Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,541 to 3,560 of 55,813
  1. Documentation of the State Archives of the Rovno Region

    The archives was established in March 1940 as the historical archives of the region, and as of 1941 it was called the State Archives of the Rovno Region. The material for the archives was collected gradually. At the start, the archives received documents from local institutions and from factories, non-profit organizations, associations, and from educational and healthcare institutions that were in existence from the period when Rovno still belonged to Poland. By 1940, collections that dated from 1921-1939 were transferred to the archives. With the start of the Great Patriotic War, the archi...

  2. Deutsch-französisches Jugendwerk

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Nach der Unterzeichnung des Deutsch-Französischen Freundschaftsvertrages vom 22. Januar 1963 wurde im gleichen Jahr das "Deutsch-Französische Jugendwerk" gegründet. Zur Förderung eines besseren Verständnisses der Länder untereinander sollten die Bande zwischen der Jugend beider Länder enger gestaltet und ihr Verständnis füreinander vertieft werden. Das Abkommen zwischen der Regierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Französischen Republik vom 5. Juli 1963 (Bulletin der Bundesregierung Nr. 117/S. 1046ff) sah zu diesem Zweck in § 2 des Vertrages eine Reih...

  3. Rinkinių apskaitos ir apsaugos skyrius

    • Inventory and Conservation of Holdings Department
    • Vilniaus Gaono žydų istorijos muziejus
    • VŽM
    • English
    • Judaica holdings are classified as primary (VŽM) and academic support (VŽMP) collections under the Museum’s statute with consideration of the extant value of the item as a museum piece. Currently around 30,000 items are being conserved. Primary collection consists of: 1. Household decorative items, ritual equipment, tangible exhibition pieces of historical significance. 2. Writings and documents. 3. Photography. 4. Visual and decorative art. 5. Sculptor Jacques Lipchitz‘s memorial collection. 6. Archive of Josif Shapiro (collector of ex-libris).

    The collections include: 1. Household decorative items, ritual equipment, tangible exhibition pieces of historical significance. Materials include metal, wood, leather, ceramics, precious metals, textiles, bone and other materials. Among these items are around 100 unique artifacts from Paneriai mass killing sites, material from the ghetto period and from prisoners, people who perished and people who survived. There are also artifacts of the Great Synagogue and from Jewish cemeteries. 2. Writings and documents include books, press, manuscripts, posters, documents. There are 5000 items in tot...

  4. Rohony family papers

    The Rohony family papers are comprised of postcards and photographs documenting the Rohony family’s circumstances during World War II, primarily between 1943 and 1944. Comprised of János, his wife Anna, and their daughter, Zsusana (later Susan), the Rohony family was living in Budapest, Hungary until 1943 when János was forced into the Hungarian labor battalions and Anna was arrested by the Gestapo. János perished in Ohrdruf in 1944. Anna and Zsusana survived the war. The vast majority of this collection consists of extensive correspondence in the form of postcards and letters between János...

  5. Schlageter-Gedächtnis-Museum

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Hervorgegangen aus der vom Schlageterbund e.V. veranstalteten Schlageter-Gedächtnisausstellung zur Verwaltung des für diese gesammelten Materials; Gründung am 12. Dezember 1933 in Übereinkunft mit dem Reichsarchiv und der Kriegsgeschichtlichen Abteilung des Reichswehrministeriums als e.V. zur "Errichtung eines Denkmals" für die Freikorps; Schaffung einer stark nationalistisch orientierten Forschungs- und Propagandagrundlage durch zielgerichtete Sammlung von Material zur Geschichte der Freikorps; nach "Röhmputsch" verstärkter Übergang der Traditionspflege auf ...

  6. Rosine De Dijn research archive. Collection

    This collection contains the research files and 172 books accumulated by Rosine De Dijn in preparation of six books on various topics related to the Second World War. The research files for ‘De vlucht van Yudka Kalman, 1941-1950’ (KD_00633_01) include five sets of photographic materials, copies concerning the German Landsmannschafte in Donau-Schwaben and across Europe, and files on Carpathian Ukraine, on researched persons and on Belgium's refugee policy. The research files for ‘Zeg Nooit Dat Je Rachmil Heet. Een Joodse Jongen Overleeft De Oorlog In Een Vlaams Gezin’ (KD_00633_02) include p...

  7. Reichsstelle für Verpackungsmittel

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Bestandsgeschichte Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Verpackung, zugleich die Geschäftsstelle des Reichsbeauftragten für Verpackungsmittel, hatte ihren Sitz in Berlin-Charlottenburg, im Hause der Feldmühle AG, das im Kriege durch Bonbemeinwirkung teilweise zerstört wurde. Nach Kriegsende wurde sie nach Berlin-Wilmersdorf, verlegt und zog im September 1946 nach Berlin-Schmargendorf. Im September 1955 wurden, zusammen mit zahlreichen anderen Provenienzen, 17 Stehordner und fünf Mappen des Reichsbeauftragten vom Custodian für die Reichsstellen, Wirtschaftsgruppen und ande...

  8. Sophie Friedländer: personal papers and interviews

    This collection contains the personal papers of Sophie Friedländer, who was a teacher at the Jewish boarding school in Caputh, near Potsdam and later emigrated to the UK as a German Jewish refugee.Personal papers including correspondence, photographs, papers and press cuttings relating to the former Jewish school in Caputh; correspondence with German broadcasting companies regarding the production of a TV documentary on Kindertransporte and the former school in Caputh 'Als ob man nur ein bischen wegfährt' (1990); draft autobiography of Hilde Jarecki and correspondence regarding a joint auto...

  9. Antifascisti e partigiani ebrei in Italia 1922-1945

    Il fondo raccoglie documenti degli oppositori al regime fascista prima dell'8 settembre 1943 e dei partigiani della Resistenza, in particolare ebraica. Tra la documentazione cartacea descritta troviamo brevetti, documenti d'identità con false generalità, libretti d'iscrizione alle organizzazioni antifasciste (Giustizia e Libertà, Brigate Garibaldi con le relative divisioni), attestati di riconoscimento della qualifica di partigiano o patriota, nonchè oggetti volti a testimoniare, non solo la partecipazione al movimento di liberazione, ma quel bisogno di libertà, democrazia, giustizia e soli...

  10. Alice M. Berney papers

    The papers consist of eight photographs from the children's home belonging to the Rothschild estates, "Chateau de La Guette," in France, one photograph depicting a group of girls at the École Hôtelière de Clermont Ferrand in France, and two medical certificates issued by the Comité Israélite pour les Enfants for siblings Alice and Herbert Menkes.

  11. Vereniging Joodse Oorlogskinderen

    aard van de archiefbestanddelen Het archief bestaat voor het grootste gedeelte uit correspondentie, zowel met leden en aanverwante organisaties, als tussen bestuursleden onderling. Daarnaast zitten er vergaderstukken in het archief, van het algemeen bestuur, het dagelijks bestuur en de werkgroepen.

  12. Matchbook cover with a printed appeal to not buy Nazi goods

    American matchbook acquired by Max Beer, who arrived in Canada in 1949 following his birth in a displaced persons camp in Germany. The matchbook was produced by the Jewish War Veterans of the United States as part of a 1933 boycott of German imports and has the slogan “For Humanity’s Sake: Don’t Buy Nazi Goods.” In spring 1941, Max’s father, Leo Beer, escaped from the Krakow ghetto in Poland, and joined the Soviet Army. In March 1942, Max’s mother, Gitla Paris Einzenberg (later Beer), was transported from the Radom ghetto in Poland, to a forced labor camp in Poland, and then deported to ano...

  13. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 6, 7 and 8 -- Eichmann pleads not guilty

    Sessions 6, 7 and 8. The contents of the tape are not sequentially consistent with the official transcripts; rather the footage is arranged erratically starting in the middle of Session 6 with Attorney General Hausner's opening statement and ending in the beginning of Session 6 with Adolf Eichmann's plea hearing. Begins during Attorney General Hausner's opening speech. He states: "There was only one man who had been concerned almost entirely with the Jews, whose business had been their destruction that was Adolf Eichmann." There is a blip at 00:22:45 to 00:23:15, and the recording backtrack...

  14. Stanisław Maciejewski collection

    Stanisław Maciejewski collection consists of records relating to activities of the Association of Polish Former Political Prisoners of Prisons and Concentration Camps in Germany. These records include prisoner questionnaires containing comprehensive bibliographical information about the prisoners and prospective association members as well as photographs, fingerprints, and Verification Commission notes. The collection also contains correspondence, medical and compensation records, Maciejewski family documents, newspaper clippings, and publications relating to various concentration camp muse...

  15. Liberation of Dachau; Folk Festival in Czechoslovakia

    EXT, U.S. Army medical unit loads supplies onto trucks for transport. Snow on the ground; soldiers in winter gear, VS loading large wooden crates. VS, the convoy of medical unit trucks travels over difficult terrain, dirt and mud roads, etc. MS, a truck dumps a large amount of rubble onto a dirt road, soldiers [and possibly locals] shovel and level off the roads. LS, underexposed, supply trucks move along a road, mountains in BG. MS, captured German soldiers stand in line with their belongings, receive rations, interviewed by the liberating U.S. Army unit. Pan, several German soldiers look ...

  16. Statistische Bundesamt.- Organisationsunterlagen

    • Bundesarchiv, Koblenz
    • B 128-ORG
    • German
    • Sammlung 165 Aufbewahrungseinheiten 0,0 laufende Meter

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Aufgaben und Organisation Nach der reichsgründung wurde 1872 das dem Reichsamt des Innern nachgeordnete "Kaiserliche Statistische Amt" als zentrales statistisches errichtet, das unter anderem die statistischen Aufgaben des "Centralbureaus des Zollvereins" übernahm. Im Laufe der Jahre erwuchsen diesem auf dem Gebiet der Bevölkerungsstatistik, der Landwirtschaftsstatistik, der Verkehrsstatistik, der Bautätigkeitsstatistik, der industriellen Produktionsstatistik und in Zusammenhang mit der Sozialgesetzgebung weitere Aufgaben. Eine wichtige Aufgabe war die Koordi...

  17. Egon Weiss papers

    The Egon Weiss papers consist of a diary written by Egon Weiss describing his 1940 voyage on the SS Milos, the explosion of the SS Patria, his internment in the Atlit detainee camp, and the following years in Jerusalem as well as a scrapbook containing biographical material and photographs relating to the Weiss family from approximately 1890 to 2009. The collection also includes correspondence between the family and information relating to the SS Patria and prisoners of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Egon Weiss began his diary after he arrived in Palestine in 1940 and the last entry was ...

  18. Barbie Trial -- Day 6 -- Barbie's role in the roundup of Jews

    14:50 Defense lawyer Vergès gives closing remarks. 14:52 President Cerdini suspends the hearing. 15:29 Cerdini resumes the hearing. 15:30 Cerdini delivers the court's judgment on Barbie's unwillingness to attend trial proceedings. 15:32 Prosecutor Nordmann delivers civil parties' conclusions 15:34 Cerdini delivers a statement of facts relating to the convoy of August 11, 1944, in which prisoners of the Montluc prison in Lyon were rounded up and loaded onto a 10-car train. After many stops in France and little food or water, male resistants were offloaded at Struthof, female resistants were ...

  19. Eichmann Trial -- Session 88 -- Decision about admissability of Sassen document; Cross-examination of the Accused

    The footage begins in the middle of Session 88. Judge Halevi presents the court's decision as to the admissability of the Sassen document. The Sassen document consisted of transcripts from an interview Adolf Eichmann gave to a Nazi Dutch journalist named Willem Sassen over a four-month period in 1957. This is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2119 (at 00:51:30). Although this is only a small section of Judge Halevi's statement, it is more complete on this tape than on Tape 2119. Judge Landau calls for a recess (00:18:35) and all rise as the judges exit. Eichmann leaves the booth. The foo...

  20. Jewish Communities in Hamburg Jüdische Gemeinden Hamburg (522-1)

    Files for the administration and organization of the municipalities of the Jewish communities in Hamburg, the Religious Association ("Religionsverband") and the Reich Association of the Jews in Germany ( "Reichsvereinigung"), as well as personal files of its members. Files contain information on daily life and the treatment of Jews in Germany before and during the Nazi era (including deportations, administration of Jewish assets and correspondences). This collection contains mixed collections of original documents and reproductions which reside half at the Hamburg State Archive and half at ...