Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 29,661 to 29,680 of 55,818
  1. Processo de pedido de visto para Alma Pfeffer (nascida Schaefer) e Helmut Pfeffer

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Basileia para Alma Pfeffer (nascida Schaefer), de nacionalidade alemã e residente na Suíça, com destino ao Reino Unido. Sem informação de atribuição de visto. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Basileia para Helmut Pfeffer, de nacionalidade alemã e residente na Suíça, com destino ao Reino Unido. Sem informação de atribuição de visto.

  2. Processo de pedido de visto para Thomas Lorel William Mulins e Laura de Almada Mulins

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Londres para Thomas Lorel William Mulins, de nacionalidade britânica e residente em Portugal, com destino a Portugal. Sem informação de atribuição do visto. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Londres para Laura de Almada Mulins, de nacionalidade britânica e residente em Portugal, com destino a Portugal. Sem informação de atribuição do visto.

  3. Processo de pedido de visto para Reverendo Stuart Robertson e mulher

    Processo de pedido de visto pela Embaixada Britânica ao Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros para Reverendo Stuart Robertson, de nacionalidade britânica e residente em Portugal, com destino a Portugal. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto pela Embaixada Britânica ao Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros para mulher de Reverendo Stuart Robertson, de nacionalidade britânica e residente em Portugal, com destino a Portugal. Visto autorizado.

  4. Bilytsia village administration in Iampil district

    • Білицька сільська управа Ямпільського району

    Collection contains orders by the local auxiliary department at the commandant's office, senior officers of the district on ensuring road safety, census of the population. Lists of Jews, Communists, citizens living on village Khutir-Mikhailovsky, prisoners of war, police officers. Collection includes list of the Jews of the town of Seredyno-Buda from December 1941 (file 2, p. 3).

  5. Хустський окружний начальник, м. Хуст

    Циркуляри Мараморошської адміністративної експозитури про заборону розповсюдження листівок, про призов до армії, надання відстрочок від призову; набір сільськогосподарських робітників до Німеччини, надання патентів на ведення торгівлі і ремесла, встановлення цін на продукти та забезпечення населення продовольчими товарами; надання допомоги сім'ям військовослужбовців, охорону здоров'я, метричні питання. Донесення жандармських станцій, засудження громадян за різні злочини; експропріацію земель єврейського населення, списки євреїв сіл Хустського округу. Бюджети сіл. Книги реєстрації вхідних та...

  6. Archivio della seconda guerra mondiale e della Resistenza trentina

    Il fondo consiste in una raccolta-miscellanea di materiale relativo alla seconda guerra mondiale e alla Resistenza, istituita nel 1945 e incrementata da successive donazioni da privati e associazioni. I documenti riguardano l'attività politica e militare della Resistenza trentina; fascicoli personali, relazioni e memorie posteriori al maggio 1945, documenti sugli internati trentini in Germania dopo l'8 settembre 1943 e sul lager di Bolzano. La raccolta non è strutturata ma rispecchia la stratificazione avvenuta nel tempo, senza successione cronologica tra i singoli documenti e senza distrib...

  7. Neurath, Konstantin Freiherr von

    • Bundesarchiv, Koblenz
    • N 1310
    • German
    • Nachlässe 277 Aufbewahrungseinheiten 3,0 laufende Meter

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners John L. Heineman, Hitler''s first foreign minister. Constantin Freiherr von Neurath, Diplomat and Statesman. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London 1979 Gustav von Schmoller, Neurath in Prag 1939-1941, Sdr. München 1982.- Kelley, Douglas M.: Twenty-two cells in Nuremberg. London 1947 Schwerin von Krosigk, Lutz Graf: Es geschah in Deutschland. Menschnbilder unseres Jahrhunderts. Tübingen, Stuttgart 1951 Bestandsbeschreibung Korrespondenzen, Ausarbeitungen, Druckschriften. Zeitraum: 1914-1956 Gästebuch. Zeit: 1939-1941 Zitierweise BArch N 1310/...

  8. Goetz, Walter

    • Bundesarchiv, Koblenz
    • N 1215
    • German
    • Nachlässe 231 Aufbewahrungseinheiten 8,3 laufende Meter

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Historiker, Hochschullehrer, MdR (DDP, 1920-1928) Bestandsbeschreibung Private, historische und politische Korrespondenz (1900-1959), insbesondere Unterlagen aus der Tätigkeit an den Universitäten Tübingen (1905-1913), Straßburg (1913-1918) und München, am Institut für Kultur- und Universalgeschichte (1918-1933), als Präsident der Historischen Kommission der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (1945-1952) sowie aus seinem politischen Wirken nach 1900, u.a. in der Vereinigung verfassungstreuer Hochschullehrer. (Stand: 1977) - Besondere Benutzungsbedingunge...

  9. Burning the barracks at Belsen

    Huts/barracks burned by flamethrowers from military tank. Conflagration. Building engulfed in flames and thick black smoke. Soldiers. Fire blowing tractor lumbers along, shooting fire. LS of trucks driving around camp. Panoramic shots of smoke and burning camp.

  10. Casablanca Conference

    FDR, Churchill, De Gaulle and Giraud confer, sitting informally outdoors and chatting briefly. FDR with Gen Patton rides in jeep, reviews troops near Casablanca as military band plays. Signal Corps photographers. Nonessential segments: 01:34:56 to 01:41:15, CU two GIs describe their experience landing in North Africa.

  11. Ziskind family correspondence, 1929-1939

    Correspondence from the Ziskind family in Krewo, Poland (today in Belarus) to Sadie Nechama Ziskind, later Alpert, in Chicago, IL. The letters are written in Yiddish, between 1929-1939. In most of the letters the Ziskind family asks for additional correspondence and some financial support. Sadie Ziskind left Krewo in 1915 just being 16 years old. She married William Alpert and they had three children: Edith, Jean, and Louis.

  12. Lewis Gutin photograph collection

    Collection of three black and white photographic prints with images depicting buildings being consumed by fire, behind barbed wire fence and closed gates with sign warning of typhus; two of the photos marked on verso with stamp by US Army Examiner, and handwritten caption of “Not for Publication / AEH” and “Gossezossen”; one image marked “Beyreuth” on recto across top. The photographs were taken by Staff Sgt Lewis Gutin (donor’s father) who served with the 9th Armored Engineer Battalion as Mess Sergeant. The images are unlabeled, but were possibly taken in Bergen-Belsen.

  13. Fragebogen zur Lage in Deutschland, Februar 1936

    Contains an underground questionnaire on the situation in Germany, dated February 1936, that had been clandestinely written and published by politically exiled resisters of the Nazi movement who were members of the German Social Democratic party. The questionnaire was distributed with the "Deutschland-Berichte" newspaper.

  14. Lantzer family photograph collection

    Collection of photographs (15) depicting Yochevet Lantzer (Jochewet Doba Lanzer, b. October 2, 1947) as a child, along with her parents, in the Ulm displaced persons camp in Germany, and one picture of them in Israel (1950). Her parents, Alta Alal Bergrefreund Lanzer (b. December 12, 1923 in Bilgoraj Lubelski, Poland) and Szyjie Lanzer (b. April 15, 1914 in Tomaszow Lubelski, Poland) survived the Holocaust in the USSR. The Lanzer family immigrated to Israel on March 21, 1949.

  15. Wilhelm Rosenbaum: copy verdict in war crimes trial

    This document comprises copy extracts from the verdict and judgment in the case against Wilhelm Karl Johannes Rosenbaum

  16. "The Nursing Log of our Son, 1942-1946"

    Consists of one notebook entitled "The Nursing Log of our Son, 1942-1946-[1948]", by Mrs. Imre Sugár. Mr. and Mrs. Imre Sugár's son, Peter, was born on July 26, 1942, while his father was serving in a Hungarian labor battalion on the Eastern front, where he would perish in 1943. Mrs. Sugár kept this journal hoping for the return of her husband, and planned to give him a full account of the first months of Peter's life. The journal contains data about the difficulties the small family was facing during the Holocaust, the siege of Budapest, and the aftermath of the war.

  17. Robert Pettit collection

    Consists of 27 photographs taken by Robert Pettit, a member of the United States Army, after the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp. Includes photographs of liberated prisoners, of captured German soldiers, of Mr. Pettit in the camp, and of camp architecture. Also includes photographs taken during the Battle of the Bulge and of destruction in Germany. The photographs are described by Mr. Pettit.

  18. Oelßner, Alfred

    Bestandsbeschreibung Biographische Angaben: USPD (1917), KPD (1920); Partei- und Gewerkschaftsfunktionär in Naumburg-Weißenfels-Zeitz, Halle-Merseburg und Schlesien; Inhaftierung (1923-1925); Bundeskassierer des RFB (1928/1929); Leiter der Abt. Kasse des ZK der KPD bzw. Hauptkassierer im ZK der SED (1945-1950); Vors. der ZRK der SED (1950-1954) Bestandsbeschreibung: Persönliches und Biographisches; Korrespondenzen; Arbeitsmaterialien aus der politischen Tätigkeit; Kondolenzen; Schriftgut der Ehefrau Emma Oelßner. Umfang, Erläuterung 19 AE Zitierweise BArch NY 4144/...

  19. Dowódca SS i Policji Dystryktu Radomskiego [Der SS- und Polizeiführer im Distrikt Radom]

    • akta administracyjne (materiały dot. skonfiskowanego mienia żydowskiego po likwidacji gett na terenie dystryktu radomskiego z lat 1942-1944; rozkazy i wytyczne władz policyjnych w Berlinie i Krakowie z 1939 r. dot. utworzenia na terenach okupowanych jednostek samoobrony)
  20. Стодолищенская районная управа

    • Starodolishche district council

    Orders, commands and warrants of heads of districts. Warrants for heads of districts and prefects on residents' forced labor, on recruitment of the labor force in Germany. Prefects' reports about residents that are leaving the forestry without an authorization. Passports, issued by occupational authorities; report and accounting books of passports and certificates.