Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 44,421 to 44,440 of 55,889
  1. Rita K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rita K., who was born in 1924 in Memmelsdorf, Germany. She recalls the family's move to Wendelstein in 1930, then to Nuremberg in 1935; attending a Jewish school; participating in a Jewish sports group until 1938; emigration of family members to South America; and being part of the last confirmation class at the Great Synagogue in the spring of 1938. Mrs. K. remembers the destruction of friends' homes on Kristallnacht; leaving with a children's transport to England in January 1939; her parents' and brother's departure for the United States in July 1939; and her reunio...

  2. Gerda K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gerda K., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1911. Mrs. K. recounts a happy childhood; antisemitic incidents; laboratory work in a Catholic hospital; she and her father losing their jobs when Hitler came to power in 1933; her father leaving Germany; joining him in Paris with her mother; her mother's death in 1934; obtaining jobs and adjusting to life in Paris, realizing they would not return to Berlin as they originally thought; German invasion; a round-up and two to three weeks in the Ve?lodrome d'Hiver; and transport to Gurs. She recalls over four months in Gurs; re...

  3. Samuel F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Samuel F., who was born in Konstancin-Jeziorna, Poland in 1926, the oldest of four children. He recalls his father's service in the Polish military; attending public school; antisemitic harassment; being financially comfortable, but not rich; trips to Warsaw; German invasion; staying with relatives in Warsaw; returning home; transfer to the Warsaw ghetto; smuggling food from Jeziorna; ceasing after his arrest; escaping with a cousin to Czubin; singing and begging; briefly living with his family in Magnuszew; their deportation (he never saw them again); a German family...

  4. Gabriel M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gabriel M., who was born in Warsaw, Poland, in 1934. Mr. M. recalls his prewar neighborhood; close family ties with Jews and Christians; German occupation; his family's strong Polish sympathies; daily life in the ghetto; his sense of loss at the death of a friend; the "nightmarish, unreal" feeling of the occupation; the role of war news as a tenuous link with reality; relocating when the Germans reduced the ghetto's size in mid-1942; his father's role in the ghetto uprising; and escaping with his mother in early 1943, aided by a Polish policeman active in rescuing Jew...

  5. Klara A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Klara A., who was born in Bosnia (then Yugoslavia) in 1918. She recounts being the only Jewish family in town; attending a Catholic high school in Travnik and living with her uncle; cordial relations with non-Jews; her family's move to Sarajevo in 1929; leaving college to work so her three brothers could attend; working for a bank until 1941; her brothers fleeing; remaining with her mother; being warned of a Ustaša round-up of Jews; hiding with her mother; leaving possessions with a Muslim neighbor (she returned them after the war); joining her uncle in Travnik; obt...

  6. Judy G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Judy G., who was born in Kiskunmajsa, Hungary, in 1938. Mrs. G. tells of moving at five months to Budapest with her mother and sister when her father was drafted into a Hungarian labor battalion; being sent to her maternal grandparents in Ja?szalso?szentgyo?rgy in 1943; returning to her mother after German occupation; deportation of her sister and paternal grandparents; her father's last visit; living with her mother and cousins; a doctor who placed the children in a Swiss Red Cross safe house after her cousin was taken; and her mother almost being killed. She relates...

  7. Joe W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joe W., who was born in Schweinfurt, Germany in 1922. He describes his family's business, established in 1833; a happy childhood; attending trade school in Berlin in 1937 after Jews were expelled from public schools; hiding with his friend during Kristallnacht; learning of his father's imprisonment and wanton destruction of their business; obtaining permission to go to Sweden with assistance from a Swedish counsel; obtaining a passport with assistance from a German officer; arriving in Sweden on April 30, 1939; and emigrating to the United States from Norway. Mr. W. r...

  8. Adolphe F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Adolphe F., who was born in Paris, France in 1926. He recounts a sheltered childhood; his parents' unionism and communism; he and his parents hiding with a French family in July 1942; fleeing with an uncle to Vierzon, using false papers; their denouncement; imprisonment in Orle?ans; transfer to Pithiviers, Drancy, and then back to Pithiviers; deportation as hostages to Cosel, then a labor camp; brief escapes to obtain food; transfer to Blechhammer in December 1942; beatings, slave labor, appels, and public hangings; sharing food received from his parents; assistance f...

  9. Oscar E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Oscar E., who was born in Kos?ice, Czechoslovakia in 1930. In unusual detail, he describes his maternal grandfather's and other relatives' emigration to the United States; Hungarian occupation; antisemitic restrictions; moving to Bardejov in 1938; deportations in 1942; being smuggled with his sister to Budapest; their mother briefly joining them; her deportation (he never saw either of his parents again); living with families in Sze?kesfehe?rva?r, Gyo?r, in a village with his aunt, then in Pribeta; being rounded-up in Nove? Za?mky in May 1944; deportation with his sis...

  10. Annelies H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Annelies H., a twin, who was born in Ko?nigsberg, Germany (presently Kaliningrad, Russia) in 1922. She recalls a happy childhood; her family's affluence; antisemitic violence; her father doing humiliating forced labor; joining relatives in Ri?ga in an attempt to emigrate; returning home at the urging of their relatives; her father's suicide; her mother sending her younger brother to Ri?ga after Kristallnacht (they never saw him again); forced factory labor with her mother; her mother sending her and her twin sister to Berlin in 1941; forced labor in a munitions factor...

  11. Benjamin D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Benjamin D., who was born in Soko??ka, Poland in 1915. He tells of serving in the Polish army; retreating from the German invasion; capture by a German officer; transfer to a prisoner of war camp in Germany; changing his name to avoid detection as a Jew; and internment in a Stalag at Alt-Grabow. Mr. D. describes conditions of starvation and brutal treatment; forced labor; deportation of some prisoners to a death camp (he learned this later); letters from his brother in a ghetto dated February 2, 1943 and December 13, 1943; and not knowing the whereabouts or fate of hi...

  12. Harry E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Harry E., a non-Jew, who was born in Rotterdam, Netherlands in 1921. He recalls employment in the immigration section of the Department of Justice in 1938; assisting his supervisor in Antwerp, Belgium on the St. Louis, when it returned to Europe (Holland had agreed to take a portion of the Jewish refugees); passengers passing him notes attempting to document connections to Holland; his supervisor choosing those who had high numbers for emigration elsewhere to minimize their stays in Holland; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions, including wearing the star; some n...

  13. Sarah W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sarah W., who was born in Nowy Korczyn, Poland in 1930, the third of four sisters. She recounts her family's affluence; attending public school, then afternoon Hebrew school until third grade; German invasion; confiscation of the family business; her parents arranging to hide relatives, including one sister, with Polish friends; other Poles hiding the rest of them in a sub-basement hole under planks; living in the dark with very little food; her father teaching them Bible stories; three others joining them; Germans living in the house above them for the last six month...

  14. Ilona W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ilona W., who was born in Przemys?l, Poland in 1925. She recounts her family's affluence; frequent visits to relatives in Krako?w; attending public school; German invasion, then occupation by the Soviets shortly thereafter; moving to L?viv to avoid deportation as capitalists; returning to Przemys?l after two months; German invasion; ghettoization; forced labor outside the ghetto; a German officer giving her food; her family building a bunker; hiding during round-ups; betrayal of the bunker; being loaded on a train bound for Belzec; escaping through the window; staying...

  15. Ludwig B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ludwig B., who was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1933. He recounts his father's cattle-hide export business; his family moving to Krako?w shortly after his birth due to antisemitism; his father's business trip to the United States in 1939, from which he could not return when Germany invaded Poland; his sister's arrest for falsifying documents (they later learned she perished in Auschwitz); ghettoization; round-ups; escaping with his mother; hiding with fifteen relatives in a warehouse attic with assistance from the Polish caretaker; fear of discovery; a pregnant woman h...

  16. Juliana R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Juliana R., who was born in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia (presently Serbia) in approximately 1927. She speaks of the death of her sister in 1940, due to an accident unrelated to the war, which still affects her deeply. She relates the antisemitic activities under the Hungarian occupation beginning in 1941 and the confusion, fear, and helplessness of the Jews during that time; her family's deportation to Auschwitz in 1944, where she was separated from her parents immediately upon arrival; the dehumanizing life in Auschwitz; and her transfer to a slave labor camp in Wu?stergier...

  17. Vera V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Vera V., who was born in Gyo?r, Hungary in 1927. She recalls a sheltered childhood in a middle class family; increasing antisemitism after 1938; German occupation in 1944; her mother arranging to hide her and her cousin in a village with family friends; returning home with assistance from her governess after the family refused to hide them any longer; her father's and brother's draft into a forced labor battalion; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; assistance from a Slovakian kapo (she was from the same town as her mother); transfer with her mother to Ravensbru?ck, th...

  18. Arnold K. Hocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Arnold K., who was born in Suwa?ki, Poland in 1928, the second of four brothers. He recalls his family's affluence; vacationing with his mother and brothers in summer 1939 (he never saw his father again); German invasion; living in Soko??ka with his mother, brothers, and other relatives; moving to Vilnius; Soviet occupation; his relatives' deportation to Siberia; German invasion; ghettoization; forced labor with his older brother; smuggling food to his mother and younger brothers; hiding during round-ups; being found; separation from his mother and younger brothers; d...

  19. Aviva U. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Aviva U., who was born in Warsaw, Poland after her father's death. She recalls attending a Polish school, the only Jew in a quota; staying with her grandparents in Otwock; German invasion; returning to Warsaw; ghettoization; attending school; escaping a mass killing when her mother's body knocked her down and she feigned death; obtaining false papers from her mother's friend; escaping from the ghetto; posing as a Russian refugee; exposure by a Jew; denying her Judaism under torture; a priest attesting she was Catholic; transport to Germany for forced labor; working fo...

  20. Levana O. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Levana O., who was born in Iași, Romania in 1931. She recalls expulsion from Catholic school due to anti-Jewish laws; arrival of German troops prior to Soviet invasion in 1941; a round-up by German and Romanian soldiers; release of the women and children; returning home with her mother (she never saw her father again); hearing shooting; seeing corpses loaded onto trucks the next day; continuing to attend school; moving to Bucharest with her mother in winter 1942/1943; returning to Iași that spring; attending high school; returning to Bucharest in 1944; liberation by...