Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 17 of 17
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: Riksarkivet
  1. Advokat Ernst Baburgers arkiv

    • Archive of Ernst Baburger, lawyer
    • Riksarkivet
    • Advokat Ernst Baburgers arkiv
    • English
    • 1946-1983
    • 5,6 linear meters of textual material.

    The archive contains, among other things, the lawyers' client files, arranged annually. Among these files are compensation files from Jewish survivors who sought so-called Wiedergutmachung.

  2. Advokatfirman Julius Hepners arkiv

    • Law firm Julius Hepner's archive
    • Riksarkivet
    • Advokatfirman Julius Hepners arkiv
    • English
    • 1920-1976
    • 12,7 linear meters of textual records, organized in 141 volumes.

    The archive of Law firm Julius Hepner contains client files from victims of Nazi Germany's persecution of Jews and the Holocaust whom the firm assisted in seeking reparations, known as Wiedergutmachung, from West Germany. There is no index or catalog, but the client files are in alphabetical order A-Z. The archive contains series of correspondence concerning Wiedergutmachung and other documents relating to legal aid for victims of Nazi persecution.

  3. Archive of Ingeborg Herlitz

    • Ingeborg Herlitz' arkiv
    • Riksarkivet
    • SE/RA/720461
    • English
    • 1945-1952
    • 0.3 linear metres (4 volumes) Textual material

    The four volumes that make up the personal archive of Ingeborg Herlitz contain various documents related to her work at Lärbro military hospital in Gotland, where Herlitz served as a health counselor to former prisoners of concentration camps suffering from tuberculosis. Herlitz maintained correspondence with a notable number of Jewish survivors whom she cared for during her service at Lärbro Hospital, hailing from such countries as Germany, Greece, Poland, and Italy. The letters in the volumes contain information on her patients’ whereabouts following their departure from Lärbro, providing...

  4. Folke Bernadottes, greve av Wisborg, arkiv

    • Personal archive of Folke Bernadotte, Count of Wisborg
    • Riksarkivet
    • Folke Bernadottes, greve av Wisborg, arkiv
    • English
    • 1798-1984
    • 0,5 linear meters of mostly textual records.

    The archive contains (in vol. 1), among other things, Folke Bernadotte's pocket almanacs from 1944-1945 with notes on the Red Cross campaign and notebooks with notes on meetings in Berlin during the negotiations (March-April 1945) in connection with the Red Cross operation with the 'White buses'.

  5. Gunnar Josephsons arkiv

    • Gunnar Josephson's archive
    • Riksarkivet
    • Gunnar Josephsons arkiv
    • English
    • 1920-1971
    • 0,2 linear meters of textual records and photographs.

    The archive consists of a box of correspondence, including correspondence with Archbishop Erling Eidem about his response to the deportations of Norwegian Jews. The collection also contains correspondence with and about Salomon Adler-Rudel (1894-1975), a German-Jewish refugee worker in exile in London, concerning his rescue activities in Sweden, as well as an exchange of letters between Josephson and the German-Jewish lawyer in exile, Hans Schäffer (1886-1967). The collection also includes a memo with Josephson's critical reflections on a 1933 meeting on Jewish assimilation as a strategy to...

  6. Hollanderbolagen

    • Riksarkivet
    • Hollanderbolagen
    • English
    • 1862-1996
    • 36,1 linear meters of textual records, financial reports, print material, and photographs.

    The archive originates in Fritz Hollander's documents which were deposited with the National Archives, and contains documents after Baltiska Skinnkompaniet, A.J. Hollander, Fritz Hollander and successors for the period 1862-1996. Hollander, Fritz Hollander and successors for the period 1862-1996. The archive also contains documents relating to Swedish and foreign Jewish organizations, documents relating to the Mosaic congregation in Stockholm, Zionist organizations, as well Hollander's father-in-law, Jacob Ettlinger's, surviving documents. The archive consists of two main parts: The first i...

  7. Jacob Ettlingers arkiv

    • Riksarkivet
    • Jacob Ettlingers arkiv
    • English
    • 1916-1952
    • 4 linear meter of records. Textual material, financial records, printed material, photographs and film.

    Jacob Ettlinger's (1880-1952) archive consists of a total of four shelf meters and includes many records related to the Holocaust. For example, series number 3: Jacob Ettlingers ”privata” pärmar 1932–1952 (Jacob Ettlinger's "private" binders 1932-1952) consists of 27 volumes in cardboard boxes. They include alphabetically arranged correspondence containing information from survivors of war and camps, lists of relatives and friends sought through the Red Cross and other aid organizations, and lists of survivors. There are also documents relating to Ettlinger's work in sending aid to German...

  8. The Jewish (Mosaic) Congregation of Stockholm

    • Riksarkivet
    • SE/RA/730128
    • English, Swedish
    • 1771-2000
  9. Justitiedepartementet

    • Ministry of Justice
    • Riksarkivet
    • Justitiedepartementet
    • English
    • 1840-1996
    • Textual records.

    Series E1 A and E1 B contain consular files containing the so-called citizenship acts, i.e., applications for Swedish citizenship with accompanying documents. All refugees from Nazi persecution, and Holocaust survivors, who later became Swedish citizens have a citizenship file in the Ministry of Justice's archives. In addition to applications and notifications of citizenship, the files contain all other documentation that the Ministry considered relevant to the decision. In the files are short accounts of personal experiences reproduced in police interrogation reports, biographies, certific...

  10. Kommittén for levande historia

    • YK 5252
    • Riksarkivet
    • Kommittén for levande historia
    • English
    • 40 archive volumes, and includes 94 video and audio tapes of interviews conducted as part of the Committee's documentation project.

    The archive of the state expert commission includes documentation of the committee's work as well as the material collected and produced by the commission in 2001. One of the main principles that guided the collection was that it would have a Swedish perspective. Thus, interviews were not primarily made with Holocaust survivors, but with others, who in one way or another, came in to contact with the Holocaust, like medical staff, the drivers of the White Buses, and refugees who arrived in Sweden before and during the war. Nevertheless, nearly 100 interviews with Holocaust survivors were als...

  11. Kommittén Forum för Levande historia med Projekt Levande Historia

    • Kommittén Forum för Levande historia med föregångare
    • YK 6047
    • Riksarkivet
    • Kommittén Forum för Levande historia med Projekt Levande Historia
    • English
    • 1998-2001
    • 34 volumes

    Contains archival records from the period 1997--2000. The archive consists of Projekt Levande historia (the Living History Project) (in vols. 1-16) and Kommittén Forum för Levande historia Ku 1999:9 (Living History Forum Committee Ku 1999:9) (vols. 17-32). The archive includes a survey of testimonies for the planning and implementation of documentation projects (vol. 13), a large number of press clippings and videotapes.

  12. Medicinalstyrelsen

    • National Board of Health
    • Riksarkivet
    • Medicinalstyrelsen
    • English
    • 1868-1967

    The Medical Board's archives include documents relating to the care of concentration camp survivors who came to Sweden in 1945 through the Red Cross and the UNRRA operation. There are documents relating to patients, hospitals, camps and staff. The National Board's archive, 1945 refugee health care includes the series _ Medical index cards regarding refugees_ (Läkarkort rörande flyktingar) D 2. The series contains 16 boxes of medical cards of survivors, and documents from certain immigration centers and emergency hospitals, patient registers and patient rolls from various emergency hospita...

  13. Parlamentariska undersökningskommittén ang flyktingsärenden och säkerhetstjänst

    • State commission on the treatment of refugees and the intelligence service
    • Sandlerkommissionen
    • Riksarkivet
    • Parlamentariska undersökningskommittén ang. flyktingsärenden och säkerhetstjänst. YK 984.
    • English
    • 1945-1947
    • 57 volumes of textual records.

    The archive contains 57 volumes of archive documents from the commission's assignments during the period 1945-1947. The series Personakter till anmälningsdiariet (F: 2) contains 390 files containing reports and other documents with information about refugee cases reported by aid organizations and private individuals because they were treated incorrectly by the authorities when they tried to come to or stay in Sweden as refugees. Many of these were Jews. There is an index of the files in volume C: 1. A selection of the reported cases is also summarized anonymously in the commission's report ...

  14. Socialstyrelsen

    • National Board of Welfare
    • National Board of Social Affairs
    • Riksarkivet
    • Socialstyrelsen
    • English
    • 1912-2005
    • 2227,3 linear meters of mostly textual records and statistics.

    There are four different sub-archives in the National Board of Welfare's archive holding records from the handling of Holocaust refugees and survivors coming to Sweden: (1.) The archive of the Bureau for Social Affairs in General (Byrån för sociala ärenden i allmänhet, 1:a byrån), 1st Bureau: Foreigners Affairs. It contains minutes, letters, reports and correspondence relating to refugees and other foreigners up to 1939. The F series contains personal files on foreign nationals, including refugees from Nazi Germany. The 1st bureau's tasks were taken over in 1938 by the (2.) Foreigners Burea...

  15. Statens Utlänningskommission

    • Utlänningskommissionen
    • SUK
    • State Foreigners Commission
    • Riksarkivet
    • Statens Utlänningskommission
    • English
    • 1916-1976
    • Approx. 3500 linear meters of mainly textual records.

    The archive contains records with information about virtually all foreigners who resided in Sweden during the period of Nazi Germany's persecution and the Holocaust, as well as about survivors from the Holocaust who arrived in Sweden towards the end of the war and after the war. These documents are held in the National Archives (in Marieberg in central Stockholm) if the individual acquired Swedish citizenship, died in Sweden before 1971, or left Sweden before 1972 without becoming a Swedish citizen. If the individual remained in Sweden as a non-Swedish citizen in 1971/72, their files are he...

  16. Ukrainska sällskapet i Sverige

    • Ukrainian Society in Sweden
    • Riksarkivet
    • Ukrainska sällskapet i Sverige
    • English
    • 1947-1999
    • 6,5 linear meters of textual and financial records, photographs, and audio cassettes.

    The Ukrainian Society's archives contain testimonies about the Holocaust, including the following volume: F 4 Audio recordings concerning the personal experiences of I. Wanczyckyj, W. Bretan, M. Radekko and B. Skobowitsh-Okolot's personal experiences during the Second World War. The recordings are on 12 cassette tapes (12 x 90min). The recordings are in Ukrainian and made on 1989-03-10-11. They contain testimonies about, among other things, anti-Semitism in Ukraine, life in the Lviv ghetto, concentration camps, and "death marches."

  17. Utrikesdepartementet

    • Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs
    • UD
    • Riksarkivet
    • Utrikesdepartementet
    • English
    • 1791