Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,341 to 2,360 of 3,433
  1. Bosch engine component placed on a workbench used to conceal a Jewish family’s hiding place

    1. Stefan Petri collection

    Engine component placed on a workbench that concealed one of the hiding places Stefan Petri built in his home in Wawer, Poland. Stefan, his wife, Janina, and their son, Marian, were Polish Catholics. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland and began subjugating the Polish people. Uncertain of what might occur, Stefan built a basement hiding place concealed by a cabinet. In mid-1942, the Germans deported 300,000 Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka killing center. Stefan learned that his Jewish dentist and friend, Dr. Szapiro, his wife Ela, and their adult sons, Jerzy and Marek had ...

  2. Radio battery eliminator placed on a workbench used to conceal a Jewish family’s hiding place

    1. Stefan Petri collection

    Radio battery eliminator placed on a workbench that concealed one of the hiding places Stefan Petri built in his home in Wawer, Poland. Stefan, his wife, Janina, and their son, Marian, were Polish Catholics. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland and began subjugating the Polish people. Uncertain of what might occur, Stefan built a basement hiding place concealed by a cabinet. In mid-1942, the Germans deported 300,000 Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka killing center. Stefan learned that his Jewish dentist and friend, Dr. Szapiro, his wife Ela, and their adult sons, Jerzy and Ma...

  3. Tank, possibly for a heat pump, placed on a workbench used to conceal a Jewish family’s hiding place

    1. Stefan Petri collection

    Small tank placed on a workbench that concealed one of the hiding places Stefan Petri built in his home in Wawer, Poland. Stefan, his wife, Janina, and their son, Marian, were Polish Catholics. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland and began subjugating the Polish people. Uncertain of what might occur, Stefan built a basement hiding place concealed by a cabinet. In mid-1942, the Germans deported 300,000 Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka killing center. Stefan learned that his Jewish dentist and friend, Dr. Szapiro, his wife Ela, and their adult sons, Jerzy and Marek had escape...

  4. Wooden box placed on a workbench used to conceal a Jewish family’s hiding place

    1. Stefan Petri collection

    Worn, wooden box placed on a workbench that concealed one of the hiding places Stefan Petri built in his home in Wawer, Poland. Stefan, his wife, Janina, and their son, Marian, were Polish Catholics. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland and began subjugating the Polish people. Uncertain of what might occur, Stefan built a basement hiding place concealed by a cabinet. In mid-1942, the Germans deported 300,000 Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka killing center. Stefan learned that his Jewish dentist and friend, Dr. Szapiro, his wife Ela, and their adult sons, Jerzy and Marek had ...

  5. Housing for WWI communications equipment placed on a workbench used to conceal a Jewish family’s hiding place

    1. Stefan Petri collection

    Housing for WWI field communications placed on a workbench that concealed one of the hiding places Stefan Petri built in his home in Wawer, Poland. Stefan, his wife, Janina, and their son, Marian, were Polish Catholics. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland and began subjugating the Polish people. Uncertain of what might occur, Stefan built a basement hiding place concealed by a cabinet. In mid-1942, the Germans deported 300,000 Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka killing center. Stefan learned that his Jewish dentist and friend, Dr. Szapiro, his wife Ela, and their adult sons, ...

  6. Eichmann Trial -- Session 42 -- Cross-examination of Grueber by defense attorney Servatius

    Defense lawyer Servatius is seated going through papers. He hands one of the papers to a man who passes by his table. Shot of the courtroom, Eichmann's booth; Eichmann is escorted in carrying documents. One of his guards delivers a note to Servatius. The camera focuses alternately on Eichmann and Servatius for several minutes. All rise as the judges enter court. Judge Landau announces the opening of Session 42 (00:05:41). Continuation of interrogation of Dr. Heinrich Grüber, Protestant Dean of Berlin by defense attorney Robert Servatius. Grüber describes his association with the Confessiona...

  7. Fan flywheel placed on a workbench used to conceal a Jewish family’s hiding place

    1. Stefan Petri collection

    Fan flywheel placed on a workbench that concealed one of the hiding places Stefan Petri built in his home in Wawer, Poland. Stefan, his wife, Janina, and their son, Marian, were Polish Catholics. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland and began subjugating the Polish people. Uncertain of what might occur, Stefan built a basement hiding place concealed by a cabinet. In mid-1942, the Germans deported 300,000 Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka killing center. Stefan learned that his Jewish dentist and friend, Dr. Szapiro, his wife Ela, and their adult sons, Jerzy and Marek had esca...

  8. Clamp placed on a workbench used to conceal a Jewish family’s hiding place

    1. Stefan Petri collection

    Corroded metal clamp placed on a workbench that concealed one of the hiding places Stefan Petri built in his home in Wawer, Poland. Stefan, his wife, Janina, and their son, Marian, were Polish Catholics. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland and began subjugating the Polish people. Uncertain of what might occur, Stefan built a basement hiding place concealed by a cabinet. In mid-1942, the Germans deported 300,000 Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka killing center. Stefan learned that his Jewish dentist and friend, Dr. Szapiro, his wife Ela, and their adult sons, Jerzy and Marek ...

  9. Coils of sheathed electrical conduit placed below a workbench used to conceal a Jewish family’s hiding place

    1. Stefan Petri collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn6831
    • English
    • a: Height: 42.500 inches (107.95 cm) | Diameter: 0.750 inches (1.905 cm) b: Height: 57.000 inches (144.78 cm) | Diameter: 0.500 inches (1.27 cm)

    Two coiled electrical conduits placed under a workbench that concealed one of the hiding places Stefan Petri built in his home in Wawer, Stefan, his wife, Janina, and their son, Marian, were Polish Catholics. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland and began subjugating the Polish people. Uncertain of what might occur, Stefan built a basement hiding place concealed by a cabinet. In mid-1942, the Germans deported 300,000 Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka killing center. Stefan learned that his Jewish dentist and friend, Dr. Szapiro, his wife Ela, and their adult so...

  10. Electric motor placed on a workbench used to conceal a Jewish family’s hiding place

    1. Stefan Petri collection

    Electric motor placed on a workbench that concealed one of the hiding places Stefan Petri built in his home in Wawer, Poland. Stefan, his wife, Janina, and their son, Marian, were Polish Catholics. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland and began subjugating the Polish people. Uncertain of what might occur, Stefan built a basement hiding place concealed by a cabinet. In mid-1942, the Germans deported 300,000 Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka killing center. Stefan learned that his Jewish dentist and friend, Dr. Szapiro, his wife Ela, and their adult sons, Jerzy and Marek had es...

  11. Gripper pliers brought to the US by a German Jewish refugee

    1. Baer family collection

    Small pair of gripper pliers brought to the United States on October 3, 1940, by Berthold Baer, his wife Hilde, and son Hans (later Larry) from Frankfurt, Germany via the Netherlands and England. Berthold was a bank official in Frankfurt when Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany in 1933. By 1938 the German authorities had passed many anti-Semitic laws that isolated and restricted the everyday lives of the Jews. Berthold was legally barred from working and during Kristallnacht on November 9, he was arrested. On November 13 he was imprisoned for two weeks in Buchenwald concentrati...

  12. C. Seelbach Co. gripper pliers brought to the US by a German Jewish refugee

    1. Baer family collection

    Large pair of C Seelbach Co. gripper pliers brought to the United States on October 3, 1940, by Berthold Baer, his wife Hilde, and son Hans (later Larry) from Frankfurt, Germany, via the Netherlands and England. Berthold was a bank official in Frankfurt when Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany in 1933. By 1938 the German authorities had passed many anti-Semitic laws that isolated and restricted the everyday lives of the Jews. Berthold was legally barred from working and during Kristallnacht on November 9, he was arrested. On November 13 he was imprisoned for two weeks in Buchen...

  13. Vopersal, Wolfgang

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Wolfgang Vopersal Wolfgang Vopersal (18. Oktober 1927-14. April 1992) diente während des Zweiten Weltkrieges bei der 3. SS-Panzer-Division "Totenkopf" und war nach dem Kriege Mitglied, Dokumentar und Archivar der "Hilfsgemeinschaft auf Gegenseitigkeit der ehemaligen Soldaten der Waffen-SS e.V. ("HIAG") bis zu seinem Tode. Er ist der Autor der Reihe: Soldaten - Kämpfer - Kameraden. Marsch und Kämpfe der SS-Totenkopf-Division. Herausgegeben von der Truppenkameradschaft der 3. SS-Panzerdivision, 10 Bände, Osnabrück 1984-1991. Hilfsgemeinschaft auf Gegenseitigkei...

  14. RKWiÖst:

    1. Staatliche und parteiamtliche Akten bis 1945
    2. Deutsches Reich (bis 1945)
    3. Auswärtiges, Kolonial- und Besatzungsverwaltung
    4. Reichskommissar für die Wiederver. Österreichs m. d. Dt. Reich

    I. RKWiÖst: Innerpolitische Maßnahmen in Österreich, Kontakte mit Ungarn, Juni 1938-Oktober 1939 [EAP 106/1], unter anderem: 1) Geheime Korrespondenz Reichsjustizministerium - Stellvertreter des Führers - RKWiÖst, 08.-25. Juli 1938: Aufrechterhaltung der Schuschnigg-Amnestie für politische Delikte, mit Entwurf (Abschrift) eines entsprechenden Führer-Erlasses, 10.249-62; 2) Zweite Anordnung (Entwurf) vom [10. Juni 1938]: Anmeldung jüdischer Vermögen, Ausschließung von Juden aus den Genossenschaften, Bildung der Wirtschaftsbefriedungs-Abteilung im Reichswirtschaftsministerium, 10.267-75; 3) G...

  15. RJM

    1. Staatliche und parteiamtliche Akten bis 1945
    2. Deutsches Reich (bis 1945)
    3. Justiz
    4. Reichjustizministerium

    Faszikel 22: Statistisches Material, Verordnungen, Berichte und Korrespondenz Reichsjustizministerium, Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW), 1940-1945: Räumung kriegsbedrohter Strafanstalten; Wehrmachtsgerichtswesen; niederländische politische Gefangene in der deutschen Strafanstalt Anrath; Suchnachrichten von Angehörigen Strafgefangener; Beförderungssache Amtmann August Holz (Bruder von Karl Holz), Bl. 3 667 751-3 668 040, unter anderem: 1) Verzeichnis Chefrichter bei Wehrmachts-Befehlshaber Niederlande, 23. Februar 1945: Namen vom 36 Holländern, die am 06. September 1944 der Strafanstalt Anra...

  16. RSHA

    1. Staatliche und parteiamtliche Akten bis 1945
    2. Deutsches Reich (bis 1945)
    3. Polizei und SS
    4. Reichssicherheitshauptamt

    I. RSHA/ IV E 5: Sammlung von Anordnungen und Verfügungen, 03. Januar-10. Juli 1941, Erlasse RSHA/ Iv u.a. Dienststellen, (EAP 173-b-16-12/108), 5234-5657: 1) Runderlass CdS/ IV vom 14. Januar 1941: Sofortige Vernehmung aller Schutzhäftlinge zur Vermeidung einer Festsetzung Unschuldiger, 5254; 2) Stabsbefehl SS-Hauptamt (SSHA) vom 21. Januar 1941: Gliederung des SSHA in Ämter und Hauptabteilungen, 5257; 3) Runderlass RSHA vom 21. Januar 1941 mit Begleitschreiben CdS: Einziehung staatsfeindlichen Vermögens, 5259-5263; 4) Runderlass CdS/ I vom 23. Januar 1941: Errichtung Umwandererzentralstab...

  17. Thälmann, Ernst

    Bestandsbeschreibung 16. Apr. 1886 in Hamburg geboren 1893 - 1900 Besuch der Volksschule in Hamburg 1900 - Anfang 1915 Hafen- und Transportarbeiter (v. a. Kutscher) 15. Mai 1903 Eintritt in die SPD 1. Feb. 1904 Mitglied des Deutschen Transportarbeiter-Verbandes 17. Jan. 1906 Teilnehmer des Proteststreik gegen die geplante Wahlrechtsverschlechterung in Hamburg 1906 - Anfang 1907 Militärdienst, als dienstuntauglich entlassen 1910 - 1913 2. Vorsitzender, ab Anfang 1914 1. Vorsitzender der Branche Kutscher in der Hamburger Ortsverwaltung des Deutschen Transportarbeiter-Verbandes 1912, 1914, 191...

  18. Distribution block placed on a workbench used to conceal a Jewish family’s hiding place

    1. Stefan Petri collection

    Distribution terminal block placed on a workbench that concealed one of the hiding places Stefan Petri built in his home in Wawer, Poland. Stefan, his wife Janina, and their son, Marian, were Polish Catholics. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland and began subjugating the Polish people. Uncertain of what might occur, Stefan built a basement hiding place concealed by a cabinet. In mid-1942, the Germans deported 300,000 Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka killing center. Stefan learned that his Jewish dentist and friend, Dr. Szapiro, his wife Ela, and their adult sons, Jerzy and ...

  19. Electrical part placed on a workbench used to conceal a Jewish family’s hiding place

    1. Stefan Petri collection

    Electrical part placed on a workbench that concealed one of the hiding places Stefan Petri built in his home in Wawer, Poland. Stefan, his wife Janina, and their son, Marian, were Polish Catholics. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland and began subjugating the Polish people. Uncertain of what might occur, Stefan built a basement hiding place concealed by a cabinet. In mid-1942, the Germans deported 300,000 Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka killing center. Stefan learned that his Jewish dentist and friend, Dr. Szapiro, his wife Ela, and their adult sons, Jerzy and Marek had es...

  20. Shellac disc placed on a workbench used to conceal a Jewish family’s hiding place

    1. Stefan Petri collection

    Black shellac disc placed on a workbench that concealed one of the hiding places Stefan Petri built in his home in Wawer, Poland. Stefan, his wife Janina, and their son, Marian, were Polish Catholics. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland and began subjugating the Polish people. Uncertain of what might occur, Stefan built a basement hiding place concealed by a cabinet. In mid-1942, the Germans deported 300,000 Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka killing center. Stefan learned that his Jewish dentist and friend, Dr. Szapiro, his wife Ela, and their adult sons, Jerzy and Marek had...