Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 44,581 to 44,600 of 55,889
  1. Edo S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Edo S., who was born in Avtovac, Yugoslavia in 1922. He recounts moving to Sarajevo as an infant; his father's death in 1932; arrest by Ustaša in August 1941 for communist activities; imprisonment with his older brother; their transfer to Jasenovac; starvation; sadistic mass killings; a privileged position as a locksmith; brief assignment digging mass graves; witnessing his younger brother's murder with a hammer blow, people burned alive in the crematorium, and cannibalism; sham improvements for international commission visits; transfer to Fericanci via Osijek, where...

  2. Mira R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mira R., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1931. She recounts her family's relative affluence; antisemitic harassment; German invasion; her father and brother fleeing east; not being able to join them because she was ill; their return; ghettoization; a round-up on August 14, 1942; her mother sending her to the infirmary at the Umschlagplatz, thinking she could escape; later going to her father's workplace; finding him (her mother and brother were deported to Treblinka); her father arranging several futile attempts to hide her with non-Jews outside the ghetto; hiding d...

  3. Sophie W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sophie W., who was born in Liège, Belgium in 1928, the daughter of Polish immigrants. She recounts her father's ethnic, rather than religious Jewish identity; his participation in Jewish leftist organizations; attending primary and high school; cordial relations with non-Jews; German invasion; fleeing to France with her family; her father's return to Liège after three months; she and her mother living with relatives in Bergerac for another three months; returning home; anti-Jewish restrictions; her teachers' sympathetic response; her father's arrest as a Belgian whi...

  4. Gaston S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gaston S., who was born in Metz, France in 1933. He recalls his mother's death in 1938, his father's remarriage in 1939; fleeing to Angoule?me at the outbreak of war with his sister, father and stepmother; learning of round-ups and deportations in Paris which included family members; living in Montbrun, Brive-la-Gaillarde, Tho?nes, and Charavines-les-Bains; hiding during raids on local resistants and the Maquis; and his brother's birth while in Tho?nes. Mr. S. describes fleeing to Aix-le-Bain in March 1944; being left there with his sister; crossing the Swiss border; ...

  5. Regina W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Regina W., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1903, one of three sisters. She recounts her father's death in 1904; her family's poverty; working for her aunt; marriage to a shoemaker; the deaths of one sister and her mother; German invasion; fleeing to Soviet-occupied Grodno; deportation to Kazakhstan; her husband's forced labor cutting trees, then in a brick factory; his transfer to Arkhangel?sk; sending him food, then joining him; deportation to Siberia; her husband's work in a coal mine; their repatriation to ?o?dz? in 1945; traveling to Germany; reunion with a neph...

  6. Olga S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Olga S., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1926 to a non-Jewish father and Jewish mother. She recounts being baptized; she and her mother being beaten by a Nazi "Brownshirt" (SA) in 1932; several forced relocations because her mother was Jewish; her mother's arrest and release six weeks later; briefly staying with her mother's relatives in Poland; their return to Berlin; her father's dismissal from the police force due to the Nuremberg laws; attending school with the school director's help; her father rejecting offers of emigration for her and her brother so the fami...

  7. B. family Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of the B. family: Lorna B., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland; her husband Max, who was born in ?o?dz? in 1914; and their daughter Ruth and son Teddy, who were born after the war and speak only occasionally. Mr. B. remembers eluding the Russians after the outbreak of the war; living in the ?o?dz? ghetto until 1940, when he was taken with the first labor transport to build roads; the liquidation of his labor camp and his two years of work in an I. G. Farben synthetic rubber factory under the jurisdiction of Auschwitz; and the death march from there to Gleiwitz, from where he...

  8. Geza B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Geza B., who was born in Vrbas, Serbia in 1912. He describes his religious family; their move to Senta when he was fifteen; antisemitic harassment by other children; moving to Zagreb; membership in Betar; being drafted; serving in Zagreb and Karlovac; German invasion of Yugoslavia; anti-Jewish measures; fleeing to Split in the Italian zone; internment by the Italians in Vallegrande (now Vela Luka) Island, then Lopud Island; marriage in Dubrovnik; his son's birth on Lopud; transfer to Rab concentration camp with his wife and son; Italian capitulation; disappearance of ...

  9. Hans S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hans S., who was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1921. He recounts his family's 300 year history in Germany; his family moving to Amstelveen, Netherlands in March 1938 to escape antisemitism; German invasion; forced relocation to Amsterdam; working in an old age home to avoid deportation; obtaining false papers; separation from his parents (they went into hiding); hiding in the countryside; moving to Zwolle with the help of the underground; transfer to Hoogeveen; hiding for two years with a Dutch farmer; discovery in October 1944; interrogation; transfer to Ommen, a camp ...

  10. Nisan R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Nisan R., who was born in Katerynoslav, Ukraine (presently Dnipropetrovs?k) in 1918, the youngest of seven children. He recounts his family's orthodoxy; moving to Davyd-Haradok, then Pinsk; attending religious school, then Polish gymnasium; a Hasidic rabbi officiating at his bar mitzvah; participating in a Zionist youth group; Soviet occupation; traveling with his youth group to Vilnius; assistance from the Joint and Hadassah; establishing a training farm; trying to establish routes for emigration to Palestine; Soviet invasion; his mother's visit; German invasion; ghe...

  11. Daniel F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Daniel F., who was born circa 1928 in Craidorolt?, a small town in Transylvania near Satu Mare. He tells of being educated in Craidorolt?, Huedin, and Satu Mare before moving to Oradea in 1941 after the Hungarian annexation of Transylvania. The transfer of the Jews of Oradea to the ghetto of Satu Mare, which took place in the spring of 1944, is related. Mr. F. describes life in the ghetto, where he and his family remained until their deportation to Auschwitz. He recounts his separation from his family upon arrival and his internment in the Zigeunerlager (Gypsy Lager),...

  12. Irena K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Irena K., who was born in Velykyĭ Bereznyĭ, Czechoslovakia (presently Ukraine) in 1918, one of seven children. She recalls attending a Czech school; Hungarian occupation; three brothers moving to Budapest; ghettozation with her parents and sister in Uz︠h︡horod; one brother joining them; their deportation to Auschwitz six weeks later; separation from her family with her sister; working in the hospital; defying regulations by allowing visitors; Dr. Gisella Perl giving her life-saving medication when she was ill; her cousin giving birth; the immediate "disappearance" o...

  13. Susan Q. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Susan Q., who was born in Amsterdam, Netherlands to a prominent Sephardic, rabbinic family with a long Dutch history. She recalls a large extended family; German invasion; learning dressmaking, then nursing; working with her sisters at a Jewish mental hospital; her parents' deportation to Westerbork in 1942; their release when a friend provided false papers for them; hiding during round-ups; her older sister's deportation to Auschwitz (she did not return); being forced to assist at the castrations of Jewish men married to non-Jews; receiving notice for deportation; he...

  14. Jack L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack L., who was born in Źuromin, Poland in 1924, one of eight children. He recalls his family's impoverishment; anti-Jewish boycotts; German invasion in September 1939; anti-Jewish violence; his family's forced relocation to several towns; living in a ghetto; his escape; traveling to Praga; hiding with a non-Jew; traveling to other towns; capture and escape; returning to the ghetto; a public hanging; forced labor; deportation to Birkenau in November 1942; sighting his sister; transfer with his brother to Buna/Monowitz; hospitalization; transfer to Auschwitz; surgic...

  15. Norbert S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Norbert S., who was born in Lwo?w, Poland, in 1922. Mr. S. describes antisemitism in prewar Poland; entering medical school after Soviet occupation; persecution and Aktions following the Nazi invasion; his mother being taken in 1941; ghettoization of L?vov; smuggling arms into the ghetto; and forced labor in Janowska. He recalls a Romanian medical orderly replacing the injured and sick at appells; producing false work permits with his friend, Edward S.; his sister's escape; the liquidation of the ghetto; his father's death; escaping from Janowska; receiving shelter fr...

  16. Rena G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rena G., who was born in 1936 in Thessalonike?, Greece. She recalls her family's move to Athens in 1940 due to the German occupation; hiding in a basement; her father's activities in the resistance; posing as non-Jews; extreme hunger; attempting to reach Turkey by boat in 1943; and capture by the Germans. She recounts their interrogation in Mou?dhros on Lemnos Island; her father being taken elsewhere; being jailed with her mother and uncle for three months; her mother's influence with the Gestapo commander, resulting in Mrs. G's release from prison to live with a fami...

  17. Ludmila P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ludmila P., who was born in Kishinev, Romania in 1920 and raised in ?owicz, Poland. She recounts her father's death in 1934; studying medicine in Vienna in 1937; returning to Poland after the Anschluss; refusal of admission to the University of Vilna because she was Jewish; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; deportation with her mother to Krako?w; marriage; her mother's deportation to the Warsaw ghetto (Mrs. P. visited her there); working at a munitions factory; transfer with her husband to P?aszo?w in March 1943; constant fear, killings, and public hangings; ...

  18. Sophie R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sophie R., a Romani, who lived in Germany, one of eight children. She recalls imprisonment in Stuttgart; deportation to Auschwitz in 1941; the deaths of her parents and siblings; transfer to Ravensbru?ck, then to a munitions factory; a death march from Oldenburg to Dachau; liberation by United States troops; recuperating for six months, living in Munich; marriage; her strong faith in Jesus leading to her very honest lifestyle; surgical removal of her tattoo; and reluctance to share her experience with her children lest they hate Germans. Mrs. R.'s daughter and grandda...

  19. Words and Images: Appelfeld Demo

  20. Max G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Max G., who was born in Grenchen, Switzerland in 1920 to Polish immigrants. He recalls participating in Hashomer Hatzair; attending the 1939 Zionist Congress in Geneva as a pageboy; completing medical school in 1945; employment as a physician for UNRRA; assignment to a displaced persons camp for Poles; transfer to Bergen-Belsen in May 1946; gaining the trust of the residents who had difficult relations with the British and UNRRA administrators; working closely with the Jewish Committee and its head, Joseph Rosensaft; working with UNRRA and Joint medical staff and the ...