Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,101 to 5,120 of 10,181
  1. Collection of testimonies relating to Hungary, YV O15E

    The collection contains approximately 5,000 statements recorded by a Deportáltakat Gondozó Országos Bizottság (DEGOB), a special documentation department set up by the Jewish Agency in conjunction with the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC or Joint) .

  2. Jack and Sonia Rubin papers

    The papers consist of an immunization certificate, certificate of identity, D.P. identification card, two D.P. passes, two passenger tickets to the United States for the United States Lines Company, and two embarkment cards for Sonia Rubin and Zawel Rubinstein [donor's first husband]; six photographs from a proofsheet of scenes from the boat on which Sonia Rubin's brother emigrated to the United States; one photograph of children playing in Bremenhaven, Germany; and six pre-World War II photographs of Jack Rubin and his family.

  3. Henry Schimmel collection

    The Henry Schimmel collection consists of documents, affidavits, and correspondence related to Henry Schimmel's post-war assistance with the emigration efforts of his relatives who had survived the Holocaust. Mr. Schimmel, who immigrated from Uzhorod, Czechoslovakia in the 1920s, contacted various relief organizations and government officials to intervene and assist with the immigration of his sister, Jolan Rozenbaum, her children Andy, Ella, and Katherine, and his nephew, David Silberstein, all of whom had survived the Holocaust.

  4. Youth Aliyah Department, Continental/European Office, Geneva - Paris, L58

    Contains records of the immediate post-war period of the Youth Aliyah. These records include correspondence regarding orphanages in Italy and France, records from the orphanages “Cambous” and “Rocquefort La Bedoule,” correspondence with the Youth Aliyah offices in Geneva, Marseille, Paris and Jerusalem, personal files, and other material. Also includes correspondence with the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Inc. and the World Zionist Organization. Types of documents include lists of children, questionnaires, and various certificates (health reports, exit and entrance visas, em...

  5. Selected records from the State Archives of Ancona

    This collection contains records relating to a census of the Jews, racial laws, Jewish businesses, publishing houses, and companies, refugees, and the Jewish community.

  6. Hashomer Hatzair in Yugoslavia (RG 3-2)

    Consists of records of the Hashomer Hatzair Worker Committee in Yugoslavia. Contains personal papers of Menachem Shelah and of Rachel and Zvi Loke including speeches; leaflets; the alumni newspaper; letters and postcards, 1930 to 1940; various photographs of refugees from Italy, dated July 1943; name lists of students; and records pertaining to the movement of Communist educational activities in Zagreb, June 14, 1937.

  7. Hashomer Hatzair World Headquarters Representation in Palestine (RG 1.2-ה)

    Contains correspondence, and letters of the top leadership of the Hashomer Hatzair in Palestine with the offices in various countries such as France, Belgium, Israel, England, Austria, Chile, and Morocco. Includes action reports, newspapers, and other documents concerning activities of Jewish communities, organization of the pioneer conferences, colonies, kibbutzim, trainings, immigration, refugees from Germany, and the Hashomer Hatzair union branches in Galicia. Also contains records pertaining to the youth movements Maccabi and Keren–Hashomer; the National Conference, 1932; the Chief Coun...