Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 50,661 to 50,680 of 55,889
  1. Αρχείο Εκλογών

    • Archive of Elections
    • Archeio Eklogon

    The archive contains information on the communal elections, the Holocaust survivors.

  2. Ηλεκτρονικός κατάλογος θυμάτων Ολοκαυτώματος

    • Electronic Catalogue with Holocaust Victims
    • Ilektronikos katalogos thymaton Olokaftomatos

    The catalogue has been created by Ms Aliki Arouh and contains 25.475 names of Holocaust victims from Thessaloniki. It also provides information on age, place of birth, address of residence etc.

  3. Αρχείο Ισραηλιτικής Κοινότητας Καβάλας

    • Archive of the Jewish Community in Kavala
    • Archeio Isralitikis Koinotitas Kavalas

    The Archive contains correspondence among the community in Kavala and other communities, the Greek authorities, Holocaust survivors, members of the families with Holocaust victims.

  4. Ιδιωτική Συλλογή Ιλάν Κάρμι

    • Private Collection Ilan Karmi
    • Idiotiki Syllogi Ilan Karmi

    The collection contains the writer's notes on his research, personal correspondence, books.

  5. Συλλογές δικαστικού υλικού

    • Collections of Judicial Material
    • Sylloges Dikastikou Ylikou

    The archival holdings contain judicial material from Max Merten's trial (1942-1959), trials against Greek Christian and Jewish collaborators (1946-1959), decisions of the Court of the First Instance in Thessaloniki (certificates of deaths) [1945-1968].

  6. Βιβλία Απογραφής Επιζώντων του Ολοκαυτώματος

    • Registry Records of the Holocaust Survivors
    • Vivlia Apografis Epizonton Olokaftomatos

    The collection contains information on names, surnames, place and date of birth, residence, education, profession before, during and after WWII, personal stories in camps, living conditions after the return to Thessaloniki.

  7. 1924-1952 metų studentų asmenų bylų sąrašas (tvarkomasis)

    • List of Students' Personal Files in 1924-1952 (Regulative)
    • Vilniaus Universiteto archyvas
    • F. R-856
    • English
    • 1924-1952
    • 3925 personal files. The fonds is without subfonds. Almost all documents are handwritten.

    Personal files of the students of the Vilnius University. The files consist of various documents (applications, certificates of birth, graduation from the school certificates, reports). 20% of files are with Jewish names. The files on 1939-1941 years consist of the names of the potencially killed Jews in 1941-1944. The files from 1944-1946 consist of the information of the Jews survivor who applied for the studies at the university after the WWII.

  8. ELTA informacija. Buržuazinių nacionalistų kovos veiksmų aprašymas traukiantis Raudonajai armijai Vilniuje ir Trakuose

    • Information from News Agency ELTA (Electronic Lithuanian Telegrams Agency). Descriptions of the Fighting Between the Red Army and Local Nationalists in the First Days of Second World War (When the Red Army Was Retreating) in Vilnius and Trakai

    Information about activities (including correspondence, notes, letters, writings) of units of the white arm-banded local partisans who were fighting against communists and Jews.

  9. ELTA informacija. Bolševikų bėgimas iš Ukmergės

    • Information from news agency ELTA (Electronic Lithuanian Telegrams Agency). Escape of the Bolsheviks from Ukmergė

    Correspondence, notes, writings send to ELTA (Electronic Lithuanian Telegrams Agency) about the first days of WWII in Ukmergė, including information about people (most of whom were Jews) arrested by local activists.

  10. Ašmenos kalėjimas

    • Ašmena Prison

    Various documentation: correspondence, orders of the chief of the prisons, reports, lists of the prison's staff; statistics on prisoners, personal cards of the prisoners (1942-1943).

  11. Švenčionių apskrities viršininkas

    • Chief of Švenčionys District

    The files concern anti-semitic posters from April 1942 ("Jews are your deadly enemy"); confiscation of Jewish property and adaptation for such property for public use (for example: the synagogue was adapted for police purposes); the report of the chief of the county concerning registration by doctors Aryan origins all cases of deaths of Jews in August 1942; the main instructions for how settlements in the county were to deal with Jews, how they were to forced Jews to work, how they were to confiscate and register private property of Jews from September 1941.

  12. Αρχείο της Υπηρεσίας Διαχείρισης Ισραηλιτικών Περιουσιών

    • Records of the Central Agency for the Custody of Jewish Property
    • Archeio tis Ypiresias Diacheirisis Israilitikon Periousion

    "Contains records of the Central Agency for the Custody of Jewish Property (YDIP) Greece, an agency which regulated the expropriation of Jewish shops and businesses in Greece during the war. Contains case files for individual shops as well as regulatory guidelines and operations procedures for the agency." (USHMM RG-45.005M)

  13. Durpių pramonės centras ir apylinkių durpynų direkcijos

    • Directorate of the Centre for the State Peat Industry

    Documents related to the forced labour camps for Jews in Vilnius district (1942-1943); lists of Jewish workers.

  14. Šiaulių apskrities viršininkas

    • Der Kreishauptmann von Schaulen
    • Chief of Šiauliai District

    "The collections of the heads of the counties contain important documents concerning the Holocaust in the Lithuanian provinces" (Galina Žirikova, Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo fondai: holokausto Lietuvoje tyrimo šaltinis /The Collections of the State Archive of Lithuania: a Source of Research on the Holocaust in Lithuania), Vilnius: Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono žydų muziejus, Vilnius, 2011, p. 12). Circulars and decrees of the Nazis authorities and the chiefs of the local municipalities, decrees, protocols of inquiries of local residents, documents concerning Jewish property, infor...

  15. Okružna komisija za ratnu štetu Šibenik

    • County Commission for War Damages
  16. Vilniaus vaivadijos valdyba

    • Wileński Urząd Wojewódzki
    • The Board of Vilnius Provice (Poland)

    Various documents related to the administration of the region with 8 districts and Vilnius town (orders and reports, lists of the residents, lists of the staff members, applications of the residents to get personal documents, documents according cultural, social, and religion life, documents of the communities and ect). Files with personal documents of residents of Vilnius and surrounding areas (a significant number of the Jewish residents included were killed in Paneriai (Ponary) ).

  17. Trakų apskrities viršininko fondas

    • Chief of Trakai County

    The collection of the chief of Trakai (Troki) county contains important documents concerning activities of the Jewish community and Jewish organizations before the Second World War. There are also documents about establishing ghettos in the district, confiscation of Jewish private property, and annihilation of Jews in the province of Lithuania.

  18. Vilniaus miesto ir vaivadijos žydų nekilnojamo turto savininkų sąjunga

    • Związek wlaścicieli nieruchomości żydów miasta Wilna i województwa Wileńskiego
    • Records of the Association of Real Estate Owners in Vilnius and Vilnius province

    Documents concerning activities of the Association of Real Estate Owners (documentation of the Board, lists of members, meeting protocols, petitions and memoranda; various agreements (between owners and tenants, between sellers and buyers; applications of owners to renovate their houses, to obtain credits, to reduces tax payments, etc.).

  19. Varėnoje sušaudytų žydų šeimų sąrašas

    • List of Jews Killed in Varėna

    The list was compiled by survivor David Jeršanski’s daughter-in-law Rina Jeršansky-Dubrovič (her father was from Kaunas); it includes surnames of 49 Jewish families (149 persons). These people were from the small towns of Perloja and Nedzingė. The list was given to the Holocaust Exhibition on 6 June 2001 by Rina Jeršansky-Dubrovič.

  20. Atrinkti duomenys iš Lietuvos ypatingojo archyvo. F. V-5

    • Selected Records from the Lithuanian Special Archives. Fonds V-5

    There are 66 pages of the 24 files for the Jews exiled to Siberia on June 14-18, 1941 (these include arrest orders and extracts from the protocols). There are also copies of applications from relatives to release a person from exile (1944-1946). 1. File 20857. Jeršanskis Ruvimas (from Varėna town). 3 pages. 2. File 36640. Mirkinas Hiršas, Mirkinienė Rocha (from Širvintos town). 4 pages. 3. File 33925. Čarnyj Maksim (from Kaunas city). 3 pages. 4. File 24372. Marijampolskis Jakovas (from Pasvalys town). 4 pages. 5. File 36317. Gadje Josifas, Gadje Roza, Gadje Rachil (from Kėdainiai town). 7 ...