Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 44,441 to 44,460 of 55,889
  1. George K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of George K., who was born in Roxbury, Massachusetts in 1922 and served in the United States Army during World War II. He recalls enlisting in 1940; incidents of antisemitism in the Army; advancing through Germany in December 1944; feelings of outrage at a building in Bavaria where, he was told, Jews had been tortured; finding bodies in striped clothing on the roadside near Dachau; coming upon what he thought was a prisoner of war camp; prisoners attacking guards; and his realization it was a concentration camp. Mr. K. describes one of the camp barracks and its overwhelm...

  2. Fred B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fred B., who was born in ?abiszyn, Germany (now Poland) in 1909. He recalls most of his large, extended family emigrating; his father's military service in World War I; apprenticing in 1924; working in a department store in Schneidemu?hl (now Pi?a) from 1927 on; the anti-Jewish boycott in 1933; moving to Berlin; his sister's and parents' emigration to Palestine; termination of employment; attempts to emigrate with help from Hilfsverein; synagogue burnings, round-ups of Jews, and his friend's shop windows being broken during Kristallnacht; subsequent social isolation; ...

  3. Felix K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Felix K., who was born in Radom, Poland in 1921. He recounts some Polish history; Radom's Jewish life; German occupation; formation and role of the Judenrat; anti-Jewish measures; ghettoization; his unsuccessful attempt to reach the Soviet zone; forced labor building fortifications on the Soviet border; transfer to Majdanek; and escape to the Radom ghetto. Mr. K. describes extreme deprivation, cruelty and killings; sneaking out of the ghetto to receive aid from a Polish doctor; deportation of ninety percent of the ghetto in July 1942, including his family (he and one ...

  4. Gena T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gena T., who was born in Kraków, Poland, in 1923, the youngest of nine children in an affluent family. She recounts her father's death in 1934; her mother continuing to manage the business and family; German invasion; confiscation of their valuables and business; forced labor; ghettoization; her young nephew's selection for deportation (she never saw him again); her brother's killing in a failed escape; transfer to Płaszów with her mother and two sisters; public executions and frequent shootings; learning one of her sisters had been shot; slave labor outside the cam...

  5. Tobias G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tobias G., who was born in Tukums, Latvia in 1922. He recalls growing up in a large, religious family; the outbreak of war; Soviet occupation; anti-Jewish regulations after German invasion; deportation to Dachau in October 1942; separation from his father and brothers when the train stopped in Auschwitz (he never saw them again); cleaning streets and buildings in Munich after Allied bombings; frequent prisoner injuries from unexploded bombs; a guard cutting his finger off to obtain a ring; medical assistance from an Austrian soldier; extreme hunger and weakness in Apr...

  6. Yehoshua S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yehoshua S., who was born in Debrecen, Hungary in 1925, the second of four brothers. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; secretly participating in Zionist youth groups; antisemitic violence; his father's and older brother's draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion; German invasion in March 1944; deportation with his mother, brothers, and aunt to Vienna; slave labor, first cleaning streets, then on nearby farms; a death march to Mauthausen; encountering his uncle; transfer to Gunskirchen; separation from his family; observing cannibalism; liberation by United States...

  7. Jolana M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jolana M., who was born in Podwilk, Poland, one of six children. She recalls graduating from Gymnasium in Zakopane in 1932; not attending medical school due to a Jewish quota; attending nursing school in Warsaw; working at a Jewish hospital; joining Hashomer Hatzair; German invasion; fleeing to Soviet-occupied Białystok; returning to Warsaw; posing as a Catholic to travel home, then to Bratislava; working in the Jewish hospital; deportation of the hospital staff to Žilina; selection to work in an old-age home in Nové Mesto nad Váhom; her parents' arrival at the hom...

  8. Kathe K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Kathe K., who was born in Breslau, Germany in 1915. She describes her father's death when she was two-and-a-half; realizing she was different, having been diagnosed with cerebral palsy; and her sheltered childhood. Mrs. K. recalls sudden change in 1933 when she was denied entrance to college because she was a Jew; learning to type with one hand; and going to Prague to study English. She related hiding with Christian friends on Crystal Night; her brother's departure for England on a children's transport; her family's attempt to emigrate to Shanghai, resulting in her jo...

  9. Yuri R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yuri R., who was born in Vinnyt︠s︡i︠a︡, Ukraine in 1928. He remembers German invasion in 1941; round-ups of Jews; hiding with his father and brother; neighbors looting Jewish property; his brother, grandmother, and mother being caught (he never saw them again); assignment to a slave labor brigade; witnessing torture of POWs; transfer with his father to the Vinnyt︠s︡i︠a︡ ghetto; receiving food from non-Jewish neighbors; escaping to a neighboring village; a futile effort to cross the Bug River into Romanian territory; working on a collective farm in Krasnoye; his detent...

  10. David M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David M., who was born in 1921. He recalls pervasive antisemitism in Luta, Poland; his father's murder in 1932; working in his family's bakery to supply bread for the ghetto; transfer to Jelen; learning his family was killed during his absence; transfer to the ?o?dz? ghetto; starvation and disease; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in 1944; transfer to Flossenbu?rg; forced labor in Siegmar-Schoenau; carrying a friend during a death march through Czechoslovakia; receiving food from Czech bystanders; liberation by the American Red Cross in Lidice; traveling to Prague, t...

  11. Daniel I. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Daniel I., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1932, an only child. He tells of his father's career as a writer and newspaper editor; his mother's as a teacher; an uncle, four aunts, and his grandmother emigrating to Palestine prior to his birth; German invasion in September 1939; destruction of their home by German bombs; fleeing to Soviet-occupied Białystok; moving to Moscow in summer 1940; attending school; visiting his aunt in Leningrad (presently Saint Petersburg); moving when his father found employment in Kaunas; attending a Yiddish school; German invasion; ghett...

  12. Chaja G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Chaja G., who was born in Poland in 1925 and emigrated to Brussels with her family when she was about five. She recalls their orthodoxy; German invasion; her father's employees protecting them; her sister and brother being hidden; working in a school where Jewish children were attending as non-Jews; arrest with the school; deportation to Malines; taking one child to a hospital and secretly notifying his mother who escaped with him; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; remaining with her friends; hospitalization for typhus; assignment to a Polish barrack; harsh treatment...

  13. Madeline G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Madeline G., who was born in Paris, France in 1921. She recalls her older brother's illness and death when she was ten; her younger sister's birth shortly thereafter; caring for the baby (her mother could not due to the impact of her brother's death); marriage in October 1939; her daughter's birth; her mother's death; living with her father in order to care for her sister; moving to Lyon with her husband and daughter, then to Ise?re; hiding their daughter in a convent; Resistance activities; arrest in Paris with her husband; incarceration in Fresnes; confessing to bei...

  14. Hannah N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hannah N., who was born in Essen, Germany in 1922 to a Jewish mother and non-Jewish father. She recalls being raised as a Jew; little antisemitism until Hitler's ascent to power; her parents' unsuccessful attempts to emigrate; synagogue confirmation in 1937; being protected by a non-Jew during Kristallnacht; high school graduation in 1938; deportations of many Jews; Allied bombings; her deportation to a forced labor camp in 1944 (her mother was sent to Berlin); a privileged position due to having previously worked for the SS officer in charge (she was the only Jew not...

  15. Leon K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leon K., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1920. He recalls antisemitic harassment; plans to attend university in the United States in 1939; not leaving due to German invasion; ghettoization; his father's arrest (he never saw him again); arranging to smuggle his mother and sister to Hungary (they were caught and killed); arrest when they were caught; being sent to P?aszo?w; smuggling goods into the camp; learning of Schindler's list in 1944; arranging to be on it through a schoolmate who compiled the list (Marcel Goldberg); deportation with the men briefly to Gross-R...

  16. Jan K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jan K., a Romani, who was born in Dúbravy, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1929. He recalls harassment by Hlinka guard youth; joining partisans in the hills; good relations among ethnic groups in the partisans; capture by Germans during the uprising; being forced to carry ammunition for the Germans in Hriňová; incarceration in the synagogue in Detva; truck transport toward Germany; escaping with others in Zvolen; hiding with family friends in Očová; returning home; observing that all the men in the village had been rounded up; hiding in the hills; returnin...

  17. Werner B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Werner B., who was born in Oberhausen, Germany in 1924. He recounts his family's move to Berlin in 1929; their strong German patriotism; his parents' divorce in 1932; living with his maternal grandmother in Pila; antisemitic harassment at school; his bar mitzvah; attending a Jewish boarding school in Szczecin; arrest of all the teachers on Kristallnacht; his mother's emigration with her second husband and daughter to Shanghai; joining a hachsharah; returning to Berlin; working in a factory; his father's suicide; planning to escape to Switzerland in 1943; traveling to ...

  18. Avraham M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Avraham M., who was born in Będzin, Poland in 1922. He recounts his father's emigration to Palestine in 1925 to prepare for the family to join him; his return when his own father was ill; participation in Gordonyah; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; working for a printer; printing circulars for the resistance; his father's appointment to the Judenrat; resistance meetings with Mordechai Anielewicz and Eleizer Geller; discussions of the purpose of resistance and dying; ghettoization in 1943; helping a Jew from Warsaw escape; obtaining Paraguayan citizenship pa...

  19. Flight from destiny

    A documentary based on interviews with survivors of the SS St. Louis and Shanghai.

  20. Alice B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alice B., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1929. She recalls the Anschluss; her father's belief his World War I service protected them; his four-day arrest on Kristallnacht; futile efforts to emigrate; being sent with her brother on a children's transport to France; placement in a children's home in Paris sponsored by Baroness Rothschild; hearing from her parents until war in 1939; transfer to La Bourboule; difficulty parting from her brother; his arrival in Janaury 1943; his transfer six months later; transfer to an OSE home near Limoges; attending school; round-up...