Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,921 to 7,940 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Oral history interview with Boris Nemko

  2. Albert Garih testimonies

    The Albert Garih testimonies consists of two testimonies written by Albert Garih in 2000 and updated in 2011. The first testimony describes Albert Garih’s personal experiences as a hidden child in France. The second testimony describes the experiences of Benjamin Garih, Albert’s father, who was sent to a forced labor camp on the Channel Islands.

  3. Legation of the Republic of Poland in Cairo Poselstwo Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Kairze (A.50)

    Contains personal files of Polish citizens of Jewish origin residing in Egypt, as well as records relating to the emigration of Jews to Palestine (report from 1938), and a newspaper, “La Tribune Juive,” of September 22 1937 (an issue about ethnic minorities).

  4. Legation of the Republic of Poland In Madrid Poselstwo Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Madrycie (A. 45)

    Contains documents of the concentration camp Miranda del Ebro, Spain including arrests and internment records of Polish and Jewish people, 1940-1943.

  5. Polish Army on the East Armia Polska na Wschodzie (A.VIII)

    Contains selected records concerning KL Auschwitz, KL Stutthof and other concentration camps, as well as testimonies of witnesses. Also included are documents from Headquarters, Department V, Ethnic Minorities, concerning Jews in the Polish Army and evacuations from Russia (1943).

  6. Palestine (Mandatory) Government, Migration Department: name card index (RG11)

    Contains approximately 35,000 index cards and correspondence relating to legal Jewish immigrants to Palestine between the years 1933-1948.

  7. Philippe Schwed papers concerning the Protocols of the Elders of Zion trial held in Bern Einzelbestand Philippe Schwed Berner Prozess um die "Protokolle der Weisen von Zion" (1933-1939)

    Contains records of various provenance pertaining to Swiss-Jewish history. Includes mainly the Protocols of the Elders of Zion trial held in Bern, 1933-1939.

  8. Otto Zaugg papers Nachlass Otto Zaugg (1906-1998)

    Contains records relating to the administration of refugee camps in Switzerland during and immediately after World War II.

  9. Schweizerischer Israelitischer Gemeindebund Berner Prozess um die "Die Protokolle der Weisen von Zion"

    Contains records of various provenances relating to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion trial held in Bern, Switzerland. In 1933, the Alliance of Swiss Jewish Communities (Schweizerischer Israelitischer Gemeindebund - SIG) and the Jewish Community Bern (JGB), as part of its initiative to combat antisemitism, brought a court case against the “National Front” (“Nationale Front”) for distributing the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The case was based on paragraph 14 of the law governing motion pictures and measures against trashy literature (“Gesetz über das Lichtspielwesen und die Massnahmen...

  10. Oral history interview with Joseph Winkler

  11. Henry Wasmer papers Nachlass Henry Wasmer (1901-1992)

    Contains records of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Includes reports, photographs, newspaper clippings, speeches and various articles relating to the mission of the “division de secours;” aid to POWs during World War II, POW camps in Germany, and correspondence with Carl Jacob Burckhardt, Roger Gallopin, Max Huber, Albert Lombard, Robert Macduff, Heinrich Zangger, and others. The collection contains also biographical files, personal papers, autobiographical summaries, visual material of the ICRC, and Second World War artifacts. Includes a rare map printed on silk. This ...

  12. Franz Zürni papers Einzelbestand Franz Zürni (1912-)

    Consists of primary source archival records, photographs, and a recorded television interview pertaining to Franz Zürni’s mission (1945/1946) to transport relief shipments on behalf of the International Commission of the Red Cross (ICRC), as well as Zürni’s personal papers and interviews. Includes photographs taken by Zürni of the Mauthausen and Buchenwald concentration camps shortly after liberation and a television interview (VLC media file) with Franz Zürni broadcast by TeleZüri on 21 July 1998. The television broadcast also features a segment on the conviction for Holocaust denial of pu...

  13. Nachlass Hans Weyermann (1912-1985)

    Pertains to the activities of Hans Weyermann as the delegate of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in 1944 in Budapest. Includes material relating to the disappearance of Raoul Wallenberg. Weyermann remained in Budapest after the Soviet forces had driven out the Germans and he was one of few eyewitnesses who saw Wallenberg in 1945, shortly before his disappearance.

  14. Louis Haefliger papers Teilnachlass Louis Haefliger (1904-1993)

    Consists of reports and newspaper clippings, 1945-1995, pertaining to the rescue of Mauthausen concentration camp inmates. Includes photographs, correspondence, and personal artifacts such as identification papers and certificates. Original archival signature at source archive: NL Louis Haefliger. The other half of the Louis Haefliger papers are held by the Austrian State Archives in Vienna, Austria.

  15. Benjamin Sagalowitz papers Nachlass Dr. iur. Benjamin Sagalowitz (1901-1970)

    This collection relates to Benjamin Sagalowitz’s activities as a journalist and includes records on several trials relevant to World War II and the Holocaust that took place over a period of three decades, including the trial of David Frankfurter, the Nuremberg Trials, the Eichmann Trial, and the Auschwitz Trial in Frankfurt. Includes also family photographs, correspondence with numerous individuals (including Robert M. W. Kempner, Erwin Lagus, Prof. Dr. Carl Ludwig, Jacob Zucker et al.) and Jewish as well as Zionist organizations, a letter (together with archival documentation) from Sagalo...

  16. Ernest Waller collection

    Consists of one document, three pages, in English, describing the liberation at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp from the collection of Ernest L. Waller, who was with the British Army's RASC, attached to the 163rd forward ambulance group. The report, entitled "Notes on Belsen Camp," describes the terrible conditions after the liberation of the camp in April 1945, including a description of the thousands of prisoners who died due to typhus and other diseases and of the events leading to the liberation of the camp. Also includes a document listing the military units and voluntary organiza...

  17. "Afternoon in Buchenwald"

    Consists of one typescript article, 9 pages, in English, entitled "Afternoon in Buchenwald" by Richard Daughtry, written by Henry F. Tonn. In the article, Tonn describes World War II veteran Richard Daughtry's experience visiting Buchenwald in April 1945 after the liberation, including his tour of the camp, where he witnessed the victims still in the crematorium, emaciated survivors, and items made of human skin, which he was told were made under the orders of Ilse Koch.

  18. Hans Pfeiffer papers Nachlass Hans Pfeiffer (1910-1998)

    Contains records relating to Hans Pfeiffer’s activities on behalf of the Eidgenössische Zentralleitung der Heime und Lager (Swiss Central Administration of Asylums and Camps), 1942-1949. The collection includes a complete set of Pfeiffer’s weekly reports from July 1944 to August 1947 as a regional inspector of asylums and camps in Tessin and other Swiss regions. Also contains records pertaining to the Tatgemeinschaft der Schweizer Jugend (Action Community of Swiss Youth), 1938-1997; Zentralleitung der Arbeitslager (Central Administration of Work Camps), 1940-1949; the camp administration in...

  19. Archive of the Federation of Swiss Jewish Communities (SIG) Schweizerischer Israelitischer Gemeindebund (SIG)

    Pertains to the activities of the Federation of Swiss Jewish Communities (SIG). Contains records relating to immigration and emigration of Jews; to the rescue of Jews from Nazi-occupied areas of Europe; care of the refugees’ financial needs; founding of the Hilfe und Aufbau commission, which goal was to support and rebuild the ravaged, remaining Jewish communities in Europe and to assist stateless Jewish Holocaust survivors with emigration to Palestine, Israel, and to other destinations.