Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,561 to 14,580 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Jewish Community of Venice Selected records from the Comunita Israelitica di Venezia

    This collection contains material concerning the Jewish community of Venice, Italy, including documents about the census of Jews, racial discriminatory measures, Jewish refugees in Venice, and the charitable organization DELASEM (Delegazione Assistenza Emigrante Ebrei, Delegation for Assistance to Jewish Emigres), which supported the refugees.

  2. Auschwitz concentration camp records D-Au I-II-III-5 Abteilung V-SS Standortarzt

    Medical personnel lists, hospital books of barracks (No. 20, 21, 28), prisoner transfer list, records related to medical examinations of Roma and Sinti, a list of Russian prisoners of war who died in Auschwitz, and various other records related to medical procedures for inmates (prescriptions, temperature diagrams, reports of the removal of gold teeth, etc.).

  3. Reichskanzlei I (R 43 I)

    This collection contains files from the Reichskanzlei, which was founded in May 1878 as the central office of the chancellor. It was the site of business with the cabinet, Reichstag deputies, regional officials, and public interest groups in Imperial Germany. During the Weimar years, it functioned as a coordinating organ between politics and government administration. The place and function of the office changed during the Third Reich, and, starting in 1939, it headed the Ministerrat für Reichsverteidigung. The office’s influence, however, declined throughout the Third Reich. While many of ...

  4. Reichskanzlei II ( R 43)

    Contains records from Bundesarchiv, R 43 II, relating to various activities of the Reichskanzlei, 1919-1945. See also description for RG-14.020M—Reichskanzlei I.

  5. Oral history interview with John Krawiec

  6. Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs Reichsministerium des Innern (R 1501)

    Contains records relating to various activities of the German Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs from 1919-1945. Includes files relating to the formation of policy regarding the administration of the annexed and occupied territories, the relations between the state and the NSDAP, as well as files from the office of the minister and the offices of his deputies.

  7. Konzentrationslager (NS 4)

    This collection contains fragmentary files relating to forced labor and camp administration at Buchenwald; administrative matters and construction files of Flossenbürg; medical experiments at Mauthausen; and inmates’ forced labor at Natzweiler. Also included are a small number of files relating to Dachau, Gross-Rosen, Neuengamme, and the SS-Sonderlager Hinzert.

  8. Chamber for Arts and Culture and Subchambers Reichskulturkammer und ihre Einzelkammern (R 56)

    Contains records from Bundesarchiv R 56 relating to various activities of the Reichskulturkammern and subchambers (Chamber for Arts and Culture and Subchambers); spans the years 1933 to 1944.

  9. Selected records from the Historic Diplomatic Archives of the Diplomatic Instituto of the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministerio Negocios Estrangeiros Holocausto records

    Consists of correspondence, identity documents, instructions, reports, certifications, name lists, and telegrams relating to the Portuguese policies related to Jews in Portugal, France, Hungary and other countries in the era of World War II. Includes material concerning the investigation and dismissal of Aristides de Sousa Mendes from government service and Portuguese policy regarding the admission of Jewish refugees into Portugal. Includes also visa requests from Jews and others hoping to flee Nazi-occupied countries, either passing through or settling in Portugal; as well as records relat...

  10. Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs records

    Contains correspondence, reports, notices, diplomatic memoranda, personal indexes, and other documents relating to the situation of the Jewish population in Europe between 1943 and 1946. The collection pertains to the activities of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the Holocaust and after World War II. Records include the following subjects: Jewish emigration matters; political and economic situation of the Jewish war refugees; International Red Cross, World Jewish Congress, American Jewish Distribution Committee and United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration activ...

  11. Records of the Regierung des Generalgovernment (R 52)

    Contains records from Bundesarchiv, R 52, relating to various activities of the administration of the General Gouvernement between 1939-1945.

  12. Stalinist trials of the Romanian Zionists

    Contains records related to the Stalinist trials of Romanian Zionists. Contains information on Zionist leaders who were under the Securitatea's investigation and the Stalinist trial of Avram Leiba Zissu and Misu Benevenisti. Also includes data relating to the activities of the Centrala Evreilor (Romanian Judenrat) and to World War II and post-war Jewish emigration.

  13. Izba Zdrowia w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie Gesundheitskammer in Generalgouvernement (Sygn.1578)

    Contains medical personnel lists, questionnaires of physicians, dentists, nurses and other medical personnel in General Government, dating from 1939-1945.

  14. Drancy children's index file Fichier des Enfants internés à Drancy

    Contains bibliographical card files for the Drancy camp prisoners and children. Information overlaps with the Drancy File: Families.

  15. Fichier Drancy adultes (Fond F/9/5675-5741) Drancy adult index file

    Contains Drancy catalog card of prisoners with following information: last name, first name, profession, age, date of arrival, date of deportation, camp of origin.

  16. Pithiviers and Beaune la Rolande index file Fichiers des Camps de Pithiviers et de Beaune-la-Rolande (F 9)

    This collection contains biographical card files from the camps at Pithiviers and Beaune-la-Rolande.

  17. Drancy Camp Files Cahiers du Camp de Drancy

    This collection contains daily records of inmate arrivals and transfers to and from Drancy. These records form part of the records of the Seine Police Prefecture and the Drancy, Pithiviers and Beaune-la-Rolande camps, also known as the “Jewish files.”

  18. Drancy execution index file Fichier Drancy fusilles

    Jewish File, Record Group F/9/5749. Card file for prisoners killed at Drancy.

  19. Prefecture of Police family index file Fichiers "Familial" de la Préfecture de la Police de la Seine

    Contains bibliographical card files of Jewish families arrested at the Prefecture de la Police in the Seine region.

  20. Slovak documents related to the Holocaust

    Contains documents on labor camps for Jews, transport exemption documents for Jews, laws and decrees pertaining to Jews, Hlinka Guard activities, Deutsche Partei activities, the Aryanization of Jewish property, Slovakia’s Roma population, and Jewish organizations and their dissolution. Also included are statistics on Jews worldwide and in Slovakia, lists of baptized Jews, Jewish work permits, transport cards, and postwar restitution cases.