Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 24,081 to 24,100 of 56,066
  1. Lebensborn collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, books, pamphlets, and photographs relating to the Lebensborn program in Nazi Germany which encouraged the birth rate among persons designated as racially pure Germans.

  2. Oral history interviews of the Former Yugoslavia Witnesses Documentation Project in North Macedonia

    Oral history interviews of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Former Yugoslavia Witnesses Documentation Project in North Macedonia

  3. Henry Dressler family collection

    The collections consists of two concentration camp uniforms, knit caps, a set of playing cards, correspondence, documents, clippings, negatives, photographs, and video tapes relating to the experiences of Heinz, Joachim, Martha, and Susi Dressler, originally from Dresden, Germany, in the Brunnlitz factory in Moravia operated by Oskar Schindler during the Holocaust which they all survived by being placed on Schindler's list, and also their postwar experiences following their emigration to the United States.

  4. Isidore Lipschutz collection

    The collection consists of correspondence, documents, photographs, a poster, and publications relating to the experiences of Isidore Lipschutz, including his anti-Nazi activities during the war and his postwar political involvement with human rights organizations, the creation of Israel, and the establishment of the Memorial of the Unknown Jewish Martyr in Paris, France.

  5. Carl Weiler and Mina Kaufmann Weiler families collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, correspondence, documents, an oral testimony, and photographs relating to the Mina Kaufmann and Carl Weiler families in Germany, Switzerland and the United States before World War II and in Germany and Gurs internment camp in France during the war.

  6. Eugene Lorant collection

    The collection consists of documents, photographs, and two prayer books relating to the experiences of Eugene Lorant and his emigration to the United States after the Holocaust.

  7. Andries Roos family collection

    The collection consists of an armband, a tallit and pouch, and a book relating to the experiences of Andries Roos, and his son Leo Roos, before and during the Holocaust in Amsterdam, Netherlands, during which Andries was executed for his resistance activity and Leo and other family members lived in hiding.

  8. Oral history interviews of the Belarusian Witnesses Documentation Project

    Oral history interviews of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Belarusian Witnesses Documentation Project

  9. Testimony oral history collection

    Contains oral histories interviews with 32 Holocaust survivors from the United States

  10. Jasenovac oral history project

    Oral history interviews with ten Jasenovac concentration camp survivors recorded as part of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Jasenovac oral history project.

  11. Oral history interviews of the Hidden History of the Kovno Ghetto collection

    Contains oral history interviews with sixteen Holocaust survivors recorded in preparation for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's exhibition, "Hidden History of the Kovno Ghetto," which opened in Nov. 1997. Collection includes interviews with: Brigitte Altman, Miriam Gershwin, Eta Hecht, Henry Kellen, Tamar Lazerson, David Levine, Jacob Lewin, Esther Lurie, Ted Pais, Avraham Pnina, Abraham Rodstein, Ivar Segalowitz, Avraham Tory, Helen Yermus, Celia Yewlow, and Berel Zisman. The interviewees discuss their experiences of living in the ghetto in Kaunas (Kovno), Lithuania, during the...

  12. American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors oral history collection

    Contains oral history interviews with 157 Holocaust survivors recorded during the American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors in Washington, D.C., in Apr. 1983. The interviews contain information about persecution, life in the ghettos and concentration camps, and concentration camp liberation during World War II.

  13. Oral history interviews of the Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois

    Contains interviews with Holocaust survivors and liberators in the greater Chicago, IL area

  14. Bozenna M. Urbanowicz-Gilbride oral history collection

    Contains interviews with 16 Polish Holocaust survivors, witnesses, rescuers, and liberators living in Poland

  15. Oral history interviews of the Slovak Witnesses Documentation Project

    Oral history interviews of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Slovak Witnesses Documentation Project.

  16. Laurie Zell collection

    The collection consists of two phonograph record sets featuring works created by American artists to protest the actions of Adolf Hitler and the threat of Nazi Germany.

  17. Oral history interviews of the Czech Witnesses Documentation Project

    Oral history interviews of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Czech Witnesses Documentation Project

  18. Albert Dov Sigal collection

    The collection consists of artwork created by Albert Dov Sigal relating to his experiences in a British detention camp in Cyprus in 1948 where he and his family were held after the ship on which they sailed from Romania to Palestine was captured by the British Navy.