "Königsberg," Laboe memorial site, Everyday life at an airfield, pilot in the cockpit, machines in the air, light railway, Hitler youth BDM (League of German Girls)

  18. Hand-carved wooden chain carried to Australia by a Jewish refugee

    Wooden chain carved by Hillel Szajner, of Plauen, Germany, before his death in 1924. Hillel taught one of his sons, Max, how to carve chains from a single piece of wood. While imprisoned in a French transit camp during the Holocaust, Max used this skill to make decorative chains, at least one of which began as a broomstick handle. Max’s wife snuck the chains out of the camp in a loaf of bread. Two of his chains are on permanent display in Israel, at Yad Vashem and Lochamei Hagetaot. Max’s sister, Dora Szajner Faktor, carried their father’s chain when her family immigrated to Australia durin...

  19. Lenger at Koenigstein in winter

    “W.L. Film 62,” “ Kriegsjahre auf der Festung Königstein.” Walter Lenger in his uniform filming with his camera, the Elbe river in the background. Intertitle: “Winter.” A model train snakes along a train track. Walter Lenger in a train car. The landscape outside shot from the train window. People on an icy river. A handwritten sign reads “Eisübergang.” Men walk across wooden planks on the frozen body of water. Other views of the landscape. Walter Lenger explores a snowy forest. Men walk single file across the snow and towards the camera. Panoramic view of a winding river. Walter salutes ano...

  20. 1000 Year Anniversary Celebration in Eschweiler, Rhineland

    Parade, Catholic parish, festival, marketplace, mass choir, theatre performance