Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 46,361 to 46,380 of 55,889
  1. Elazar S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Elazar S., who was born in Kraków, Poland in 1924, the elder of two children. He recalls his sister's birth in 1931; attending private Hebrew schools; antisemitic harassment; his father's communal leadership role, including in Zionist organizations; attending a Zionist congress with him in Switzerland in 1935; assisting German-Jewish refugees; German invasion in September 1939; anti-Jewish restrictions; his father briefly fleeing; his arrest a week after his return; notification of his death in December 1940; Mr. S. receiving assistance from his Polish nanny; his mot...

  2. Suzanne R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Suzanne R., who was born in Paris, France in 1933, the daughter of Hungarian-Czech immigrants. She recounts visiting her mother's large family in Hungary where she learned Hungarian; speaking Yiddish at home; learning French in school; her father leaving for a year fearing the Germans; her mother working as a seamstress; her father's return; his arrest in May 1941; receiving his letters from Beaune-la-Roland; anti-Jewish harassment and restrictions; learning of a round-up July 1942; hiding with Mamie, a non-Jewish customer of her mother; being sent by herself to anoth...

  3. Zuzana H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Zuzana H., who was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1927. She describes attending English school; expulsion due to anti-Jewish laws; her father being fired (he was a physician); deportation to Theresienstadt with her parents in July 1943; their deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in September; her father's selection to work as a doctor in the family camp; working as a nurse with her mother; the family camp liquidation in March 1944 (only medical staff was spared); transfer to a women's camp with her mother; assistance from an Austrian doctor; providing bread and water ...

  4. Ada M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ada M., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1933, an only child. She recounts her family's affluence; a close, extended family; German invasion; her father's futile attempt to flee to the Soviet Union; anti-Jewish restrictions; ghettoization; staying home when her parents went to work; being caught in a children's round-up; release of all the children when her father bribed some officials; her father obtaining false papers for her and having a priest instruct her so she could pass as a non-Jew; being smuggled out of the ghetto to hide with non-Jews; a visit from her fat...

  5. Yehuda L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yehuda L., who was born in Radomys?l Wielki, Poland in 1920. He describes attending a Tarbut school; participating in Zionist activities; working in his parents' business; trying to persuade his parents to flee to Israel after Germany annexed Austria; German invasion; gradual anti-Jewish measures; the role of the Judenrat; the first killings in 1941; hiding during "aktions"; mass killings at the Jewish cemetery in July 1942; his father's deportation to P?aszo?w; working at the airplane factory in Mielec; hearing about P?aszo?w's commander Amon Goeth when his father wa...

  6. William S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of William S., who was born in Krako?w, Poland, one of three children. He recounts German invasion; fleeing east; receiving a gun from a Polish officer; arriving in L?viv; Soviets disarming him and sending them home; forced labor breaking rocks; ghettoization; clandestinely leaving the ghetto to smuggle food for his family; deportations including his parents, brother, and his girlfriend's family; marriage in the ghetto; transfer to P?aszo?w; separation from his wife and sister; visiting them; public executions; being beaten for defending a fellow prisoner; his wife's dep...

  7. Claire S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Claire S., who was born in Augsburg, Germany in 1908. She recalls her family's orthodoxy; attending business school in Augsburg, then nursing training in Frankfurt; moving to Schweinfurt in 1929 to join her fiance; marriage in 1937; antisemitic restrictions; arrest of her husband and father-in-law on Kristallnacht; her father-in-law's release; obtaining her husband's release after securing American permission to emigrate to Manila; her husband's departure in February 1939; joining him in September; having to leave all their possessions and money in Germany; working as...

  8. Jules T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jules T., a non-Jew, who was born in Bois d'Haine, Belgium in 1916. He recounts his father's work as a miner and his union activities; apprenticing as a printer in 1930; his own union activities; military draft; visits from his father in Diepenbeek; capture in Rumbeke on May 28, 1940; escaping on May 30; returning home; working as a printer; union and Resistance activities; organizing a strike in September 1942; imprisonment in Mons for ten days; sabotaging trains; arrest in December; being brought to Gestapo headquarters in La Louvie?re; transfer to Charleroi, then B...

  9. Ann W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ann W., who was born in Radzi?o?w, Poland in 1932, the youngest of four children. She recalls Soviet occupation in 1939; confiscation of the family's flour mill; German occupation; Poles helping Germans to identify Jews; the destruction of prayer books from the synagogue; public beatings of Jews, including her parents and two siblings; escape from Radzi?o?w with her family; hiding for two months with help from her father's business associates; being rescued by people when they agreed to convert to Christianity; attending conversion classes; constantly changing hiding ...

  10. Max G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Max G., who was born in Russia in 1908. Mr. G. describes his childhood in Lubarto?w; his family's move to Lublin, Poland, in 1918; his status as a violin prodigy and his conservatory training in Vienna; his move to Berlin after the first World War, and his eighteen years in Berlin, including his marriage and business successes. He also details his emigration to Belgium after Kristallnacht; life in Belgium; his arrest and internment in a concentration and a transit camp in Belgium; his deportation, with his wife, to Auschwitz; the death march, a year and a half later, ...

  11. Marko A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marko A., who was born in Poz?arevac, Yugoslavia in 1909. He recalls cordial relations with Serbs; moving to Belgrade in 1928; becoming a physician; marriage to a Serb; German invasion in 1941; Aleksandar Rankovic?, a communist official, warning him to flee; traveling to Durmitor, then Bijelo Polje; returning to Belgrade after a month; hiding in his mother's attic; his wife and her sister openly living there; hiding supplies for Blagoje Nes?kovic?, a communist official; acquiring false papers; the police receiving information about the hideout; their futile search; hi...

  12. Daniel A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Daniel A., who was born in Radom, Poland in 1923, one of five brothers. He recalls German invasion in September 1939; anti-Jewish violence; forced labor; ghettoization in 1941; conversion to a labor camp after mass deportations; slave labor in a munitions factory; a death march in 1944; assisting his brother and future wife; train transport to Auschwitz; separation from his future wife; transfer with his brother to Vaihingen; slave labor in an underground factory; Italian POWs providing them with extra food; liberation by French troops in April 1945; recovery in a nea...

  13. Frances G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Frances G., who was born in Tarnopol, Poland in 1919, one of seven sisters. She recalls her comfortable childhood in an observant and very close family; Soviet occupation in 1939; German invasion in June 1941; pogroms by Poles and Ukrainians; forced labor; ghettoization; frequent round-ups and killings, including her youngest sister; working in a laundry; friendship with a Polish woman, Irene Opdyke, who worked for a German major; smuggling food into the ghetto with assistance from Ms. Opdyke; sharing warnings from Ms. Opdyke of round-ups; killings of her sisters and ...

  14. Jack K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack K., who was born in Zakroczym, Poland in 1920, the oldest of three children. He recounts his family's poverty and orthodoxy; attending cheder and public school; antisemitic laws resulting in financial hardships; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; leaving school at fourteen due to his family's poverty; moving to Warsaw; living on the street until he found a job at a grocery store; enlisting in the Polish military in 1938; German invasion; being wounded and captured as a POW; release; finding his family in P?on?sk; smuggling food to his uncle in the Warsaw ghetto; ...

  15. Rachel P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rachel P., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1930. She recalls attending Jewish school; withdrawal after Kristallnacht; her father's illegal emigration to Brussels in 1939; she and her brother legally joining him with assistance from the Red Cross; her mother's arrival following many unsuccessful illegal attempts; living in a refugee camp; German invasion; fleeing to Montesson, France; detention in a refugee camp; transfer to Limoges; placement in an OSE children's home with her brother; her parents' visits; her mother being warned of their imminent arrests; escaping...

  16. Stephen D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Stephen D., who was born in Tomaszo?w Mazowiecki, Poland in 1918. He describes comfortable relations with non-Jews; working in the family textile business; joining a Zionist organization; increasing antisemitism beginning in 1936; incarceration in 1938 in Bereza Kartuska, a Polish government camp; fleeing with his brother to Lut?s??k, Ukraine after the outbreak of war; a brief return to Poland to marry; his parents and sister joining them in Lut?s??k; his father's return to Poland (they never saw him again); German invasion; separation from his mother, sister, and bro...

  17. Alfred T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alfred T., who was born in Konya?r, Hungary in 1920. He recalls antisemitic harassment in school; attending gymnasium in Debrecen; joining a brother in Budapest in August 1936; apprenticing to a window-designer; attending art classes; gymnastics training; working as a window-designer; changing his name to conceal he was Jewish; draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion in October 1940; transfer to Belgorod on the Soviet front in November 1941; removing mines and corpses; execution of every tenth prisoner when two prisoners escaped; capture by Soviets in January 194...

  18. Salomea G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Salomea G., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1933, the youngest of three sisters. She recalls attending a Jewish kindergarten; being terrified in the streets; her parents' separation in 1936; her father's institutionalization for mental illness; her mother seeking sponsorship for emigration from her brother in Australia; her oldest sister's emigration in 1938; her father's incarceration in Buchenwald after release from the asylum; her mother obtaining his release providing he left for Shanghai; his four-week stay with them during which she felt safe and surrounded b...

  19. Magda G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Magda G., who was born in Kos?ice, Czechoslovakia. She recalls her sisters as children; Hungarian occupation in 1938; anti-Jewish restrictions; her father being taken for forced labor and his return; studying music in Budapest; German invasion; her devastation on hearing that her grandparents had been deported; deportation with her parents and one younger sister to Auschwitz; separation from their parents upon arrival (they never saw them again); and the importance of remaining with her younger sister. Mrs. G. describes humiliation, crowding, and starvation; transfer ...

  20. Janet M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Janet M., who was born in 1921 in Be?ndzin, Poland. Mrs. M. details traditional Jewish life; German invasion; burning of the synagogue; confiscation of their valuables; ghettoization in late 1940; forced labor which they thought would save them; and liquidation of the ghetto in August 1943. She recalls hiding in an attic overnight; her father being found and shot; deportation to Auschwitz; living in a barrack next to the gas chamber; hearing screams and "shma's" day and night; becoming ill with typhus for six weeks; standing naked outside for hours during a delousing ...