Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,181 to 16,200 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Exclusion, Dispersal, Extermination: Jews in Schwerin, 1933-1945 Ausgrenzung, Vertreibung, Bernichtung: Juden in Schwerin, 1933-1945

    Contains a report entitled "Ausgrenzung, Vertreibung, Bernichtung: Juden in Schwerin, 1933-1945" ("Exclusion, Dispersal, Extermination: Jews in Schwerin, 1933-1945") by Bernd Kasten, with translations by Rolf Meyersohn. Provides information regarding the community of Schwerin with descriptions of the businesses, entrepreneurs, and factory directors; relations with Berlin and the Nazi party; Kristallnacht and its aftermath; the role of the town's physicians; boycotting of the craftsmen and workers; emigration and hiding of school-aged children; fates of the elderly; Mischlinge; relations wit...

  2. Eva Josefsson b. Bas̀z life review

    Contains Eva Bas̀z Josefsson's memoir describing her conversion from Judaism and baptism as a Jehovah's Witness in 1941; her arrest while distributing religious material and deportation from Ujpest (Hungary) to Auschwitz concentration camp; her transfer to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1944; the punishment she suffered when she refused to do bomb clearance work because she felt it would violate her religious principle of neutrality; and her emigration to Sweden after the war. A black and white photograph of her taken in 1945 is included.

  3. Crematorium tag found by a US soldier in Dachau concentration camp after liberation

    Crematorium tag from Dachau concentration camp in Germany. The tag was picked up by an American soldier on a tour of the camp in the spring of 1945, after the camp’s liberation. A numbered tag was placed with each corpse to be able to identify the ashes after cremation. The numbers on the tags did not correspond to prisoner numbers. Produced in large quantities, not all the tags were used. Dachau was the first concentration camp established by the Nazi government in 1933, originally for political prisoners. Over time, other groups were interned at Dachau, such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Roma, ...

  4. Eric Goldstaub scrapbook

    Contains information documenting the Jewish Community in Shanghai, 1940-1948 through newspaper clippings. Newspapers include the North China Daily News and the China Press (each article is dated and cited).

  5. Rachelle Silberman Goldstein collection

    Contains a yellow star; two Belgian identity cards issued to Rachelle Silberman Goldstein's mother, Sabina Silberman, a false identity in the name of Alice Jeanne Van Dam and a postwar identity card; and a booklet containing a list of passengers on the S.S. Washington, September 1-2, 1950, which includes the names of the Silberman family members immigrating to the United States. The photographs contain images taken in hiding of Jacques and Rachelle Silberman and family photographs taken before and after World War II.

  6. Eric S. Marmorek collection

    Contains a copy of the music score of "Buchenwaelder Marsch," composed by Hermann Leopoldi, with a handwritten dedication to Dr. Gerhardt Wollner, dated 1939, saying the score is "my last composition in Vienna;" typed copies of the lyrics in German and English; a letter of release, in German with English translation, dated January 27, 1939, stating that from June 3, 1938, to January 27, 1939, Erich Marmorek had been retained in Dachau and Buchenwald concentration camps and was now released to Vienna; and a sound cassette recording of the march sung in German by William Federer, a Dachau con...

  7. Auschwitz and Birkenau concentration camp records

    Contains SS (Schutzstaffel) personnel files, personnel indexes, schedule books, personnel pay books, lists of prisoners, delivery receipts, prisoner death books, and various other documents from Auschwitz and Birkenau concentration camps.

  8. Some of my experiences during the Holocaust 1939-1945

    Contains George Freshman's typewritten memoir, four pages, describing life in Grojec, Poland before and after the German invasion; conditions in the Grojec, Warsaw and Bialobzegi ghettos; his deportation to Auschwitz concentration camp and subsequent transfers to Radom concentration camp, to Weihingen, Unterrichsingen Unterriexingen and Kochendorf labor camps, and to Dachau concentration camp where he was liberated by American troops on May 8, 1945; his postwar return to Poland; and his emigration to the United States in 1949.

  9. March of Time -- outtakes -- Mass graves, monument, ceremony

    Somber looking men with flags. The bald man on whom the camera focuses and who gives the speech is Jozef Cyrankiewicz, head of the Polish Socialist Party and later head of the Polish government. An Auschwitz survivor, he had been active in the Polish resistance and was arrested in 1941. 06:18:47 Unidentified man speaking, crowd watches. 06:09:57 Tombstone uncovered, Cyrankiewicz places a medal on the stone. 06:21:32 Panning shot of huge crowd, with people visible through the empty window frames of the damaged buildings. 06:22:35 Coat of arms. 06:22:48 Unidentified man giving speech. 06:23:4...

  10. March of Time -- outtakes -- Palestine, 1938

    Working Girls Hostel, women reading magazines in the rest room. EXT of building. Hand weaving, chair caning. Sign on door, "Beth Hachalutzoth" (built in 1936). 01:34:18 INT, bank in Tel Aviv where immigrants receive loans, people applying for loans, receiving money. 01:34:54 EXT, street, laborers gathered outside main entrance of Labor headquarters building in Tel Aviv where registration and distribution of work to all laborers gets processed. 01:35:19 Construction for housing project/cooperative in south Tel Aviv, land provided by the Jewish National Fund. Children crossing street. Sign at...

  11. March of Time -- outtakes -- Foreign press in Warsaw; printing press; film production in Łódź

    October 17/18, 1947: Mr. Victor Grosz, director of the press and information department, presiding over a meeting of foreign press correspondents in Warsaw, including Larry Allan (AP), Sydney Gruson (New York Times), Nicolas Carroll (Kensly Papers), Mr. Kantiouchin (Agency Tass), two women, and Mr. Marechal (France). People entering room, sit around table talking, many smoking. 03:10:27 Taking notes. Grosz talking. 03:11:30 November 11, 1947: Tram, building with door marked "Czytelnik" (an evening press), people leave and enter. 03:11:57 Man fixing mold frame of printing press. Printing new...

  12. March of Time -- outtakes -- Warsaw after liberation

    LS crossroads of main streets (Sikorski and Marszchalkowska streets) in Warsaw. In BG, wrecked buldings. MS policeman ruling traffic. 05:55:35 Polish carts carrying bricks for rebuilding the city pass. In BG famous Poniatowski bridge. Same crossroads. In BG, temporary shops built since liberation. 05:56:05 Female policeman directing traffic. 05:56:50 A lorry carrying children towards devastated quarter of Warsaw. Cabs and lorries wait to cross pontoon-bridge on Vistula River. In FG, one of destroyed bridges. Cross bridge, side by side with pedestrians. LS sign in Polish: "The first Regiment...

  13. March of Time -- outtakes -- Swiss troops in Bern, Switzerland

    Swiss target practice near Bern. LS, men in civilian clothes with guns returning from shooting practice. 04:33:42 In street, outside Hotel Suisse, trams. 04:34:16 Posters announcing the Federal Shooting Contest (in German, French, Italian). Frontier guard soldiers with binoculars in the mountains. 04:35:00 Soldiers with backpacks, horses, machine guns. 04:36:27 Soldier on small bridge with gun. Peasant passes by. Soldiers sit by house on lookout. 04:37:46 Staff of mountain infantry regiment in office. Colonel looking at map, giving orders. 04:38:34 LS, village, church. 04:39:21 Streets in B...

  14. Hans Behr letters and postal cards

    Contains seven letters and postal cards written by Hans Behr during February and March 1943 while on various transports between concentration camps in France. The letters and postal cards contain information about the conditions for prisoners on transports between camps in France and Hans Behr's experiences in Gurs, Drancy, and Nexon concentration camps. Each letter and postal card is accompanied by an English translation.

  15. Estonian State Archives of the former Estonian KGB (State Security Committee) records relating to war crime investigations and trials in Estonia

    Contains photocopies of evidence documents, interrogation transcripts, decrees, biographical data sheets, witness statements, photographs, miscellaneous court and trial documents,and sound recordings of trial proceedings relating to the arrest, investigation, prosecution, and sentencing of war criminals accused of atrocities in concentration camps, mass killings of Jews,Communists, and prisoners of war in Estonia during World War II. Documents range in date from 1940 to 1987 with the bulk of the documents dating from 1950 to 1962.

  16. March of Time -- outtakes -- Tel Aviv Schools

    Herzelia secondary school in Tel Aviv. First day of Mourning, of a week of mourning in memory of the millions of Jews tortured and killed by the Nazis, with a special ceremony at all schools in Palestine. Busy street, buildings. People exiting building en masse. 06:43:15 Lines of school children doing drills. Israeli flag. Women conducting girls singing hymn of Faith (brought from the ghetto). 06:44:35 Man reads oath from scroll to girls. Hebrew writing: "The remnant of Israel shall multiply on its soil. It shall rise. The hope of Israel shall never wane. His home shall be upbuilt and firml...

  17. Abraham M. Neumann family collection

    Contains certificates, legal documents, identification documents, travel documents, menus, postcards, Reisepasse, school report cards, letters, booklets, and photographs relating to the life of Abraham M. Neumann and the Neumann and Kuerschner families in Warsaw, Poland, and Vienna, Austria, and the emigration of several family members to the United States.

  18. Emanuel E. and Dorothea G. Minskoff papers

    The Emanuel E. and Dorothea G. Minskoff papers include correspondence, photographs, printed materials, a scrapbook, and subject files documenting Emanuel E. Minskoff’s work for the Individual Assets Investigation Branch in postwar Europe, his work on the I.G. Farben Trial, and Dorothea G. Minskoff’s work on the Ministries Trial, which were part of the Subsequent Nuremberg Proceedings in Nuremberg, Germany. The papers also include information about Emanuel E. Minskoff’s work for the Treasury Department’s Foreign Assets Control Division regarding remittances to and trade with China in the ear...

  19. Latvian State Archives KGB (State Security Committee) records from Fond 1986 relating to war crime investigations and trials in Latvia

    Contains photocopies of selected interrogation transcripts, decrees, biographical data sheets, witness statements, photographs, and miscellaneous court and trial documents from the Latvian State Archives Fond 1986 relating to the arrest, investigation, prosecution, sentencing, and in some cases, execution of war criminals accused of atrocities committed against Jews and Soviet citizens in Latvia during World War II.

  20. March of Time -- outtakes -- Germans arrive in Sudentenland; Sudeten refugees

    Big crowd mourning, (German) women in tears, talking. 03:43:18 Nazi speaker heard. 03:43:32 People in courtyard silently heiling. Pan, women cries as she heils. 03:44:23 Sad faces of children and women boarding streetcar. 03:44:41 Men on bicycles rush down street, men with QF ruined room. Border, gate going up, 03:45:06 grinning Nazis on horseback go through. Lots of marching Nazis, heiling (hesitant). 03:45:24 Nazis on carts, peasant women, flowers, heiling on cue, others being taught to heil. CU, elderly woman watches and does nothing. Goering with children. SS feeding people in square. F...