Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 46,101 to 46,120 of 55,889
  1. Arthur R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Arthur R., who was born in Rzeszo?w, Poland in 1927. He recalls moving often due to his father's business; attending Polish and Hebrew schools; his family's affluence; living in Zakliko?w; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; forced relocation with his mother and brother to Skorko?w (his father escaped); deportation with his younger brother to Budzyn?; cold, starvation, frequent killings, and slave labor; his brother saving him from selection when he was ill; transfer a year later to Mielec; slave labor in an airplane factory; transfer to Flossenbu?rg in late 19...

  2. Chaim F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Chaim F., who was born in Tuszyn, Poland in 1930. He recalls his family living there for ten generations; their orthodoxy; antisemitism; a large extended family; German invasion; forced relocation to Piotrko?w three months later; ghettoization; his bar mitzvah; slave labor in a glass factory; separation from his mother and sister (he never saw them again); remaining with his father and brother; their transfer to Piotrko?w, Buchenwald, then Dora in early 1944; a privileged position distributing food; sharing extra food with his father and brother; transfer to Nordhause...

  3. Sara P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sara P., who was born in Przysucha, Poland in 1918, one of five children. She recounts her family moving to ?o?dz? in 1928; her father's high standing in his Hasidic community; marriage; the birth of her son; German invasion; receiving extra rations due to her husband's job as a tailor for the Germans; ghettoization; her parents, siblings, and their families living with her; hiding with her son in an attic during round-ups; as a three-year-old, her son warning other children to be quiet; deportation with her family in 1943 to Auschwitz; fighting when her son was taken...

  4. Henoch D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henoch D., who was born in Vilna, Poland (presently Vilnius, Lithuania) in 1928, the younger of two brothers. He recalls attending a Tarbut school; German invasion; his father's disappearance and murder in Ponary; ghettoization; hiding during round-ups; his uncle arranging for him and his mother to move to a village farm; the non-Jewish villagers hiding them during round-ups; contacting his brother through a villager; smuggling food to the ghetto through the same man; discontinuing when it became too dangerous; returning to the ghetto with his mother in 1943; hiding d...

  5. Jacques M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacques M., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1925. He recalls living with his mother and sisters in a Jewish neighborhood; attending public school; German invasion; ghettoization; providing his family with food by working as a messenger; being caught in a round-up; forced labor in a munitions factory in Cze?stochowa; deportation to Buchenwald; slave labor at a munitions factory in Sonneberg; a circuitous death march; disappearance of the guards; liberation by United States troops; returning to ?o?dz?; moving to Bamberg; and emigrating to France. Mr. M. reflects on th...

  6. Aron B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Aron B., who was born in Vilna, Poland in 1927. He recalls his father's position as a cantor in a modern synagogue; attending a secular Jewish school; Soviet occupation in 1939; German invasion in June 1941; his father's arrest on June 28 (he never saw him again); anti-Jewish restrictions; escaping with his mother, brother, and sister from a selection for a mass killing while on their way to the ghetto; hiding with his family during liquidation of the small ghetto in October; a German saving them; moving into the second ghetto; hiding during selections; his mother's d...

  7. Lilly S. Holocaust testimony

    In addition to information in a previously recorded testimony, Ms. S. discusses her illness immediately after liberation; returning to Brussels; reunion with her mother and grandmother; learning to live again through a Jewish youth group; being brought by them to Paris where she surrendered her passport; working with autistic children in a Jewish orphanage; emigration to Israel in September 1948; military training; participating in the Israel-Arab war; marriage in 1953 to a German survivor; her son's birth; living on a left-wing kibbutz; leaving the kibbutz; moving to another, the birth of ...

  8. Jennie W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jennie W., who was born in Be?dzin, Poland in 1926, a twin and one of six children. She recalls her father's death when she was very young; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; volunteering for a forced labor camp (Gru?nberg) in her mother's place in 1941; a German woman who trained her on the factory machines, wrote to her mother, and gave her extra food; giving up escape plans when a friend was executed and mutilated after attempting escape; caring for her sisters who arrived from Auschwitz in 1943; escaping with her sisters and others from a death march; bein...

  9. Herta M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Herta M., who was born in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia in 1935. She recounts her grandfather's, parents' and her deafness; not attending a school for the deaf in Vienna due to the Nazi regime; being sent with her older, hearing sister, posing as non-Jews, to a farm owned by deaf people; being returned to Bratislava; learning their parents had been deported (they never saw them again); being sent elsewhere, then to Bergen-Belsen; her sister biting a doctor who wanted to separate them; piles of corpses; encouraging her sister when she had given up hope; caring for her whe...

  10. Aron E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Aron E., who was born in Vilna, Poland (presently Vilnius, Lithuania) in 1934, one of two brothers. He recalls living among his large, extended family; speaking Yiddish at home; Soviet occupation from 1939 to 1941; German invasion; his father being taken for forced labor (he never returned); anti-Jewish restrictions, including wearing the star; ghettoization; living with relatives; selling cigarettes to help support his family; hiding during round-ups; his aunt giving him her son's work papers after he was killed; briefly leaving the ghetto with his mother when she ne...

  11. Lala F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lala F., who was born in Kam?i?a?net?s??-Podil?s?kyi?, Russia in 1922. She recalls her family fleeing from the Bolsheviks to Lwo?w, Poland; attending a private school; her sister's birth in 1931; Soviet occupation; her mother assisting Jewish refugees from Poland; her brother's draft into the Soviet army; her father's disappearance during a round-up; refusing to move into the ghetto; obtaining a work permit; arrest during a round-up; escaping from Janowska (she later learned that her father saw her there); obtaining false papers for her mother, sister, brother's girlf...

  12. Hannelore H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hannelore H., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1925. She recounts her father was Lutheran; her mother's baptism as a child (both her parents were Jewish); Jewish children being expelled from her school; not returning a school form on which she had to document her "Aryan" ancestry; her twin brother having to repeat a grade due to anti-Jewish laws; her widowed maternal grandmother living with them; her grandmother's strong sense of German identity (her only son was killed in World War I, and her family had been there for generations); her grandmother's deportation; re...

  13. Matetehu L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Matetehu L., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1929, the youngest of three brothers. He recounts speaking Polish at home; German invasion; his oldest brother fleeing to Russia (he never saw him again); ghettoization; smuggling food into the ghetto almost daily (he "looked Polish"); his brother being killed when accompanying him outside the ghetto; his father's death from typhus in 1941; round-up and train deportation in spring 1942; escaping with other children; returning to the ghetto; his mother's hospitalization (he never saw her again); escaping from the ghetto th...

  14. Alfons G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alfons G., an only child, who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1924. He recalls his family's affluence; attending public school; expulsion in 1935; attending a Jewish school; his father's death in 1936; Kristallnacht; his mother purchasing passage to Shanghai the next day for six months hence; non-Jewish friends helping them move assets out of Germany; departure from Genoa in May; assistance from HIAS and the Joint (their representative was Laura Margolies); living in the international settlement; meeting Horace Kadoorie to obtain admission to the school he sponsored; J...

  15. Lilli K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lilli K., who was born in Brno, Czechoslovakia in 1913. She describes growing up in an assimilated family; the outbreak of war in 1939; her denial of its implications; her deportation to Auschwitz in July 1942; and treatment upon arrival, including the selection of inmates for gassing and experimentation. She recalls her work in the marshes; treatment by the SS guards; working in the administrative offices of the Germans; and her transfer to Birkenau in August 1942. She tells of conditions there; her transfer to the staff building where conditions were better; the Son...

  16. Judith K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Judith K., who was born in Subotica, Yugoslavia. She recalls her pleasant family life; attending Jewish elementary and Yugoslav high school; her father's Zionist activities; exclusion from university due to a Jewish quota; Hungarian occupation in 1941; working as a seamstress; her father's one-month service in a labor camp; German occupation in 1944; her father's deportation in April (she never saw him again); ghettoization; with her mother, aunt and grandmother, separation from the deportation train (they had been included in the Kasztner group); their transfer to Bu...

  17. Zvi K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Zvi K., who was born in 1929 in a small town between Krako?w and Kielce, Poland. He describes attending the cheder; the German occupation; the influx of Jews into his town as the cities became ghettoized; the gradual imposition of restrictions on the freedom of Jews; the sudden siege of the town in 1942; and the mass killings which took place while Mr. K. hid in the fields, hating himself for being a Jew. Mr. K. also speaks of being sent, with his family, to Skarz?ysko-Kamienna, Werk C; and daily and cultural life there, where he escaped death, due in part to his moth...

  18. Abraham L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Abraham L., who was born in Sinyavka, Russia (presently Belarus) in 1918, the youngest of three children. He recalls attending cheder and a Polish school; learning carpentry at age fourteen; antisemitic harassment and boycotts; Soviet occupation in 1939; draft into the Soviet military; German invasion in 1941; Soviet retreat; hiding in a forest; transfer to a munitions factory where he worked as a carpenter; moving to Tashkent; traveling to Baranovichy after the war; learning of the extermination of Jews, including his own family; living in Szczecin; not returning to ...

  19. Henri D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henri D., who was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1930, one of three children. He recalls his family's affluence; attending a Jewish school; German bombardment on May 10, 1940; his parents paying and collecting all their debts; their flight with his uncle's family to Dunkerque, Paris, then Lacanau Océan; attending school; his father and uncle obtaining visas; traveling to Portugal; departing from Lisbon to the United States a month later; and joining relatives in New York. Mr. D. discusses the importance of luck to his and his family's survival; learning in the 1980s th...

  20. Andrew S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Andrew S., who was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1929. Mr. S. recalls pervasive prewar antisemitism; a childhood friend whose parents forbade her from seeing him because he had "killed Jesus"; harassment while visiting relatives in the country; joining a "mixed troop" of Jewish and non-Jewish scouts (with whom he is still in contact); his father's losing his job with an Austrian firm; his parents' resulting marital difficulties; and attending "special Jewish classes" in public school to circumvent the Numerus Clausus. He tells of the German occupation; efforts to dela...