Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,001 to 20,020 of 55,888
  1. Memoires pour mes petit-enfants Memoirs for my grandchildren

    Consists of a copy of a 47-page French-language typescript entitled "Memoires pour mes petit-enfants (Memoirs for My Grandchildren)" by Sandor (Alexandre) Bokshorn. The memoir, which is dated July 1985, describes the author's early life in Hungary. He attended school at the Sorbonne then entered his family's furrier business. He describes increasing antisemitism in Hungary beginning in the mid-1930s, slave labor, deportations, Soviet liberation, deportation to the Ukraine, and life in postwar communist Hungary until the 1956 revolt and his escape to France in the following year. The memoir ...

  2. Janina Spinner Mehlberg testimony

    Consists of a copy of a testimony by Janina Spinner Mehlberg. The testimony describes the experiences of Mehlberg and her husband as refugees in hiding in Lublin, Poland, during the Holocaust and their involvement with an underground movement to assist the prisoners of Majdanek concentration camp.

  3. Latvian Central State Historical Archive (Rīga) records

    These records contain information about the concentration of Latvian Jews in ghettos; the persecution of Jews and of Roma and Sinti; the mass killing of Jews; the confiscation of Jewish property; the utilization of Jewish labor; the coerced sterilization of Jews; guidelines for handling the Jewish question in the occupied East; the monitoring of groups including religious groups, Jews, and Roma and Sinti; mixed marriages; school attendance by Jews and Mischlinge; the activities of partisans; collaboration by Latvians; and the activities of various police forces. Included are situation and a...

  4. Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 36, No. 30, Part 3. MS and CU of Japanese envoys coming down steps and getting into car. LS Japanese planes in sky. AV bombing of Pearl Harbor. Civilians in street. Ship "Arizona" in heavy smoke. NYC scenes, Times Square headlines. Shot of broadcasters. Hawaii shots of wounded and damage. Japanese midget-subs and destroyed ships.

  5. Helen Waren letter concerning displaced persons

    Consists of a copy of an undated letter by Helen Waren, an actress in Europe at the close of World War II. In her letter she describes her experiences with Allied troops in Europe, displaced persons camps, and displaced Jews suffering persecution after the war. Also included is a 21 Nov 1945 letter by Maj. Charles Heitzberg of the War Department - Office of the Chief of Staff describing the origins of the letter to Lt. General Lucius D. Clay.

  6. Vincent La Vista report on illegal immigration in and through Italy

    Consists of a copy of a declassified memorandum written on 15 May 1947 by Vincent La Vista to Herbert J. Cummings. The memorandum describes the illegal immigration of Jews, Hungarians, displaced persons in general, and other groups into and through Italy after World War II. La Vista also reports on the alleged illegal activities of institutions and groups including the Vatican, the International Red Cross, and the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration in connection with illegal immigration.

  7. Germans in Occupied Ukraine

    Footage shot by a German cameraman during Germany's occupation of Ukraine in World War II. Footage with German photographers traveling through the Ukraine photographing cities, villages, and collective farms. The most extensive footage is taken with a female photographer from her trip to Ukraine in the summer of 1943. She traveled by plane and car from southern Ukraine (the Melitopol region) just north of Crimea, then along the Dnepr River northward over Dnepropetrovsk to Kiev and then due west to Rovno and then the border of General Government. Reel 4: 05:37:43 MS Women with baskets standi...

  8. Fritz Blank letter

    Copy of a letter written by Fritz Blank, presumably in 1941, to a cousin, Martha. In the letter, Blank pleads for assistance to family members attempting to escape the Holocaust.

  9. Zvi Klinger papers

    Consists of 74 letters (some fragmented) exchanged by Zvi Klinger and other members of his family between Austria and Palestine from 1938 to 1940. The letters contain information relating to Zvi Klinger's illegal immigration to Israel and the fate of Klinger family members who remained in Austria during the Holocaust.

  10. Leopold Levy family papers

    The Levy family papers include correspondence, immigration documentation, property lists, and photographs relating to the Levy family’s prewar life in Germany and preparation for immigration to the United States through London in 1940. Included are letters to the American Consulate in Geneva, Switzerland, correspondence and documentation relating to efforts to bring Erica Levy from Belgium to England and to obtain visas to the United States, and family correspondence describing the fate of other Levy family members unable to flee Germany.

  11. Leo Young papers

    Includes letters exchanged between the Sam Jung family and J. A. Fox, a non-Jewish prisoner of war, and Fox's sister, E. A. Fox. The letters were written by Fox and his sister in order to inform Jung's family of his well being and whereabouts. Also included is a 1940 postcard from Maurice Jung to his brother Sam Jung; a recent letter from Leo Young to his children, nieces, and nephews telling the story of their uncle Maurice; and a photo of Maurice Jung and his wife with a caption on the back indicating it was taken in 1940. Photocopies of the documents were also donated by Young and are fi...

  12. Records relating to the Chaleff family of Grodno, Poland

    Includes a copy of a letter in Polish from Tzivia Midler (now Sylvia Kirsch) to her family in New York describing her experiences in Treblinka and Auschwitz. The letter is accompanied by an English translation. Also included is a copy of an American Red Cross letter sent to Poland by Philip Chaleff in 1942 to Anna Chaleff together with the response that Anna had been deported, as well as copies of several photographs of the Chaleff family of Grodno, Poland, biographical information on family members, and scenes of the Grodno ghetto.

  13. Program for the dedication service of Bad Nauheim Synagogue

    Includes a of a copy of the program for the dedication service of the synagogue in Bad Nauheim, Germany, on 24 Jun. 1945. Also includes an insert page, added by the donor, with photocopies of photographs taken at the dedication service.

  14. Cecilie Klein papers

    The collection consists of a letter written by Cecilie Klein to her mother regarding her thoughts about the deaths of family members during the Holocaust and sixteen photographs mostly of the donor's family taken before, during, or directly after the Holocaust. All of the photographs were taken in Czechoslovakia or Auschwitz except an image of a memorial which was given to Cecilie Klein-Pollack by a woman from Russia.

  15. Lisa Kouchelevitz Rosenblum letter

    Consists of a letter in Yiddish (one page with text on both sides), written by Lisa Kouchelevitz Rosenblum during her deportation from Drancy to Auschwitz on convoy number 61 in October 1943.

  16. Paul Frey papers

    Contains reports, photographs, passports, and various other documents relating to the Holocaust experiences of Paul Frey (born Siegmund Freitag), a Polish Jew, and his parents, Salomon and Gitl Freitag. Also relates to Frey's postwar status as a displaced person. Also included are Terezin banknotes (apparently acquired by donor sometime after his own incarceration in that camp); and a photo of an exhibition at Auschwitz that includes a suitcase left by Paul's father.

  17. Letter from Janusz Schwieger to Leopold Infeld

    The collection consists of a 15 August 1945 letter from Janusz Schwieger in France to Leopold Infeld. The letter regards persecution, deportation, and conditions of Polish Jews and their families (Infeld, Schwieger, and others) in 1943 at Bergen-Belsen concentration camp and to transports being sent to Auschwitz from Bergen-Belsen.

  18. Helen Goldberg papers

    Relates to persecution, ghettoization, and killing of Polish Jews (including members of Bernard Infield and Leopold Infeld's family) and non-Jews in Poland. Of special interest are the photographs of part of the ghetto in Warsaw, Poland, and persons being hanged in Poland. Also included is an obituary of Leopold Infeld.

  19. Execution

    Laszlo Baky and Laszlo Endre executed. Crowds, the gallows are set up for hanging, prisoners brought into yard, faces covered. Narration: "During their reign they killed and sent to their deaths with sadism hundreds of thousands of deported nationals. That caused a flood of public opinion throughout the world. With their punishment, a new, democratic Hungary is putting an end to the shame of the past."

  20. German invasion of Poland, capture of Warsaw

    Reel 7: Graphic showing troops surrounding Warsaw and Kutno. Pans of destroyed polish equipment, dead horse, artillery wagons in river. Graphic then footage: German and Russian troops meet at the River Bug. Officers meet to negotiate demarcation line. Hitler at front, reviews SS, Himmler present. Radio operators, message sent to Warsaw to capitulate. Foreigners leave Warsaw. Large cannon fires on Warsaw. More artillery shots. Train attacked. Explosions and artillery. Soldiers look through fence towards fighting. Hitler looks through binoculars. LS of smoke over outskirts of city. Hitler obs...