Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,381 to 15,400 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Nazi propaganda: racial science

    A Nazi educational film (propaganda) regarding questions of race and heredity of national/political value. [Aufklaerungsfilm ueber Rasse- und Vererbungsfragen / Praedikat: staatspolitsch wertvoll] Title on film: Kulturfilm-Abteilung Atelier 2. Woman calls on professor to show him what the beetles are doing. Additional colleagues join; a cameraman films them. Professor explains beetles' behavior - woman should not be sentimental. The weak are naturally destroyed. He finds it odd if cats and mice (and other pairs) live together. The professor takes a phone call. They watch a film about sunflo...

  2. Antisemitic Campaign opens: Boycott, Bookburning

    "Part 2: Acquiring Totalitarian Control of Germany, 1933-1935." Title: "Opening of the Official Anti-Semitic Campaign 1 April 1933" Minister for Public Enlightenment & Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, launches antisemitic campaign in Berlin Lustgarten. Original sound, Goering addresses a cheering crowd. Boycott of Jewish shops, Berlin. Crowds. SA men chant slogans from truck in the streets: "Germans, protect yourselves. Don't buy from the Jews." On doorway the sign with skull: "Achtung Juden". On closed stores the sign "Jude" painted on window. Party members put up signs, hold back crowds, ...

  3. Antisemitic Nazi propaganda leaflet mimicking a US silver certificate

    Anti-Jewish and anti-Allied forces Nazi propaganda leaflet like those dropped from planes over Paris in late 1943, as part of a German propaganda campaign to raise suspicions against the United States and its part in the worldwide Jewish conspiracy which threatened the safety of France and all of Europe. The streets would appear to be littered with real dollar bills. Then, after picking one up, a person would discover that it was fake and see the information detailing how Jews have manipulated the US and controlled its currency to support the Jewish threat and wage the Jewish war.

  4. Anita Sockol collection

    The Anita Sockol collection consists of two postcards and an autograph album that belonged to Anita Plachte (later Sockol), from mid-1930s, brought out of Nazi-occupied Europe.

  5. 1933 events: Nazi Party Rally, Autobahn opening, oath

    Title: "Swastika becomes National Symbol 9 July 1933" Hitler speaks at a large rally. Title: "Fifth Party Congress September 1933" Hitler speaks. Title: "Inauguration at Frankfurt am Main of New Section of the Super-Highway Network 23 September 1933" Ground breaking ceremonies of a super highway. Title: "1934" Title: "Over Radio Network Hess Administers Oath of Allegiance to more than One Million Leaders of the NSDAP and all Affiliated Organizations 25 February 1934" Rudolf Hess administers an oath to Party leaders, SA. 01:36:48 Title: "Hess Reaffirms Hitler's Faith in S.A. After Roehm Purg...

  6. Anti-Bolshevism; Germans advance in Yugoslavia

    [Rangee de SS aplaudit a une reunion, Paris] Title: "L'Europe unie contre le Bolchevisme" Joseph Darnand speaking (no sync). Crowd, applause. Marcel Dead speaking (no sync). Serbian volunteers marching and joining the anti-Bolshevik battle. Fighting, advancing, weapons. Military officers meet in office. German cavalry. Guard boats along coast. German units, stocking weapons, tank, over marshy land, in knee-deep mud. Difficult advance.

  7. Hitler declares war on US, meets French diplomats; Himmler & Bach-Zelewski visit camp near Minsk

    Title: "Invasion of U.S.S.R. 22 June 1941" Early morning street activities in Berlin on morning of invasion of USSR. Preparation of broadcast at radio station. At 5:30 AM Goebbels sits at desk and makes announcement. Shots of people listening. Von Ribbentrop walks into conference. Newspaper headline, then map of Eastern Front. Flare goes up in dark, silhouettes of troops in dark. Artillery fire and burning target presumably in East Prussia. Dismantling of border post. German troops move cautiously forward. Explosion in building interior. Title: "Meeting with Petain, Laval, and Franco in Fra...

  8. Tenth Party Congress; Sudetenland; Munich Pact

    Title: "Tenth Party Congress 5-12 September 1938" Hitler addresses Congress. Title: "Hitler Declares Policy With Respect to Sudetenland 26 September 1938" Title: "Munich Pact 29 September 1938" The Munich Pact is signed. Title: "Occupation of the Sudetenland 1 October 1938" Citizens of Sudetenland greet German soldiers.

  9. Occupied France

    Footage with musical soundtrack documenting several years in occupied France from the perspective of the resistance. Brief shot, city street. Doriot speaking (synch): "L'Angleterre est vaincue." Maps, airplanes, air attack. 02:20:23 "1941" Train station, people, children getting off train, smiling. Various CUs. Tracking shot, city street, buildings, German signs. INT, party. Hitler. Children presenting flowers. Woman buying newspaper. CUs, newspaper headlines. HAS, camp. Workers. Photograph. "Maison du Prisonnier" Men entering building, creating care packages. Crowd in street, Hitler and Go...

  10. Book

  11. Invasion of Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands

    Title: "1940 " Title: "Invasion of Denmark and Norway, 9 April 1940" LSs of battleships, Nazi flag flying, men on deck. MCU, large gun, infantry with machine guns, troops looking through glasses, planes flying above harbor, Nazi troops parading through streets of Denmark, boats landing at Copenhagen. INT, airplane loaded with troops and bicycles. Airview of Norway coast. Planes landing, soldiers marching from field. Radio tower being guarded, view of Oslo with Nazi soldier on guard in FG, bombing of docks and marching through the streets. Title: "Invasion of Belgium and the Netherlands, 10 ...

  12. Early Nazi Party history, events, leaders

    Reel 2: Jackson continues with the reading of Count 1 at Nuremberg trial. HS, in court, prisoners' dock. CU, "Mein Kampf," text superimposed. In Munich, burgeoning Nazi party, following the lead of Adolf Hitler, instigate street riots with the aim of gaining the highest degree of control over the Germans by any means. HAS, mobs/crowds running through wide street, chaos. Nazis marching with flag, elite members posing on stairway, more marching. Goebbels at desk, on telephone, in leather coat shouting. Nazis parading, Germans heiling. Hitler. Nazis on horseback rushing down street. Newspaper ...

  13. Buchenwald newspapers

    Contains copies of a newspaper published in the former Buchenwald concentration camp by liberated prisoners.

  14. Identification tag issued to a forced laborer in the Warsaw ghetto

    Identification tag 7190 issued in summer 1942 to Gina Tabaczynska whil a forced laborer of the Schultz Firma in the Warsaw Ghetto. The tag was supposed to protect the owner from deportation. In November 1940, the Tabaczynski family fled Klodawa, Poland, because of the anti-Jewish persecution of the German occupaton authorities. They were later forced into the Warsaw ghetto. Gina, her parents, her brother, Pawel, and his wife, Bela, worked in the business office of the Schultz Firma which protected them from deportation through the spring of 1943. In April 1943, when the Germans began to liq...

  15. Military prison for French collaborators; Elderly sick men

    Lyon, French collaborators imprisoned at Fort du Montluc, a military prison formerly run by Gestapo. Conversing at tables, delivering food to prisoners, playing cards. "Krankenrevier": older French men, sick and infirm. Some are named in French narration.

  16. Gouache painting of a prisoner at the Majdanek concentration camp

  17. Polish invasion

    Title: "Part IV Wars of Aggression 1939-1944" Title: "Invasion of Danzig 1 September 1939" German troops fight in Danzig. Hitler arrives to accept the surrender. Title: "Invasion of Poland 1 September 1939" Tanks, cavalry, and infantry cross the Polish border. Title: "Goering Discusses Invasion of Poland" Goering discusses the invasion as scenes of the Luftwaffe are shown.

  18. Program for meeting of Bergen Belsen survivors

    Contains a program for a meeting of Bergen Belsen survivors which includes the name of the speaker, Nachum Goldmann, and the menu for the event.

  19. Tunia Kogan memoir

    Consists of one memoir, handwritten in English, by Tunia Kogan, originally of Ozorkow, Poland. In the memoir, she describes her life and family in Ozorkow, the selection in the town square, life in the ghetto, and her deportation to Auschwitz in September 1944. In December 1944, she was sent to Dresden. After the bombings in Dresden, she was sent on a forced march for two months, until she was able to escape with her sister near Karlsbad and Marienbad. She lived in a displaced persons camp for five years before emigrating to the United States.