Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,701 to 13,720 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Rick Willgerodt collection

    Consists of ten photographs of Ebensee concentration camp at the time of liberation. Sgt. Wilbert Miller, the donor's great uncle, took the photographs while serving with the 80th Infantry Division, United States Army. Also includes a postcard: recto, black and white image of group of men in uniform loading weapon; verso, handwritten text addressed to "Mr & Mrs. R. Mosher," Wilbert Miller's sister, notifying her that he would be released from the Army in the near future.

  2. A conversation with Betty Kane

    Contains an oral history transcript of an interview with Betty Kane about her Holocaust experiences.

  3. Abraham Alweiss documents

    Contains identification papers for Abraham Alweiss indicating that he was of Polish and Jewish descent and a prisoner in Mauthausen.

  4. Katrin Reichelt postcard

    Contains a postcard written by a prisoner by the name of Feliks Czarnota in Auschwitz addressed to his wife and children.

  5. Herman Löwenberg family papers

    The Herman Löwenberg family papers include correspondence files, property exchange files, KKL debenture files, and restitution files documenting the family’s exchange of their property in Görlitz for property in Portland, Oregon, their immigration to the United States, the efforts of their family members to emigrate from Germany as well, and their efforts to recover or receive compensation for assets expropriated from them, particularly debentures in Palestine that the German government blocked when the family abandoned its Palestinian emigration plans in favor of the United States. Corresp...

  6. Green family photographs

    Contains five photographs of Green family members and friends in Celle, Germany.

  7. French war time posters and flyers

    Consists of selected French propoganda posters and broadsheets from fond AJ 72 and AJ 78 of the Archives Nationales (France) from before, during, and after German occupation.

  8. Romanian forced labor camps

    Contains orders and instructions concerning the forced labor of Jews, inspection and screening of Jews for work, medical assistance for Jews, name lists of Jews, and miscellaneous correspondence regarding forced labor, food, equipment and housing. Documents range in date from November 3, 1942 to April 2, 1942.

  9. Sumy Region selective records (Ukraine), 1940-1945

    Orders, registration books, police reports, statements, announcements and drafts. Records contain orders of Sinev district related to the celebration of the Second Anniversary of the Bolshevik-Jewish activities, house registration books of Sumy city, anti-Jewish articles from the editorial office of the newspaper "Vestnik" (Geralald), birth and death records from the Sumy Public Notary Office, reward reports denouncing hiding places of the Jewish families, statements of confiscated Jewish property and creation of the Jewish ghetto. Also contains name lists of disabled Jews, Jewish residents...

  10. Hannover's Landesgericht records

    Selected records relating to the Jewish population in Hannover (Germany).

  11. Institute of the Monarch records

    Collection consists of legislation (decrees) related to people of Jewish origin, legislation related to the agreement between Bulgaria and Romania, and controversial issues about their border, and the bilateral agreement between Germany and Bulgaria.

  12. = Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church = Свети Синод на Българската Православна Църква Sveti Sinod na Bŭlgarskata pravoslavna cherkva (Fond 791, Opis 10)

    Collection consists of protocols of meetings of the Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.

  13. Bulgarian People's Bank, Giumiurdzhine (Fond 1254, Opis 1)

    The collection consists of Jewish property declarations and information regarding Jewish valuables.

  14. Polish underground press Polska prasa konspiracyjna

    Collection comprises approximately 500 publication titles.

  15. Military Historical Archives in Prague records

    Collection consists of historical documents related to the Holocaust. Records contain the following fonds: The SS-Nachrichtenstelle "Nordwest" Den Haag, Sbʹirka Koncentračni tʹabory, Kʹaznice a vězenice, Kommandostab RFSS, Police regiment center, Organization Todt, Einsatzgruppe VII, SS-Totenkopf Standarten, SS-Wachbatl. 2 Prag, SS-Pz. Div, "Totenkopf", SS- Wachbatl." Böhmen und Mäheren", SS-Freiw. Pz. Gren. Div. "Horst Wessel", SS-Varia, and Německʹe soudy vojenskʹe, policejnʹi a civilnʹi.

  16. Alzen family papers

    The Alzen family papers include identity papers, correspondence, and court papers documenting a Catholic farming family’s life in Nazi Germany, August Alzen’s forced sterilization, Johann Alzen’s death at Dachau, and the family’s efforts to receive compensation after the war. Documents include Agnes Alzen’s Arbeitsbuch; Albert Alzen’s Military Government questionnaire, Freie Deutsche Liga membership card, and statement about what happened to his father; August Alzen’s Deutsche Arbeitsfront membership book, military papers, court summons and sterilization decision; a certificate declaring Be...

  17. Presidency of Council of Ministers-Military Cabinet Presedintia Consiliul de Miniştri-Cabinet Militar (Fond 764)

    Records of the military cabinet of Ion Antonescu. Topics covered include the persecution and deportation of Jews, confiscation of Jewish properties, and military actions against partisans. There are also secret police records relating to the Romanian withdrawal from Bessarabia and Northern Bucovina in 1940, as the USSR occupied these regions. Microfilms accreted in 2013 contain various correspondence of Antonescu with Hitler, Maniu, Horia Sima, as well as reports on Iron Guard and communist activities, SSI reports, decision of Antonescu relating to the "Jewish problem," decision of Antonesc...

  18. Nazi persecution of Jewish communities in Bohemia and Moravia

    Contains documents relating to the persecution of Jewish communities by Nazi and other authorities in Bohemia and Moravia in Czechoslovakia.

  19. Gradislawa Fack Hadamar victim's patient file

    Contains the medical file for Gradislawa Fack, Peter Fack's grandmother.

  20. Landesarchiv Berlin records

    Contains questioners, protocols, name lists, correspondence, and other administrative and judicial documents relating to the Jews and non-Aryans of the city of Berlin since 1925 to 1945. Collection contains files pertaining to the Jewish properties, artwork, refugees, and other war a related issues in Berlin (Germany).